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Chapter 4: Queens Order

The morning arise after the long night, Esmia was shocked by the truth that sheds her, it was then she realizes how precious that girl could be, it was then she realize when she read the reports of the things she let her knights investigate, she can't believe it was the fact but then she had to reconsider it.
Esmia looked at the empty white ceiling of her office, there she saw the flashing chandelier. It was magnificent considering it her masterpiece.
Memories of her past self imitate through her system because she remembers her, the sister she wanted to come back to, the sister she loves the most, and the sister she wishes to be alive.
Esmia wasn't the only child, she has a younger sister who was married off to another kingdom's king because his father had to sell her off like a piece of jewelry. It was also for the kingdom's future and bound by political marriage.
Brania Castaline is a proud woman who never disappoints her sister. The second princess lives freely, and the second princess with a good life of her own.
When she turned 16, she was immediately engaged with the Adilara's King as the Queen, King Oliver had married Brania when she was 19...
She was then given a life of her own thanks to Oliver's love and kindness towards her, it was a love not followed by fixed marriage, it was a love born within two people.
Two years passed, Sapphire Phoebe Militia Adilara was born but the body of Brania can't keep with her birth thus many nobles tried to assassinate her creating tension on her body.
It was a life and death risk, as Sapphire grew a year old, she wrote a letter to her sister Esmia with the favor of taking her daughter in care if the King would fall.
Briana has expected a dark hour in the Ardilara Kingdom's future, she wrote this letter in fear that her daughter would be in vain, that time she didn't know she'll die tomorrow at eve so she didn't know the letter's response.
Esmia suddenly crumpled her fist in frustration and fury, it was that moment when she remembers the things that have happened a year ago.
The nobles of Adilara and the Holy Priest, planned on dethroning the King and annihilating the kingdom's blood thus she was fooled by them.
It is soon when she reaches the news that the nobles killed the daughter of Brania, and the treaty between Castaline and Adilara has been broken into pieces.
They made battles, wars, and non-stop fights... The fury of the Queen was unable to be certain, she brought down the superiority of those foolish nobles acting like mighty and decided to lay low.
War has never been done but she can't let her anger destroy the Eastern Continent.
She tried to stop that war by contract, however, it never ended well with those fools trying to copy the military tactics of her men.
They will pay for their crimes!
She furiously said in her mind but her aura had broken through, her flashing red aura had struck like a killing intent, and her eyes were filled with anger and nothing but anger.
Yubin stood in front of the lovely fountain, while the two boys followed her like a worm not able to talk, like a servant following its master.
However, it is not a relationship between friends that is usually following that one. It is because the two of them don't have the choice but to follow since she's been scolding them whenever they had small fights, she appears like the ghost that made them terrified with her appearing through the space.
Yubin can't help but smile at the beautiful fountain, it was her time to troll around the palace... She finally turns her attention to both men and she gives her best smile she could ever make.
"We haven't actually known each other, so it's a pleasure to meet you both. I have no name but call me Phine since that was the nickname His Majesty has given to me..." Yubin felt the awkwardness so since she doesn't know about the two trouble makers, she wanted to know their names.
"I am Lord Wilhelm, first son of the Bennett Family..." The boy with brown hair and purple-blue eyes introduces himself, he has a delightful appearance just like his father Count Vilemi Bennett...
"Lord Finn, son of the Delattre Family." The other boy with blonde hair introduced himself, he has the blond color of hair just like the brightness of the sun and he has a vivid color of green, just like his father, Marquis Dylan Delattre.
Although, both boys thought that why must they introduce themselves to a mere slave.
However, to the mind of Yubin, she saw them as her greatest fetch, a friend she didn't have or so friends that haven't allowed for her since she transmigrated as Sapphire, however she does remember her past memories where she had friends that she can't remember.
She wonders how that kid has been doing, although there must be a possibility that he died on the conquer that has to happen to the kingdom.
"Good, then before I start to fix this issue, regardless of the hate you two carry within each other, tell me why do you two hate each other? Yubin asked because the two of them barely look at both eyes like some two stubborn assesses seeing who's stronger than who.
She looked at them but both of them didn't talk, she knew this would be hard because hate is something that can't go away because she said so. She experienced it when she was just a living being of her former world, it was hate born within her since she was just a student so she could understand that it was so hard to let it be.
Finn wants to answer the question of the Lady but his fear of being laughed at by the arrogant kid beside him can't let him talk out his mind, it was a past of hate that even for him it is embarrassing to share.
When Finn was a lot younger, he met Wilhelm as his father's guest. He was an absolute kind soul then, they were former friends too but one day Wilhelm made a prank joke at him, it was when they were in the public.
The goal of Wilhelm is just that he wanted to surprise Finn but bad luck came hunting Finn that time, Wilhelm accidentally stripped his long pants and his underwear was seen as unexpectedly embarrassing.
Since then he puts his anger to him and Wilhelm keeps on reminding him of that time, spreading rumors of that day and destroying their friendship because of that scene.
Both of them hated each other because of this little misunderstanding that even though it's laughable, who knows what Yubin thinks if she hears this, will she laugh or not...
Wilhelm fought within the awkward scenario of his former best friend, it was then he realized that mistake that traumatizes the soul of Finn. He wanted to laugh but he's more interested in sharing it with Yubin, a scheme that went to his brain targeting the poor Finn.
"Hmph," he looked at Finn when the young lad realized what Wilhelm was about to do and say. "I happened to accidentally rip his pants when he was young, I was just planning on making fun of him while we were in the capital. Finn happens to make fun of the bad luck and also because his underwear has a symbol of a little smiley face all around... It was ridiculously funny I say, a Lord who has that kind of taste was so funny... Don't you think slave? " Yubin's eye was widened when Fenn suddenly turned around trying to avoid his crying, it was that she realized what was happening.
Yubin was bullied when she was in middle school, so she understands Finn and not just bullies that came one after another because bullies can't really suffocate her to the instinct that she held her hands once more and another slap was made by the face of Wilhelm.
Blushes of red started to grow onto his face, it was dark red that marks her tiny fingers. She smirked but her irritation made her slap him again for 2 times in raw.
"Little brat, are you satisfied with your action or with bullying someone? Your worst than filth, you may insult me as a slave but better know how to shut your tiny mouth or I'll rip them off... Do not make fun of someone's humiliation, or I'll create an embarrassing show for your filthy entertainment... As a kid, you're worthless to your own family..." Yubin's word was so hard that it hit the vital points of Wilhelm's weaknesses.
Teardrops suddenly fell into his eye's and he started sobbing just as he did... Yubin flickers her head, grinning her teeth before she says another word... "Do not expect that because you are a count son, you will be respected as the same. If you understand, you can leave Finn alone and imitate your mistakes." Yubin furious was just as if she's the Queen, with her golden eyes flashing through your bones, Wilhelm started to leave that scene...
Finn was so surprised to see how she made Wilhelm cry, he turned his gaze to the woman who saved him from being bullied. It was then he realizes how sparkle her golden eyes could be, it was the eye of someone that has the bravery even for a slave.
"That brat, he has no manners at all... Anyways, Finn, why not join me with a cup of tea? With His Majesty today? I believe the more people the merrier." Yubin asked him so Finn didn't waste time to refuse besides a tea with the King? Is rarely, so he silently nodded with a smile before the two of them walked in the other direction.
What Yubin did not know was that there was someone eyeing on them, and it was Esmia. She wanted badly to walk towards her and apologize for not coming on time, she wanted to hug her and she wanted to ask her some questions she badly wanted

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    Frencheska Pacubas

    🎀 chada


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    Adieseth Belostrino

    a very good story


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