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chapter 5:the hawian butterfly

Arriving at restaurant, Dawn and the kids got out from the car while Marcus drove to the parking area. Ella met them, "Aloooha! Its nice to see you sister." Ella greets as she embraced Dawn.
She then embraced the kids. They then proceeded to the table prepared for them.
Ella is tall, curvy and charming. She has this Polynesian Islander physique with a mixture of an Asian looks. Light brown complexion, somewhat thick lips, thick cheecks, chinky eyes and head crowned with long wavy black hair reaching her waist. She's wearing a colorful Hawaiian dress inspired by the colorful culture of Hawaii and enamoured with floral patterns. The purple color on her dress resembles the purple color of the O Murasaki Butterfly. What a dress matching suited for a beautiful lady? On her feet is a pair of colorful Hawaiian slippers. She had the embraced the Hawaiian culture of wearing slippers no matter how beautiful their dress is and no matter what the occassion.
Ella is a daughter of a Samoan Rugby Superstars. Her grandfather was a Samoan Chief and the last Queen of Hawaii, Queen Lilioukalani was her ancestor. When she was fourteen, she and her family went for a vacation in England where she was kidnapped by an infamous Kidnap-for-ransom syndicate. It was at this terrifying incident that she met Dawn and the other girls. They were eventually rescued. After being rescued, Ella and her family went home and after her father's retirement from rugby, they moved to Hawaii where their ancestors were originally from.
In Hawaii, Ella was taught about Hawaiian and Polynesian culture, singing and dancing. She became so good at dancing. She's as graceful as the ocean waves and as beautiful as the morning dawn. She competed in Hula dancing at the prestigious Merrie Monarch Festival of Hawaii where she won numerous times. From time to time, she performs at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii bringing much delight to tourist. Now she owns a dance studio in Honolulu and teaches Hula and Kahiko dancing. She's famous in Hula that ladies from around the world goes to Hawaii to learn from her. Many of the Hula champions were once her students. She also teaches social studies at King Kamehameha University.
They then started eating. The kids voraciously feast on their meal consisting of brown rice, fried chicken, steamed chicken with Etag, pork, fish, asparagus and Soup Number 5.
Moody being the most voracious holds fried chicken legs on both hands, his cheecks bulging with small bits of rice and chicken falling from his mouth as he chew his food.
Next to him is Dara who is savoring the peculiar taste of Soup Number 5. In contrast to Moody, the other siblings are table mannered.
As they eat, Dawn talked to Ella about her decision to move out of the country. "I'll come with you then maybe for a month," Ella offered while she sip her coffee Kopi Luak. "I can't say no. Actually I want it. I don't want to leave my children here specially now thier abilities have come out'" responded Dawn.
Of course when ladies talk, Girl's Talk will never be out of the topic.
"I heard you are popular with boys in Hawaii. Do you have a boyfriend now?" Dawn asked. "Naaahhh! I wish I have one", replied Ella laughing.
Dawn goes on to say " Well I have a friend Apon Subilan from the Philippines. I honestly believe you two are a good match. He's such a nice guy. Nami knew him too. I hope one day you two will meet each other." "Well let's see. Hahahaha", Ella replied laughing more.
After meal, Ella left to visit a friend. Marcus who have been waiting at a parking lot came, upon receiving a call from his boss, and drove them home. Upon arriving at their house, Maurice came out and helped them onload stuffs.
As the stuffs are being unloaded, Marcus approached Dawn, "Boss I have to report this, the person we have been looking for has been found.
He is located in america now with a new identity." Dawn smirked, "Really! That's good.
This will be shooting two birds with one stone.Send me more information." "Okay boss", Marcus replied.
"How about the Midddle East Pack?" "Boss assasination of our pack continued so then east pack went for a revenge and defetead the enemy.
Jeric Olahio, son of our enemy's Alpha leader has been captured. Should we behead him?" Dawn thinking for a moment, "Should I kill him and deliver his corpse to his pack without a head?" Marcus thought actually planing to go and behead the head himself.
Sometimes killing high ranking enemy is a pride but he was interupted in thinking.
"Marcus, inform Cliton Manalo and  tell him to call me." "Yes boss", replied Marcus feeling disappointed.
Marcus is curious. Cliton Manalo is one of the  famous investigators. There was no case he wasn't able to solve.He was half Italian and Filipino. He's thirty eight years old but looks younger in appearance. He was even featured in magazines. He's still a bachelor. In one of his enterviews, he said that all of his acheivements were possible as results of being inpired of his Senior Agent X44. No one knows who Agent X44 is.
Marcus is more curious  of the connection between his boss and the famous investigator.
Marcus then left. Dawn went inside the house, checked what she bought for herself and kept them in her cabinet.
She then went upstairs to see her kids. "Cody, Brad, Paul,Dara, Moody, Bambi have you arranged and pilled your stuffs", she shouted.
"Almost done Mom", Dara replied. "Thank you Mom for today,  Paul said as he embraced him mom. "What a gentle boy. You're welcome baby boy", replied Dawn as she rub her hand on his head. "Mom I'm not a baby anymore.
Please dont call baby specially in public mom", uttered Paul looking at Dawn.
"You will always be my baby even if you get married", Dawn replied teasingly. "No", objected Paul.
Moody and Brad, having a full stomach were already asleep.
Moody and Brad were lying side by side on Brad's bed.
Moody is lying on a prone position and as always his saliva is flowing from his half-opened mouth. "Oh boy", uttered Dawn as he lift him up and carried him to his bed which is next to Brad's bed.
Dawn went to the other room as saw Bambi lying on her bed and as she approached her daughter, she saw that daughter has peed her pants and bed while sleeping.
"Oh my goodness this girl", she exclaimed. "Bambi, Bambi! Wake up", she said as she shakes her daughter to wake her up. " Mom", Bambi responded. " You peed your pants and bed. Common take your pants off", she said. Dawn changed her daughter's clothes.
"Go sleep in Dara's bed", Dawn told her daughter. Dawn then called Maurice to clean Bambi's bed.
"Mom is Uncle Marcus gone already, Cody asked. Dawn nodded.
Dawn took her phone and send Marcus a message. " Thank you for today. You'll have a free  wine.When Marcus received the message, he jump in happiness.
"Boss wine is the best of all wines in the world. Thank you Boss your the best",with matching kiss emoji
he replied.
Dawn decided to tell her children about moving out of the country. Desespite of their young age they can understand. "Children after our, mom has something to tell you.
But help mommy for dinner first okay", she told them.
They made sweet and sour pork ribs, green, vegetables, mushroom soap,and dumplings. Maurice helped them prepare food.
They had a satisfying dinner. They drunk water and burped in unison.They looked at each other then we laughed. What an odd circumstance?
After dinner, they gathered at the sofa. Dawn sitting with Bambi on her right, next is Paul and Brad.
On her left  is Moody, Dara and Cody.
My dear children, we will move to other country next month", she told them.The kids looked at each other surprised. "To where mom", Cody asked.
"To America so pack only the important you want to get be ready okey", Dawn answered. "Okay mom.
Where mom goes I will go too," Paul replied. "Me too Brad", agreed Paul. "Count me in", Moody replied with a wide smile. "Of course all of will go", Dara said.
"Mom we'll go to our room first. We have to check our school assignments", says Cody. "Common guys",  Cody winked at his siblings.
"Okay but dont play to much on your laptop after you do your assignments", Dawn told them. "Okay mom", they replied.
The kids then went upstairs.

Comentário do Livro (465)

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    this is so elegant and then we have to get together soon period of time to get or something like that for a while now I have to get together with you 😜😜❤️❤️ you want to do you mean by jroa you po ba ba ba Yung Bleu de Chanel west mo na na song I send you the link when I get or experience and determination above all thank goodness it was a great day today love 😘💕 you po Ako ih so sikat I love you too baby do mo mAh Ang Dami mga teh sol text mo daw Yung gravy with chicken 🐔 I send you the ady


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    wow , im so like this novel , im so love , this good for our want to read this novel


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    500hhegkehejehejehehejwwgwkhwjwhesiiwheishswhwowuwiwheihdidjdidhddiuddiudjddidhs9hsushsishsduhseihddudhijeuehieyeuehdieeudjdiyd8dheieyeiww7wjisjsusjdisdueukyyfufufufyfystdyfyydtdtfyfugutyfyfugfygyfyfygug7fyffyff6r6rrr6r6r6tt7ttyfyffyfyfyufugguft7t7fyttyfyf6fyfyffuufft7t7ttrhrjewjhshsbshdhsdjdhhdjdjdhdjddjjdjdjdhndhdjdhsnshdjdjdbdjdbdjshdjdhdudhdhdjdjdudjddjdjdjjdhdkdhdudhudjdmdhddjdndjdjddbjdnjdndjdjdjdndjnxjdhwosbdienejjwjdjdjdjjnahsoebseiejoehdisnsisissjusnskwshidndshkshsh3 o que jdidjdjdjdji3


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