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Everything is normal and it was somewhat peaceful that day. The blowing of car horns makes the street noisy with few mothers and elders wasting their time gossiping around something or someone. In the corner of the street stood a house with, of course, a family inside. The voice of the mother was loud as if yelling at someone.
“Taylor! Are you going to take a bath or are you going to take a bath?!” Mr. Calderon heard his wife upstairs. He shook his head and let out a small laugh. His youngest daughter was being naughty again. As he continued to read the book he was holding, the door opened and his son Tyler went in. Tyler walked straight to his dad and greeted him before asking where his mom was. Upon hearing the noise upstairs, his question was already answered. He then put the cake he was holding down to the table and went upstairs to help his mom tame his beast little sister.
“Look who’s being untamed again.” He said and upon hearing his voice, Taylor rushed toward him and hugged him, enough to wipe away the weariness he was feeling.
“Kuya*, Mom's putting too much pressure on me!” she said, looking pitiful enough to convince her brother.
“Who’s pressuring you little barbarian?!” their mom asked, looking tired after playing “run-after-me” with her.
“Enough with your naughtiness.” He started and slightly tapped her nose using his index finger.
“Here’s the deal. There’s a cake downstairs. If you obey mama, we will not take any piece of it. It’s all yours. How about that?” he added, trying his very best to bribe this little beast in front of him. After thinking about it, Taylor nodded and immediately ran to the bathroom.
“Mom!! What are you doing still standing there?!” she yelled. Mrs. Calderon was dumbfounded for a while before reacting. “This young lady in here is something, isn’t she? I can’t believe her.” She said and smiled. Tyler on the other side couldn't help but smile and shook his head.
After the commotion upstairs was finally settled, Mr. Calderon turned the television on. A little while later, the front door opened again. Thinking that it might be his other son, he waited for him to come in. But, after the door opened, nobody came in. Out of curiosity, he stood up and went to the front door only to discover the bloody head of his son Tyrone at the doorway. It seems that someone tossed it a while earlier. Seeing this bizarre scene in front of him, he can’t muster a scream. All of the words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't yell even a single bit. It took a couple of minutes before his voice finally came out of his throat and he was finally able to sob and scream. Before he could attract more audience, a hand holding a bloody dagger appeared out of nowhere and stabbed him in the throat, causing him to gurgle blood instead of words.
Upon hearing the strange scream from his father, Tyler went downstairs to check it out. “What’s your yell all ab..” He was not able to finish his question when he saw the scene in their doorway. He felt his blood being drained out of him and a sudden shiver went down his spine. Tears started rolling out of his eyes and soundless sobs followed. He called out for his mom but before she could answer, the same mysterious hand plunged out of nowhere and strangled him until he couldn't hold onto life anymore. In a split second, he became one of the corpses, lying at their doorway, a flush of pain and struggle evident on his face.
Upon hearing her son call her in such a way, Mrs. Calderon sensed that something was not right. She covered the then 10-year-old Taylor with the towel and instructed her to go under the bathroom sink and stay there until it is needed. “I will come back.” She said and went out, locking the door behind. The little Taylor held unto this promise.
Mrs. Calderon then went downstairs and was greeted by a man wearing all black. She glanced at the doorway and saw the corpses of her husband and sons and tears rolled down her cheeks. She then faced the man and asked, “After everything, this is how you’ll pay back?! What kind of shitty crap are you?!” she yelled and charged toward the man with a small knife that suddenly appeared out of her hands. The man was able to dodge but didn’t expect that she'd do a quick back attack so she stabbed him deeply. Mrs. Calderon tried to use this momentum to attack again but didn’t notice the blade attached to the man’s shoes. It hit her in the chest, deep, and hit a fatal point.
“You’ve angered him.” He said before lashing her throat and stabbed her once more, just to make sure she’s dead.
A little while later, sirens from an ambulance and police cars were heard around the area, with gossipers gathered around. Who would’ve thought that that normal and peaceful day will turn into a dreary nightmare that will cause an innocent little soul to drift and scatter apart?

Comentário do Livro (1130)

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    Very heartwrenching.


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    Jamber Nofies



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