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Chapter 6: Missing His Absence

Their 3-day vacation is finally over no more ocean breeze to inhale into the lungs. And Fari is welcomed by the smell of books that she needs to read for her project. Mike and her didn’t get to talk after the vacation because the guy, was been avoiding her presence during their stay in the resort. He’s having fun with her friends but when Fari joined them, Mike will excuse himself and go inside the hotel room.
“I wonder what’s wrong with him?” Faria asked himself. That behavior of his felt odd for her because she wasn’t used to him acting like that. She flipped the pages of the book she’s reading. She is just flipping it. But she wasn’t able to understand what she’s reading because her thoughts were focus about Mike.
Ray slammed a book on the table which made Fari flinched in shock.
“You look disturbed. And I don’t like it.” Ray took a seat in front of her. And put his things on the table. After he was satisfied with his arrangement, he looked at Fari sternly.
“What’s bothering your pretty head, girly?”
“Have you seen Mike?”
“No. He is absent.”
“Why? What happened? Did he tell you the reason why he decided to be absent?” She asked.
“Girl, chill. Calm your worries down. Maybe he felt tired dealing with all these things.” He pointed the material that are placed on the table. “You know that he isn’t very fond of studying, right?”
“You’re right. But did you talk to him?”
“Want me to text him and tell him that you’re worried about him?”
“No. No, don’t do it Ray. Maybe he’s just wanting to prolong his break from seeing our school premises.”
“And now you’re looking down. Can you be honest with me, Fari? I need an honest answer from you because I’ll be asking you this important question?” Ray looked serious after saying it.
She does some sketches on her notebook. “Sure. What is it?”
“Do you like, Mike?” Ray’s eyes got bigger. He looked really curious hearing what his friend’s answer will be.
“I-I don’t really know. I’m not sure whether I really like him romantically.”
“You’re probably still confuse. Don’t worry girl, I totally get you. Don’t feel rush okay? You can take much time as you want to sort your feelings for him. Mike is just there. It’s not like he’ll vanish into thin air and we will not see him ever again.” Ray starts to open his book and writes something in his notebook. Ray put his hands on her shoulder. “You got things to do, Fari. Please focus on it.”
“Ye-yeah. I know.” She starts to grab her pen and read her notes.
After their study session in the library Ray and Faria went back to their room. She was shocked when she saw Rafael on her seat. When he saw her, he went to her and put on a smile. “What does he want this time?” She thought. She didn’t really like this guy. His guts and the way he portrayed his character in front of people. Being confident is good but this guy is different. He’s too full of himself that he comes off as someone who is arrogant. His voice sounded cocky. He’s bragging about almost everything he does. He is also the type that is all talk but his actions didn’t match the words that come out of his mouth. He’s not very aware of the feelings of others when he does something. He can intentionally hurt people and he doesn’t even look like he is sorry for his actions. In fact, he likes to blame it to others. And he’ll ignore the fact that he was the one at fault. Fari doesn’t know whether this guy is just unaware of his portrayal or he just doesn’t care about what he’s doing. This guy is also the type to pick up fights and trigger people. Quite impulsive and he is even proud of it. He picked up a fight with Ray once. The feus happened inside the classroom. Half of the class were there. When he suddenly raised his voice at Ray and harshly took his pace towards Ray and spat his saliva in front of Ray’s face. He then said something offensive which made Ray stunned on his place. But his friend was able to come up with a rebuttal that made Rafael angrier that he punched the blackboard with his fist. No one ever dared to stopped him because they were afraid that they will be the once that will receive his anger. Rafael doesn’t care whether you’re a girl or guy. He’ll pick a fight with almost anyone and he always looked unbothered. She too had a fight with him back when they were younger. And the way he voices out his thoughts are scary. Because he knows how to hit a nerve to make someone feel bad. And the way he smirked after saying harsh words. Fari hates it. She hates it a lot that she cannot help but wished she has a frying pan in her hand to smack his airy head. Now back to the present.
“You need something?” Fari told him.
“I don’t need something. I will be telling you something.” He smiled.
His annoying smile. Fari want to do something to wipe that smile off his face. It’s totally infuriating.
“You can now start telling me what you need Rafael. I don’t have much time to waste.” She said blandly.
“Ohh, that sucks. You’re so harsh, baby.” He teasingly said while putting his hand on his chest acting hurt.
“Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you wanna say, Rafael!” There’s annoyance in her stare. That she gripped the book that she’s carrying tightly.
“Alright. Alright. I will tell you now.” Rafael raised his hands in surrender. “Our adviser made an announcement earlier that there will be an even in school and he needs students to participate on the program. There will be a waltz competition and I volunteered. And I want to tell you that I choose you to be my partner on the waltz dance. We’re partners, baby.” He chirped.
Fari’s facial expression change into a disgusted one. She doesn’t like what she’s hearing. It sounded unpleasant. She felt she drink such a dark brewed coffee because she felt some bitterness in her tongue when she heard the word “partners.” She wants to put her hands around his head to pull all his hair out. Why does it need to be her? There are so many options he can choose from. There’s a lot of girls in class. Why choose her?
“Mr. Suito already listed the names of the students that will be participating. And your name is already on the list, baby. You cannot back out this time.”
Rafael looks amused. While Fari looks constipated. She wants to swing the book unto his head to knock him off but she’s just stopping herself. She needs to calm down. Instead of being irritated and lose her cool in front of this moron. She just can’t lose her composure. It will make Rafael even happier. She won’t let this guy trigger her.
“And besides there’s some plus points, baby. Isn’t it lovely?” Rafael added.
“Okay. I’ll be your partner. I’ll agree with being partners with you but this is all for the grades, okay?”
“Wonderful.” He grabbed her hands and shook it. “Don’t worry. I got you. We will make such a great pairing, baby. Because both of us have the talent for dancing. I am an amazing dancer. And so are you. Perfect isn’t it?” He snapped his fingers and flipped his hair sideways.
“Okay. I totally understand what you’re trying to convey. So, can you please step aside because you’re blocking me from taking over my seat.” She shood him with her hands.
“Alright. Cool, babe.” He messed her hair a little bit before going back to his own seat.
“What’s with him, girl?” Ray asked.
“Where did you go? Why did you arrive a bit late? I would definitely need you here when Rafael is annoying me.” Fari frowned.
“Sorry, girl. I got hungry so I bought something from the cafeteria. Here, I bought you a snack too.”
“Thank you. I don’t wanna be paired with Rafael.”
“Oh, you guys were partners? My poor, Fari.” Rafael looked at her with pitiful eyes. “You’re stuck with him.”
“So, you already know about the announcement?”
“No. I just heard the girls talking about it on my way back. But he did really pick you?”
“Yes.” She sighed.
Ray tsked. “It would be better if Mike’s here. So, you’ll exchange that skunky guy with your boyfie.” Ray eyed Rafael. Displeasure is written all over Ray’s face which was caught by Rafael. Fari saw Rafael smirked and laugh maniacally.
“What? You want to smooch? Sorry I’m not into gays. But if it’s my Adaline Faria who wants to have a kiss from me, I would gladly oblige to give her one.” He winked at her again.
“Girl, I feel cold. Too much air in here.” Ray dramatically said while hugging himself.
Rafael scoffed at him while he smiled at Faria.
“What is his problem?” He looks stupid with all the smiling and winking he show her. This guy’s too comfortable on his own skin and it’s making her uncomfortable. But she doesn’t want to give in to the irritation she felt inside her just to lose control of her emotion and lash it all out on Rafael. If only Mike is here. Rafael couldn’t annoy her this day…

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  • avatar
    Dela torre villanuevaNiño



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    perfect story


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    Yade Eludo

    Nice story


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