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Capítulo 4 An Encounter

I woke up feeling extremely hungry. I finally realised that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Heck, I'm really starving. I decided to find Gally since she's the only person who knows who I am. I grab the paper I was working on last night but quickly realise it's not the same as before. It confused me since there were suddenly random words filling the paper. What the heck?
"Thunder beast."
I was sure that I never wrote that.
Somehow, this word feels strangely familiar, but I can't seem to remember why. It was written in a different handwriting, so I wonder how that happened.
I furrowed my eyebrows reading this word. What the heck is that supposed to mean? Is this a person's name or something?
"Tetiana, why are you in the library? R U SICK?"
Another one of the random sentences. I can't help but laugh at myself because I might have appeared strange to the person—whoever they were after seeing the allegedly Tetiana, me in the library. I wonder what kind of person she was for the person to ask that question.
"This basic information can be found at Midge Hall. Everyone knows."
Oh? When I read about that, I wondered where the heck the Midge Hall was located. I decided to look for that place after looking for Gally. Hopefully, today won't be so bad... I sighed as I folded the paper and shoved it down my pocket. Somehow, people have been staring at me a lot today too. it was super embarrassing because I've never been the centre of attention and being so suddenly is terrifying for me. I wanted to ask someone where I could find Gally, but I remembered Gally telling me not to because it might be suspicious to her. I wonder why, but she never really tells me why. The only places that I remembered were the infirmary and the library. Maybe the girls in the infirmary could help? Although I doubted that they would help me since last time the girls didn't look so sincere about helping me, I don't know.
When I entered the infirmary, there were three girls there. I was overwhelmed since the girl I hadn't seen before was glaring at me with so much hatred. Woah, that was intense and intimidating. I wonder what Tetiana did to her for her to be making that expression towards me.
"Tia! Why are you here?"
Lalitha responds, but her eyes still show that she's confused. I can see clearly that they don't want me to be here.
"Um, I—do you know where I can find Gally?"
I don't even know why the heck I am so nervous, and when I asked that, the three girls' heads tipped in confusion, exchanging glances that I didn't know the meaning behind. Huh? It was confusing when they acted so weirdly like that. Wait, do they even know who Gally is?
"You do know that Gally is Anthema, right?"
Lalitha spoke, furrowing her eyebrows, followed by the other two girls. Somehow the word Anathema sounds familiar, but I come to realise how Gally never really told me about the rank before. What would that be supposed to mean?
"Um. Yes. I just need to go and look for her right now. Do you have any idea where she might be?"
I lied because I seriously don't want to be there any longer. The girls had been staring at me weirdly. "The cafeteria." The girl with short hair responds. "But why do you look for her? You do know that she's—" She was about to say something, but Lalitha butted in, "Elin don't." Lalitha seems like she's on to something, and Elin, the girl with short hair, immediately shuts her mouth. Huh? I wonder why they are acting so weird.
"You do know that she's mute, right?"
The third girl replied, getting a glare from Lalitha. I was dumfounded because I literally just spoke to Gally yesterday, and at first I thought she was mute, but what the heck? I was deeply confused; the girls noticed that too.
"Come, I'll show you the way." The girl added, telling me to follow her. I am still confused, but I decided to follow her for now since I refuse to believe that Gally is mute. That's impossible. These people really did lose their minds, I am sure.
"Why are you Tia?"
Huh? I was confused when she asked me that. What am I supposed to answer? What the heck is even that question? I seriously don't know how to respond to that because I truthfully don't understand what she meant.
"Yareli. It's Yareli. Did you forget? And yours is Tia? Why? Since when?"
She asked with her gaze in front of her, not minding to look at me. Oh, that's what she means... but still, I don't know what to say, so I decided to stay silent. Soon after we arrived at the cafeteria, Gally was cleaning in the kitchen. Some people had been staring at Yareli and me. I wonder if the combination is really rare. Why do people seem so surprised every time I walk next to someone? A familiar face was looking in our direction too. I can see him very clearly, Edgar-lookalike, but I refuse to believe that he's looking at me since he looked at me with so much disgust. I don't even want to think about it. Yareli called Gally and told her that I wanted to meet her. Gally somehow looks unbothered. I was confused as to why Gally was acting like she didn't know me. Okay, this is really troubling. Gally approached us and started making a sign with her hands. I was confused as I stared at her in shock. No, this can't be happening.
"Why are you not talking? You remember what we talked about yesterday, right?"
I could feel my voice cracking as I noticed Gally seemed to be really mute. Why? What happened? I have a lot of questions, but I can't seem to speak to any of them. But one thing bothered me: I felt betrayed. I feel lost. I have no idea what is happening. Everyone's attention was on us, whispering stuff that is hard to grasp. Still, I was thankful for Gally since she gave me a wrapped sandwich, making signs with her hands as if telling me to eat it. I was really dumbfounded. But I can't do anything at all since everyone here believes that Gally is mute. After giving me that sandwich, Gally goes back to the kitchen as I stare at her back, walking away from me as if yesterday didn't happen. Wait, did it really happen? Is it only my imagination?
Tetiana was nowhere to be seen from the cafeteria, as I stood there looking at Gally. I was wondering what really happened between those two. Because everyone knows, Tetiana is the person Gally hates the most. Yet, she gave her a sandwich. That sure is weird. And the fact that Tetiana talked about her and Gally talking yesterday is even weirder because that will never happen. What the heck is wrong with her? I don't know why, but I sense trouble. Ever since she came back from The Norm, Tetiana has been acting so weirdly. It's like she's a whole different person, but it doesn't make sense and is impossible to say the least.
What's even more absurd was the rumour that Tetiana might have lost her mind after coming back from The Norm. It's stupid. I refuse to believe that, but after seeing her today, I wonder what really happened to her. For her to make that kind of expression, why the heck is she acting like a completely different person?! Something is definitely wrong, but I wonder what. It makes me curious, and I wonder about a lot of things because of her. Oh my goodness, I really hate to think about her.
"Did she really come back brainless like they said? It's such a shame that she's still alive. At this point, she should've killed herself."
It is to be expected. I mean, nobody really did like Tetiana in the first place, so hearing others secretly praying for her death is not surprising. To tell the truth, I was among the people who wanted that. Even if Tetiana comes back and forgets everything, nobody else will forget what she did. And if it's unfair to everyone, how can she just forget? How can she live not knowing what she did? It's making me angry just to think about it. I still remember how she used to bully Elin, my close friend who also possessed healing magic. I hated how Elin would always have new bruises covering her body. I hated Tetiana so much for that. Her demeanour really disgusts me.
Just because she's dating Aiden, she seriously thinks that she could live among the privileged. This girl has guts. She was also the reason why there are only a few of us left with healing magic; everyone else is either dead or will never return after being sent to The Norm. And it was all because Tetiana made a fuss about them being uncontrollable. I seriously want to see her crying, beneath my feet. I wish I could just kill her, but that would make me the same person as her. I hated that. I was finally relieved to know that she was being sent to The Norm, but what the heck? Why did she end up coming back? How come she is alive? and on top of that, forgetting every sin that she has done to the others.
"Tetiana sure is lucky to come back alive."
Although I did hate her with all my heart, after seeing the new her, I mean the new Tetiana, who came back from the dead, as everyone says, I somehow feel sorry for her. I think she deserves it, but I'm not sure. Also, Gally, why is she even giving her a sandwich? I thought she hated Tetiana for making her life a living hell.
I seriously don't understand why.
I was grateful that Gally gave me a sandwich, or else I really might have died from starvation. Although it was confusing and terrifying, I began to feel emotional about the situation I was in. At this point, dying is a lot easier. That thought repeatedly crossed my mind. I seriously can't help it. With Gally out of the picture, I'm now alone again. But thanks to her, I managed to get some information about this place, although not all. So, I decided to seek out Midge Hall, hoping to find more clues. And, finding out what the last rank is.
"You can do this!"
I slapped my cheeks, telling myself to stay positive. It was one step closer to whatever I'm seeking, so I can't give up now. I literally stole a scarf I found and wore it to hide my face, hoping that with this, nobody will stare at me when I walk down the hallway again.
Here goes nothing..

Comentário do Livro (625)

  • avatar
    Trexie Barillo

    this app was good


  • avatar

    This is such an underrated book! I really love the storyline, it’s refreshing and the diversity of POV is making me fall in love with this beautiful work EVEN MORE ❤️


  • avatar

    Oh my Tia... What happened to you? Chapter 1 is really catchy. Must read the other chapter.


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