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Chapter 6

Clarriese Zyah's POV
Today is the day of our Christmas party. As I stepped at the entrance of our campus, I saw all the people with smiles on their faces, carrying their gifts. Some of the students were holding balloons and bouquets. I also saw some students wearing Santa Claus hats. 
I went straight to our classroom first to leave some of my belongings. Dwight wasn't around yet when I came in. 
"Tine, I'll go to Riona first," I informed Christine, our classroom president. She is now arranging our food at the table at the front.
She stopped and turned her gaze towards my direction. "Sure, Zy," she responded. "You've done your part already," she added. 
She's talking about my contribution to our classroom's decorations. I was one of those who planned our theme and designs.
Then, I went to Riona, carrying the gift for our exchange gift program later in the afternoon.
"Good morning, people," I greeted them when I came in. "Merry Christmas," I added. They turned their attention on me.
"Zyah, morning," Lyka responded. 
"Afternoon," I joked.
"Evening," Ellaine continued, making us laugh. 
I put down my gift under the Christmas tree, there are already a lot of gifts there. I wonder among these, where would be mine?
"Lyk, aren't you going to give me a present?!" Ellaine looked at Lyka, smiling widely.
Lyka laughed. "Here. 20 pesos!" Lyka teased, extending her arm, as if she was giving something to Ellaine.
"You really aren't normal." Ellaine couldn't stop shaking her head because of Lyka's attitude.
We were in the middle of talking when I noticed Dale's arrival at the office.
I left the two and went closer to him. "Merry Christmas," I welcomed him.
"Likewise, woman," he replied.
Dale announced that we are going to distribute Riona's magazine today. I still have a lot of time so I insist on going with him even though he refused at first. Good thing, he let me. Besides, I won't stop unless he lets me.
After we finished distributing the bundles of magazines, we went back to our department. We need to attend our party in our classrooms.
"Woman?" he called before going upstairs.
I turned my back to him, eyes asking. I am waiting for his response but he just went quiet, his hands were both buried in his black jacket pocket. 
"Enjoy your day," he finally uttered after a moment of silence.
I smiled and waved my hand. "You too."
"Zy! Finally, you're here!" Dwight exclaimed as soon she noticed me.
"Dwighty!" I hugged her back. 
She smiled when we broke our hugs. "Merry Christmas," she added.
"Merry Christmas to you as well," I greeted her back.
I remember that I have a gift for her. I looked for it where I left before I went to Riona."Here." I handed over my gift that is in a creamy white paper bag.
"Oh? Why trouble yourself making one," she uttered, hesitant to accept my gift. 
"Hey?" I insist on giving it to her. "Accept it, please. I really want to give you something. You know, I've been busy at Riona and rarely spent time with you."
She finally accepted it. "Then, thanks a lot."
"It's nothing."
She also went to her seat and fetched something from her shoulder bag.  She looked at me and then she smiled. She handed over a small pink box, sealed with a red ribbon. 
"It's for you."
I immediately opened it as soon as I got a hold of it. "OMG! You made this?!" I exclaimed. I touch the bracelet inside of it. It was beautiful. 
"Yeah," she replied. "I don't have enough money to buy a gift for you that's why I made a way to make one," she explained.
With my excitement, I couldn't wait any longer, so I got it from the little box and wore it. Raising my right wrist where I put the bracelet, I showed how much I appreciate it. "It's beautiful, really. I'm gonna wear it everyday," I said, overjoyed.
"Stop waving your hand like that." She stopped me from what I am doing. "It's not that worth it. I just made it out from some recycled things at home."
"I don't care about that." I smiled and held the bracelet on my wrist. "I love it."
"Do you really like it that much?" she asked.
"Of course, I do. You were the one who made it."
We both laughed. Every moment I am with Dwight, I am really happy. And I really appreciate her for who she is. She is always there by my side, always there when I am in difficulty. She never gets tired of understanding me. Dwight is the type of person that seemed to understand everything in life. Her life proves that. 
We enjoyed our Christmas party. We prepared a lot of games to be played. Today, we all set aside all our worries, and just let the joy come to our hearts. Our classroom was filled with giggles, smiles and cheers for those who are participating in the games. We all joined the fun. Our class adviser also goes along with our gimmicks. It will be an unforgettable day for us all.
"Guys, it's 11:30 already!" Christine announced. "Time for lunch!"
"Let's have lunch first, mga anak," Mrs. Jadel agreed.
Our adviser calling us "mga anak" is the sweetest word I heard every day when I entered our classroom. "Mga anak" means children. Having our adviser calling us this way, I felt my heart lightweight and floating in clouds. It gives me warmth, that kind of emotion.
"Let's enjoy our lunch!"
We started our lunch with a prayer. While we are eating, we are exchanging talks. Dwight and I were talking about our plans for Christmas break. 
"I'll take my mother to look around at Dreem Plaza," she stated while chewing her food. "
"That's great! I'll ask my mother that I will go with you."
She chuckled. "Sure thing."
"I could go with my mom," I suggested. "She could meet your mother. They are good sisters."
"Weren't you two at our house last week?" 
I finished chewing my food first. My mouth was full. "Yeah, we are. But it's different  that your mother is kept entertained." I paused when a thought came across my mind. "How 'bout celebrating Christmas at our place?"
"Last year, we celebrated it at your house. I think this time we will just celebrate it at home."
"Then, let's celebrate it together again, next year," I said, making both of us laugh. 
After half an hour, we proceed to our gift-giving. Mrs. Jadel started exchanging gifts. She first describes the one who'll be receiving her gift. 
"Merry Christmas, Crystal Dwight," she announced, happily.
We clapped our hands when Dwight stood up and accepted her gift from our adviser. She continued the cycle and it was Christine who received her gift.
We continued giving our gifts. There are times we couldn't help but shriek because of their messages to their receiver. How they describe their receiver is very heartwarming indeed. My classmates are all good at playing with words. 
Like someone I know. Dale.
It was now Jason who's standing in front of us holding his gift in a rectangular shape. Among the class, Jason is the shy type one. He rarely talks. During our free time, he was just doing his work alone with his earphones on. Even me, I rarely talked to him.
"How should I start this?" he whispered under his breath. He just keeps on looking down. Obviously, he was nervous. 
If he and Dale are together, both of them would only be consumed by the deafening silence.
Oh, why? Why do I keep on thinking of him?
"Shyness no more!" one of our classmates yelled, wanting to give him some confidence.
"It's your time to say it all," Mrs. Jadel said, also waiting for him to talk.
He let out a deep breath, releasing the pressure. He cleared out his throat. "First of all," he started.
Our classmates made a noise the moment he began talking. This made him feel embarrassed and the only thing he could do was to look down.
"Guys! Guys! Let him speak. Let's give him a chance to speak," Renz stated, one of his closest friends. They are always together when they come in and out of the school. Renz was Jason's highschool classmate.
"First of all," he repeated but this time, we didn't make a noise, we were waiting for him to finish his phrase.
"I would like to thank this woman for approaching me first," he continued, some of our classmates shrieked, taking a guess who it was. I also started to wonder who the woman he's talking about is.
"She understands me. She's always there, cheering for me, telling me that I should have some confidence in myself," he said.
"Whoever that woman is, I know that she was right about you, Jason. You are capable," I said inside my mind.
"I remember that day we're having a group report on one of our subjects, she told me that I'm the one who's going to present our work. At first, I refused. I'm afraid, what if I mess up, ruin the report that the group worked hard on?" he narrated.
We just keep on listening to him. His words really touch my heart. 
"I told her that she is the one who should present our work since she was our group leader. I thought she would get mad. I was expecting her to be mad, or even yell at me or cast me out of the group but it did not happen. She just looked at me and stared directly into my eyes. She told me that she believes in me, that I can do it," he continued. "Until now I couldn't forget that word," he stated. 
I was startled when he looked at me. I suddenly remembered a day where we were once working together in a presentation in our major subject. By his stares, is he inferring that I am the woman who he was talking about. 
I couldn't move a bit, his words were too much. I can feel my tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
"I believe in you so believe in yourself too," he repeated the exact words I uttered that day. He raised his hand holding his gift. "It's for you, Zyah," he finally revealed. 
All their attention was on me, I smiled timidly. I left my seat and walked in front. When I received his gift, the whole class screamed, smiling suspiciously. 
"Yiee," some of them teased. "The muse and consort meet!" 
"Thank you," I said. 
He nodded and smiled embarrassedly. He then went back to his seat.
"This is the first time we heard Jason open up that much," Mrs. Jadel commented. 
"He only did that because of Zyah, ma'am!" Renz shouted. 
Their teasing followed. Even Dwight was one of them too. Why are they all teasing me? 
"Do you have a crush on our Miss Zyah, Mr. Jason?" Mrs. Jadel asked him. The whole scream and their shrieks is the only noise I could hear. 
I felt like begging our adviser to stop teasing us. I am aware that my cheeks are enclosed with flush right now. I couldn't deny that I was getting nervous when Jason went quiet. I fear what he is going to say next. I am afraid he'll respond "yes" because I know within my heart that I can't reciprocate his feelings. I don't want to reject him in front of the class because I respect his feelings, if he really has for me.
The whole class was waiting for his response. I am as well. 
Please, say no. 
He smiled and that stirred up the nervousness inside my chest. Is he admitting it?
"I do." His words echo in the whole classroom. He confessed it bravely? I never knew that he was such a courageous man. I always thought that he could never say something like this in front of everyone. It's true that I don't know him that much. 
"I like her to be my friend," he continued, which made everyone speechless. 
"You like Zyah to be your friend?" Dwight asked. 
Jason nodded again. 
"That's it. That's it!" Mrs. Jadel interrupted. "Let's move on."
"Hey, girl," I began when everyone cooled down. "I'm very grateful that we've met. I'm looking forward to spending more days with you. I know that you have your own battle to fight, I just want to say that don't be discouraged by some failures because life is so wonderful. Always smile, let yourself be stronger than you were yesterday. To keep your life in balance, come unto the Lord. Our King is alive. Merry Christmas, Ariel."
She couldn't hide her smile as she took her steps towards me. I gave her a warm embrace before going back to my seat. 
After an hour, we finally finished exchanging our gifts. Then we proceed to our open forum. Our class adviser wanted it. 
I couldn't stop myself from crying while listening to their rants and encouragement. Hearing them personally made me realize that in a friendship, there are always misunderstandings. Time will come when the other side will her tired. But still, they are going back on each other no matter how they wanted to walk away. Friendship isn't that easy to break when understanding comes from the heart.
Another hour and a half went by, and we ended our forum with a smile. We tidied our classroom so those who wanted to go home could leave. It seems that we are the first ones who finished in our area. The classroom next to ours is still having fun. 
It's near 2 o'clock when I went to Riona. As usual, Dwight went home first to take care of her mom. 
When I arrived at Riona, Dale was already there. He came here early? Doesn't he have a classroom party to attend? Even Johnny and Ryle aren't here yet. Maybe the two are still having fun in their rooms. No one could stop those two when they are having fun. 
"You're already here," I said as I came in at Riona's office.
I took the empty seat next to the window of the office. It would always be my favorite spot. 
"Woman," he called. His voice sounds different to me. Different from others the way they called me. Dale's simple words are enough to make my heart beat crazily. His calling me this way, his making my heart melt. 
I looked at him and saw that he got something from his pocket and put it above the table. It's a small box, presentably wrapped. I stood up and went close to him. I sat in the chair in front of the table where he was. 
"What is it?"
"For you."
"Is it a gift for me?" I asked, examining what is inside it.
"No. I am selling it ," he answered as if he's offended.
I laughed. "You already know how to throw a joke, lalaki!"
I didn't dare to move an inch when I could feel that two pairs of eyes with dangerous gaze were pinned on me. 
I forced a smile. "You know, before you didn't."
He didn't argue with me, instead, he got the black paper bag beneath his chair. "This is what I'm talking about." He put it down on the table.
I put aside the gift he gave and took a look at what it is. When I opened it, I was surprised. My mouth opened wide due to amazement. 
I get more of it to analyze. Encouragement quotes were inscribed in the bookmarks. He wrote it personally. At the bottom portion, our names were written on it. There was also a small image next to their names.
"You were the one who made all of these?"
"OMG! I admire your effort, lalaki," I commented. "You finally opened your heart."
"Melting the ice growing inside your chest," I said, making him freeze for a moment. I can see that he wanted to talk, it's just that nothing came out from his mouth. He went speechless.
A moment later, our other colleagues arrived. They are with Mr. Bob.
After Mr. Bob gave his welcome message he said that he prepared a gift for us. "Riona, I've prepared a simple gift for you all. This year I really appreciate all your efforts in our paper, your dedication while you are with your pens."
We just lend our ears to him, listening to his heart-melting words. 
"Dale," he called him and stared at him. Dale raised his head when he heard his name. "Thank you," Mr. Bob uttered, gaze fixed on Dale. 
When he withdrew his eyes from him, he looked at us, generally. "To all of you, thank you. There are times that you are going home late because of Riona. But you all didn't mind that and worked even more harder for our paper. You're all unstoppable," he said, teary-eyed.
"Dale," he called again. "Even though I rarely hear you talk, you didn't disappoint me in your writing."
We clapped our hands. Dale looked down, caressing her head. Dale made a name both inside and outside the campus. Who can't be proud of him? Even his opponents respect and admire him for his talent. How much more that he is the editor-in-chief of our school paper? Of course, I am beyond proud of him. 
"Your speech only activates when you are with Zyah," Mr. Bob said. 
That hit me hard! Why am I the center of conversation today? I easily got into the teasing of the people around. What have I done to experience this embarrassment? 
Shrieks filles our office, teasing the two of us. Fate must be playing with us. Dale and I are just sitting next to each other. I can feel my heart beating rapidly, my cheeks heated up. 
How I wish I could disappear right now! Who can help me? 
"Sir Bob," I uttered, seeking help for a way out. 
Dale also couldn't know where he should look, so as to avoid the suspicious eyes around us.
Mr. Bob really loves making fun of us. After his very long message, he gave us his gifts. It was in a red paper bag. I couldn't help but giggle when I read what he wrote on the card. 
To: Clarriese Zyah Tehran
From: Handsome Adviser of Riona, Mr. Bob Barry
Mr. Bob and Dale gave their gifts respectively. I couldn't stop my excitement when I finally got hold of my bookmark. It was so pleasing to the eyes, aesthetic. My favorite phrase, "chasing dream through pen" was written below my name. Where did he get this phrase? I remember that I haven't told him about it yet. 
It was Mr. Bob who started the cycle of our exchange of gifts. Before revealing who will receive our gift, we should give our message. It was Lyka who received Mr. Bob's gift. Just like before, the cycle goes on. 
When Dale was called he proceeded to the center, holding his gift on a pink paper bag.
"Our editor-in-chief's receiver is a woman," Mr. Bob interrupted, wearing his suspicious smile. Some of the ladies inside the office couldn't stop their excitement, eager to know who will receive Dale's present. Whoever she is, she is indeed lucky. It was our leader who was giving her a gift. 
"I guess, I don't need to talk that much," he started. The crowd let out a laugh. "My words were already inscribed on a piece of paper," he continued. 
"I really admire you, Cuego," Ryle commented. "You are different."
We are all waiting for him to reveal who is the one who'll receive that present. He kept us at the edge of our chair when he went quiet for a while. 
"Let those words explain everything," he paused, throwing us into a deep pit of confusion. He cleared his throat. "Zyah," he mentioned my name.
"What? What? What is that?" Mr. Bob uttered between his laughs and screams. The room was filled with the noise of teasing the two of us. I was caught off guard. I couldn't think of any words. I lost my speech. I don't know what to do. I am happy that he was the one who was giving me a gift. At the same time, I couldn't escape the intense teasing of all the people who are here right now. 
In all, I received 3 gifts from Dale. Aside from this bookmark, I am excited to know what the other two will be.

Comentário do Livro (113)

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    Nandito pala sina Zyah and Dale! 🤧 Basta, ang masasabi ko lang sa novel na ito is super galing ng characters and yung character development nila. Yung plot ng story and yung mga unexpected twists. Grabe, dami kong theories dito before. GALING NG AUTHORRRR!!!


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    nice story


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