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Chapter 7

"No, in like 20 minutes. I was going to get you guys coffee or something," Glen revealed, his intentions of hospitality clear in his words.
"Ah, really? I'll stay here for a bit then. You made this coffee for me. I'll go after this," Hazel's response was filled with gratitude, her willingness to linger in the shop a testament to the bond that had formed between them in the quiet moments of shared camaraderie.
"I'll buy you another one downstairs. A better one," Glen's voice was filled with sincerity as he offered to replace the spilled coffee, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and amusement.
"No, I like this one the best. The one downstairs is just for..." Hazel's response was cut short as the coffee in her cup suddenly spilled over, cascading down her skirt and stocking in a dark stain of embarrassment.
"Oh, hold on. I'll get you some tissue," Glen's voice was quick with reassurance as he moved to remedy the situation, his gesture one of kindness and care.
"No, it's right here. I'll go downstairs after this. I should use the bathroom," Hazel's voice wavered with a mix of embarrassment and determination as she sought to compose herself in the face of the unexpected mishap.
"Hazel, watch out...!" Glen's warning came too late as Hazel, flustered and embarrassed, tripped over a chair in her haste to stand up, her balance faltering as she teetered on the brink of a fall.
"Oh...!" Hazel's exclamation filled the air as she felt her body lurch forward, the ground looming closer with each passing moment.
"You okay?" Glen's voice was calm yet concerned as his strong hand reached out to steady her, his unexpected strength surprising Hazel in the moment of vulnerability.
"We have a lot of things lying on the floor, even our staff trip over sometimes," Glen's words were filled with understanding, his gaze soft as he helped Hazel regain her balance.
"Oh... Thank you. I just need my shoe..." Hazel's voice was tinged with gratitude as she realized her shoe had slipped off in the commotion, lying pitifully on the floor a few feet away.
"Stay here, I'll bring it for you," Glen's voice was firm yet gentle as he insisted on helping, his actions speaking volumes of his kindness and consideration.
"I can do it...!" Hazel protested weakly, but Glen's reassurance was unwavering. "It's fine," he murmured, guiding her to a seat with a touch that radiated warmth and comfort.
"Are you okay?" Glen's voice was filled with concern as he checked on Hazel, his eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and reassurance.
"I can wear that myself..." Hazel's voice was soft, her attempt to brush off the incident evident in her words.
"You didn't sprain it, right?" Glen's voice was gentle yet probing, his worry for Hazel's well-being palpable in the air.
"...It's fine," Hazel's response was tinged with a hint of embarrassment, her cheeks flushed with self-consciousness.
"Be careful. Don't hurt yourself," Glen's voice was filled with a quiet admonition, his words a gentle reminder of his concern for her safety.
"I never did," Hazel's voice carried a note of self-assurance, a hint of playful defiance in her tone.
"You broke a cup on your first day," Glen's teasing remark brought a lightness to the moment, his attempt to ease the tension with a touch of humor.
"Hey, that was just...!" Hazel's protest was met with Glen's warm smile, his eyes crinkling with amusement.
"Don't hurt yourself. Please," Glen's words were filled with genuine care, his gaze soft as he sought to reassure Hazel.
"I'm embarrassed now. Haha," Hazel's laughter was tinged with a mix of amusement and self-deprecation, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.
"For what?" Glen's question was met with a playful shrug from Hazel, her embarrassment fading in the warmth of his understanding.
"Just forget about everything stupid I did," Hazel's words were tinged with a hint of vulnerability, a silent plea for acceptance and forgiveness.
"Haha, I'll try," Glen's chuckle was filled with warmth, his smile inviting and genuine.
Glen's sudden gesture caught Hazel off guard as he held out a pinky towards her with a smile, his eyes searching hers with a mix of sincerity and affection.
"Here, promise me something. Just be careful from now on. Promise me," Glen's voice was soft yet firm, his request a testament to his genuine concern for her well-being.
"Yes, I promise," Hazel's voice was filled with sincerity, her heart fluttering at the tenderness in Glen's gaze.
"Good girl," Glen's words were filled with warmth and approval, his affectionate nickname a gentle reminder of their shared moment of understanding and connection.
As Hazel felt the weight of Glen's caring gaze, she couldn't help but be struck by the depth of his kindness and compassion, a realization dawning on her as she prepared to leave the shop.
"See you later, Glen," Hazel's farewell carried a note of gratitude and warmth, her heart touched by the unexpected bond that had formed between them in the quiet corner of the tailor shop.
As the day unfolded in unexpected ways, Hazel found herself in the cozy embrace of a café, where the echoes of shared moments and quiet reflections filled the air with a sense of tranquility and anticipation.
Glen's parting words lingered in Hazel's mind as she settled into a corner of the café, her thoughts drifting towards the gentle warmth of their interactions in the tailor shop.
"This one doesn't taste too great," Hazel remarked to herself as she sipped on her coffee, the familiar taste of the instant brew lacking the comforting touch of Glen's handcrafted drink.
"It's a bit boring being here. I should've taken a little walk first," Hazel mused, her eyes scanning the room for a distraction from the monotony of the café's ambiance.
As fatigue crept over her, Hazel felt the weight of exhaustion settling in, her eyelids growing heavy with the remnants of a restless night.
"Ugh, I feel so tired all of a sudden," Hazel murmured to herself, her body craving a moment of respite in the midst of the bustling café.
With a quiet sigh, Hazel closed her eyes, allowing the gentle hum of the café to lull her into a peaceful slumber, the soft sounds of chatter and clinking dishes fading into the background.
"hazel? Hello? ...You must've been tired. I'm worried about your neck," a familiar voice broke through the haze of sleep, pulling Hazel back to consciousness with a start.
"Ugh... What the...? I must've been asleep for some time. But my neck feels... fine," Hazel's voice was tinged with surprise as she realized Glen's presence beside her, his concern evident in his words.
"Did you sleep okay?" Glen's voice was filled with warmth and understanding, his gaze soft as he observed Hazel with a mix of care and reassurance.
"Huh? What's wrong? Did I surprise you?" Glen's question brought a flush of embarrassment to Hazel's cheeks, her heart racing at the unexpected closeness between them.
"Oh, when did you come? Since when...?" Hazel's voice was filled with curiosity as she processed the sudden turn of events, her mind still foggy from sleep.
"A few minutes ago," Glen's reply was gentle, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of fondness and concern.
"....You brought this?" Hazel's voice was filled with wonder as she noticed the jacket draped over her shoulders, its warmth a comforting embrace in the cool café air.
"Yea, to keep you warm," Glen's words were soft yet reassuring, his gesture a silent promise of care and protection in the quiet corner of the café.
In the quiet embrace of the café, where time seemed to stand still in the gentle warmth of shared moments, Hazel found herself awakening from a peaceful slumber, her head resting on Glen's shoulder in a moment of unexpected closeness.
"I really just got here. You were deep asleep, must have been tired," Glen's voice was soft and reassuring, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and understanding.
"No, I mean... Is your shoulder okay?" Hazel's voice was filled with a hint of worry, her gaze searching Glen's face for any signs of discomfort.
"It's fine. I just got here," Glen's words were calm yet firm, his reassurance evident in his tone.
"Lies... I see how much time has passed..." Hazel's playful accusation was met with a chuckle from Glen, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"What, are you worried about me? It didn't hurt at all," Glen's teasing remark brought a smile to Hazel's lips, her heart fluttering at the easy banter between them.
"Yea, but..." Hazel's words trailed off as Glen's hand gently brushed her hair, a gesture of care that sent a rush of warmth through her.
"Your hair's a bit messed up here," Glen's touch was gentle, his hand running through her hair with a tenderness that caught Hazel off guard.
"Ah, sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?" Glen's voice was filled with concern, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress.
"No, no! It's fine. Let's get up now," Hazel's voice was quick to reassure him, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.
As they prepared to leave the café, Hazel's heart raced with a mix of emotions, her mind reeling from the unexpected intimacy of the moment.
"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something? I'm supposed to get you dinner," Glen's offer was filled with warmth and consideration, his gaze soft with genuine care.
"It, it's late! Let's just leave," Hazel's words were tinged with a hint of urgency, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
As they stepped out onto the main street, the cool night air wrapped around them, casting a sense of serenity over their shared moment of closeness.
"You sure you want to head home?" Glen's voice was filled with a hint of reluctance, his eyes searching Hazel's face for any sign of hesitation.
"You have to work tomorrow, and we have a curfew..." Hazel's words were filled with a mix of practicality and longing, her heart torn between the comfort of routine and the allure of the unexpected.
"I want to have dinner with you," Glen's words were soft yet determined, his gaze meeting Hazel's with a silent promise of shared moments and unspoken connections in the quiet of the night.
"You, you're acting kind of weird today," Hazel's voice was filled with a hint of confusion, her gaze searching Glen's face for any sign of the familiar warmth she had come to know.
"Am I? I'm acting just the same," Glen's reply was calm and steady, his eyes meeting Hazel's with a sense of quiet assurance.
"No....? You're acting real different," Hazel's words were tinged with a hint of uncertainty, her heart fluttering with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
"Ah, I had something I wanted to ask," Glen's voice broke through the quiet, his words carrying a weight of unspoken questions and hidden meanings.
"Me? What?" Hazel's voice was filled with surprise, her eyes widening at the unexpected turn of the conversation.
"The day Courtney joined us, we were in the same car. Aiden said it was a pity... and you did, too. Did you mean it? ... That you had to go with me, instead of Aiden," Glen's question hung in the air, the tension between them palpable in the quiet of the night.
"What kind of a question is that?" Hazel's voice was tinged with a mix of disbelief and uncertainty, her heart racing with unspoken emotions.
"Why. I can't ask?" Glen's voice was soft yet determined, his gaze searching Hazel's face for any sign of understanding.
"Am I talking to the right Glen right now? Haha, it is me. Was that too sudden?" Hazel's attempt at humor was met with a quiet laugh from Glen, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and curiosity.
"Hm... I still wanted to know. Alright, I won't ask anymore. Instead - Have dinner with me tonight," Glen's offer was filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination, his gaze soft yet unwavering.
"That's kind of sudden," Hazel's voice was filled with a mix of surprise and hesitation, her heart torn between the comfort of routine and the allure of the unexpected.
"My shoulder hurts, I don't think I can drive," Glen's words were filled with a hint of vulnerability, his gaze meeting Hazel's with a silent plea for understanding.
"But you just said it was okay," Hazel's words were tinged with a mix of concern and confusion, her heart fluttering with a mix of emotions.
"You don't want to eat with me? Or stay with me? Or both?" Glen's voice was soft yet probing, his eyes searching Hazel's face for any sign of acceptance or rejection.
"No, it's not that. You have to work tomorrow, and I'm worried about getting home late. Ah, how about this?" Hazel's voice was filled with a mix of uncertainty and longing, her heart torn between the comfort of routine and the allure of the unexpected.
"What?" Glen's voice cut through the silence, his eyes meeting Hazel's with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.
"Hm, this could be a way," Glen's voice was thoughtful, his gaze drifting towards the passing scenery with a sense of contemplation.
"Why, you don't like it? I do. Hey, try this one," Hazel's voice was filled with enthusiasm as she offered Glen a sandwich, their impromptu meal on the go a testament to their shared camaraderie.
As they made their way back to the house, the simple act of sharing sandwiches and laughter filled the car with a sense of warmth and companionship.
"It's good, right?" Hazel's voice was filled with a hint of satisfaction, her eyes meeting Glen's with a sense of shared enjoyment.
"It's better that you're feeding it to me. Not counting this as a dinner date, though. We're hanging out again soon," Glen's playful remark brought a smile to Hazel's lips, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.
"Huh? Wow..." Hazel's voice trailed off as she caught sight of a flower shop along the road, the vibrant colors and fragrant blooms capturing her attention.
Recruiting Flower Lesson Students
Glen's question brought Hazel back to the present, his eyes searching hers for any sign of interest or intrigue.
"Why? Are you interested?" Glen's voice was filled with curiosity, his gaze soft yet probing.
"Ah, no. I mean, it seems fun, and I love flowers, I would've done it for fun. I'm not very skilled at handcraft though," Hazel's words were tinged with a mix of admiration and humility, her eyes shining with a quiet passion for the beauty of nature and the art of floral design.
"You just haven't tried yet, you'll do fine. What do you like to do for fun?" Glen's voice was filled with encouragement, his eyes meeting Hazel's with a mix of curiosity and warmth.
"I like to go shopping. For clothes, earrings, or bracelets. That's how I get rid of stress, I think," Hazel's voice was soft yet candid, her words a glimpse into her world of solace and joy.
"Hmm... Okay. Should I try shopping for fun as well?" Glen's question was met with surprise from Hazel, her eyes widening at the unexpected proposal.
"Huh?" Hazel's voice was filled with a mix of amusement and confusion, her heart fluttering with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity.
"It sounds fun. Take me with you the next time you go," Glen's offer was filled with a hint of playfulness, his eyes meeting Hazel's with a sense of anticipation.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Hazel's voice was tinged with a mix of surprise and intrigue, her heart racing with unspoken questions and desires.
"You think? Let's make it a date, then," Glen's words were soft yet determined, his gaze meeting Hazel's with a mix of sincerity and vulnerability.
As the car journey continued, the air between them filled with unspoken tension and unspoken connections, their hearts open to the whispers of possibility and longing.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Glen's voice was filled with curiosity, his eyes searching Hazel's face for any sign of understanding.
"Are you ill?" Hazel's question was met with a chuckle from Glen, his laughter filling the car with a sense of lightness and warmth.
"Do I look like I'm not being myself at the moment?" Glen's words were tinged with a hint of self-awareness, his gaze soft yet probing.
"You're just saying a lot of things you never have," Hazel's observation brought a smile to Glen's lips, his eyes reflecting a mix of fondness and appreciation.
"I must feel good around you," Glen's words were soft yet sincere, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability and openness.
"Aha..." Hazel's response was filled with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity, her heart fluttering with a mix of emotions.
"...Why? Did I say something wrong?" Glen's question brought a flush of warmth to Hazel's cheeks, her heart racing with unspoken questions and desires.
"You're a good guy. Such a good guy, that it makes me confused," Hazel's words were tinged with a mix of admiration and uncertainty, her eyes searching Glen's face for any sign of understanding.
"I am nice... but not just to anyone. I do have someone I want to get to know. Talk to, be close with. Someone I like," Glen's words were filled with sincerity, his gaze meeting Hazel's with a mix of warmth and longing.
His voice tickles her chest. Who is that? Is it her?
Too many questions fill hazel head, and she don't know what to say. The air between them filled with unspoken tension and unspoken connections, their hearts open to the whispers of possibility and longing.
"But that's a secret. Let's go inside. Take this," Glen's voice was filled with mystery and intrigue, his grin lighting up the room as he slid a hot pack into Hazel's pocket, their fingers brushing in a fleeting touch that sent a jolt of warmth through her.
[Living Room]
"What did you guys eat? Why were you so late!" Lina's voice cut through the chatter, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she eyed Hazel and Glen.
"We were just talking for a bit," Glen's casual reply belied the undercurrent of connection and understanding that lingered between them.
"Glen, would you like to take a look at this? I worked on an interview on men's suits, and I was wondering if you'd like to see," Courtney's voice was filled with eagerness, her eyes bright with anticipation as she offered Glen a glimpse into her world.
"Of course!" Glen's response was met with a smile from Courtney, her admiration for him evident in the way she looked at him.
In the guys' room, a different conversation unfolded, where Aiden and Asher discussed the events of the day and the upcoming dates.
"So you were with Hazel the whole day?" Aiden's voice was filled with curiosity, his eyes meeting Glen's with a mix of intrigue and amusement.
"Yes, it just happened that way. We ate, talked, and things," Glen's reply was casual yet tinged with a hint of hidden meaning, his gaze meeting Aiden's with a sense of understanding.
"Oh, right. We're going out on dates soon. How do you think that will go?" Aiden's question was met with a chuckle from Asher, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"The guys probably have to ask the girls out," Asher's response was filled with a hint of teasing, his words carrying a sense of camaraderie and friendship.
"Should I prepare something? In advance?" Aiden's voice was filled with uncertainty, his eyes searching Asher's face for any sign of guidance.
"In my opinion... I think you should just talk less," Asher's teasing remark brought a laugh from Aiden, their banter filling the room with a sense of camaraderie and friendship.
"Come on, bro, that's my charm," Aiden's voice was filled with amusement, his smile lighting up the room with a sense of lightheartedness and joy.
"Yea, yea. I guess I'll just have to get used to you," Asher's reply was met with a grin from Aiden, their bond growing stronger with each shared moment and inside joke.
In the quiet intimacy of the girls' room, where secrets and whispers filled the air with a sense of anticipation and shared confidences, Courtney, Lina, and Sol found themselves caught in the delicate dance of friendship and unspoken desires.
"So you guys both went to his designing room?" Courtney's voice was filled with curiosity, her eyes searching Lina and Hazel's faces for any sign of hidden meanings.
"Yea, it was really tidied up and pretty," Lina's voice was soft yet filled with admiration, her words carrying a hint of wonder and intrigue.
"I'd like to see it, too. Maybe I should ask," Courtney's words were tinged with a mix of excitement and curiosity, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Oh... oh, yea! You should definitely ask," Lina's response was met with a smile from Courtney, their shared moment of camaraderie tinged with a hint of competition and longing.
As the conversation turned towards the topic of dates and romantic interests, a sense of tension and excitement filled the room, their hearts open to the whispers of possibility and longing.
"We're going on dates, soon, too. Do you guys have someone in mind?" Lina's voice was filled with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, her eyes searching her friends' faces for any sign of hidden desires.
"I... kind of do," Hazel's voice was soft yet filled with a hint of vulnerability, her words carrying a sense of longing and anticipation.
"Yes, same," Courtney's response was met with a nod from Sol, their shared moment of understanding bringing a sense of unity and shared experiences.
"Me too," Sol's voice was filled with a mix of confidence and uncertainty, her eyes meeting Lina's with a sense of camaraderie and friendship.
"Oh... Okay," Lina's voice trailed off, her heart racing with a mix of emotions as she considered the implications of their shared confessions.
"You too, Lina?" Sol's question brought a flush of warmth to Lina's cheeks, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.
"Yes, I think... I know for sure whom I want to get to know a lot about," Lina's words were filled with a mix of determination and longing, her eyes meeting her friends' with a sense of confidence and vulnerability.
As the room filled with a sense of camaraderie and shared confidences, the unspoken tensions and desires lingered in the air, their hearts open to the whispers of possibility and longing. Today...Hazel send one to Aiden. Aiden is probably the best person to goof around and be comfortable with. Even with Glen today, she couldn't help but think about Aiden.
"It was so fun to goof around with you yesterday. Let's do it again," Hazel's text was filled with enthusiasm, her eyes meeting Lina's with a mix of excitement and anticipation.
"You guys are fast with messaging," Lina's observation brought a smile to Hazel's lips, their shared connection growing stronger with each passing moment.
"I guess everyone made up their mind already after a week?" Sol's voice was filled with curiosity, her eyes searching her friends' faces for any sign of hidden meanings.
As the messages filled their phones with anticipation and excitement, a sense of suspense and intrigue filled the room, their hearts open to the whispers of possibility and longing.
"I wanted to hang out with you, too. Looking forward to it," the message from an anonymous sender brought a flush of excitement to Hazel's cheeks, her heart racing with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.
In the living room, where the familiar sights and sounds of the Luv House surrounded her, Hazel found herself caught in a moment of reflection and contemplation.
"I still have time, already went through the teaching agenda, and... It's been a week since I first came to the Luv House. Now this place feels like home," Hazel's voice was filled with a mix of nostalgia and contentment, her eyes scanning the room with a sense of belonging.
"Aren't you going to work today?" Aiden's voice cut through the quiet, his eyes meeting Hazel's with a mix of curiosity and warmth.
"I am, but I'm coming back home early today. Jealous?" Hazel's playful response brought a chuckle from Aiden, their banter filling the room with a sense of lightheartedness and joy.
"Not a bit. I have no class today," Aiden's reply was met with a smile from Hazel, their shared moment of understanding and camaraderie bringing a sense of comfort and ease to the room.
As Aiden approached her from the sofa, Hazel's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and anticipation, her mind racing with unspoken questions and desires in the quiet of the living room.
"No class...? Now I'm jealous," Hazel's voice was filled with a hint of playfulness, her eyes meeting Aiden's with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
"How early?" Aiden's voice was soft yet filled with genuine interest, his gaze meeting Hazel's with a sense of warmth and understanding.
"I'll be done around noon, when the sun's still shining bright," Hazel's words were tinged with a sense of excitement, her heart racing with the prospect of shared moments and unspoken connections.
"Really? That's great!" Aiden's response was met with a smile from Hazel, their shared moment of understanding and camaraderie bringing a sense of comfort and ease to the room.
"What is?" Hazel's voice was filled with curiosity, her eyes searching Aiden's face for any sign of hidden meanings.
"It's the second time saying this to you. It's a bit funny..." Aiden's words were tinged with a hint of amusement, his eyes meeting Hazel's with a mix of sincerity and vulnerability.
"Saying what?" Hazel's voice was soft yet filled with anticipation, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.
"Do you have time today?" Aiden's question brought a flush of warmth to Hazel's cheeks, her heart racing with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.
There's only been one person in this house that asked for Hazel time. And that same person asked her a few times already.
"Spend it on me, please, your time," Aiden's words were filled with sincerity and vulnerability, his gaze soft yet unwavering.
But now, he wasn't asking this to hang out altogether or to prepare something,
"Let's hang out today, just the two of us," Aiden's request was met with a flutter of excitement in Hazel's chest, her heart racing with the unspoken promise of shared moments and unspoken connections in the quiet of the living room.
Hazel looked up at Aiden, her curiosity piqued by his suggestion.
"Two of us? What do you want to do?" she asked, her eyes searching his face for clues.
Aiden flashed her a charming smile. "I just want to hang out with you. I can show you what I usually do in a day. You were curious, right?"
Hazel raised an eyebrow. "Do I have to be curious?"
Aiden chuckled. "Nah, not really. But I know you are."
Hazel couldn't help but laugh along with him, the smile on his face infectious. She had planned to go shopping after work and relax at home, but Aiden's proposal intrigued her. Maybe it was time for a change of plans.
"I don't mind having this new plan," Hazel admitted. "I am curious, actually. Shouldn't we be going to your school to see your life?"
Aiden nodded eagerly. "Yes, exactly. You got it."
Hazel grinned mischievously. "Wow, me at school at my age? I hope they don't kick me out."
Aiden shook his head, a playful glint in his eyes. "You're still in your 20s, what are you talking about?"
Hazel paused, considering. "I was planning to go shopping today. Do you have any recommendations around the area?"
Aiden's face lit up with excitement. "I have somewhere I usually go, not far from school. I have a knack for picking out women's clothes. So, you're coming with me, right?"
Before Hazel could respond, Aiden grabbed her sleeve, his enthusiasm contagious. She didn't want to disappoint him, and deep down, she was curious to see what his life was like outside of their usual encounters.
Hazel nodded, a sense of adventure stirring within her. "Alright, I'll come with you."
[At Campus]
As they walked through the expansive campus, Hazel couldn't help but marvel at its size.
"This campus is so big," she remarked, her eyes scanning the bustling surroundings.
Aiden grinned, clearly proud of his university. "Right? It's really fun during the festival times. I hope you could've seen that. We should come back together then. You want to? You mean it, right? That'd be amazing."
Hazel chuckled softly. "No need to be amazed by it."
Aiden's eyes sparkled with mischief. "I'm going to call you during the festival times. You can't say no anymore, promise me."
Hazel playfully rolled her eyes. "Ok, promise!"
The weather was pleasant, and with Aiden by her side, Hazel felt a sense of contentment. They had intended to take a leisurely stroll around the campus, but their plans took an unexpected turn.
"Aiden, what's up? Who is this next to you?" a voice called out. Hazel turned to see a group of Aiden's friends approaching.
"Hey, you're with a girl today..." one of them remarked with a teasing tone.
Another chimed in, "Oh wow...! You have a girlfriend now?"
Hazel couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity as Aiden's friends bombarded him with questions, halting their walk before it even began.
Aiden's voice cut through the chatter of his friends, firm and commanding. "Hey, it's not your business. Move, we have to go somewhere."

Comentário do Livro (95)

  • avatar

    muito bom muito bom o livro livro da para ler para ganhar moeda pessoal só precisa ler isso daí pronto aí só dá para resgatar os demais aí para pegar todos os livros para atualizar os livros são muito bons mas eu preciso ir depois eu volto aqui


  • avatar
    Joesryl Jaculina Agunda



  • avatar
    Marlyn Magsumbol

    It such a nice story! Must read, everyone🫶🥰


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