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The bell rang as soon as I opened the entrance door. I headed to professor Morgan's office with my project in my hand. He was busy with his notes.
I first offered a knock on the door, distracting him from what he was doing. " Mr Morgan, am I disturbing? " I asked him.
" No, of course not. Please come in. " He permitted. " Is that your project? " He asked.
" Yes, sir. "
He took it from me, opening the drawing paper. He gasped in amazement, staring at the drawing for long. I didn't expect it to impress him that much, I wasn't expecting him to like it either.
" Miss Walker, this is the best drawing I have ever since since the semester began. I'll admit, this is the best drawing so far. " He praised. " Consider an A in your exam. "
I jumped in happiness but held myself from over rejoicing. " Really? I mean, for real? "
" Yeah, dear. I will even have the headmaster use it for the upcoming year magazine cover. I'm pretty sure it's gonna get good recommendations. "
Now, I'm times two excited and this is totally, getting me crazily excited. " Thank you so so much, professor Morgan. You just don't know how happy I am now. Thank you so much. " I appreciated.
" It's okay, Ana, I do that for my favorite students. And you just made yourself one. "
" Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. " I thanked him until I got to the door. " I won't forget this. Never. " I exited his office.
First period was over and I was off to get my government note from my locker. From the side of my eyes, I noticed someone standing at the far end of the locker room.
I turned to look at who it was, but the figure was gone. I went ahead opening my locker, I took out my government note. When I shut it, again I notice the figure standing and watching me.
But whenever I turn to look at who it was, it was gone. Then I heard the sound of the door open and close but yet, no one came in nor left.
I don't know but, I think someone was with me. I pulled it off my mind, leaving for government class. While the lesson went on, all I could hear was the vibrating echo of Mrs Jennifer's voice, but what she was saying was something I couldn't hear.
I looked by my side only to find out that he was sitting right beside me. I wanted to notify Mrs Jennifer, but he rose his first finger at me, moving them at both sides.
I saw myself obeying. He smiled at me, " Hello, kitten. Surprised? "
I don't know if I should reply to him, or if I should just scream at how terrifying he looked on those black outfit. Or...
But I just found out that I can't do any but to stare into those horror welcoming eyes. " It's time to take you home. " He stood up, walking close to my desk. He stretched out his left hand. " Come on, let's take you home. "
" No!!!" I screamed, yanking out from my dream. Hold on, was I just dreaming??
Mrs Jennifer stopped teaching, now focusing her eyes on me. " No, what? " She asked, coming to my desk.
" Uhmm... Nothing. " I manage to say.
" Stand up. " She instructed and I did so. " You just screamed a No, and you are telling me it's nothing? Where you sleeping in my class? " She asked with a frown.
" No, ma'am, I wasn't. " I lied.
" Don't try to lie to me, Miss Walker, it's in your eyes. "
" I'm sorry. " I apologized.
" I'll pardon you, but don't expect mercy next time. Nobody sleeps in my class. " She warned.
" I'll keep that in mind. "
" Sit down. " I sat back on my seat, turning to my side, he was gone.
~ At The School Clinic ~
" Doctor, " I called, " I still don't understand this whole thing. He keeps appearing everytime. " I complained. " Sometimes I wonder if I am going insane. "
" Since when did you started seeing him? " He asked.
" Since two days ago. " I replied. " And they all look real, maybe that's because they are real. " I said with my head down.
" There's only two things I can guess right about this. "
" What are they? " I rose my head at him, staring with a curious look.
" It's either he is playing with your mind or, you're actually thinking about him."
" Thinking about him? Geez, why would I ever do that? " I scoffed.
" Yes, it's either the two of them because there is no how he can show up in the school and no one saw him. It's very impossible so, I'm certain it has to be one of them. "
" It's probably going to be him playing with my mind cos, I don't have anything to do with him that I will have him in my head and besides, I hate him. " I rolled my eyes.
" How did it started? " He asked.
" Well, it all started eight years ago, I was twelve then. One evening he sent two of his guards to come take me but my mother refused, she didn't want to give me out just like that. The next day, he came with those same men, because my mother requested to see him face to face. He said he wanted to take me home, but I pleaded with him that I didn't want to leave. "
" He listened? "
I nodded. " He did. But before he left, he gave me this. " I showed him the mark just beside my shoulder bone. " He said he was gonna come back for me when I turn twenty. "
" Have you? " He asked again.
" Yeah, two months ago. " I answered. " I don't know what this mark means, but honestly, it keeps hurting me each time it grows. He said it's because we're far from each other that's why it keeps growing. " I sighed heavily. " I don't know. "
" The mark is a sign of ownership. " He stated. " That's to let other alpha wolfs know that you are already claimed. He's right about one thing, the mark will keep hurting you until you go to the one who gave it to you. Or else, it becomes unbearable and I doubt if you can withstand it's pain. "
" Doc, your scaring the shit out of me. "
" I am not, Ana, I will never. I just wanna let you know the truth, that's all. "
" Is it possible I can run away from this? I mean, I rather die than to go anywhere with him. " I persisted.
" Let's just hope he gives you that chance, cos the last time I checked, werewolf's never let their mates go. Especially when it involves an alpha wolf. "
" But I am just twenty, I don't know anything about marriage. "
" Don't freak out about this, sweetheart, with time I know you will understand about it. "
To Be Continued...

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    very beautiful ✨


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