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Chapter 2: The Grace Of Heaven

"Your Majesty, we bring news of that girl you took in last night."
A man as tall as a tree saluted in front of a woman wearing a golden crown with his golden shining plated armor dripping into brightness.
He held his sword under his waist, shoving himself in a mature bow. He showed his respect towards the woman he had served.
She flinched from the sudden introduction of that Male Knight, she assumed it was his personal Head Knight, Sir Vincent by her side but what interested her here was the news the Head Knight was about to confess.
"Speak," she bluntly said, looking at his favorite knight, kneeling on his toe. Sir Vincent gave a nod, he raised his bow and he properly looked at her.
"Yes, Your Majesty. The girl has awakened, and she was invited to breakfast as you demanded but Your Majesty, she is quite weak and slightly motionless."
The news that the Head Knight brought made the woman curious, but as soon as he implied of the child's well-being, she grew a little worried about her.
She knew that the girl was a slave, captured by the Slave Trader they raided not yesterday to bring down the entertainment of the corrupted noble under her grips.
She knew that she was the child they implied as different and it was coincidental for them to find her at the road unconsciously when they were about to leave as a personal arrival of their victory.
However, as they see her laying on that ground. She could tell that she was abused by the obvious scars and bruises around her entire body, such as a child being abused in extreme pain.
She thought, what kind of a human can do such things? What kind of human can hurt a little child?... Children who needed the guidance of an adult not to abuse them because they can see fortune from them.
She hardly doesn't understand the cruelty of this world but she is used to it, sick of it, and done with it. She saw a sign of worry.
"Unpleasant?" She asked...
The Head Knight nodded, he wanted for her to see. He wanted her to show what he meant, he wanted her to see what has become of the dining hall and her King.
"I see... We will be in the Dining Hall shortly, announce my arrival with the guest and make sure to treat her well."
The Head Knight nodded leaving the lady in her chambers as he charged his way out, the unpleasant feeling of the woman growing stronger as she felt about this unusual girl.
That girl reminded her of herself... She thought... Because for her, she had lived a past where she endured all the pain she could suffer... Upon growing up, she was exposed to dangers by her tyrant father when he left her alone in a dark forest where usually demons appeared more often.
As a young girl, her father was known as the Tyrant King without sparing her daughter to become the Queen she deserves.
The Tyranny King, she knew better than anyone that before her father became abusive with his throne and his power. The Castaline Kingdom was known for their justice and pride, not until her father killed her grandfather to ascend the throne.
Her father was implied to be not normal when he was mentally ill. She confirmed this when he didn't spare his daughter for his cruel entertainment.
As she grows up as a princess, her father taught her swordsmanship... No matter how much he throws her off, she remains the same as she had been before. She didn't want to follow in her father's footsteps, he ruled his kingdom cruelly, killing people each day and even made the palace for his seductive wives.
That was before she made that decision, she didn't have the slightest choice to save the Kingdom. So she had to bring her father down, she planned his deathbed as soon as she created an army of her own, enough to bring the Imperial Palace to ruin.
The Death of his father spread, once the suffering was devoured. She rebuilt the Castaline Kingdom as the most superior kingdom and retake the peace of her land. The once known honorable kingdom went back to its title as the most well-mannered land of soldiers.
That time when she showed the head of her father, she announced her proclamation and as the next ruler, Queen Esmia Castaline, wielding the former flag of Castaline as her ruler's power.
Esmia was a fine Queen, she did do her raids personally and was married to a noble knight. The King she married was a fine man and she did not regret marrying him for she knew that there is no better than him.
The silence under the corridors was emptied, only her footsteps were to be heard, she glanced around the empty hall to find no other than herself. She proceeded to walk in the direction of the Palace Dining Hall, she avoided being noticed but as she reached her destination, voices echoed straight to the path she had taken.
The Palace was about as maze as you think, people get confused by the unbelievable pathways of the Castaline Palace as such there is no direction tracker to keep them in the path, that is why Castaline Palace was the most wanderer architectural design for it gives you the chill as you walk from this diamond plated floors, at the ceiling where it was made of silver scales and the floor is covered with carpets.
As she got closer, she saw the door of the Dining Hall opened, with Knights surrounding the entrance and with maids coming in and out. Esmia was confused about what was happening, thus she immediately entered the room without hesitance.
"What is happening?"
She thought while walking in pace passing the Knights checking the situation. As she entered, a scene broke down unexpectedly to her very eyes. She saw her maids, panicking from the look of a girl, it was then that Esmia realized what Sir Vincent had spoken of as being unpleasant.
"His Majesty, the lady is already tired, please let her rest a few bits while we wait for Her Majesty..."
She saw right before her eye's the man she married, making a cute face while he was considered on the battlefield as 'Slayer' we're he was known to be cold and cunning, but what she saw before her eyes is like a child with a shining star written in his eyes, it was also that moment when Esmia realize how her husband is as annoying as he was.
"Ehh, but, but, she's too cute, I can't avoid it. Let me play with her for a while. Besides, she looks so frightened."
Her husband mutters after helping the girl who's trying hard not to gulp as if the world is hunting her soul. At that moment she realizes that she wants to cry. Esmia didn't make any noise and entered as she often does, it seems that there is no problem with her as she thought, she just wanna see if the girl is indeed fine or if she does acquire a problem.
"Louise, stop wailing and sit down properly. The guest is uncomfortable with you, now enough with that and will start eating."
Esmia softly told her husband, commanding him to sit down or he'll never eat with them, she intimidated her husband before she seated quietly.
The maids were stunned by her appearance, unable to talk, they all left the table to prepare the remaining preparation they carried that was delayed by their king's unexpected arrival than to what he did in the past.
The knights left immediately after that uproar and what was left in that Dining Hall was Esmia, her husband, and the dreary Yubin.
The atmosphere has grown timid, all they could even hear is the sound of the wind, a clatter of the servants outside the Hall, and Louise clicking his tongue, the husband of Esmia.
"Miss, I believe we don't know each other. You haven't remembered anything since you collapsed, so we should introduce ourselves first. I am Queen Esmia Castaline, that is my husband Louise Castaline and yes you are indeed in the territorial space of the Castaline Kingdom, Palace of the Royal Family, the Castaline... May we know who you are? Or perhaps just your name if you remember them? "
Yubin wasn't able to say anything, she remained silent but her body was shaking. It was her first time meeting a stranger, and a Queen not to mention. She always thought that when she escapes the Fortress of Slaves, she decided not to get herself hunted by those Royal Blooded bastards again.
She feared the possibility of them knowing her identity, she thought many things she isn't even sure if it's true. She began mumbling to herself with worries and tears, not that she wanted to hide it but she was already considered a criminal in many laws.
The thoughts overwhelmed her, it was like a stone in the store, it can't be undone and no one can undo it... She just wanted to smile and laugh, she honestly was starting to fall since she was exposed to the surface of battles and danger.
She grips her tiny hands, unable to stop her shaking.
[Warning: Problem acquiring in mental illness, 30% 40% 50%... Obtaining 'Mothers Warmth']
The system started to count as her timid mind fell deeply into dark thoughts of revenge and vengeance until the system announced her health reassurance.
Esmia had not noticed but as Yubin goes blank, she notices the dark remnant of Dark Magic into her aura that is transformed into a mysterious craving for revenge.
She called her as many times as she could, but how many times she called her by 'miss' she wasn't able to get her attention. Instead, the dark aura grows stronger than it was darkening the entire chambers with her overwhelming killing intent.
She immediately hugged her, as how Esmia's mother hugged her when she was a little. It was a warmth, Yubin has never felt this before not even when she was just Yubin in her former world.
It was a warm she's yearning for, it is just as cotton under the cloud, warm just like a hot bath and suffocating like there is no tomorrow. Yubin, who was unable to control her dark thoughts, was stopped by a Queen because she is Queen of the Battlefield.
"Shh, do not think anymore... Just relax while you can, you still have a lot of life to fulfill... So if you don't like your name at all, that's okay, and take time before you reveal them to us, we won't hurt you as what those people have done, so always stay calm and listen to your heart."
Yubin heard her, she finally heard her without getting wavered. She soothed herself in the way she knew, it was to show the Queen that she is fine now.
She breathed deeply as embarrassment took over her system, blushes under her face appeared as the big-chested soft spot of the Queen hit her face, and she can't help but get embarrassed by that.
She took both of her hands as she tried to escape from her suffocating hug, it was like she was about to give up her life just because of a hug. She tried to remove her hands but the Queen is stronger than her tiny hands.
Yubin knew from the beginning that this was inappropriate to be done by a Queen, a Queen of a strong kingdom. She thought that most nobles do not have the feeling of hugging a mere slave, a runaway slave, but that just happened to be improper.
Hugging? She's a queen and this is improper...
That's what she thought, not knowing how many otome novels she had read and she formerly lived in a castle where formalities are a must. It was taught to her that a Queen must never hug someone, especially servants or slaves nor even the commoner for that is improper for a Queen, thus hugging must not be performed by the Queen... That is...
"H-her Majesty, you mustn't hug a slave. It's improper, it will ruin your reputation as a Queen."
She mutters in distress trying to escape from her grips, Yubin finds herself embarrassed but Esmia finds what she said to be suspicious and noticeable.
She knew the humble improperness of hugging, which was a rule to a Queen, and that rule was focused on the Adilara.

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    Frencheska Pacubas

    🎀 chada


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    Adieseth Belostrino

    a very good story


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