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Chapter 3

"Hey, Miel." called Matthew the moment I entered our clasroom. He was with his friends. They're standing beside the aircon.
"Mathew she's a loser. Don't befriended her." Lucas suddenly said, my number one hater in our class. I don't know why he hates me but I think it's because he's always stays in top two and he never succeed to be in top one because of me.
"Immature." I whispered while shaking my head. I didn't mind them. I went to my chair and sat there then I opened my book to have an advance reading for my next class.
I was busy reading when a paper plane suddenly landed in my forehead, near my eyes. I'm lucky it did not landed in my eye.
"Oopse. Sorry not sorry." Said Lucas then he laugh hard.
"Dude, that's rude. She's reading there peacefully can't you see?" Matthew said to Lucas.
"C'mon why are you defending her? Do you like that nerd?" Lucas said while pointing his index finger at me.
"Dude, easy. No one's gonna stole Miel from you. We know how much you like her." Said John, Lucas friend then the whole class starts to laugh and make noises.
"What?! You moron!" Said Lucas. John ran hurriedly while laughing beacuse Lucas was chasing him.
"Come here, moron! I'll choke you to death!" Lucas shouted while still chasing John.
"Go on, Lover of Miel!" John shouted back while still running all around the classroom.
The whole classroom was a mess and our president tried to make them quiet but she failed.
"Hey! Classmates please be quiet! Section B are having their class." The Vice president shouted but no one listened to her.
"Here we go our pretentious vice president. C'mon we're just having fun since our teacher is not yet here. Don't be a kill joy." Said John while laughing and still running.
"What is happening here?!" We heard Mr. Ajero, our teacher said that made the whole class silent. Everyone went back to their respective seat then they all sat quietly.
"Can someone explain what's happening here? Who is your president?" Mr. Ajero said with his serious face. Our president immediately stand up and bowed her head.
"Sir, I'm sorry for our noise. I tried to stop them but they're not listening." She explained.
"Ma'am Torres is teaching in section B and she complained to me when I passed their classroom. She said that this room is so noisy! How old are you guys? Sixteen, seventeen and eighteen, right? You should act based on your age. Another thing is that you are in section A. You should be the role model of the grade 11 students. But what is this? Is this a role model? I am so disappointed." Mr. Ajero said then he placed his things in the table in front. "Now get a one whole sheet of paper. We'll be having a quiz." He announced that made the class became noisy again, they're complaining. "Quiet! Number one." He said that made all of us panic
"Sir, we're not yet reviewing!" Said one of my classmates.
"If you just kept quiet a while ago while waiting for me, you wouldn't have to take a surprise quiz now. This is your punishment." Mr. Ajero said then he started giving us a quiz.
Thankfully I have read most of the questions a while ago while we are still waiting for him. I am busy answering when someone called my name.
"Miel!" Matthew whispered..
"Why?" I whispered back.
"What's the answer on number two? I don't know it." He whispered.
"Counselling." I answered, still whispering.
"How about in number five?" He whispered again.
"Guidance counselor." I answered.
"Thank you." He said then he became silent. I thought he was already done asking when he suddenly called me again.
"Why?" I asked again.
"What's the answer in number---"Look for the answers that you need and just shut up. Sir Ajero might hear you." I interrupted then showed him my paper.
"Thank you! I'll treat you later!" He said then started to write down my answers.
"No need. It's nothing." I said while looking in front so sir won't be suspicious of us.
"I insist. Let's eat somewhere after class." He whispered.
"Fine. But I'll go with my driver." I said which made him look at me.
"I won't do anything wrong from you, you know." He said as if I offended him.
"It's not like that. It's just that mom will be worried if I'm with someone she didn't know." I said.
"Fine." He said. "I'm done now. Thank you for your answers." He added.
I did not respond to him and just continue answering.
"Everyone, finish or not finish. Pass your papers." Mr. Ajero suddenly said when the time that he had given to us ended so we passed our papers immediately.
"I'll be checking these in my free time and I will return it tomorrow. Class dismissed. Good bye" He said then he went out of the room.
"Arghhh. I'm not sure in most of my answers!" Someone complained.
"It's your fault Lucas!"
And they all blamed each other. Hay! When will they grow up?
"Let's go?" said Matthew after our last period class ended.
"Wait here. I'll go to my locker first." I said while fixing my things.
"I'll come with you." he said.
"No. I can manage being alone." I said then I left him there.
"Miel!" I flinched in surprise when Janice suddenly blocked my way while calling my name. "I'll go home now. Mom's waiting for me in our house. She said that she wants to go shopping with me. See you tomorrow." she said then she hugged me.
"Oh. okay! Take care." I said then I hugged her back.
"Bye-bye!! " she said then left me here in front of the window of their classroom.
"Byebye!" I said. I watched her walking away from me till she vanished in my sight before walking towards the locker room.
After minutes of walking, I am now im the locker room. I went to my locker and put my books in there then I went back to my classroom where I left Matthew.
"Hey. What took you so long?" Matthew complained when he saw me approaching him.
"Sorry. " I apologized.
"Anyway, Let's go." He said. He held my hand then we walk towards the parking area.
Here we go again. My heart's pounding so loud as if it wants to get out of my chest. This man! Do I like him? But I just met him. No. no. no.
I pulled my hand away from him that made him look at me.
"Why?" He asked with his furrowed eyebrows.
"Uh." I said, looking for an answer.
"Ahm.. M-my driver's not parking there Yeah it is." I said and I can feel my hand shaking.
"Huh?" He innocently asked. I did not answer. I just left him there then I walk towards the main gate.
"Hey wait!" He said but I did not stop.
"Are you in a hurry?" he said when he reached me.
"Not really." I answered then I went to my driver.
"Good afternoon, ma'am Miel." said my driver when I reached our car.
"We're going somewhere." I said then I looked at Matthew. Do you have a car?" I asked.
"Yup. But I won't bring my car anymore. Let's just use your car." Matthew interrupted.
"How about your car?" I asked.
"It's okay. I'll tell my driver to take it home." He said then he went inside our car.
"Who are you, sir?" asked my driver but it did not stop Matthew from entering the car. "Ma'am did you know him?" He asked them he looked at me, looking for an answer.
"Yup. Just let him. He's the one to decide where we are going.
"If that's what you wish, ma'am. Get inside now, ma'am Miel." He said then he opened the door for me.
"Thank you." I said then I went inside.
"Where are we going, sir?" my driver asked Matthew the moment he entered inside the car.
"Go straight.." Matthew answered while sitting beside me as if he's inside his own car.
God! I wish this will go well.

Comentário do Livro (1114)

  • avatar
    Famat Charlene

    it's so nice


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  • avatar
    Khey Dnd

    thankyou for this story 🥰


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