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Chapter 4

Shihou is going to the teacher's office to hand in the paper works Seichi has tasked him to do. But before he could even reach the office, he heard something that made him freeze. He suddenly heard a rumor about him, and upon listening closely, it seemed like it was all about him and Mayumi, and according to the stories, they were dating.
If this false news reaches his mentor, he wouldn't be able to stand in front of him. He needs to stop this rumor, or his mentor will kill him! Asking people who had heard about this rumor, he started his search. It was going smooth when someone interrupted him.
"Isami Shihou! You birdy bastard!" an angry Tennou said as he walked in front of Shihou, glaring daggers at him. He can only sigh as he faces him; this is what he is worried about.
"You stay away from her! Did you hear me? You know what I'm capable of doing!" he said, anger lace on his voice. He glares at him one last time before leaving.
Shihou muttered curses under his breath while clenching his fist with anger. Of course, he knew! He knew that in one snap of Tennou's fingers. He can manage to turn his family into ruins, and he doesn't want that! He would do anything to help his little sister be healthy, and if their family falls because of his doings, he wouldn't be able to face the guilt.
But that's not his problem right now! He needs to know who is the culprit of this rumor if he still wants to live! He suddenly saw Mayumi with one of his friends looking worried when he returned to his senses. Maybe they heard about the rumor too?
"Amagi-san!" he called her. Mayumi saw him, and her eyes widened.
"Eh! Shihou-san?!"
"Did you hear about the rumor?" he asked as he approached the girl. Mayumi startles, and she quickly bowed down.
"I'm so sorry!" he sighs. It seems like he is not the only one having difficulty with this.
"No! I know it's not your fault! All we need to do is find out who caused this mess!"
"Shihou, aren't you forgetting me?!" Rokuhiko calls to him because it seems like the boy didn't even acknowledge that he existed. Shihou sighed and looked at him coldly.
"I don't remember being on a first-name basis with you, Enami!" he replied coldly, causing the other boy to get irritated.
"Eh?! I told you to call me by my first name! Used my first name!"
Mayumi stands there awkwardly, watching the two bicker.
"Shut up! We don't have time to waste! If this rumor won't stop and it reaches Seichi-sensei's ear, who knows what will happen!" he exclaims as he scratches his head in annoyance.
"Yeah! If this rumor reaches Seichi, he might kill you!" Rokuhiko says teasingly. Shihou's face goes pale as he takes the teasing seriously; this causes Rokuhiko to laugh hard, receiving a punch from Mayumi, who looks mad.
"We need to clear this rumor! I don't want to be scolded by Dad! Roku, this thing that's happening right now is serious! We need to do something about it!"
"We need to find who spread this rumor!" Shihou said, and all of them nodded their heads
They keep asking students who started the rumor until they discover who it was. One student said that the one who started this rumor was one of Shihou's fangirls and stated that she was the president of his fans club. They look for this girl, and after finding her. They talk about this misunderstanding that turns into a rumor hoping they will help them solve the problem, or else one person will die at the hands of Amagi Seichi.
After the commotion, everyone found out that the rumor was false, but don't expect Seichi to take it lightly. Shihou and Mayumi were called to the teacher's office by his instruction. They nervously walked inside only to see Amagi Seichi seething with anger. By its looks, he can kill anyone who dares to go near him; this only makes them more nervous than they already are. Before they can even walk a step towards him, Seichi turns around to face them, anger evident on his face.
"I heard about the rumor and how it was a misunderstanding! But I'm telling you, Mayumi. If someone ever asks you out, confess to you, or if you're dating someone, he must FACE me first before you! YOU GOT IT?!" Seichi said to his daughter. Seriousness and anger lace his voice. All Mayumi can do is nod nervously. If she wants to have a life partner, his father would be against it; that's what she thinks.
"Good! You may go now! I need to talk to Shihou, alone!" he said, eyeing the boy, causing him to grow more nervous. Mayumi left, leaving Shihou standing there nervously.
"S-Seichi-sensei! What is it?"
"I need you to do something important" upon hearing this, Shihou got startled but began to listen to his mentor's instruction.
Mayumi is on her way home when she suddenly encounters Tennou, who drags her to where she is now, a cafe. Tennou buys whatever takes his interest that causes Mayumi to conclude that he is a spoiled kid. He even told her to take whatever she likes and not worry about the bill since it's his treat. She doesn't want to take anything, but she orders a parfait in the end. They talk about whatever comes to their mind until it comes to the topic of Tennou's studying college next year.
"Birdy is going to college next year too!" he said, and Mayumi looked at him, confused and curious.
"I'm talking about Shihou!" he said as he took a bite of his waffles. Mayumi looks at him, confused, not understanding why he gave that nickname to Shihou.
"But why birdy?"
"The Hou in Shihou means male phoenix bird!" he said, taking another bite of his food.
"Oh..." she didn't expect that, so he used a different kanji than she initially thought.
"Ah, right! But I don't see anything special when you're going to college. I think it's special because of the new environment. Also, you will get a good job after finishing college!" as she said that, she looked at Tennou, seeing him with a questioning look.
"Eh?! Did I say something bad?"
"Are you one seriously part of the 12 families?" he asks, voice full of doubt.
The question shocked her. She nodded; of course she is! Her father is the 9th head of their family. So, of course, she is one of the 12 families. What would make him ask her that kind of question?
"If you're one of the 12 families, why didn't you know about the laws?" he asks, taking another bite of his food while looking at her arrogantly.
"Laws?" Mayumi asks, confused with the question. Her father didn't tell her anything about any law that consisted of the 12 families. However, she knows about the common laws that her father required her to study.
"Yeah, the 12 families have laws! One of them is that they need to find their future spouse when they reach college. Once you have already picked someone, they are the only person you will marry once you reach the quota! The outcome will be on the partner you pick if they want it or not!" He explains as he leans on his seat while crossing his arms looking at her.
"Yeah! Like our family, I need to marry the person I pick once I graduate from college. Some families have 2, 5, or 10 years before they need to marry each other, and some have their own free will or people who don't have a quota, the same as your family!" taking a cookie, he looks at her seeing clearly that the girl doesn't have any clue about the laws.
"Oh, I see. Then when you already start college, you will start to look for your bride?" Mayumi curiously asks.
"Don't need it anymore!" Tennou smirks at her, causing the girl to get taken aback by his statement.
"Eh?! Why?" she asks, confusion in her voice.
"I already found her!" Tennou says, leaning closer.
"Who is it?"
Before he could answer, Mayumi's phone rang. Taking the phone, she saw her father calling her.
"Hello, Dad?" she said as she also gave a somewhat apologetic smile to Tennou, which he dismissed.
"Go to the train station! The twerp is already waiting there! He would accompany you as you go to someone's house!"
"Eh? Roku?" she asks, confused with the sudden statement her father gives.
"Yeah, the two of you will wait there, and someone will pick you up. Okay?"
"Eh? Where will we go? I have school tomorrow! Who's house are we going to?" Mayumi asks one after another. She heard a sigh before her father replied.
"You will go to the Isami estate. Shihou can explain it by himself. Bye." he quickly said as he ended the call.
She looks at her phone, confused. Why would her father wants her to go to the Isami estate? And he even let Rokuhiko be with her, which is rare! She has school tomorrow, what will happen now?

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    Kainan Costa



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    Mark Joshua Briones

    very nice


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    Rhean Kate



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