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Weeks passed. I can't say that everything went normal because honestly, there's nothing normal in my situation.
Thankfully, life still goes on with me. My studies went well and everything goes in a smooth way. Choco, on the other hand, is getting weirder than the usual. She barely goes with me to school. She also getting busier these days. And when I asked her about it, she would say it was a club activity or something.
Zurich, that autistic vampire teacher, keeps his distance. Well, fine for me. He's a hottie but I don't want to be involve a lot in him. I smell trouble in him and he's a real danger.
Lastly, Mint, my Eve and master according to Zurich, remains a mystery. He rarely talk and he follows me everywhere. But the thing is, the chain between us disappeared after three days.
Today is far different from my usual day. Usually, after class, I would go straight home. But today, I stayed in the school library to find related literature for my thesis. Yeah! Being college student sucks.
I scan all the books I need. I put them on the table and read them one by one, taking down important notes. On the other side of the table, Mint sat quietly, reading novels. The only thing I know about him is that he really loves reading.
As I read the books, I saw a photograph of a lovely family, smiling together. Unconsciously, I looked at Mint and I began to wonder.
" Say Mint, " he looked at me. His dark eyes is like a void. If you stare at those pair of eyes, it seems to pull you into the depth of abyss.
" Where is your family? "
" Family? " He stared at me.... "... as far as I know, I don't have one. "
Even as we walked home, his answer bothers me a lot. I began wondering what kind of life he has. He is really a mystery.
But my thoughts were interrupted by the growing pain in my abdomen. It really hurts. Huhuhu!
" Hey, are you okay? Is anything hurt? " I look back at Mint when I heard him. Its funny how he tried to say those things like he's concerned or something but actually it didn't have any trace of emotions.
" Huh? What are you talking about? " My brows creased. He was looking at my...
" HEY! WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING AT? " I snapped when I realized where he is looking.
"Uh, you're bleeding, down... there..."
I looked at my back and...
" D-don't look at it! " I said flustered.
" Why are you bleeding? " He asked which makes me feel red even more.
" Just don't look at it! Hurry! "
I walked faster. Gosh! This is so awkward.
" Hmm! I smell delicious dessert! "
All of the sudden, a big muscular ugly guy appeared in front of us. I hate to say this but, he is really ugly... I mean too ugly as if he is a bad guy with spiked brown hair, small lustful eyes and beards.. .
He eyed Mint and then he laughed...
" Hey, Kiddo, mind lending me your little sis? That little girl could be enough to satisfy me. " Then he laughed again.
Gross! Ugly old pervert!
" She is not my sister. And I don't give her to anyone. "
The guy looked pissed by what Mint said.
" Ugh! Ouch! " As much as I want to keep track of what they're talking, my abdominal pain got worst. The pain is getting unbearable.
" Don't be stubborn brat! I only need the girl. I'm generous enough to let you go. "
Mint held my hand as if helping me to walk. Screw girl's red days!
" D*mn! Stupid kid! "
I almost stumbled down when that old pervert punched Mint. Good thing​ he hadn't been knocked down. He held me by the shoulder as if keeping me from falling.
I saw Mint's face got bruised. Darn! He didn't even got a scratch when I hit him with a car and now he got a bruise just because of random punch...
I - I need to do something...
Ugh! What is this cold feeling inside my body? What's happening to me?
There is something inside me telling me to kill!
Argh! Am I out of my mind?
But, Mint is hurt. I need to protect him. It's my duty to protect him. He's my Eve.
Suddenly, something strange grew out of my mouth. It was long and sharp and... Wait! I actually grown fangs...
"  Sumiko calm down. Don't bother fighting. " I heard Mint's voice... When I looked at him, I feel a vague feeling like I want to kill someone who made those bruise in his face. What exactly is happening to me?
" Oh b*tch! So lucky of me to run into some random vampires! Hahaha! " Then he draw a sword...
Wait! Where does the sword came from?.
" He then attacked me but luckily, I managed to dodge it... I don't know how I did it... Adrenaline rush, maybe...
" A vampire hunter? " I said while glaring at him.
He laughed again and swear, he had the worst laugh than any villains.
" What do you think, b*tch? " and again, he attacked me...
I'm too late to dodge it...Darn!
"Watch out! " Mint pulled me but it's a bit too late... The sword pierced my arms and swear, it really hurts! T_T
I've never experienced such pain my entire life... I want to cry! Huhuhu! My whole body is aching!
Suddenly, I feel dizzy. I know anytime I would pass out, but I don't have time to fight it. And so, I slowly close my eyes.
I just hope Mint will be safe...
But before I drifted into the forced slumber, I feel my body floating in the air as if someone is carrying me. And I heard Mint's soft voice....
" Just rest well, Sumiko. Leave everything to me. "
* * *
I feel like my body landed on a smooth and soft thing so I forcibly open my eyes only to see a pair of dark eyes staring right at me.
" Where is Choco? " I mouthed without a sound. My whole body still aches and I feel really weak... Literally...
" She's out. "
I sighed of relief. If Choco sees me, she will definitely worry too much.
I tried to close my eyes when Mint spoke.
" You are too weak because you haven't eaten. "
With a weak smile I whispered. " I ate already. At the canteen, remember. "
But he shook his head. " You're injured and weak. You need to drink blood. "
I shake my head violently. No! I can't drink blood. Just the thought of drinking blood makes me want to puke. How can I possibly drink it?
He stared at me for a few seconds and finally he said in a low voice... " Close your eyes. "
" W-why? "
" Just do it. "
I was surprised when I sense a trace of irritation in his voice.
Irritation! That was emotion. I thought I will never find any emotion in him.
I did as he say. I close my eyes anticipating for what will happen next.
But the most unexpected thing happened...
I felt a soft and smooth thing crushed my lips...
" Mmh! " I tried speaking but it's no use. I can't...
He's... He's kissing me!
I wanted to protest but I can't. Until I realized what is he doing.
I actually tasted a bit rusty thing in my mouth and I am sure it is a blood. But this time, it's different from the blood of that psycho vampire. There is a taste of sweetness in his blood... And he is actually feeding me...
Disgusting as it seems but I keep on sucking at his blood. His blood tastes really sweet the rusty taste have gone...
After a few minutes, he broke off the kiss.
I was stunned and flustered for a moment. My very first kiss...
" You can feed that way. "
I was too stunned to even speak. I just stared at him, wide-eyed.
Suddenly, his lips curve into an enchanting smirk.
Woah! So he learned to smirk now!
" Books never lied about that. Hmm. " And he nodded as if talking to himself.
" Why did you do that? " I snapped at him.  It was my first kiss. And he just stole that!
" It's because you need to be fed. I read in the book that kiss could put someone into a trance and that is what you need since you don't want to drink blood. It was right. Why did I do it wrong? "
This guy is quiet impossible! Did he even know what he is saying? Nevermind, maybe he doesn't know what he is talking about. He's a doll after all.
I looked at my wounds. They are slowly fading but they are still hurting and is still visible. It seems that I have healing ability that doesn't work so well. Perks of being a vampire...
But no matter how good the perks of being a vampire is, it wouldn't change the fact that I'm a girl. I'm a girl and right now I'm suffering from being a girl.Huhuhu!
I need painkillers and pads right now.
" Is Choco not home yet? " I asked when once again I feel the pain. Screw you red days!
But he just shook his head. Ugh! This is so awkward but I need pads and painkillers...Or else I won't survive.
" Uhm, Mint can you... " I paused, hesitant of continuing. But... " ... can you buy me sanitary napkins and painkillers? " I feel red all over my face as I said those words. Awkward!
But he just nodded and went away. I guess dolls don't feel awkwardness. Oh well, he said one time that he doesn't have any feelings.
I stared at the ceiling. I was so sure Mint protected me back then from that old pervert vampire hunter. He protected me while I was unconscious. Even though I'm still freaked out by the fact that he is a doll, I'm still glad that he is on my side.
" Sumiko, can I sleep in your room? " I heard footsteps approaching my bed, so I turned my head towards the direction of the door...
" Oh Choco! what brings- - - "
But my words were cut off by hers.
" What happened to you? Why are you wounded? What happened? "
Crap! I totally forgot that I'm not completely healed and my uniform is ripped by that hunter's sword... Ah!
" Ah... eh... I'm I just got accident. I... I fall from stairs... " I said tensed.
I thought she would throw tantrums or nag at me but she was unusually quiet. She helped me change my clothes and cleaned my wound. After that, she lie beside me.
" Sumiko, promise me that no matter what happens you will stay honest on me. Don't lie to me please. "

Comentário do Livro (907)

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    wow the story is nice


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    all goods


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    Kenzy Levis

    I Love This App Thank You Sow Much🥰


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