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Sevi POV
I saw samantha sitting on the train and sleeping.
There was a man next to her but he also left and moved a seat.
I moved to where the man had been sitting before.
Samantha POV
the smell is what it smells like there. I can't stand the smell because it smells so good.
Sevi POV
When I was able to sit next to samantha, she slowly approached my neck and
0 // \\ 0
He kissed my neck. I just clung so tightly to my pants
"Hey kid do it on your house not here" said the old man
"Aish, the young people are really bad
now tsk" the old man moved his seat
our counterparts in the chair where like seeing a ghost
After a while, samantha stopped kissing when I looked at her, she was awake and quickly ran out of the train.
;Samantha POV
Did I really do that with his neck because it's so attractive that it looks like you want to taste it.
I just ran, embarrassing what I did, I was about to enter my aunt's shop but someone pulled me
"Hey girl say sorry" he said
"Why who are you" I said softly.
"Hah! You don't know me after you harass me" he said
"I don't know you so i ask who you are" I answered calmly.
"Why didn't you meet the president of your room" he said to me
"I don't know because I am only transfer" I said calmly.
He was about to approach me but I held my nose so I couldn't smell his blood.
He immediately walked away from me.
"Take a bath that smells of you" I saif
"Hey every day I take a bath" he said
"That's that STINK" I said after that i left.
Sevi POV
When I got to the apartment where I lived I took off my clothes and smelled the stench.
Is there something wrong with her nose tsk.
I went to CR and took a shower, shampooed my hair, I remember what she told me earlier, I was stopped.
"Hah it looks like he'll forget hah !. I said in the mirror.
"Really, who is she to tell me I stink even if she smells me 10× I'm still fragrant" I talked to myself in the mirror.
"Yeah bro your so handsome"
Claire POV
Do you still remember that I'm the woman who took Sevi to the concert.
Sevi has been my crush since high school but he doesn't notice me. He always refuses what I give him. I know he's numb or I don't have what he's looking for in a woman. I'm beautiful, ah, rich, but why he didn't choose me
I was sadly on my way home in my car but I saw sevi running
I immediately told my driver to stop the vehicle.
"Hey, I'm just going somewhere for a while" I said.
"But maam your daddy will be mad at me" he said
"Brother, i will explain to him i promise" I said
When I got down I ran to catch up with sevi I saw her going to a shop I stopped when I saw who was with him samantha
That's why he doesn't want me with him because he prioritizes the transfer than the one he has known for a long time.
While I was watching them I couldn't help but cry.
Sevi loves to hurt me but I'm trying my best maybe one day he'll like me too "
When I finished seeing those scene I ran again because I want to go back to my car.
"Let's go, brother, take me home" I said sadly.
"Miss you okay you're crying, did anyone fight with you" said my driver.
"Heart broken brother, the man I want is with another woman" I said sadly.
"You know miss whoever that man is, he'll blame you're beautiful, rich, kind many more will like you miss" he said to me.
"thank you brother" I said with a smile
But samantha is also beautiful, kind and looks rich. I'll also wonder if sevi will fall in love with her. But I won't give up.
Sevi POV
I'm lying down now and I'm thinking about what happened earlier, I don't know but it makes me smile out of nowhere
Why did that woman get my attention, there are many beautiful and rich people who like me but why did she still get my attention.
Earlier, when she kissed me, it was as if the world suddenly stopped, it was as if we were the only two there.
Shit I'm thrilled again
Samantha POV
It's news that on TV what happened earlier on the train and the vampire rudely earlier has been imprisoned. Almost the whole country is talking about this.
Stephen POV
" go to school because all the vampires have cameras focused once you break a rule they will lock you up" said my dad
"I really don't want to go to school. How many times i have been told I don't want to" I said angrily.
"Hays they can hurt you if you don't want to go there" he put in documents
"that's your school where you will go"
Tsk, I don't have anything to run away
I need to come in tomorrow whether I don't want to or if I want to.
Sevi POV
I'm angry with my mother
Since my father died, my mother has been married but what made me even angrier was a vampire.
The vampire that my mother married is one of my teachers. I don't want to consider him a father because he will never replace my real father.
Why don't the vampires die yet, that's all they have to do.
Later, someone called me my step father
"Hello son can we see you even now" he said
"Don't call me son because I never considered you a father" rude if rude

Comentário do Livro (865)

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    Vivencia Alegado

    so nice


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    Princess Larioza

    Mobile Legends Diamons


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    because and because


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