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The next morning, news about Taylor’s injury was widely spread in the academy. No one knows where the story originated but they confirmed it once Taylor and the three others entered the gate. Seeing everyone staring at them, Nathanya can’t help but be a little bit curious. She slightly pulled Briana’s sleeves, who was wearing long sleeves now.
“Ate Briana what’s wrong? Why are they all staring at us?” she asked. Briana turned her head to answer her. “You wanna know?” she asked back. Nathanya nodded in response. Briana then grabbed her crossbow and loaded it. She then aimed it up high and released the arrow. Nathanya can’t help but close her eyes and wait to see who will be the unlucky one who will be dead seconds from now.
“Ask him.” She heard Briana say so she opened her eyes. What she saw was a trembling guy. Turns out that Briana doesn’t want to kill anyone. She just used that method to pick a random person who will answer her question. She somewhat felt guilty from asking that almost sent this guy to his death.
“Is there something wrong? I mean why are they staring at us?” Nathanya asked the still trembling man.
“So…someone spread so…some news that Ms. Taylor was injured so everyone was curious to know who assaulted her. We...we were j...just curious that’s all.” He answered nervously and Nathanya let out an “aww”.

“How about death?” Taylor suddenly butted in that made the trembling guy curious and lost at the same time.
“Wh...What?” the guy asked. Instead of answering him, Taylor lowered her eyes, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
"Anyone who wants their eyes to be dug out and crushed, keep staring at us. Focus on your own messy lives and stop gossiping. If you want to know something, ask me directly, don’t just stare!” she suddenly said in a loud, authoritative voice that can cause someone’s spine to snap. After hearing this, everyone stopped staring at them, some were even touching their eyes as if checking if they were still there. With everyone now minding their own businesses, the four continued walking. They reached their den just a couple of minutes later. Nathanya can’t help but be amazed after they came in. The place was big. And it was also clean. Everything is organized, from weapons to the files that were piled up neatly. There are also books and a small kitchen. But what caught her attention the most was a small corner filled with gadgets that can be used to do some information searching. She happily toured around the area before finally settling at the corner that caught her attention. She clicked some keys and the setup worked.
“Seems like that corner had finally found its caretaker.” Lace said after noticing the interest in Nathanya’s eyes. The other two just agreed silently.
“Have you visited the old man?” Briana asked Taylor. The old man they were referring to here is none other than the owner of the academy. Since their unit belongs to the Sapphyrus Clan, they were given some missions sometimes that they shall accomplish. Half of the mission’s worth will be theirs if they execute it well.
“Not yet. Ask Lace to pick up the envelope later. I don’t want to see him for now.” Taylor answered so the other two got no objections. They were busy discussing when Briana noticed that Nathanya was not there anymore.
“Have you already given her a copy of the rules and regulations?” Briana asked Taylor.
“I was just about to. Fuck!” Taylor responded that shook the two. Why was she so angry?
“What are you still doing standing there?! Look for her!” she exclaimed that made the two snap out of their minds. They then started running out, not even minding locking the door. Briana checked the north hallway while Lace checked the south. Taylor tried looking around the other dens since they will not dare lay a hand on her. After almost twenty minutes of searching, they all gathered back to their den.
“Have you seen her?” Taylor asked though the answer was already obvious.
“Shit! Does she even know the word “permission”?” she said angrily. “How can she run around in an area she was not yet still aware of?!”
After cursing a couple more times, Taylor ordered to look for Nathanya again. They were just about to run around again when the speaker suddenly announced something.
''We are requesting everyone to please proceed to Hell's Crater Hall. I repeat, please proceed to Hell’s Crater Hall.”
Upon hearing the announcement, Taylor can’t help but let out some curse once more. Just don’t let her speculation be true. She runs to where that hell was located that made the other two question if this was Taylor. She was not the type to run like this just because of an announcement. Is she possessed? They immediately erased that question since she was the demon herself. Possessing her would only be a pain in the ass.
They reached Hell’s Crater Hall in a nick of time. It was now filled with students who love watching tortures. This hall is called Hell’s Crater because punishments were conducted here. Throughout the academy’s history, every single person taken here before, no one was able to go out alive.
Seeing the crowd, how can they possibly pass?
“MOVE!!” someone suddenly shouted that caused everyone to turn around and look. After knowing who shouted, they were like a herd of sheep giving way for the shepherd who came to check on a lamb. That is how the three were able to pass.
Briana and Lace immediately climbed up the ring and snatched the now injured Nathanya from the hands of two other ladies holding her. Nathanya’s vision was now blurred and all she could see was blood. Her lips were trembling from pain and were now pale. But when Taylor stepped up, her face brightened and she smiled, despite the crack on her lips now.
“Ate Venice.” She called out before struggling to break from the two. The two just let her do her way. Nathanya then tried her best to stand beside Taylor but her leg was severely injured so she ended up on her arms instead. Taylor didn’t say anything and just held her like that before muttering, “Dummy.” And started eyeing everyone on the ring intensely, the killing intent being spelled on her irises

Comentário do Livro (1130)

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    Very heartwrenching.


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    Jamber Nofies



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