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chapter seven

~ Xander’s POV~
Soon it was time for lunch. All of us the pack members that attend this usually gather together at the hallway before going into the cafeteria together. Since we where little, we where taught to always eat together as one family because that will strengthen our bond.
As we entered into the cafeteria, everywhere became quiet. People stopped eating to at us. It’s happens all the time. I wonder when they are going stop acting as if we are the kardashians or the Royal family.
Since our pack owns majority of the school shares , we have our own special seat different. Our food is also different and we don’t have to join any queue because we have people serving us.
As I walk into the cafeteria, I was hit with the sweetest scent ever. It’s smelt like fresh roses and lavender and the was something unique about the scent.
“Mate!”. My wolf Austin shouted happily in head head.
“Hh?”. That was the only word I could produce.
“That’s our mate scent dummy!”. Austin mocked me.
Never in my life did I think that I will find my mate on this day and in this school for the matter. I tired looking around, to see in I can get the exact direction she is. But I couldn’t because the aroma of the foods.
“Xander are you coming or are you going to just stand there?”. Alissa asked and that when I realized that I have been standing at thesame position by the door for about three minutes.
I drag myself to our table even though Austin wanted us to around the cafeteria until we find our mate.
“That’s creepy Austin! Majority of the people in this school are humans.”
I guess my mate is a human too in not she would have scent me too.
After we sat, everyone turned their attention back to their food. That’s the heavens the atmosphere is less dense now I can concentrate and find the location of the scent.
After looking around, I finally found her. Although I can’t see her face because she has her back turned to me. The only features I could see it’s her long ginger hair.
Please turn around. I prayed silently because I wanted to see her face. And as if she could hear me, she immediately turned her head and made eye contact.
Wow is the only think I could. Her smooth face was glowing and it compliment her big ball eyes which at me with curiosity and her pink lips..”
O my God! I felt my heart beating very fast. I can’t believe I am feeling this way just my looking at her face.
“Just wait until we hear voice and kiss that beautiful tempting lips and….”. Austin went on and on ranting.
“Wait hold it there and stop corrupting my mind”. I warned him.
“I am in our mind moron!”. Austin stamp back at me.
I look at her again only to see that she has turned back to her table. But I couldn’t stop looking at her.
Few seconds later, she turned to her back again to see me starting at her.
Her friends most have seen her because she turned and they started talking. Next of them where looking at me. Well I guess they must be talking about me.
A few minutes later, I saw her get up and went out of the cafeteria with a frown on her face.
“She looks as if someone has offended her. Who dares tired that while we are here”. Austin shouted furiously. The thought of it made me grab the spoon in my hand so hard that it break.
Every one at the table turn to look at me with a curious look.
“Mind telling us what all that is about?”. Allen the son of the beta and also Alissa mate asked me.
“What are you talking about”. I replied nonchalantly.
“We saw you stare at the girl since we entered into the cafeteria until she went out now, you where still looking at her.” He stated
“Well there is nothing wrong in looking at my own mate or is there?”. I said waiting for their reaction.
My sister Alissa was the first to recover from her shock and shouted; “ Did you say Your MATE?”.
“Did you say Your Mate?”.
Every one on the table turned their attention to me. I just kept mute looking at them. If they are waiting for me to say it again, then they are on their own.

Comentário do Livro (576)

  • avatar
    Syazana Najwa

    nice story


  • avatar

    worth reading 👍


  • avatar
    Belen B Cuadra



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