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Chapter 2

"Bye, mom! I'm going to school now!" Mayumi said as she bid farewell.
Mayumi is a 16-year-old girl with short blond hair, curled ends, and blue eyes. She's the only child in her family. Her father, Amagi Seichi, is one of the teachers at her school Ishida High School and he's also the current head of the Amagi family.
The 12 wealthy families in the country are known as the 12 families. They follow a set of rules being managed by the Tsugami family. Despite being part of the 12 families, Mayumi and her family don't live in the main house. They live in a standard home away from the Amagi residence. Her father decided this as he wanted Mayumi to grow up like an average kid.
Even though Mayumi and her father have one destination to go to every day, they don't come to school together. He said it is necessary so that she can grow up independent. So that's why Mayumi always goes to school together with her friends. Her childhood friend Enami Rokuhiko and her friend Aikawa Benihime.
Rokuhiko is also a 16-year-old boy with curled dark brown hair and red eyes. Benihime is also 16 years old; her hair is long, unlike Mayumi. Benihime has long dark purple hair that reaches her chest and green eyes.
"Mayumi, take care! Who are you with, Rokuhiko?" Mayumi nods, smiling. She looked just like her mother, but her mother had long hair. Sometimes it amazes her how the others don't mistake them as siblings.
She puts her bag down as she wears her shoes. Seichi, her father, has already gone to school. She walks outside the house, looking around to see the blooming cherry blossoms on the way. How lovely they were as she was walking, she saw someone waving his hand at her only to see Rokuhiko and Benihime.
"Roku! Beni! Good morning!" Mayumi greets, waving her hands.
"Morning, Mayu!" Rokuhiko said with a big grin as always.
"Good morning, Mayumi!" Benihime said, smiling.
Mayumi had a crush on Rokuhiko when they were still children. But now she is happy that he has Benihime with him! Benihime has been Rokuhiko's girlfriend for two months already, and they're so cute together. However, she finds it funny that they frequently bicker with each other. They look so cute when they argue.
They started to walk and chitchat without knowing they had already reached school. Mayumi opened her shoe locker, seeing a letter inside. As she expected, there was another letter in her shoe locker. She has already gotten used to it, especially since Mayumi is well-known in her school. She didn't even know how she got well-known, maybe because of her father?
"Again, Mayu?" Rokuhiko asked, leaning over. Benihime walked by her side, bending to see the letter's contents.
"What does it say this time?" she asked, looking at the letter. Mayumi shrugged and began opening the letter to reads its contents.
Your hair color is like the sun's light that shines in the morning, and I wish that I was the only one who could touch it.
"I think he seriously likes you, Mayumi. But somehow, he's weird," Beni said, sweatdropping. Mayumi smiled awkwardly in approval.
"Who do you think it might be, Mayu?" Rokuhiko asks, looking at her. She began to think but then sighed in defeat as he couldn't think of anyone who could be it.
"I don't know, but we better go, or we'll get late!" She sighs, looking at them and ushering them to their respective class.
"You should hide it! Or else if your father found that you're dead!" Rokuhiko said, teasing the poor girl. He is very well aware of how protective her father is, as he witnessed it before when they were children.
"Ah, you're right! But we better get going!" remembering what her father might do, a shiver ran down her spine.
Mayumi was so glad that it was already lunchtime, and here she was with Momi and Kaya eating their lunch while Momi talked about her 1-week boyfriend. Mayumi was jealous; she wished she had one too! But it looks like her dad wouldn't let her have one. She hopes that she can meet her future boyfriend soon and hopes that he can face her father head-on.
"I think the both of us are destined together! Mayumi, Kaya! I think this is what fate wants for me! We're fated to meet!" Momi said, talking happily. Mayumi began thinking about just what fate was for her.
"Guys! I'm going to the bathroom!" she said, excusing herself, standing up, and smiling at her friends.
"Okay! Take care, Mayu!" she nods, walking towards the bathroom.
Come to think of it, isn't fate the one deciding our future. Then when will fate lead her to her future partner? What if her partner is the one who's putting the letter in her shoe locker? Mayumi couldn't finish the questions in her mind when she bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry!" she quickly bows, apologizing. She sees a spiky vermillion hair guy, his blue eyes glaring at her, annoyed, and his drink spilled on him due to her clumsiness. She bows again, apologizing.
"Tch! Watch, where you going next time!" he said, annoyed, and began to leave when suddenly someone yelled after him, making him quicken his pace.
"Birdy! Wait up! I'm still asking you!" Mayumi looks around seeing Miya Tennou. Miya house is the richest among the 12 families. They are the number 1 family out of the 12.
"Eh? Isn't that Kitty? Well, sorry, but I don't have time to entertain you!" he said as he walked past her patting her head on the way.
Mayumi's face contorts in confusion as he continues her walk back to the bathroom. The guy that she got bumped to earlier is Isami Shihou. The Isami family ranked 5th, and she made him mad! If her dad finds out about this, she'll get scolded! She was still walking, not paying a mind to her surroundings, which caused her to bump into someone again. She sees her dad, who she bumped with, and sees his disapproving looks. He flicks her forehead, emotionless.
"Dad!!" She whined, rubbing her hurting forehead.
"Pay attention to your surroundings, Mayumi!" he said, sounding bored.
"Hmph!" her father stares at her before saying.
"I need you to do something." she looks at him, confused. What does her father need her to do?
Mayumi is standing outside the school. Her father asked her to wait for a student he would tutor and tasked her to bring him into their home. He can't do it because he still has something to do in school. She sighs for the nth time, she's been waiting in here forever, and she's getting annoyed by it. Not knowing that the student already found her, without her knowing, this will be the start of her meeting her fated soul.
She startles when someone taps her shoulder, looking to know who it is, she gets taken aback because it seems like the time slows down the moment their eyes meet. Looking at that spiky vermillion hair, she didn't realize before that they were this handsome. Their hair is like the dawn when a light stray by the sunshine hits his hair. She doesn't even know why her world slows down. Is this the answer to her question? Is she fated with this guy?
He doesn't know that this clumsy girl that causes him to spill his drink and ruin his uniform; would be this beautiful. Her hair shines bright like the sun. He can feel himself slowly getting interested in this girl. He didn't even realize that time slowed down because of her beauty. When he finally realizes what's happening, he pulls himself together and then asks if she's Amagi's daughter, and she nods at him. He didn't know; that his mentor had a child like her, he suddenly remembered something. Isn't she the one that Tennou likes?
"Let's go!" she suddenly said, bringing him out of his thoughts.
"Where?" he asks, looking at her, confused.
"Dad said, "bring you home!" so let's go!" she said, smiling as she started to walk. He smiles as he follows her.
"Maybe this is fate!" he thought as they walked to her house with a comfortable silence.

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    Kainan Costa



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    Mark Joshua Briones

    very nice


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    Rhean Kate



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