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Chapter 5: Finn's Secret

So it was said, Finn Delattre is an heir to the Delattre Family soon to be a marquis... Finn's father, Dylan Delattre the current marquis has many mistresses, that is why Finn's mother died due to a heart attack when her husband took a slave as his wife. 
Since then, Finn grows up hating his father and his affairs. In the home of Delattre, Finn was considered the problem yet a villain child who tormented his younger siblings because they were his father's mistresses children.
People grow no pity upon him, they misunderstood him, they made fun of his pain and blamed him for his mother's death. Finn grow up into a blessed child and he was so talented that he tried learning everything for them to acknowledge him as the heir.
He thought it was easy, to join the Royal Knight and be knighted was his one and only method. Seek his highness, have his blessings and be his disciple so that he won't feel useless.
People created his evilness, so why do people blame him? Yubin took a while to take the cup of tea into her hands thinking what Finn's thinking.
It was that moment when the man as tall as the tree beside them appears, glowing like a sun, his dark-blue hair wavers, and his eyes melted like honey in the color of light orange.
He wore an outfit, not no man could wear, he has a black cape covering his back, and his pale eye's left with a sigh as he enters.
"Your Majesty, you look tired? Have you not taken any rest? " Yubin ask approaching the King normally without formality.
Finn was there watching, he seem to be shocked by the truth that a sla-- no a lady without the blood of Castaline or noble status was able to approach his majesty so casually without thinking about her manners and her formality.
Not all of the people in this kingdom does that, especially since she was a slave, neither less a lady should still act with proper respect upon approaching his majesty but what can he do? she will definitely slap him if he does tell her the proper ways to consider her behavior.
"No, I did have rest but I am also a busy man... I had to deal with political affairs, such as criminal extermination and slave raids... Anyways, you shouldn't be worried about me, I can handle myself," Louise said trying to ease the worried look of Yubin's expression.
"I know because you are a King which means you are already more powerful than a normal Knight..."
Louise smiled before he patted Yubin when he notice the embarrassing position of a kid watching them.
"So this must be Lord Finn, Delattre's Son... The villain kid, I can't believe he displays his own son as a villain yet an angelic slave-like Phine was able to befriend him." Louise laughed trying to hide his tiredness and he slowly seated at the seat Phine occupied for his arrival.
Suddenly, Finn started to look down not shyly but with an act of feeling down. He knew he has his own wrongdoing but his father knew he was worst than him.
He killed her mother, he made many wives as soon as she died and let his own son be abused by those wives and he loves letting his own son be like an eyesore to him.
He only made fun of his siblings but he never hurt them. He was accused of being an evil child by those mistresses and they were even worse than him, he couldn't even say anything because his father will take sides.
He grips his hands from his lap, trying to hide his discomfort but Yubin's eyes we're sharp and smart to able to understand the action of her friend.
"I believe that Finn must suffer a lot to act as a villain instead of a man with the pride of becoming a knight," her words made the atmosphere fall into awkwardness.
It is always awkward but this time, it is an awkward position between friends colliding with Finn's discomfort.
"I love my mother, she was everything to me as my mother. However, since my father took home a slave as his 2nd wife, my mother fell ill in shock and died afterward. If it isn't for my father my mother will--"
Finn's talking about his past made Yubin stop him, she held his cold hands with her tiny hands and looked at him in his eyes...
"Blaming your father won't make any difference, as he had already done it and you can't bring your mother back to life even if you blame him till death... Let the gods judge his sins but you just have to live your life to the fullest, " she said with a smile but Louise was shocked by her actions and he was so relieved that she was acting more like herself than the girl he meet shaking like a prey.
It was also because the kid they rescued can talk properly and she was well-mannered for a slave thus her voice was so mature she can be mistaken as an old woman in the body of a young kid.
Although, that may be true to her perspective. She is a 19 in the current if she was still Yubin from another world. However, she can't also deny that she's inside a younger body.
To be exact, she's just 13 years old enough to see that she's just a kid, again!
"Anyways, let's talk about something else... Er, if you don't mind His Majesty about talking non-trivial things that it may not be in your interest, you are free to leave anytime."
Wait, why did I slip again. As a child, I must talk so maturely... I should avoid being too well matured... I am a child! I mean still a child...
She realize her mistake as soon as she sipped her tea. It was a mistake she needed to keep in mind, like stop acting like a 50-year-old and act like her age.
Thinking about it makes her face turn reddish, if the King finds her tune unpleasant she will die, however to Louise's perspective it was cute of her to say such considerate words though he didn't mind it to begin with.
"So, er, Finn how old are you? " Yubin decided to change the topic when she looks at Finn who's very well behaved at her side.
It's not really a wonder why he is behaving, unlike Yubin, it was rare of him to see His Majesty joining some children's tea party. Apart from that, he's so close to a mere slave.
"Oh, I'm already at age of 15, I will soon come to my age. How about you, Lady Phine? " Finn answered as he reflects on the situation, he thought let's first see what this kid can do why did the Royal Family give her the privileges of a lady instead of a slave...
"I am 2 years younger than you, I'm 13 years old... It's a pleasure to meet a Marquis son, as you remember I can't remember my name so His Majesty called me Phine, if that should exceed your expecting answer, I will give it to you." Yubin saw that, first of all, Yubin was used to reading people's faces to what they are thinking for Yubin who's life needed a little sense, she had to learn it, how to read faces...
So Yubin was able to see what was Finn thinking, it was obvious from the start, he is the person with an expression that is overflowing from his bound, thus he was easy to read like an open book.
Yubin give a frail smile and lifted her cup of tea, sipping it silently until she remembers something...
"By the way, Lord Finn, may I know your mother's name?" She asks to hope and ease her mind because a name Finn clangs to her head and if it was possible, her theory might be right. 
"Oh, my mother's name is Charlotte Venlagis Delattre... May I ask why you ask of her name? "
Yubin left with shock, the name Venlagis rings on her head remembering the main story of 'Lost Queen'... When Sapphire reaches her coming of age, 16, she lives as a wanderer from one place to another, her reasoning was to train her capability of taking down an entire kingdom.
Within the caravan's deserted island, she meets a dying man who was an exile like her. She found him and she was interested in him so she took him to her home on the Town Sarfati, near the border of the East Continent.
That man she brought was recognized as a lord, his eyes were different from a commoner. It was strange for her to bring him home, but Sapphire didn't mind it.
Soon it was revealed that he is Finn Venlagis a former lord, and was banished from a crime of murder.
Yubin closed her mouth, it was only then she realizes that the boy, as well as the original Sapphire who knew him, was the one who save this boy with who she did not intentionally make friends.
Sapphire trained him to be the talented assassin, as he was, bringing him as his companion who brought down the fall of the Adilara Kingdom and the man who died for her just so she could see the light again.
So it was, Finn, the boy I dearly wanted to save in my past life. The one who lives within the cruelty of this world, the boy I cried when he died that night? It was him?
Yubin's gaze was unexpectedly lonely and sad, that the Lord and a King did not understand. Finn thought that maybe she knew her mother, so she acted as if she was worried and glad. However, he was still a bit confused so he wanted to ask to confirm if she really knew about her mother who passed away.
"Lady Phine, perhaps, do you know about my mother? " He asked thus his prepared for her answer.
Yubin realizes that her expression we're suspicious so she gathers her energy creating a non-obvious smile. "No, I do not, it's just that her name was so much familiar with a friend I had before I was kept as a slave." Of course, that was a lie, other than her fuzzy memories, she does not remember having a friend at the Adilara Palace or did she even have a friend at all.
As a person transmigrated too, she felt that her memories weren't that normal either way she can't remember her name, she does remember stuff like secrets of her origin, or what was her life before becoming a slave, however things that are important can't shake from her mind thus she does not remember them all, however, the original novel gives prior details of the character 'Sapphire' so Yubin knew her information as the character.
"I see, well, my mother was a good person. I recall when I was a kid, my mother always patted me with the sincerest care and she always take care of me. I was the happiest child at that time, but now I don't know who am I truly."
"Fear is truly necessary for us to grow stronger as well as to reflect from our fear. It was great of you to share your secret, it must be hard being called villain kid even so you did not do anything, in particular, to be called one." Yubin murmured as she continue sipping her tea, eating the delicious cookies that his majesty prefer as she gaze upon the kid beside him.
Louise who was quietly watching had enjoyed the view, he thought it wasn't bad to escape the reality that had to befall the kingdom. He is indeed busy but the fact that he attended this tea party only gives people the thought he is lazying on his work again.
However, Louise must enjoy this while he wanted to. A new battle will arise his kingdom's horizon at the upcoming new age, he just wanted to see his future daughter before everything fell apart from his grasp.
No one knows what the King and Queen we're up to, Louise and Esmia we're avoiding any conflicts between the East and the West, a conflict that was able to avoid for the last 4 years.
The East Continent is an overall new country, unlike the West, South, and North. The traditions of the East we're greater. They produce swordsman talents, blacksmiths with the ability to forge indifferently magical swords and pieces of equipment, they are more focused on maintaining their traditions than on the West who has the ability to improve decades to a century.
If the West was able to produce good qualities of foods, improvise clothing and Royal Bloods. The East was more stable, both in governing their lands and in their military support. The West may only have a fifty chance of winning, however, that does not mean the East will win.
It will only give an equal result, both of the continents. The West was able to produce black powder, shotguns, and even chemical serums. While East was able to create magical equipment, that was able to outstand the achievements of the West.
If battle we're too broke through, both continents will take damages in equal. This means, many will die for a necessary war for the world to be stabilizing, however, the damages will cost billions from both continents.
What Esmia and Louise want is a good partnership, to ensure no conflicts will befall. However, the East cannot agree, for they are in a situation where they also needed to expand their territory.
No matter how stupid that idea was, Esmia thought the expansion of territorial land will expand one continent's power. It will increase, and it will destroy. The only choice they both have in mind is simply a truce of peace, with both parties agreeing with one person's demand.
However, the East was a bit greedy, they wanted to take over the West and expand their power to greater. Esmia didn't enjoy that agreement and decided to ask another, but it didn't change the mind of the East at all.
Within a few years, war will break down, that is the truth. So Louise and Esmia were busy increasing their military power, having temporary alliances with all the kingdoms of the West.
However, the problem lies within the current ruler of the Adilara Kingdom. They held high bounds of walls into their kingdom, only to avoid getting into the problem of the continent, cowardly as they usually do, and cutting connections with other kingdoms.
Louise left with a sigh thinking that the moment a battle collide, it was inevitable so he will be calling back his younger brother. He's been a spy on the east lately, he needs his assistance increasing their powers and he will be a temporary ruler for some quiet time. 
Or so he thought...

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    Frencheska Pacubas

    🎀 chada


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    Adieseth Belostrino

    a very good story


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