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Werewolves Attack

Werewolves Attack

Ana Emiya


On the 5th, the 6th month, the year 1234, there was a great war in the state of Asix, precisely in the city of Mane. That involves at least five groups (nations) that drop each other and take revenge in each district.
A dracula nation that is indeed the archenemy of the werewolf nation, with great ambition to finish off those who have made the war more raging in rob, bear, and twenty other districts. At the same time, hunters were targeting them—dracula and werewolves—in those conflict areas.
Other nations with magic powers are at war at the same time, but in different places. Precisely in Willis district. They are witches who have a grudge against the knights. Because knights have magical objects that can ward off all kinds of magic that can make humans suffer from their magic, the witches are evil.
The witches want the magic. However, the knights will never give their accepted hereditary goods, since time immemorial, to those who have always done evil by using black magic on humans.
Most of them are the ones who always do evil and also often kill the human race for their food (dracula and werewolves).
The human race itself is divided into two groups. The hunters—those who hunted and killed dracula and werewolves—and knights—were those from prominent families and kingdoms—who were tasked with killing witches using swords they had received from previous knights.
To date, no one knows which nation has won that great war. Because the history books in no way record who managed to escape and win in a battle involving dozens of such districts. All I know is, according to the book, they all disappeared after sunset. Lost as swallowed up by the earth. There were only blood spots, as well as their weapons lying scattered everywhere.
It is this history that makes my district, Willis, one of the areas filled with mystery and strangeness every night. But neither I nor my family have ever felt or experienced the events that other people always talk about.
We all live in a house left by a great mother's parents, with compassion and happiness every day. And absolutely no mystical experience whatsoever during our stay here.
Today, the 5th day of the 6th month of 1900 is exactly 20 years old. My parents always had a big party to celebrate their children's birthdays. Last month my first brother, Royce, turned 26. Mom and Dad celebrated my brother's birthday with luxury and also by inviting all Willis.
The treasure my mother's parents left behind was a lot. There will never be seven derivatives. My mother was a descendant of knights from the famous noble family, the Gibson family. As for dad, he's just a human being from a simple family who has no descendants of knights or hunters.
Those who do not have such a lineage, are considered weak and very easy to destroy. But that's just an old-fashioned thought. For now, those who have children or not, coexist peacefully without any more strife and debate.
They are only descendants, which means, the blood of the dracula, werewolves, witches, knights, and hunters, only slightly flowing in their veins. It won't make them turn savage and kill each other again. Now, there is only peace, compassion, and happiness.
A happy smile was clearly displayed on the faces of my parents who began to frown on age. Like the previous birthday party, they invited the entire population of Willis district just to attend my party. No matter, know it or not, my parents will invite them. As long as they live in Willis area, then my parents will force them to come to my birthday party at home.
The whole Willis is home. The state of my house today is really full of people numbering in the thousands of people.
They're wearing the best clothes of the day. The dresses that develop and are full of lace make the women in attendance look so beautiful and elegant. The tuxedos worn by the men make them look more dashing and authoritative. Although some of them are middle-aged men the same age as Dad.
The sun has been gone since an hour ago. However, my birthday party continues. And it will continue until the sun rises again.
While the mid-party event was soon set up—namely by cutting cakes and blowing out candles—I just sat quietly in a large chair placed right in the middle of the room. So that the passers-by will not cease to congratulate and pray for my age. And it makes me very frustrated and bored. But I can't show my boredom. My attitude must be maintained and always according to what mom said, who is always by my side to warn when I forget and lazy to behave what she wants. Namely, by being a princess whose face should always look a little, should not be slouching, a sweet smile should always be seen, and the body should always be upright.
I'm bored, I don't want to be like this all the time. I want to be free, do whatever I want. But there will always be a mother who scolds me if it seems to deviate from what she always taught me. I deserve to be like that, because she's a noble princess. Her life was never free. Always tied to the rules. She applied the rules to me as well as my second sister, Reyna.
I don't know what Reyna's been feeling all along. Because she's always quiet about this if I ask her to argue. I understand, because maybe Reyna was the first daughter in Mom's family, so she treated Reyna more firmly and strictly than I did.
“Don't forget. The smile should be sweeter and more natural,” she tells me for the umpteenth time. My head just nodded quietly to hear some of her ravings about the same thing.
I looked at me sarcastically, “Rumi, your shoulders are too down. Pick up a little more, then they'll see you.”
I tried to look at her, but his eyes bulge, a sign I should keep looking forward. “Who do you mean?” Ask me with a question mark in my head.
“You see those young men?” Mother slightly advances her lips towards the young men who gather with a glass of juice in their hands. “Choose one of them to be your husband.” Add Mom with a thin smile on her powdery face.
My eyes turned. I understand what you mean. I'm 20 now. And at this age, a girl—especially of noble descent—should already have a candidate to be husband.
“But, Mom. What about Reyna? She's 23 years old. And she still hasn't introduced a single man to Mom and Dad. I don't want to, choose among the young men, before Reyna has her own candidate.” My words have you off. He glared mad at me, but I didn't dare see her.
“She'll have it soon, as soon as you get married.” I looked back at the feeling of anger being restrained.
“Yes, Mother.” I answered softly with a slight bow of the head for a moment and then again looked forward uprightly.
Reyna was seen approaching me and sitting on the right side. She looked up at me for a second, when I glanced at her.
“Where's Royce?” Ask Reyna, without looking at her.
Reyna's view is so straight and elegant, she's been very well-trained when acting next to Mom. “He was with Dad, accompanying Elder Nobi and his daughter.” Just like Mom, Reyna replied without seeing the interlocutor's eyes.
I kept listening to them ask each other questions and answer.
Until my best friend, Sheryl, came to me. “Rumi!” she screamed with excitement. My smile widened until my white teeth were visible.
At that very time, mom reprimanded me by patting me the thigh. “Take care of your smile!” Her eyes are bulging again.
Sheryl was silent to hear Mom's rebuke. Even so, she understands my situation. Because she's going through the same thing as me. When she's at her house or next to her mother.
“I want to go around with Sheryl, Mom. Can I?” Ask me carefully without looking at it. Sheryl kept waiting for me by standing tall next to Reyna.
I sighed slowly and elegantly. Then look at me seriously, “as long as you tell me about your future, I'll let you. I'll give you some time until after I blow out the candles.”
This time I looked back at her, “yes, Mom.” I answer with certainty. I don't know if there's going to be a candidate for me soon or not.
I smiled with relief. While Reyna, watching me walk away with Sheryl, was full of confusion. She turned to Mom, “Mom, I'm sorry. I still can't forget it,” she said softly afterwards.
“It's okay. I understand. But if your sister gets her candidate, I won't be able to make you alone anymore, Rey.”
“I'll accept whatever the risk is,” Reyna's eyes begin to glaze over.
Mother's feelings were devastated and sick, seeing her first daughter in pain because of her love that would not materialize with the man she adored. Because I have to separate them, for reasons I don't know.
In the meantime, I enjoy my solitude with great tension when with my mother and freedom if not with her. However, it was only for a moment. Because soon, I have to choose the candidate who will be made husband.
Unlike Sheryl, I have to have a husband at my age. My best friend's family, full of a little freedom even though Sheryl actually had to have a husband at the same age as me. But her parents gave sheryl 25 years to have a husband. If it's more than that, then she has to accept whoever's going to ask her right away.

Comentário do Livro (175)

  • avatar
    Yhang Osman

    nice story po....


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    Djksarin Edkofsrb

    bfk ud


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