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Capítulo 7 Unwanted Favor

*Season's P.O.V.*
I already have so many questions about what's going on around me yet they seem to increase with every breath that I take. I'm not even sure if this is real but I should just believe that it is. I looked at the creatures around me, celebrating their freedom and the reign of a new leader. I would've wanted to get back to the camp with Alyssa and the others along with her cousin Andrew but Mr. Perez insisted that I stay, but warning me not to eat anything cause, well, it might cause another problem. He promised to return us later, besides he's got to go back in the "mortal realm" as he termed it, to handle unfinished business and all.
"Mr. Perez, what did your mother say earlier?" I asked when we started waving at the Tikbalangs to say goodbye.
"Ah, she meant that you're protected by, maybe the god you believe in and all. You're such a strong soul that's why you managed to do it the way you did, which was impressive." He explained as we approached a very familiar drapery of vines.
Firstly, I am not a very religious person, in fact, I really am not. I've heard of the principles of the religions that scattered around the globe, approved to some, but never really got down on my knees, devoting a specific god. I reckon, what he said or what his mother said was just a mishap. Perhaps it's the principles of kungfu that saved me a lot during the course of the event but I won't argue with him. I don't have the energy to. He then pealed open the thick drapery of vines and I can now see the camp up ahead. There, everyone seemed to be bickering, probably looking for us. I can't blame them, I'd be really worried if I was in their shoes. Then Mr. Perez placed a hand on both Andrew and I's shoulder and his eyes turned red as he shifted to his Tikbalang form. I was going to protest at his actions but he started mumbling and I felt a certain heat rush in my head. I felt dizzy and I guess so does Andrew, and then nothing. Maybe I walked, by myself or was it beside Andrew because when I blinked, Alyssa was running towards us along with the others.
"Andrew!" "Season!" They all came and gave us a hug, inspecting us. "What happened to you?" "Where were you?" "Naligaw ba kayo? O pinaglaruan ng mga engkanto?" They all said almost at the same time but one word struck me that made me come to my senses. I looked around and noticed that Andrew and I are sitting on the protruding roots of a balete tree and I don't really know what to feel about the events that occured.
"Siguro nga napaglaruan kami ng Tikbalang." Andrew informed the others. "You remembered that right Season? We went back and forth, walking on something like an unending road, seeing the same tree over and over again." Andrew said to me.
I wanted to disagree for that wasn't the case entirely but I don't have the energy to explain in detail the bizzare events with the Tikbalangs to the group so I just nodded.
"We were about to call the police if we didn't find you this instance." Alyssa said while we all made our way back to the camp. I know they're all worried, considering that we've been gone for almost a day so I just gave her a reassuring smile.
When the sun is begining to set, we also set our trail down the mountain to get back to the resort. And I can only smile as we once again passed through the balete tree that's where my phantom during the camp started. I never wanted something like that to ever happen again. I said farewell to my friends when we reached the base of the trail, I truly had a wonderful time with all of them. We exchanged numbers, promising to stay in touch, not letting this be the end of our friendship however, I, for one, hopes that this would be the end of my consecutive encounters with mythical creatures.
When I saw Mr. Perez again the next morning as Sean and I prepared for our journey back home, he gave me a grateful smile as he and my brother shook hands. The deal was a success, I supposed and my brother said we'd probably be visiting the resort every once in a while. But I'm not sure if I'd want to come actuality, after everything that happened. That's why, I've never felt so relieved after I took a shower right when we arrived at Sean's house, that I'm finally able to lay on my bed. Home never felt this good! I reckon, the outdoors is kind of scary, here in the Philippines. Especially the shadows of nature that hides a variety of lurkers, if you get what I mean. It makes me want to go back to Tennessee where I was born and raised. I don't really miss anyone there, I'm not that close to my other siblings and my father, well, I'd rather stay here, on second thought. I still have to tell Sean that I have another reason why I came to this country after him, aside from seeing his son, but I'd have to do that tomorrow, I really need to sleep right now.
I was sure that I slept very well for my body feels well rested when I opened my eyes, but quickly closed them because a very bright light greeted me. Did I really sleep that long and skipped lunch and dinner? I mean, surely the setting sun won't be that blinding from my room because it faces northeast. So, I turned to the side and opened them once again. This time, I noticed a masculine hand, pressing on the mattress, just half a foot from me. My forehead creased at that as my gaze traveled from the hand to the connected wrist that's covered in an expensive looking band, to the toned arm and shoulder, until I fully laid on my back to come face to face with, "Kaloy?" I shrieked in fright. What on earth? My instincts kicked in rapidly, realizing that this, almost-half naked man, because his shirt is opened, showing off his chest, although really handsome and attractive is HOVERING OVER ME ON THE BED! Which is very compromising, if I do say so myself. That's why I extended my palm, flat on his chest - oh gosh, it feels harder than it looks - and pushed him off of me. Which he thankfully got the gist of and actually got off the bed himself, allowing me to sit up. "What are you doing here?" I asked in pure annoyance, my heart beating so fast at the moment.
The handsome trespasser smiled at me. "I came to see you." He calmly responded. I raised my eyebrow at that. See me?
"Well, you didn't just SEE me, cause you just GOT ON TOP of me. And how did you get in here anyway? By the way, I know what you are already, so what do you want from me? You're gonna give me a fright like what the others did? That won't-" my relentless firing of questions, assumption, and accusations was cut off by a finger placed on my lips.
"Shhh... Slow down." Kaloy, who's suddenly close infront of me once again said. I quickly closed my mouth and just glared at him, who sat back at the edge of the bed, a respectful distance away from me. I pulled my knees to my chest as I pushed myself up against the headboard, making sure that I am still covered by my blanket. "If you know what I am now, you won't question so much how I got in here."
"You mean to say, you could just trespass all you want?" That though irritates me, like hello? Is there no more privacy with these kind of creatures?
He laughed, the hell! He actually laughed. "Not that I'd do that all the time." He winked. Why is he so handsome again? Oh, he's an engkanto. "And sorry about the close proximity earlier. I kind of missed you." What!? Why am I blushing?
I just looked away from his alluring blue eyes. "What do you want from me?" I asked, my tone becoming curt, I don't want to make it obvious to him that he have such an effect on me.
"Nothing much. Perhaps, permission." He started off. I looked at him again, confused. He smiled. "You see Season, I could give you a favor if you'd let me. I mean, you're something you know? And I told you that, the very first time we met. If you were just like the other girls out there, I could've serenaded you, filled your room with flowers and any other gifts, but I can tell that you're not. You're not just a beautiful woman, you're a beautiful soul. A soul so precious that I'd really want to safeguard. I want you... I, want to be able to protect you."
His declaration made my jaw drop. I closed and opened my mouth to say something but, I actually don't know what to say. I mean I've had a few confessions from previous suitors back at Tennessee but none of them said it the way he did. Or maybe because, none of them is like him. None as handsome, none as... enchanted, literally. And protect me? What does he mean by that? I am very much capable of protecting myself, thank you very much you chauvinistic being! But, that's not entirely what I want to say to him. Cause on second thought, as I recalled my encounters with the mythical creatures back at the resort, I wasn't that capable. That siyokoy almost drowned me to death and that tikbalang almost raped me if it wasn't for the other mythical creatures that came to my rescue. I'd give them credit for that, really. "I-I..." I stuttered but I couldn't get the right words out of my mouth. Kaloy raised a brow at me,, looking irritated. Of course he's impatient and it took me three whole minutes before I stuttered that out. And until now, I can't formulate a coherent statement or a simple answer, cause this situation is never simple. I mean, he's not like me at all! "I don't know." Well, that's the only thing that I could say at the moment.
"I understand that this situation may be baffling." Underestimation. "So I guess I'd try to be patient about it. By the way, where were you last week? I mean, I didn't see you around here." Oh, so now he's going to converse to me normally? Like this is normal! It ain't at all normal. But, I guess a conversation won't hurt.
"I was just accompanying my brother to a business venture in a resort not so far from here." I answered. I mean, this is the kind of conversation that I can handle, not the declaration of feelings and interests thing. I've always been bad at that.
"I see. Did you enjoy it? The country is known for wonderful resorts after all." He inquired with a fond smile playing at his lips. That act even relaxed my system that I actually sat properly now, dangling my feet on the side of the bed.
I smiled too as I recalled the picturesque scenery that the resort offers. "I did," then my mind came to the phantoms in the water and the forest that attacked me and my smile faltered, "in a way."
He must've noticed the change in my aura because he asked. "Did something go wrong?" I hesitated on whether or not I should tell him. But in the end, I decided to tell him because I know he'd believe me and that we wouldn't think that I've lost my mind completely because he's one of them. But not quite like them.
"Well if you mean by wrong is being attacked by mythical creatures during my escapades. Yes, twice." I said, as simply as I could. The event is still traumatic though. Me being calm about it doesn't mean it didn't shake up my system.
I saw him visibly tense, concern flashing in his eyes. Oh... "So that's what bothered me." He mumbled but I heard it.
"Excuse me?"
He just smiled again. "Nothing, I just felt a little something while you're away." Ummm, why would he feel a little something? It's not like we're close or what. I don't really get it. "What was it? The ones that attacked you?" His proceeding question stopped my train of thoughts before it dives deeper into assumptions.
"Uhhh, a sea monster, I mean a siyokoy which looks really terrible and a half-horse creature also known as a tikbalang." I said as flashes of the experience flooded my mind, its memory still very vivid, as if I'm still on the scene itself. I suddenly yelped as I felt cool hands wrap around both my wrists which I rested on my lap as Kaloy is suddenly kneeling infront of me.
"Did they hurt you? Were they really able to get to you? Tell me!" He thundered. The amount of his concern shocking me. I mean, I grew up knowing only one man who cares for me so much and that is Sean, my brother. Perhaps master Cheng displayed half of that concern but it never tops up Sean's. However, the way this engkanto said what he just said could compare to the concern that my brother holds for me and that's saying a lot, considering the fact that, I barely know him and vice versa.
"Well, they kind of did but, thankfully there were other mythical creatures that came to my rescue." I answered. He sighed. See? He's reminding me of my brother. Perhaps he's brother material. Haha, funny Season. Am I actually thinking of putting him on the Friendzone? Uhhh, he's too handsome for that. Wait, what!?
"So it worked." He said as he stood up, pacing back and forth." Worked? Did he do something? Then my mind came to his earlier statement.
I want to protect you...
Then came a statement by Mr. Perez and his Tikbalang mother.
You're protected...
Shoot! Does he have anything to do about it? "Worked? What worked? Did you do something?" Uh-oh, I don't like people or engkantos doing something to me, even if it is for my own sake, without my permission. Like hello? It's my life, if I'd die then I'd die.
He scratched the back of his neck as he answered. "While you were sleeping in our place, I gave you a little protection oration, considering what happened with the aswang." He admitted. Now I'm standing up.
"What? I never wanted that."
"Yes, but you see now, you benefited from it."
"Would you be using it against me though? To perhaps trap me to have an agreement with you because I now, basically awe you? Is that what you're trying to do?" I fired.
His eyes darkened at my questions and for the first time, he looks dangerous. "I didn't put it that way."
But even that didn't stop the irritation within me. "Oh really. You're cunning as you are charming but I'm not falling for that. You'd try to make me sound vulnerable so that I'd think I'd need you!"
"Be careful with your words human. Many seeked the protection that someone like me could give, yet I'm offering it free to you, and this is how you'll treat my proposal?" Kaloy darkly said, his jaw tight as he's gritting his teeth, his pride probably wounded by what I just let out.
"Are you forgetting something? I am not like them, you said it. And although I'm grateful for whatever you gave me, I never wanted that! Or you. So if you're trying to trick me by thinking it's free, I don't believe you! Nothing is free. There's always consequences." His hand raised at the remark that I gave and I looked at it sharply. "What are you going to do? You're gonna hit me?"
He didn't respond, instead his fist came down on me, but of course I caught it with my palm, making him drop it. I didn't let my guard down though cause he charged at me with more punches and kicks that I efficiently dodge, deflected, and countered. He's an engkanto but his fighting skills just matches that of my martial arts mates and kungfu sparring partners. Until he managed to get a hold of me from behind due to an unsuccessful delivery of a roundhouse kick and struggled out of his hold, but I can sense that he means no harm as he shushed me.
With one arm wrapped around my waist and the other just by my shoulder, he kissed my cheek. "I just want to dance with you." He whispered in my ear. Shit! He's doing things to me! "A dance of death."
I panted as I abruptly sat up, holding my chest. I looked around me. The room is empty and orderly, everything is in place and the outside world looks orange from the open window. It's twilight. A cool breeze blew by the window and I felt goosebumps running along my exposed arm.
I am certain he was here. He talked to me, he even sparred with me but... I guess that was just a dream. A dream so realistic. I scanned the room once again to find proof of what happened but I didn't find any. So I just sighed, questioning my sanity once again. This is not good for me.
A knock from the door made me jolt a little bit, before I walked towards it to open it.
"Hello dear." Mama said with a warm smile that comforted me immediately.
"Hey ma, I just woke up, the trip wore me out and all." I greeted back.
"Ahh, of course. Won't you come down for dinner in a few moment, you missed lunch." She said.
"Sure, I will be down in a bit!"
As I said, I sat on the dinning table with all of them, conversing here and there about business and the trip during the course of the meal. But I didn't speak a word about the paranormal experiences I've encountered.
"By the way, Shawn would turn five months this Friday, what do you say we all visit him there from dawn to the afternoon?" Eden brought up with a sad smile. We all cheerfully said yes. Of course we'd be that little angel on his little resting place on that day.

Comentário do Livro (429)

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    Jomari Ababat

    its a nice story❤️i love it


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    highly recommended! a very interesting story!


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    A wonderful story, you are a genius author...Highly recommended for everyone


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