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Chapter 4: The Trial of Mystery (Part 1)

The ascent to the fourth floor felt different—heavier, as if the air itself was thick with anticipation. Viole, Bubble, and Yoru exchanged glances as they climbed the staircase, each of them silently preparing for whatever awaited them. The camaraderie they had built during the Trial of Teamwork had given them confidence, but the Tower was unpredictable, and they knew better than to let their guard down.
As they reached the top of the staircase, the golden glow faded, replaced by a soft, almost ethereal light that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. The atmosphere shifted, the air turning cool and still. The ground beneath their feet was no longer stone but soft, lush grass, and the towering walls of the Tower had disappeared, replaced by an open sky filled with stars.
"Where are we?" Bubble whispered, her voice unusually quiet as she took in their surroundings.
Yoru scanned the area, his eyes narrowing. "This doesn’t look like the Tower anymore."
Viole stepped forward, his senses on high alert. "It’s an illusion. The Tower is trying to trick us."
As if in response to his words, a dense fog began to roll in, quickly obscuring their view. The world around them blurred, the stars overhead dimming as the fog thickened. When it finally cleared, they found themselves standing in the middle of a grand estate, its towering gates looming before them.
The estate was old, its once grand facade now worn and weathered by time. The windows were dark, and the air was heavy with a sense of foreboding. The grand gates creaked open slowly, as if inviting them inside.
"We’re being pulled into the trial," Yoru said calmly. "Stay sharp."
Bubble looked up at the estate with a mixture of awe and apprehension. "Looks like one of those old spooky mansions you hear about in ghost stories. You know, the ones where everything’s cursed and there’s a creepy butler who definitely knows more than he’s letting on."
Viole’s gaze was fixed on the gates as they continued to open, revealing a long, cobblestone path leading to the entrance of the mansion. "Let’s go. The sooner we figure out what this trial is about, the better."
The three of them stepped through the gates, the heavy iron doors closing behind them with a loud clang. The air was thick with tension, and every step they took seemed to echo through the estate, as if the very walls were watching them.
As they approached the entrance, the massive wooden doors of the mansion creaked open on their own, revealing a grand foyer illuminated by flickering candlelight. The interior was as old and decayed as the exterior, with faded tapestries hanging from the walls and dust covering every surface. A massive staircase spiraled upward to the second floor, its bannister carved with intricate patterns that had long since lost their luster.
Bubble shivered slightly. "This place gives me the creeps. Feels like something’s gonna jump out at us any second."
"Focus," Viole said, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger. "This trial isn’t about scaring us. There’s something we’re supposed to find here."
As they stepped further into the foyer, a soft, disembodied voice filled the room, echoing off the walls.
"Welcome, climbers, to the Trial of Mystery. The task before you is one of cunning and intellect. You must solve the mystery of the Duke’s daughter’s death. Only by uncovering the truth will you be allowed to proceed to the next floor."
Viole’s eyes narrowed. "A murder mystery?"
"Sounds like it," Yoru replied, his tone measured. "But we should be careful. This is the Tower—nothing is ever straightforward."
Bubble glanced around nervously. "So, where do we start? Do we, like, look for clues or something?"
As if in answer, a faint light appeared at the top of the grand staircase, illuminating a large portrait that hung on the wall above it. The portrait depicted a young woman with dark hair and delicate features, her expression serene yet melancholic. She was dressed in a flowing gown, her hands folded in her lap as she gazed out from the canvas.
"That must be her," Viole said, his voice low. "The Duke’s daughter."
The light around the portrait grew brighter, and the voice spoke again, this time more directly.
"The Duke’s daughter was found dead in her chambers under mysterious circumstances. Three scenarios have been crafted to test your ability to discern the truth from illusion. You must solve each scenario to proceed. Fail, and you will remain trapped within the illusion forever."
Bubble’s eyes widened. "No pressure, right?"
Yoru nodded toward the staircase. "We start at the top. That portrait is the key."
The three of them ascended the staircase, their footsteps echoing in the empty mansion. As they reached the top, the light around the portrait intensified, and the room around them seemed to shift. The walls shimmered, and the dust and decay that had coated the mansion vanished, replaced by an elegant, well-maintained interior. The grand foyer transformed into a luxurious hall, filled with the soft glow of chandeliers and the warmth of a roaring fireplace.
"It’s like we’re back in time," Bubble murmured, her eyes wide as she took in the sudden change.
Yoru stepped closer to the portrait, examining it carefully. "This is the first scenario. We’re seeing the mansion as it was before her death."
Viole studied the portrait as well, noting the small details—the way her hands were positioned, the slight tension in her expression. "There’s more to this than meets the eye."
As they stood before the portrait, a figure appeared at the end of the hallway—a man dressed in fine clothing, his face pale and drawn with grief. He approached them slowly, his eyes fixed on the portrait.
"That’s the Duke," Yoru said quietly.
The man stopped in front of the portrait, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. "My daughter… she was taken from me so suddenly. I… I don’t know what happened. One moment she was alive, and the next… gone."
The Duke turned to face them, his eyes filled with sorrow. "Please… find out what happened to her. I need to know… I need to understand."
Viole nodded, his expression serious. "We’ll find the truth."
The Duke’s form shimmered, and the room around them shifted once again. The hallway faded away, replaced by a dimly lit chamber filled with rich furnishings and heavy drapes. The scent of lavender hung in the air, and a large, ornate bed dominated the center of the room.
"This must be her chamber," Bubble said, her voice hushed as she looked around.
Yoru moved to the center of the room, his eyes scanning every detail. "This is where it happened."
Viole followed Yoru’s gaze, taking in the scene. The bed was neatly made, the covers pulled tight and undisturbed. A small vanity stood in one corner of the room, its surface covered with various items—perfume bottles, a hairbrush, and a small, ornate box.
"There’s no sign of a struggle," Viole noted, moving toward the vanity. "Everything looks… normal."
Bubble frowned, her gaze lingering on the bed. "But she died here, right? Shouldn’t there be… I don’t know, some kind of clue or something?"
As if in response to her words, the light in the room flickered, and a faint, ghostly image appeared on the bed. The figure of the Duke’s daughter lay there, her eyes closed, her hands folded over her chest as if she were merely sleeping.
Viole’s heart clenched at the sight. "She looks peaceful."
"But looks can be deceiving," Yoru replied, his tone somber. "We need to find out what really happened."
The ghostly figure of the Duke’s daughter began to move, her hand reaching out toward the small box on the vanity. The lid of the box opened slowly, revealing a delicate necklace inside, its pendant shaped like a teardrop.
Bubble gasped softly. "That must be important!"
Viole approached the vanity, examining the necklace. "It’s beautiful, but there’s something off about it."
Yoru nodded in agreement. "Look closer."
Viole leaned in, noticing a faint, almost imperceptible shimmer around the pendant. It was as if the necklace was surrounded by a thin veil of magic.
"This isn’t just an ordinary necklace," Viole said, his voice thoughtful. "It’s enchanted."
Bubble’s eyes widened. "You think someone used it to… to do something bad to her?"
"It’s possible," Yoru said, his tone grave. "We need to find out who gave it to her."
As they continued to examine the room, a new figure appeared—a young maid, her expression nervous as she approached the vanity. She hesitated for a moment, then reached out to pick up the necklace, her hands trembling.
"Please… forgive me, milady," the maid whispered, her voice filled with fear. "I didn’t mean for this to happen…"
Before Viole could react, the room shifted again, and the maid’s figure dissolved into mist, leaving them alone in the chamber once more.
"Did you hear that?" Bubble asked, her voice tinged with urgency. "She knew something! She knew what happened!"
"She was scared," Viole said, his mind racing. "But of what?"
Yoru’s expression was thoughtful as he pieced together the clues. "The necklace is enchanted, and the maid was involved. But who enchanted it? And why?"
The room began to shimmer once more, the
 walls fading away as the illusion shifted into a new scene. They found themselves standing in a grand ballroom, filled with guests dressed in fine clothing, their laughter and conversation filling the air. At the center of the room stood the Duke’s daughter, her dark hair elegantly styled, the enchanted necklace around her neck.
"This must be the night it happened," Viole said, his eyes scanning the crowd.
Bubble frowned, her gaze focused on the Duke’s daughter. "She looks so happy… like she has no idea what’s about to happen."
Viole watched the scene unfold, his mind working to piece together the mystery. The Duke’s daughter danced gracefully with her partner, her laughter ringing out across the ballroom. But as the night wore on, he noticed a subtle change in her demeanor—her smile faded, and her movements became sluggish, as if she were suddenly overcome with exhaustion.
"She’s being affected by the necklace," Yoru observed, his voice low. "But why? What’s the purpose of the enchantment?"
As they watched, the Duke’s daughter stumbled, her hand reaching up to grasp the pendant. Her partner caught her just before she collapsed, and the music in the ballroom came to an abrupt halt as the guests rushed to her aid.
"Something’s wrong," Bubble said urgently. "We have to do something!"
"We can’t," Viole replied, his tone frustrated. "We’re only spectators in this illusion. We have to let it play out."
The Duke’s daughter was carried from the ballroom, her figure fading as the scene shifted back to her chamber. The guests’ concerned whispers echoed in their ears as they watched her being placed gently on the bed, her breathing shallow and labored.
The maid from earlier reappeared, her expression frantic as she approached the bed. She reached for the necklace, trying to remove it, but as soon as her fingers touched the pendant, she recoiled in pain, as if burned by an invisible force.
"I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…" the maid sobbed, her hands trembling as she backed away from the bed.
Viole’s eyes narrowed as he watched the maid. "She knows more than she’s letting on. But she’s too scared to say anything."
Yoru stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the Duke’s daughter. "The necklace is draining her life force. It’s killing her."
"But why would someone do that?" Bubble asked, her voice filled with confusion. "Who would want to hurt her?"
The scene began to dissolve, the chamber fading into darkness as the voice from before spoke once again.
"You have witnessed the first scenario. Now, you must decide: What is the truth behind the Duke’s daughter’s death? Who is responsible?"
The darkness around them lifted, and they found themselves back in the grand foyer, standing before the portrait of the Duke’s daughter. The somber atmosphere returned, the decay and dust of the mansion once again surrounding them.
Viole’s mind raced as he considered everything they had seen. "The maid knew the necklace was dangerous. She tried to remove it but failed. But who gave it to her? Who would benefit from her death?"
Yoru crossed his arms, deep in thought. "The Duke’s daughter was the heir to the estate. If she died, who would inherit everything?"
Bubble’s eyes widened as realization dawned on her. "Someone wanted to take her place! They used the necklace to kill her so they could get everything!"
Viole nodded slowly. "But who? Was it the maid? Or was she just a pawn in someone else’s plan?"
"The maid seemed genuinely afraid," Yoru said, his tone measured. "If she was a pawn, then someone else must have orchestrated this."
The voice echoed through the foyer, its tone firm. "You must choose. Who is responsible for the Duke’s daughter’s death?"
Viole exchanged glances with Yoru and Bubble. They had gathered the clues, witnessed the events leading up to her death, but the truth still felt just out of reach.
Bubble hesitated before speaking. "I don’t think it was the maid. She seemed too scared… like she was being forced to do something against her will."
Viole considered her words carefully. "If that’s true, then whoever enchanted the necklace is the real culprit."
"But we didn’t see anyone else," Yoru pointed out. "The illusion only showed us the maid and the Duke’s daughter."
"That doesn’t mean someone else wasn’t involved," Viole said. "The Tower wouldn’t make this easy for us. We’re supposed to think critically, to piece together the story even if we don’t have all the information."
The voice spoke again, this time more insistent. "Who is responsible for the Duke’s daughter’s death?"
Viole took a deep breath, his decision made. "The maid may have delivered the necklace, but she wasn’t acting alone. Someone else enchanted it—someone who stood to gain from the Duke’s daughter’s death."
Yoru nodded in agreement. "The real culprit is the person who orchestrated the entire plan."
Bubble bit her lip, her expression conflicted. "But who…?"
Before they could discuss further, the room around them began to shift once more. The walls shimmered, and the portrait of the Duke’s daughter glowed with a soft, ethereal light. The voice spoke one final time.
"You have made your choice. The truth will be revealed in the next scenario."
The light from the portrait intensified, enveloping them in its glow. As the world around them dissolved into the next illusion, Viole steeled himself for what was to come.
They had solved the first part of the mystery, but the trial was far from over. The Tower still had more secrets to unveil, and they would need every ounce of their wits and courage to uncover the truth.
The next scenario awaited, and with it, the next step in their journey to the summit.

Comentário do Livro (97)

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    Lorilyn Dela Cruz Dumo

    so amazing 😍 ilove the story


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