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Chapter Four

The sun was beaming, the birds were chirping and Comrade was in high spirits. I got dressed in black leggings and pulled on a baby pink top. I tied my hair in a high pony tail and was ready for work.
‘What you going to do today Comrade?’ I asked and handed him a cup of coffee.
He took a sip. We both stood in the kitchen.
‘I think I’m going to trim that tree outside your window. A branch broke off a week ago and landed on the roof.’
I shook my head and set my cup of coffee down. ‘You can’t do that Comrade. Remember your back—’
He waved me away. ‘No, Addie. I’m fine. My back doesn’t hurt anymore. I haven’t even been taking pain killers anymore.’
‘Grandpa! Just because it doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean it isn’t still fragile. Let me call someone to do it for you.’
Comrade shook his head. Oh the stubborn old man! ‘Fine, he’ll only help you out or watch out for you.’
He frowned. ‘I don’t need a baby sister for a job I’ve done a hundred times.’
‘Please Grandpa, for me. I have to go to work. I’ll call someone to help you out and please let him help you.’
He grumbled and didn’t accept the offer, but I was still going to call someone to help him out when I got to work. I contemplated stopping by Rebel Ways for a cappuccino, then I spotted a police vehicle parked outside and Swine's shaggy head standing by the counter. I wondered where his good looking friend was, or if he was still his friend after Swine’s douchebag display.
I kept walking until I got to my childhood home. Maybelle was at day care. I changed into my overalls. Every time I looked at myself in them I thought about Daddy. He wouldn’t want me fixing cars at less than minimum wage. He would have wanted me to go after my dream of being a real journalist.
I ripped my eyes from the mirror and crossed my arms. Would anyone even give me a job? Maybe I wasn’t good enough for one anyway, I couldn’t get a journalist position when I lived with Mama. What would Daddy tell me?
I heard Lexa ranting from her bedroom, surly Andrin had to be close by. I stepped into the garage and laid my eyes on the black truck that was brought in yesterday. Owner said it was engine problems. I was about to pop the bonnet when a car door slammed followed by footsteps in the garage.
‘Matthias?’ I stepped away from the car and knocked over a toolbox.
He was dressed in a fine cut Italian suit that he filled in to perfection. His turquoise eyes were like a time machine, only I didn’t want to go back to the good old days.
‘What… what are you doing here?’
He stopped walking when he was right in front of me. I had to lift my head to state at him.
‘I want to talk.’
I took his words in and chuckled. ‘What do we have to talk about Matthias? It’s been three years.’
He took another step. I stumbled into a dead car. He placed his palms on the body of the car, trapping me between his arms.
‘I think we have a number of things to talk about Adele.’
‘Like what?!’ I snapped.
‘Like why you left. Why did you leave Addie?’
I gasped. A lump formed in my throat. His expensive perfume had me on in a beautiful chokehold.
‘You wanted me to stay? After all your family put me through? The town hated me! My own brother still hates me because of what happened.’ I shivered with fury.
‘So it’s my family’s fault you stole from us?’ He lifted his brow.
‘I didn’t! The problem is I never stole anything. We were supposed to get married Matthias and you never even gave me the benefit of the doubt.’
Matthias pushed his body away from the car but not his body from mine.
‘Why did you come back?’ He whispered.
I sucked in a breath and looked away. His scent filled my nose. I hadn’t been this close to him in years, it took me back to when I had a crush on him and when he spoke to me it gave me butterflies for a whole week.
‘Comrade's not well. I’m staying with him.’
His finger lifted my chin to his face. ‘It had nothing to do with me?’ He raised his brow.
I removed my face from his hold. ‘Don’t do this Matthias, you’re… engaged to someone else and I have to move on too.’ That tear I battled to hold in betrayed me and slid down my cheek.
‘I don’t—’
‘What the hell is going on here?!’ Andrin blasted. Neither of us heard him come in.
I squeezed out from Matthias' prison and but an abyss between us. I placed my hand on my chest and stared between a composed Matthias and a fuming Andrin.
‘Andrin— Matthias was just leaving.’
‘We’re not finished yet.’ Matthias shot Andrin daggers.
‘The hell you aren’t. Get the hell out of my garage!’ Andrin threw his hand at the door. I attempted to rush to my brother to clam him down, but he raised his hand against me.
Matthias took one stride I feared wouldn’t end well for Andrin. I grabbed Matthias' arm and yanked him back. Little did that do.
‘Please Matthias just leave. Please.’
He glanced down at my hands on his bulging arm then back at Andrin. He shrugged out of my hold and placed his hands on my shoulders.
‘We’re not done.’ He whispered into my ear.
‘Just go.’
Matthias shot Andrin a final bullet with his eyes before disappearing into his car. Andrin turned on me, I coward to the dead car I’d been pinned against earlier.
‘What the hell did he want? Listen here Adele, that man better never set foot in my establishment. You hear?!’
I flinched at every raised word. I nodded and Andrin spat near my shoe and turned his back on me. My body wanted to slide down the dead car. Tears were on the brink of falling, sobs were about to escape me.
‘Gosh what’s going on in here?!’ Lexa scampered into the garage.
‘Nothing! People think my business is a hookup parlor.’ Andrin muttered then stomped into the house.
Lexa eyed me up and down and frowned. She shook her head. I managed to pull myself away from the car and myself together.
‘What’s wrong with you?’ I asked.
She rolled her eyes. ‘The question is what’s the matter with you? What the heck are you wearing?!’
I eyed her up and down. How was I the badly dressed one? She curled her blond hair and let it drop to her shoulders. She wore a chiffon animal print dress just above her knees with hot pink heels. She carried a leopard print purse that matched her dress. She’d even painted her nails red.
‘What’s the occasion?’
Lexa gasped and stomped her foot. ‘You always forget Addie! I told you I had a meeting with the Women’s Society Club today and you’re coming with me.’
I frowned. She didn’t tell me that. Mama was a member of the Women’s Society Club before she left and so was Rebel's Mother as well as the notable women in town. Matthias’ Mother was chairlady of the. I shuddered.
‘Definitely not going there.’
Lexa stomped her foot again. ‘Why not?’
‘Lexa I have work to do. Andrin will flip his lid if he finds I haven’t fixed this car.’
Lexa frowned and placed her hand on her hip. ‘We’ll whatcha think you’re going to be doing there? You’re going to be working. Get changed. Andrin's going to flip no matter what you do.’
I shrugged she had a point there. Today though, he crossed the line. He didn’t respect me as his sister but as an employee he shouldn’t have treated me like that. No wonder no one wants to work for him!
The business already wasn’t doing well before I arrived. If I left Andrin might just kill Daddy’s legacy, his priced business. He already wasn’t doing a great job at keeping his legacy alive.
Maybe it was a sign for me to start chasing after my own dreams, the way Daddy would have wanted. I could do it and still take care of Comrade.
The Women’s Society Club was one of the fanciest in town. The paint never chipped, the floors were never dirty— Heavens knows what would happen to that person if the building ever dropped a notch on standard. Sharon Hadley made sure the outside was a floral haven.
When she was elected chairlady she had the original floor removed and replaced with the finest granite. Greek sculptures were added to the mix and historical portraits of the towns heroes, founders, and other honorable people many of who came from her family.
The Men’s Society Club was in someone’s basement. They had snacks and beer and talked about sports and how their wives blew their heads off each day. Daddy was a frequent member.
‘This place is so fancy!’ Lexa strutted out of the car.
I carried two medium boxes and followed behind her. She didn’t let me wear my leggings. She made me wear one of her old yellow sun dresses. She still wasn’t appeased. She let my hair tumble to my hair and lent me a pair of faux diamond earrings. I thought I looked great but all I got was “this will have to do.”
‘It certainly is something.’
‘You gotta be real snazzy to invited to this place.’
‘Mama was a member.’
‘I heard so! I wonder what she did to get into this joint?’
‘You should call her. She won’t mind telling you.’
Lexa paused and looked at me. She flipped her hair behind her shoulder. ‘You think so? Well Andrin’s gonna lose his top if I do. I swear he’s an enemy of progress sometimes.’
Lexa strutted to the reception area and I struggled to match her pace. I used the boxes to hide my face from the receptionist.
Mrs. Penny Douglas would recognize me immediately. She’s one of Sharon’s good friends. Just in case I was banned from The Society I didn’t want to get Lexa kicked out or ruin her chances. Chances were they were already ruined for being my sister in law.
‘Good morning Mrs. Douglas. I’m here to present the wonderful ladies my skincare samples.’
‘Oh yes. The ladies have been anxious to try out your products.’
‘Wonderful! I kept you a special set, I threw in a nice loofah.’
Penny laughed. ‘You’re a darling. Alexandria, go right ahead.’
‘Thank you.’ Lexa strutted to the left.
I quickly followed behind her turning my head away from Penny. I heard chatter and laugh grow as I followed Lexa.
‘You really want to get in, huh?’
‘It’s a snazzy place, besides having these rich ladies support my business will really help us out. Your brother’s stupid garage ain’t bringing in money that sticks.’
‘The Society Ladies aren’t all they’re cut out to be. They aren’t real friends.’
‘Gosh, like you’re a real friend. Now be quiet speak only when you’re spoken to.’
I rolled my eyes. There wasn’t anyone here I’d want to speak to. Lexa took the boxes from me and places them on a small table with a baby blue table cloth on.
‘There we are Alexandria’s Egyptian Products!’ She beamed.
‘Egyptian? You make these from home.’ I frowned.
‘So? Alexandria’s a place in Egypt.’
I slapped my forehead.
‘Here quickly help me set up. I think it’s starting soon.’
There were five other tables set up with other young ladies sampling their products to The Society Women. Others had food, hair care products, clothes and Lexa had skin care items.
I didn’t remember them doing this when I was around. It was a great initiative I had to give them that. Business wasn’t easy, having the support of a society of over two hundred women could really help a business grow.
The conference hall was like a ball room with cute tables dresses in baby blue clothes and white tiffany chairs. The one table with gold tiffany chairs had to be for the chairlady.
Sharon Hadley pranced into the hall with a young blond lady by her arm. Amber Rayne. They were headed straight for us.
‘Lexa, do you have sunglasses?’
‘This is a nice place, whatcha need glasses for? Goodness Addie sometimes.’
Well that didn’t help. I span round right as Amber and Sharon walked past us.
‘Ada, dear this is that beautiful daughter in law to be I was telling you about.’ Sharon introduced Amber to Ada Hampton, Kenny’s wife.
‘She’s certainly is a vision. I’m so happy Matthias finally decided to settle down. I wish Holden would find a nice girl.’ Ada said.
‘I can say the same about Noah.’
I exhaled. The ladies moved their conversation to another table far from us. Ada and Sharon were best friends slash best rivals. The Hamptons and The Hadleys had been in competition with each other since the beginning of their histories. I know they had a marriage between them at some point. Didn’t really know how that ended, Matthias didn’t tell me.
Penny walked up to the little stage set behind the chairlady's table. She tapped the microphone and beamed.
‘Hello Ladies! Thank you all for showing up for Sample Day! I hope you all enjoy what our young entrepreneurs have to offer. Remember the best products will win a year’s supply contract with the Society! But that won’t stop us from supporting the other products we also liked. Sample Day has officially begun!’
Lexa beamed at her products. I wanted to hide under the table. I turned at the tap on my shoulder. Lexa shoved me out of the way before I could open my mouth.
‘Nice to meet you! You see I have a variety of homemade bath salts and foams all made with imported ingredients from Egypt.’ Lexa winked.
Amber flashed Lexa her best smile. ‘I’ll take one of reach. Could you wrap them up for me Alexandria?’
Lexa beamed and nodded, scurrying to wrap up her first win.
‘Addie, can we talk please?’ Amber pressed her hands together in front of herself.
I sighed and let her lead the way. Amber took me to a small room with walls made of bookshelves, a small desk by the windows and water dispenser underneath a portrait of Sharon Hadley.
‘Sharon won’t mind us using her office for a bit.’
Amber sat on a brown leather couch next to the dispenser. She patted the spot next to her. I tucked my hair to one side as I sat down. The sundress lifted as I sat, exposing my thighs.
‘Look Addie, that wasn’t the way I wanted you to find out about Matthias and I.’
‘You think there was a better way to tell me you were dating my ex-fiancé?’
‘Addie…’ she reached for my hand and gripped tight.
‘Maybe there would have been, but you didn’t now you’re getting married. Amber how long have you two been together? When did you even notice Matthias?’
Amber sighed. ‘We’ve been together about eleven months. We’re just in love Addie we want to be together, start a family. You know I’ve always wanted kids. I remember how we wanted to raise our kids like family, please don’t let our friendship die. I want you to be my maid of honor.’
I shot up from the couch. ‘What Amber? Maid of honor—’
Amber stood too. ‘Please think about it. I don’t have anyone else Addie. You know my parents aren’t around. You’re my only real friend.’
Amber stared at her nude heels. I crossed my arms. I lifted my head, couldn’t believe she was throwing all this at me.
‘Even at this wedding in a couple months Addie. I’ll only have Matthias, I’m grateful that his family are so wonderful.’ A tear fell down her cheek and she quickly whipped it away.
‘Don’t do that Amber. I’ll think about it.’
Amber smiled and wrapped her arms around me. I patted her back. The words from all those forgiveness books I read over the years echoed in my ears, “forgiveness isn’t for the other person it’s for your soul.”
Sample Day came to a much appreciated end at three. Lexa rung my neck to take care of Maybelle and I still had to work on the car. I still wasn’t sure I wanted to go back to the garage after Andrin nearly stuck me dead.
I sighed when I walked through the front door. I let it shut behind me and slid against the door.
‘Comrade?’ I called. ‘I’m home!’ I walked into the living room. ‘You won’t believe the day I had.’
He wasn’t in the living room or the kitchen. I went to his room, but it was empty too. The blood in my veins ran cold. I forgot to call someone to help Comrade.
‘Comrade!’ I burst through the kitchen back door and into the yard.
Comrade chuckled as he descended the ladder. Several branches lay on the lawn.
‘Your guy never showed up. But I didn’t need him, got the branch off myself.’
I rubbed my forehead and sighed.
‘Oh Comrade.’
He lowered his foot to another step and his foot went through it. I screamed as Comrade hit the ground followed by the ladder landing on him.
‘Comrade!’ I rushed the pulled the ladder off him.
He groaned, blood oozed from his forehead.
‘Grandpa say something! What hurts?’
He clutched his landing arm. I feared he would pass out on me.
‘Hold on Grandpa!’ I held my Grandpa, afraid to leave him to call for help.

Comentário do Livro (996)

  • avatar
    Princess Partulan

    As soon as she left the hotel Su Quin recieved a phone call from zhou luo Qian Qian the hospital has notified me of the An Ans medical expenses


  • avatar
    Muhammad Haikal

    great story and have many positive attribute


  • avatar

    Very interesting love story. I want to read it again.


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