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Chapter 6: The Trial of Mystery (Part 3)

The familiar light enveloped Viole, Bubble, and Yoru once more, and the world around them shifted. When the light faded, they found themselves in a dimly lit chamber, its walls lined with ornate tapestries and old portraits. The room was eerily silent, save for the soft rustle of fabric.
At the center of the room stood a grand four-poster bed draped in heavy curtains. The Duke’s daughter lay motionless upon it, her once vibrant appearance now pale and lifeless. The scene was hauntingly still, as if time itself had frozen.
"Is this…?" Bubble began, her voice barely above a whisper.
"The final moment," Viole finished, his eyes focused on the lifeless figure of the Duke’s daughter.
As they approached the bed, a figure materialized in the corner of the room—a woman dressed in mourning attire, her face concealed by a veil. She stood silently, her gaze fixed on the Duke’s daughter.
"Who is she?" Yoru asked, his eyes narrowing. "She looks like she’s part of this scene."
The woman turned slowly, revealing a face marked by sorrow and determination. "I am the Duke’s wife," she said, her voice soft but filled with an underlying strength. "I was here when the tragedy occurred."
"Can you tell us what happened?" Viole asked, his tone respectful yet urgent. "We’re trying to piece together the truth behind the Duke’s daughter’s death."
The Duke’s wife nodded, her expression a mix of grief and resolve. "It was a terrible night. My daughter was poisoned, but we had no idea who would commit such an act. The advisor was acting strangely, but there were others who had motives as well."
Bubble’s eyes widened. "The advisor? We’ve seen him acting suspiciously, but we didn’t know if he was the only one involved."
"Indeed," the Duke’s wife said, her gaze shifting to the portraits on the wall. "But the advisor was not acting alone. There were whispers of betrayal and greed, and many had reasons to see my daughter fall."
Yoru stepped forward, his voice steady. "We need to understand the full context. What led up to this moment?"
The Duke’s wife took a deep breath. "The Duke’s daughter was beloved by many, but her position made her a target. She was to inherit the estate, and with it, a vast fortune. Not everyone was pleased with this."
As she spoke, the room seemed to shift slightly, and the sounds of a heated conversation became audible. The advisor, now visible in the scene, was speaking with a shadowy figure whose features remained obscured.
"You promised me that this would be done," the shadowy figure said, his voice low and menacing. "The Duke’s daughter must be removed before the inheritance is finalized."
The advisor’s response was muffled, but the tension was palpable. "It will be done. But if I am discovered, it will all fall apart."
The conversation ended abruptly, and the scene shifted again. They now stood in a small, dimly lit room with a table covered in vials and bottles. The Duke’s daughter was there, surrounded by a group of people—one of whom was the maid from the previous scenarios.
The maid was holding a vial, her hands trembling. "I can’t do this," she said, her voice breaking. "I can’t poison her."
The shadowy figure’s voice cut through the tension. "You have no choice. If you do not follow through, you and your family will suffer the consequences."
The scene shifted once more, revealing a conversation between the Duke and his advisors. They were discussing the sudden and unexplained decline in the Duke’s daughter’s health.
"This illness came on so suddenly," the Duke said, his voice filled with concern. "We must find a cure."
The advisors exchanged uneasy glances, the advisor who had been seen in earlier scenarios remaining silent.
Viole, Bubble, and Yoru exchanged looks of understanding. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place.
"So, the advisor wasn’t working alone," Viole said, his tone resolute. "There was a conspiracy involving multiple people."
The Duke’s wife nodded, her face solemn. "Yes, many had a hand in the plot. The advisor was a key player, but he was orchestrating things for someone else. The poison was administered by the maid under duress."
Bubble’s eyes were wide with realization. "The shadowy figure must be the mastermind behind it all. He manipulated the advisor and the maid to achieve his own ends."
Yoru glanced around the chamber, his expression thoughtful. "We need to name the mastermind, and then we’ll have a complete understanding of the tragedy."
The voice from the Tower echoed through the chamber, its tone firm. "You have witnessed the final scenario. Now, reveal the identity of the mastermind behind the Duke’s daughter’s death."
Viole took a deep breath, piecing together everything they had seen. "The true mastermind behind the Duke’s daughter’s death is the shadowy figure—the one who manipulated the advisor and coerced the maid into carrying out the poisoning."
The Duke’s wife nodded gravely. "He orchestrated the entire plot to remove my daughter and gain control of the estate."
The room began to shimmer and fade, the light enveloping them once more. The final scene was over, but the trial was complete.
As the light receded, Viole, Bubble, and Yoru found themselves back in the grand foyer of the mansion, the portrait of the Duke’s daughter once again in view. The voice from the Tower spoke one final time.
"Congratulations. You have solved the mystery of the Duke’s daughter’s death. The truth has been revealed."
The portrait of the Duke’s daughter seemed to shimmer with a serene light, as if acknowledging their success. The oppressive atmosphere of the mansion lifted slightly, replaced by a sense of accomplishment.
Bubble let out a sigh of relief. "We did it. The mystery is solved."
Yoru gave a thoughtful nod. "The Tower has tested our skills and our resolve. But we’ve managed to uncover the truth."
Viole glanced at his companions, a sense of determination in his eyes. "This trial was just one step in our journey. There are still many more challenges ahead. But as long as we stick together, we can face whatever comes next."
With their victory in the Trial of Mystery, Viole, Bubble, and Yoru prepared to continue their ascent through the Tower of Eternity. The next floor awaited them, and with it, new trials and adventures to overcome.

Comentário do Livro (97)

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    Lorilyn Dela Cruz Dumo

    so amazing 😍 ilove the story


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