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Chapter 4

"Hey, Darling! You're here. What took you so long? Did you go somewhere?" mom asked when I got home.
"Yup. My tranferee classmate invited me to go to a restaurant with arcades." I answered.
"How was it?" Mom asked that made me remember what happened. I can't help myself but to smile since it really made my day.
"What's with that smile, darling?" Mom asked, looking at me intently.
"What? I am not smiling mom! Anyway, it went well, Mom." I answered.
"Ahuh and I think that you really enjoyed it." She said while looking at me like I'm hiding something from her.
"Yup." I answered. "I'll go upstairs now, Mom. I'm already tired." I said then I kissed her right cheek.
"Hey! I'm not yet done asking!" she shouted but I just gave her a flying kiss then I continue on walking upstairs.
When I'm already in my room, I immediately closed my door and took the stuffed toy inside my bag then I jumped on my bed, hugging it while I am smiling.
"Argh! This is so unfair!" I hissed when I failed again in getting the stuffed toy that I wanted inside the claw machine.
I've been trying to get if for 11th time yet I still can't make it.
"I give up!" I said. I was about to leave when Matthew blocked my way and pushed me back in front of the claw machine.
"Which one do you wish to have?" He said that made my eyes sparkle.
"Really? You'll get it for me?" I asked with a smile.
"Yup. And I only need one try to get it." He said proudly, as if he's a beteran in this thing.
"Really?" I asked, doubting what he have said.
"C'mon try me." He said then he started to play the machine.
"We'll see." I said then watch him intently.
He was already moving the controller of the machine and was aiming for the stuffed toy that I want.
"What?!" He shouted when he failed to get it in his first try.
"I thought you just need one---"shut up! it's just one mistake." He interrupted.
"Okay." I said then I let him do what he wants.
"Agrh! What's wrong with this machine?" He irritatedly said after failing again for his 2nd try. He hit the machine for many times like he was fixing it because it is malfunctioning.
"I'm wasting my time here. " I said then I left him there.
"Hey wait! Watch me! I'll make it this time!" He shouted but I did not stop from walking away.
"Go on." I said while laughing then went to the basketball machine.
I was busy playing basketball when someone approached me.
"Hi miss." The stranger said then he went to the machine next to me. I did not mind him and just continue playing.
"Would you mind having a bet with me?" He asked.
"No. I'm fine playing alone." I answered while still looking at the basketball machine in front of me.
"C'mon. If you win, I'll treat you in your favorite store. However if I won, We'll date for 2 weeks." the stranger said. I am not interested on what he was saying so I just ignored it. However, he suddenly grabbed my hand and made me face him.
"What's your problem?" I asked while trying to get away from him.
"It was so simple why can't you understand it? Just play with me and do your best. That's all and the consequences will follow." He said and his grip is tightening more that it hurt my wrist.
"Stop it. I told you I don't want---"Babe? Is there something wrong?" I heard Matthew's voice in my back, interrupting what I'm about to say.
The man immediately let go of my hand then he looked at me.
"You have a boyfriend?" He asked with his serious face.
I don't know what to say so I just stared at him. Seconds later, I felt Matthew poking my arm using his elbow that made me realized what he wanted me to do.
"I'm asking you, lady." the stranger said, losing his temper.
"Yes, he is. So please stop forcing me to do things that I don't want." I answered bravely but deep inside, I was really scared by the way he looks.
"Fine." The stranger said then left us there and that's when I let out the air that I inhaled a while ago. I'm not breathing a while ago out of fear.
"Are you alright?" Matthew asked and he caressed my back.
"Yup. I just find him intimidating. Thank you, anyway." I said. " Can we---"Let this octupus change your mood." He interrupted. He placed the stuffed toy that he was holding in front of me.
"Oh My God! You made it!" I said in excitement then I grabbed the octupus stuffed toy that he was holding.
"I knew this will happen." he whispered then he smiled.
"What?" I asked since I did not understand what he have said.
"Nothing. Are you happy now?" He asked which made me forgot what he have whispered a while ago.
"Yup!" I answered gladly. "How many times did you try it?" I asked then I looked at him.
"Ten times." He answered.
"But you said--"Oh shut up. You're making me distracted that's why. If you're not too noisy, I would only need one try." He said, not admiting that he failed.
"Okay if that's what you want me to think." I said, letting him now that I don't believe him.
"Hey! I'm telling the truth!" He complained.
"I'm not saying anything." I said then I laughed.
"But your eyes! They're so irritating to see! Don't look at me like that!" He said then he went to my driver.
"Can you please open the car? Let's go home now." He said but my driver did not do anything.
" Hey!" Matthew called when my driver just ignored him.
"You forget that I'm his boss. He won't obey you." I said then I went the place where my driver is sitting.
"Let's go home now." I ordered which made him opened the car immediately.
"Ger inside now, ma'am Miel." My driver said. I went inside my car then thank him. Then he went to the driver's seat, not minding Matthew.
"Get inside now, Matthew. It's getting late." I said to Matthew since he's not yet entering. He's the only one we're waiting so we can go home already.
"Did your driver just-- " He said then he get inside. "Why didn't you open the door for me?" He complained to my driver after he entered here inside.
"I believe that you can do it yourself, sir." My driver politely said.
"What?" Matthew said in disbelief.
"Thank you for today, Matthew." I said to stop him from complaining. He looked at so I smiled. He heace a sigh then he said..
"You're welcome."
I smiled after remembering what happened. I hugged the octupus stuffed toy tight then I closed my eyes.
"Good night sweetie." I said to my stuffed toy.

Comentário do Livro (1114)

  • avatar
    Famat Charlene

    it's so nice


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  • avatar
    Khey Dnd

    thankyou for this story 🥰


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