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Chapter 2

Aiden chuckled at the observation, his grin infectious, "Wow, is that how young I look?" he mused, the banter light and jovial.
"I see. That's pretty new to me," Aiden acknowledged, his surprise evident. Hazel's comment seemed to catch him off guard, prompting a self-reflective moment.
"No one ever told you that you look young before?" Hazel probed, curious about Aiden's perspective on his youthful appearance.
Aiden shook his head, "I don't really have people telling me I look young. So I thought I looked mature enough. Oh, maybe it's the way I'm dressed. I should've dressed a bit classier," he mused, reflecting on his choice of attire and its influence on others' perceptions.
Hazel couldn't quite decipher Aiden's age from his response. His demeanor and reaction were youthful, but his surprise at being perceived as young left her questioning her initial assessment. The playful exchange revealed a glimpse of Aiden's personality, adding a layer of intrigue to the group dynamic.
Aiden teased, "Are you curious? Just wait 'til tomorrow," a mischievous smile playing on his lips, confirming Hazel's suspicion that he was indeed younger than her.
Glen, offering his own speculation, chimed in, "I think he's in his mid-20s. But I agree with you that he looks like a student," his observation adding to the playful guessing game.
The four of them continued their lively discussion in the living room, the topic of Aiden's age and occupation providing ample entertainment. However, the newness of their acquaintance led to moments of awkward silence that punctuated their conversation, highlighting the unfamiliarity among them.
As the pauses in conversation filled the room, the sound of Lina and Asher's easy banter in the kitchen served as a contrast. Lina's sociable nature seemed to keep the conversation flowing effortlessly between them, the sound of laughter and clattering dishes a testament to their camaraderie.
Aiden, curious about their companions in the kitchen, mused, "I wonder what they're up to. Hope they're doing fine," his gaze drifting towards the kitchen where Lina and Asher were engaged in conversation.
Glen, though quiet, mirrored Aiden's curiosity, his eyes instinctively drawn to the source of laughter and camaraderie. The contrast between the lively energy in the kitchen and the more reserved atmosphere in the living room highlighted the evolving dynamics among the group, each moment adding a layer of depth to their newfound bond.
Hazel couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of loneliness, murmuring softly to herself, "Am I even going to get a single text message tonight?" The sight of Asher engaging with Lina in such a lively manner, contrasting with his quiet demeanor around her, stirred a wave of anxiety within her.
Feeling the weight of the unspoken tension, Hazel voiced her hopes for a deeper connection among the group, "Oh, dear... I hope we can all get to know each other soon," her words tinged with a longing for camaraderie and understanding.
Sol, sensing Hazel's unease, echoed her sentiments, "You're right. I hope so, too," his empathy evident as he shared her desire for closeness among the group.
As the sounds of laughter and conversation drifted from the kitchen, Sol suggested, "They seem to be finishing up. Should we go join them?"
Aiden, ever eager for company, chimed in enthusiastically, "Yeah! We should!" the group's attention shifting towards the kitchen where Lina and Asher were engaged in conversation.
In a moment of unspoken agreement, Sol and Hazel shared a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them as they made their way to the kitchen to join the others.
Inside the kitchen, Lina's voice rang out in surprise, "Oh, what is everyone doing here?"
Aiden, quick with a playful retort, teased, "We wanted to check if you guys were doing a good job," his banter lightening the mood as they settled into the familiar banter of newfound friendships.
Lina, with a mock exasperation, teased back, "Ugh, Aiden keeps bullying me! Always keeping an eye on me!"
Aiden defended himself with a grin, "I never did! I was only making sure, just in case," his playful demeanor adding to the camaraderie among the group.
Glen, observing the easy rapport between them, remarked, "It looks like you guys are so close with each other already," his words reflecting the budding bonds forming among the residents of Signal House.
Sol, nodding in agreement, added, "Yes, I know right?" the sense of unity and connection growing stronger as they shared moments of laughter and camaraderie in the warm glow of the kitchen.
The presence of Lina brought a new dynamic to the group, injecting a sense of liveliness among the male residents. Their conversations flowed more freely in her company, leaving Hazel unsure of how to interject when the guys seemed engrossed in talking to Lina.
Feeling the need to contribute, Hazel suggested, "The table looks already clean. But maybe I can just go over it again?" her desire to help evident in her words.
To her surprise, Asher offered to assist her, saying, "Then I'll keep an eye on Hazel."
Hazel's confusion was palpable as she questioned, "Huh? Me?"
Lost in her thoughts, Hazel was taken aback when Asher suddenly intervened, his attention focused on the task at hand as he finished up the dishes.
Pointing out a potential mishap, Asher remarked, "That cup looks like it's in danger with you standing there," his concern evident in his tone.
Startled by the near miss, Hazel's finger lightly brushed the glass cup next to her, prompting a reaction from Asher, "Oh, shoot...!"
Assuring him with a playful tone, Hazel reassured, "What's wrong? I won't break it for real," her laughter bubbling up at the comical situation.
Asher's wide-eyed stare and genuine concern only made Hazel giggle even more, the lighthearted moment breaking the tension and fostering a sense of camaraderie between them.
In the midst of their playful interaction, Lina's voice rang out, "We're finished with the dishes! Thank you everyone for the help!" her gratitude encompassing the shared effort and teamwork that had brought them together in the warm glow of the kitchen.
Glen's voice carried a note of appreciation as he remarked, "You worked the hardest of all."
Lina, with a hint of playful exasperation, responded, "Yes, it was actually pretty hard dealing with Aiden's bullying," her words laced with humor.
Aiden, quick to defend himself, interjected, "Wow, don't say that. I know you were having fun, too!" his tone light and jovial as he joined in the banter.
As the day drew to a close, the once-present awkwardness had dissipated, replaced by a sense of ease and camaraderie that filled the room with lively conversations. Just then, a midnight alarm sounded, signaling the end of the day.
Sol, recognizing the cue, remarked, "Oh, this is the sign, right? That we should send a text message to someone?"
Glen nodded in agreement, "I think so. We should go upstairs," his voice guiding the group towards their rooms as the alarm ceased.
Ascending the stairs to their rooms, the group's chatter continued, with the guys still engrossed in conversation with Lina, who effortlessly took the lead in the lively exchange.
Walking alongside Hazel, Sol offered a comforting reassurance, "You did a great job today," his soothing voice calming any lingering doubts.
Noticing a shared interest, Sol continued, "I saw earlier that you had this brand of clothes I really like."
Surprised by the connection, Hazel responded, "Oh, really?"
Sol suggested, "Yes, do you want to go to the shop with me sometime? They have a really nice handcraft workshop next to it," his invitation reflecting a growing bond between them.
Amazed by the similarities, Hazel remarked, "That's crazy, how do we have so much in common? Maybe we're the same age?"
Sol's agreement brought a smile to Hazel's face, "That would be cool. Having a friend of the same age will make me more comfortable," their shared interests and budding friendship hinting at a deeper connection that transcended mere acquaintanceship.
Feeling a sense of contentment from the new friendship forged that day, Hazel found solace in the possibility of receiving a message from someone, her hopes resting on the promise of connection.
[Guys' Bedroom]
Aiden, with a hint of nervous excitement, remarked, "This is getting me nervous. Did you guys decide on whom to text?"
Asher pondered, "Well... we didn't really get to know each other today, so I think it will all depend on the first impression?"
Aiden, brimming with confidence, sought validation, "What do you think about my first impression? Isn't it pretty good? Isn't it?"
Asher, ever diplomatic, replied, "I'm not sure if I'm the right person to ask..."
Glen, ever self-deprecating, chimed in, "You guys both have great first impressions. The problem is me, though."
Aiden, quick to reassure, insisted, "...You can't say that. You literally had the best first impression. Or did I hear wrong?"
Asher confirmed, "I think you heard that right..."
[Girls' Bedroom]
Hazel expressed her worries, "I'm already worried. I don't think I'll get a single text. I made so many mistakes today!"
Sol, offering reassurance, said, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we'll all get one each."
Lina, sharing her own concerns, added, "Yea, that wasn't even a mistake. I almost knocked something over when I entered the house. It was a mess. I'm worried as well. I don't think I'll receive anything..."
Surprised by Lina's doubt, Sol exclaimed, "You? Are you serious, Lina?"
Hazel, echoing the sentiment, reassured her, "Lina, you getting none makes no sense at all."
Lina, buoyed by their encouragement, remarked, "Ah, you guys are giving me some hope," the shared camaraderie providing a sense of comfort in the face of uncertainty.
As the group contemplated their choices for sending texts, the importance of first impressions weighed heavily on their minds, setting the stage for potential connections to blossom.
Hazel, pondering her decision, asked, "So, who should I send the text to?" the anticipation of reaching out and forming new connections adding a layer of excitement to the evening.
Hazel made her decision, choosing to send a message to Aiden, the one who had been a source of help and kindness throughout the day. With a mix of gratitude and anticipation, she composed her message: "Thanks a lot for today. It was a lot of fun. Hope to get to know you more :D"
With a racing heart, she hit send, the message winging its way to one of the guys in the house.
Aiden, feeling the pressure of the moment, voiced his concern, "It's going to be so embarrassing if I don't get anything."
Glen, surprised by Aiden's self-consciousness, remarked, "I didn't know you'd be so conscious about this!"
Asher, teasingly, added, "Yea. I thought you'd be the most care-free one."
Aiden, revealing a softer side, countered, "No way. I'm softer than you think."
Asher's playful banter continued, "Oh... sure you are."
Aiden, picking up on the teasing, quipped, "What's up with that reaction? Are you already giving me a cold shoulder?"
Asher, caught off guard, retorted, "When the heck did I give you a cold shoulder?!"
As the tension mounted, Glen's observation broke the moment, "Oh, it looks like the messages have arrived."
Aiden, with a mix of excitement and nerves, declared, "It's the moment of truth...!"
Asher, equally eager, suggested, "Let's check," the anticipation building in the room.
hazel, feeling a mix of hope and anxiety, remarked, "It's finally time!" her heart racing with the possibility of receiving a message.
But as the room fell silent, Hazel's hopes were dashed when she checked her phone and found no new messages. The disappointment was palpable as she realized that while Lina's phone continued to ring with notifications, hers remained silent. Frustration and disbelief washed over her as she exclaimed, "Are you kidding me?! This can't be real!" the sting of rejection and the unexpected turn of events leaving her questioning her popularity and her place among the group.
Hazel couldn't shake off the sinking feeling in her chest as she stared at her silent phone, willing it to come alive with notifications. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to rationalize the emptiness of her inbox.
"Someone please tell me I'm dreaming. I did make some mistakes today, but that can't be the reason why I got no text messages," she muttered to herself, the words hanging heavy in the air.
Frustration mounting, she picked up her phone and tossed it around in her hands, hoping that maybe it was just a technical glitch. With a sigh, she pressed the power button, but the screen remained stubbornly blank, devoid of any new messages.
Across the room, Lina stood up abruptly, a forced smile on her face. "Um... I should go take a shower," she announced, her voice a little too loud in the tense atmosphere. Without waiting for a response, she hurried out of the room, leaving behind a palpable sense of unease.
In the quiet aftermath, Sol spoke up, her voice calm but tinged with a hint of sadness. "I actually kind of expected this to happen. Lina is cute and nice, and she certainly has a good first impression," she said, her words hanging in the air like a heavy cloud. The weight of her observation settled over the room, casting a shadow over Hazel's already troubled mind.
Hazel's heart sank as she echoed Sol's sentiments. "I did too, but it feels strange to actually not receive any messages," she admitted, the weight of disappointment evident in her voice.
Sol, ever the optimist, suggested a plan for the next day. "Shall we try harder tomorrow? Help each other out, give compliments," she proposed, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
Hazel's face lit up with a spark of inspiration. "Oh, kind of like an alliance? Why are you so good at everything? You look so pretty today. We can compliment each other to bring attention. We're the No-Message Alliance!" she exclaimed, a sense of determination creeping into her tone.
Sol nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sounds good," she replied, her voice filled with quiet resolve.
"We can do this!" Hazel declared, a newfound sense of purpose settling over her like a comforting blanket.
As the night wore on, the absence of messages for Hazel and Sol lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the room. The bitterness of disappointment seeped into Hazel's bones, adding to the stiffness in her neck from a restless night's sleep in an unfamiliar place.
Determined to shake off the unease, Hazel prepared for work, steeling herself for the day ahead. As she made her way downstairs, she braced herself for the interactions awaiting her.
In the kitchen, Aiden greeted her with a warm smile, his energy infectious. "Good morning! You're up early," he remarked, his enthusiasm palpable. Hazel couldn't help but be drawn to his bright presence, his demeanor reminiscent of an excited puppy.
As they exchanged pleasantries, Aiden offered to give her a ride to work, his eagerness evident in his words. Hazel's face broke into a grin. "Yes! I'm pretty good at driving," she replied, a flicker of excitement in her eyes at the prospect of a new connection.
Aiden's offer to give Hazel a ride to work was met with gratitude, as she nodded in agreement. "Sure, thank you," she replied, a sense of relief washing over her at the thought of a companion for the journey.
"Great. Oh, you should eat something. I made some toast, so we can have them together," Aiden suggested, his kindness evident in his actions.
"I love toasts. I'll try preparing breakfast next time," Hazel responded, her curiosity piqued by the idea of trying her hand at cooking.
Aiden raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Really? Are you good at it? Like you were last night?" he quipped, a playful glint in his eyes.
Hazel's expression turned incredulous. "...You're joking, right?" she retorted, a hint of amusement lacing her words as they shared a moment of light-hearted banter.
Their interaction was filled with chitter chatter and laughter, the atmosphere light and easy as they shared breakfast and exchanged small talk before heading out of the house.
"I have a good feeling about this... Okay, I have a bad feeling about this," Hazel mused to herself, a mix of optimism and apprehension swirling in her mind.
At work, Ms. Park, the observant supervisor, noticed Hazel's subdued demeanor. "Ms. Hazel, you look down today. You were doing that TV program thing. It's not going very well?" she inquired, her concern evident in her tone.
Hazel sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "It's totally messed up, Ms. Park. I received NO messages yesterday," she confided, the weight of disappointment heavy on her shoulders.
Ms. Park's eyes widened in surprise. "What, are you serious?" she exclaimed, taken aback by the revelation.
Hazel worked at the prestigious language school that recruited top instructors from around the world, a place known for its high standards and competitive environment. As she vented her frustrations to Ms. Park, she couldn't help but feel the pressure of the expectations placed on her.
"For god's sake... I couldn't sleep due to the shock!" Hazel admitted, her frustration bubbling to the surface.
Ms. Park observed her with a knowing look. "That's why you were all over the place today. I've never seen you unfocused before," she remarked, a hint of concern in her voice.
Hazel took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. "...It won't happen again," she vowed, determination shining in her eyes as she prepared to face the day ahead.
Ms. Park chuckled lightly, her laughter a soothing balm to Hazel's frazzled nerves. "Ahaha, I'm not blaming you for it. Ms. Hazel, I don't think people can see your charm yet. How about you be more assertive today?" she suggested, her tone gentle but encouraging.
"Assertive?" Hazel echoed, a hint of uncertainty in her voice as she considered the idea.
Ms. Park nodded, her eyes bright with confidence. "You guys don't know each other yet, so maybe you can appeal to them with your fun, bubbly personality? I'm sure everybody will fall for your charm. It's probably because you were still nervous. I'm sure everything will be fine," she reassured, her words like a guiding light in the midst of Hazel's doubts.
"That's true. I've never been so unwanted in my life. It was hard for me to express myself in the new environment, surrounded by people I don't know. Once we slowly get to know each other, and the walls fall apart... No, I can't wait for them to fall apart on their own. I'm going to show them who I am. Everyone, just wait!" Hazel declared, a newfound determination shining in her eyes as she made a silent vow to herself.
As she made her way home, thoughts swirled in her mind, a mix of tasks and responsibilities clamoring for her attention. The weight of her personal work and duties at the Luv House bore down on her, a reminder of the busy life she led.
Just as she approached her house, a familiar voice cut through her thoughts, drawing her attention. Glen, with his calm and comforting presence, greeted her warmly. "Are you just coming back?" he inquired, a smile playing on his lips.
Hazel returned his smile, grateful for the familiar face in the midst of her chaotic day. "You must be coming home as well," she replied, a sense of camaraderie settling over them.
Glen's gaze was curious as he looked at her belongings. "Yea, it's good to see you in front of the house. So, what do you have there?" he asked, his interest piqued by the sight of her belongings.
Glen's gaze lingered on Hazel's arms laden with textbooks and teaching agenda, a curious expression flickering across his features. Hazel felt a pang of self-consciousness, hoping he hadn't noticed the weight of her responsibilities. With a nervous smile, she quickly moved to conceal the shopping bag behind her back, attempting to downplay the situation.
"Oh this...? It's for my work. I have some things to take care of, haha," she explained, her tone light but tinged with a hint of embarrassment.
Glen, ever the gentleman, offered to help. "It looks heavy, give it to me. I'll carry it for you," he suggested, his kindness shining through his words.
Hazel's eyes widened in mock suspicion. "Are you trying to peek at what my job is?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.
Glen shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. "Huh? No. I won't look. I promise," he assured her, his tone light but sincere.
In a playful exchange, Glen extended his hands as if to close his eyes. "Should I close my eyes?" he joked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Hazel couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. "...Thank you," she replied, a sense of gratitude warming her heart as she handed over the burden of her belongings. It felt nice to have someone offer to help, even in jest.
As they entered the living room, Sol greeted them with a bright smile. "You're here! Both of you together?" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Hazel and Glen.
"We just met in front of the house. Are you alone right now?" Hazel replied, a sense of camaraderie forming between them.
Sol shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. "No, I was just about to prepare dinner with Aiden," she explained, her tone cheerful and welcoming.
"I'll come and help once I go and put my stuff in the room. I'm supposed to make dinner today!" Hazel announced, a sense of purpose driving her words as she prepared to fulfill her responsibilities.
Sol expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Hazel. You're so kind," she remarked, her appreciation evident in her voice.
Hazel couldn't help but return the sentiment. "And you're so diligent, already ready to prepare dinner," she complimented, a smile tugging at her lips as she shared a moment of camaraderie with Sol.
In the quiet sanctuary of the girls' room, Hazel's voice echoed softly as she expressed her gratitude. "Thank you," she murmured, the words carrying a weight of appreciation for the help she had received.
Glen's response was warm and reassuring. "I'm glad to help," he replied, his demeanor kind and considerate as he carried her books to the room. Hazel couldn't help but notice the touch of sensibility in his actions, a quality that drew her to him in a way she couldn't quite explain.
"I'll take a shower and join you downstairs. See you in a bit," Glen announced, his words filled with a sense of camaraderie as he prepared to rejoin the group.
"Yes, see you!" Hazel called out after him, a smile playing on her lips as she watched him leave for the guys' room. With a sense of purpose, she tidied up her belongings and washed her hands before hurrying downstairs to the kitchen.
"I hope they're not already done... oops!" Hazel muttered to herself, a flicker of concern crossing her features as she descended the stairs in a rush.
In her haste, she misstepped and felt her ankle give way at the end of the stairs, a moment of panic seizing her as she teetered on the edge of a fall. Just as she braced herself for impact, a firm hand reached out to steady her.
"Careful," Asher's voice cut through the air, his grip on her arm providing much-needed support as she regained her balance.
As she steadied herself, Asher's concern was evident in his words. "You still nervous?" he inquired, his tone a mix of worry and admonition.
Hazel blinked, caught off guard by his question. "Sorry?" she replied, a hint of confusion in her voice as she tried to decipher his intentions.
"It's not good to be so tense, like yesterday. You'll hurt yourself," Asher explained, his words laced with a hint of frustration or perhaps genuine concern.
Feeling a surge of determination, Hazel retorted, "You should be careful, too. You could hurt yourself trying to help me," her words a mix of gratitude and defiance as she refused to be seen as fragile or in need of constant assistance.
Asher's reaction was swift, his hands waving in denial. "No, no wait. That's not what I meant...!" he backtracked, his expression a mix of confusion and reassurance.
"Just take care of yourself. You don't come all the way here, just to end up in the hospital or something. Is all I'm saying," Asher clarified, his words tinged with a sense of protectiveness that caught Hazel off guard.
"Were you worried I'd hurt myself?" Hazel probed, a hint of curiosity in her voice as she tried to understand the complexity of their interaction.
Asher's response was cryptic. "Not exactly worried..." he trailed off, leaving Hazel to ponder the unspoken words hanging between them.
Observing Asher's demeanor, Hazel couldn't help but unravel the enigma that he presented. Despite his reserved nature, his emotions seemed to play out openly on his expressive face, revealing a complexity that intrigued her.
"He just seemed like a quiet, nice guy at first. But hmm... he's more than that," Hazel mused to herself, her thoughts drifting to the layers that she sensed beneath Asher's calm exterior.
Asher's voice cut through her reverie, his question pulling her back to the present. "...What's with that face?" he inquired, his tone a mix of curiosity and amusement as he noticed her contemplative expression.
Lost in their conversation, they were both caught off guard when Lina burst into the room, breathless and apologetic. "I'm home! Huff, huff... Sorry, I'm a bit late!" she exclaimed, her words rushed and slightly out of breath.
"Lina? Did you run here or something?" Hazel teased, a smile playing on her lips as she greeted her friend.
Lina nodded, a hint of sheepishness in her expression. "Oh, yes. I didn't want to be late... There was... huff a lot to do today," she explained, her words punctuated by the remnants of her hurried journey.
Asher, ever the voice of reason, chimed in. "There was no need to rush. We were going to prepare dinner. You cleaned everything up anyway," he pointed out, his tone gentle but firm.
Aiden's arrival added to the mix of voices in the room. "Oh? You're early. I was about to let them know dinner's ready," he announced, his presence filling the room with a sense of warmth and hospitality.
"Already?! I was just about to go help..." Hazel trailed off, a hint of disappointment in her voice at missing out on the dinner preparations.
Aiden reassured her. "Don't worry, Sol is an amazing cook. I didn't have much to do, either," he explained, his confidence in Sol's culinary skills evident in his words.
"Sol does seem like she has a talent for a lot of things. And Glen?" Hazel inquired, her curiosity piqued by the roles each of their housemates played in the household dynamics.
Aiden's response was quick. "He was already downstairs to give us a hand," he informed her, his admiration for their supportive friend shining through his words.
Feeling a pang of regret for missing out on the action, Hazel couldn't help but playfully blame Asher for the turn of events.
"Why would you blame me?" Asher's response was laced with a hint of confusion, his expression a mix of amusement and curiosity at Hazel's playful accusation.
Hazel's playful retort broke the tension in the room. "That was obviously a joke!" she clarified, a smile playing on her lips as she reassured Asher of her lighthearted intent.
Asher, ever composed, simply nodded in response. "...Let's go for dinner," he suggested, his calm demeanor a grounding presence in the midst of their banter.
As they gathered for dinner, Hazel couldn't help but feel a sense of relaxation wash over her, the atmosphere more welcoming and familiar compared to the previous night.
Aiden's voice rang out with enthusiasm, drawing everyone's attention. "Now, this is the moment you've all been waiting for! Let us announce our jobs and ages, ladies and gents!" he declared, his tone filled with anticipation and excitement.
Lina giggled at Aiden's dramatic flair. "Hehe, Aiden, and I think you're the perfect host for this announcement!" she teased, her laughter infectious as she enjoyed the playful exchange.
As Aiden outlined the rules for the game, Lina's laughter continued, a sense of camaraderie building among the group. Hazel felt a surge of curiosity, eager to learn more about her housemates and their diverse backgrounds.
"I'm dying to know as well..." Hazel admitted, her eyes alight with interest as she awaited the revelations that were sure to come.
Aiden took charge, setting the stage for the game of guessing each other's professions. "Let's take turns and ask one question at a time. And then guess what they do. Who should we start with? You guys have someone you want to know about the most?" he prompted, his excitement palpable.
Lina seized the opportunity to nominate Aiden as the first participant. "I think this is a sign. You go first, Aiden!" she suggested, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Aiden chuckled at the choice. "Oh, me? Okay then, I'll start. Ask me anything," he offered, a sense of anticipation in his voice as he awaited the questions that would reveal more about him.
Sol, ever perceptive, made her guess about Aiden's profession. "I've been thinking, you got a gift of the gab. So I'm thinking jobs where you present yourself. Recreation instructor... or a TV show host? Am I right?" she ventured, her words thoughtful and insightful.

Comentário do Livro (95)

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    muito bom muito bom o livro livro da para ler para ganhar moeda pessoal só precisa ler isso daí pronto aí só dá para resgatar os demais aí para pegar todos os livros para atualizar os livros são muito bons mas eu preciso ir depois eu volto aqui


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    Joesryl Jaculina Agunda



  • avatar
    Marlyn Magsumbol

    It such a nice story! Must read, everyone🫶🥰


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