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Chapter 5

Clarriese Zyah's POV
"I have something to tell you."
"What is it?" I asked, excited to hear what he was going to say.
Silence dominates the ambiance since it's just the two of us here. The other staffers are having their snacks at the cafeteria.
"Actually," he started hesitantly, his hand landed on the bridge of his nose. 
He couldn't finish his word when someone came in at the office.
"Did I disturb you two?" Aron Ryle asked as he entered the room.
"No. You did not, kuya," I responded.
"You've been here for so long in Riona, Zy. You're still calling me "kuya." He flashed a quick smile. "You can call me the way you call Dale." 
"My apologies. I've got used to it." I chuckled a bit.
"What are your plans for the coming Christmas break?" He asked, jolly. He was seated at the edge of the table.
"I don't know it yet," I answered. I've got a lot of plans in mind. 
"How 'bout you, Dale?" He turned his attention to Dale who's now sitting quietly.
"Don't know," he simply replied. 
"I'll just spend my vacation in your place!" Aron Ryle promptly hit his shoulder.
"As always."
Aron Ryle is a very talkative person. He is full of jokes. He is fun to be with. He has a lot of topics in his pocket. You won't be bored if you're with him. He is much different from Dale who only knows how to talk when being asked. 
Lately, I have noticed an improvement in his speech. There are times that he was the one who began a conversation. This has never happened before. If I won't say something, the deafening silence enclosed us. 
I've had fun talking with Ryle. I forgot that Dale wants to tell me something. I slowly turned my head towards his direction, I caught him staring at me. He averted his eyes right away and pretended that he was doing something on his computer. With his behaviour, I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to tell me. 
The next day, after we planned our Christmas party, we enjoyed the rest of the time because we don't have class anymore. It's already the 10th day of the month and our Christmas Party will be on the 12th day.
In order to save my time, I decided to drop by at the nearest mall to buy gifts for our exchange gifts activity. I need to buy two sets of presents because we are exchanging gifts at Riona too. Originally, Mr. Bob didn't have any plan of doing this activity but most of the staffers of Riona begged him to do it. They all said that it would be fun and memorable if we exchange gifts. Well, I agree with them. We've been exchanging gifts for years and this is what made me excited every Christmas Party. 
"Zy!" Someone called me when I was about to go out at the University's gate.
"Oh. Laine, it's you." I smiled when I turned my back. I saw Ellaine coming near to where I am standing. She is with Johnny, one of Riona's staffers and close friend of Dale. 
"Zy, wanna go with us?" she asked. 
"To TYX amusement park!" She looked so excited. 
"I apologize. I can't go," I declined. "I have something to do. " 
Ellaine didn't force me and told me that it was fine. She added that it would be great if we can go together in the future. 
"Why didn't you go, woman?"A man's voice made me turn my gaze back.
He slowed down his steps and went along with me.
"I still have matters to do," I reasoned out. "Besides, when I was a kid, my mother frequently brought me to an amusement park."
"How does it feel?" he asked. 
Both of us were walking at a slow pace. I could feel that he was just adjusting to my speed. I don't know if he really did it like what I am thinking of. But I really have that feeling. 
"Happy, of course!"
"I've never been in places like that before," he uttered, sadness can be traced to the tone of his voice.
"We didn't make it with my dad," he replied.
"Why?" I got curious. "It was really closed when you arrived?"
He went silent and completely ignored my question. He was just walking, facing ahead. 
"By the way, I'm going to the mall," I stated.
"Buying gifts?"
"Lemme go with you."
My heart nearly jumped out when I heard his response. I was instantly halted from making another step. Did he just say that he was going with me? I did not hear it wrong, right?
I froze and did not move. My mind was still digesting his words. 
He paused from walking and looked back over his shoulder. "Aren't you going?" he asked. 
His voice got me out of my daze. I ran towards him and stopped when I was by his side. He resumed walking then. 
I couldn't help but smile with the thought that he really waited for me before he proceeded on walking. 
The mall is not that far from our University but it may take time if we are just going to walk. Dale told me to go with him in his car. He didn't give an option to refuse him. 
When we reached the place, Dale opened the door and the cold air welcomed us. We both left our bags at the baggage area and went on wandering around.
Dale was just following me around without saying a word. When I found something I like, I picked it up and show it to him. I asked him if he likes it too for fun. I just want to see how he reacts. 
He just nods and shakes his head as his response. I really admire this man. He could write thousands of words in time yet couldn't speak that much. 
Since I am going to buy gifts, he decided to buy for him too. We are both journalism students, so we bought things that are related to our course. I know it'll be worth it if we give these things to our receiver. 
 While on our way out, we passed by the bookstore. 
"Let's go in!" I turned around, asking him to go in with me. 
He gave me a nod enough for me to walk swiftly inside the bookstore. I was amused by the pile of books around. This was the definition of paradise for me. I keep on looking around, just reading the title of the books. 
"Dale?" I looked back at him. 
"What is your favorite book?" I asked him. 
"Why are you asking?" 
I gave him a beseeching gaze. "Don't you really want to tell me?"
He declared his response in a nod that made me pout. It is really hard to talk to him. 
I turned around and mumbled, "It's just a book but you don't want to tell me." 
"This is my favorite book," he responded. 
With my excitement, I looked back at him. I saw him holding a book in his right hand. 
"This is my favorite book," he repeated. 
"I thought you don't want to tell me," I said, smiling. 
"You asked, woman," he said, putting the book back on its shelf. 
He just simply told me his favorite book but my heart felt so euphoric, to the point that I wanted to hold a feast. Dale told me his favorite book. I could count myself lucky, can't I? Most of the staffers don't know that this was his favorite book. 
I walked ahead of him. I tried to hide the smile I couldn't suppress. 
"I love smelling the scent of the books," I stated while roaming around through the enormous bookshelves.
"Aren't you going to buy?" he asked, following me and taking a look at some books too.
"Maybe next time," I answered. "I am just looking around. I don't have enough money with me."
"It's already 5 PM, woman. Let's go home," he said after he took a look at his wristwatch.
"It's 5 o'clock already?" I don't have any idea that time flies fast like that. "Let's go."
On our way back, I saw an ice cream stall. "Ice cream!" I screamed, pointing to the direction of the stall. I couldn't take my eyes away from it. I am craving it. I couldn't keep my sanity whenever I saw someone selling ice cream. 
I was stunned when Dale moved and went to the stall selling that ice cream. 
"Vanilla please," he told the saleswoman.
I could hear him because it is not that far from where I am standing right now. 
I couldn't move. I was completely surprised by what he just did. He didn't forget that I like vanilla-flavored ice cream.
"Your treat! Your treat! Your treat!" the crowd screamed repeatedly. 
Dale just grabbed the 1st place award in the feature writing category at the University's Power of Pen workshop. More than 500 aspiring writers joined the said workshop from different universities and Dale secured the 1st spot. 
I couldn't stop myself from joining their cheers. I'm so happy for him. 
Mr. Bob made the situation more intense when he joined the teasing. "This year, you already brought home 4 champions, Mr. Cuego. We deserve a treat!"
The noise became louder, Dale was speechless, couldn't find a perfect time to let out a word. He touched his pocket, looking for his wallet. He picked one of his cards and handed it to Mr. Bob. Our colleagues couldn't hold back their excitement when they saw what Dale just did.
"Spending time!" Mr. Bob announced, full of excitement. They all followed Mr. Bob, jumping and smiling. 
"Congratulations!" I told him when the others were gone with Mr. Bob.
"Thanks, woman," he answered while leaning on the railings.
"Are you that comfortable calling me that way?" I asked. I've been wanting to ask him why is calling me with that instead of my name. I have such beautiful name, Clarriese Zyah.
"I like it."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I'm the only one calling you that way," he answered, looking at me, making me freeze for a moment.
"Let's go there. Gonna treat you too," he said, pulling me back to the current moment. He ambled forward.
I followed him. He stopped at one of the ice cream stalls at the food store. "Flavor?" he asked, looking back at me. 
"Vanilla will do."
I stopped reminiscing the past when suddenly something cold touches my cheeks. I realized that Dale had lightly touched the ice cream he was holding to my cheek.
"Dale!" I glared at him. 
"What? I've been calling you for so long."
I fixed myself. "Sorry." 
"Here. Your ice cream." He stretched out his hand and gave it to me. 
"Thank you," I replied cheerfully. 
As we continued to walk, I enjoyed the ice cream. I noticed that he was staring at me for quite some time. I stopped from walking and extended my hand holding that ice cream towards him. "Want some?" I asked. 
His expression darkened. "Kidding me?" he spat out and walked first. 
His steps were fast. I need to run to catch up with him. 
Dale Daniel's POV
It is very lively at the university today. Just as we were about to enter the gate, we heard a lot of noise from inside the campus.
"It'll be fun today," Aron Ryle said. He's driving. 
"Sure thing, bro," Johnny agreed from the back seat of the car.
I don't know why they still have to go to my place when they have to practice their dance. They have mansions too.
This time, it was Ryle who brought a car. The tree of us came together. 
"The party in each room will start at nine o'clock, isn't it?" Aron Ryle asked while he was finding a space where to park the car. 
"Yeah," I answered before I got out of the car. 
"Let's go first to Riona," Johnny suggested. 
"Eh? I thought it was between 3 to 5 that we are going to celebrate at Riona?" Aron closed his car's door.
"Yeah. But we are going to distribution our magazine. You forget it," Johnny responded.
I am walking ahead of the two of them. They are teasing each other behind my back. They've never been tired of talking. Every time I see them, they are laughing, talking as if it's the last day for them to talk with each other. 
Even though I seldom join in with their jokes, I've never felt distant from them. Every time I need help, they are always there, one call away. We've been together for so many years already, and Riona brought us closer than we expected we could be. 
When we reached Riona, a completely new ambiance welcomed us. Everywhere is full of colorful designs. My eyes were automatically fixed on her. She's holding a yellow-colored balloon. She's on a red peasant top and below the knee layered skirt. She dresses differently from any other girls here at the University. She's conscious of everything she wears. Maybe, that was the reason I always have my eyes on her. When my gaze fell on her, I could hardly divert it away. Especially when she smiles, I could instantly lose myself. Zyah is the only woman who made me feel this way. 
 She's talking to Ellaine. They are both smiling and excitement couldn't be concealed from their faces. 
A saying goes, "you are beautiful when you smile." Zyah existed and proved to me that it was indeed true. She's the prettiest when she smiles. 
I put my gift underneath the huge Christmas tree placed at the left corner of our office. A lot of gifts were already there before mine. The gifts are all wrapped exquisitely. 
"Merry Christmas," she greeted me when she noticed my appearance.
"Likewise, woman," I replied. 
"Everyone!" I called their attention. They all stopped what they are doing and lent their ears to me.
"Today is the release of our paper," I began. "Each of you, distribute it to your class." I pointed to the bundles of magazines arranged on the floor. "Don't forget to leave a sign on the list here," I announced. I lifted up my hand holding a piece of paper where all the sections of departments were listed and put it on the table beside me.
They all moved and got the magazine, respectively. When they got one, they signed on the paper at the tables and left the Riona. After Johnny and Ryle, Zyah was the last one who signed the paper. 
"Lemme see the list again!" Johnny suddenly grabbed the paper. "Let's go at Music  Department, bro!" he said after taking a look at the list. 
Ryle gets a lot of bundles of the magazine, Johnny as well, and they both leave Riona. Carrying it along with them, they are going to distribute it to the respective classrooms. They know what to do. Since we are freshmen, it's our task. During those years, the three of us were together, going around the campus.
"Woman," I called. She's looking at the list that Johnny looked at just a moment ago.
"I did it," I said, arranging some bundles of Riona's magazine.
"You did what?" 
"Simple things."
"That can bring joy to someone," I continued my phrase.
It looks like she effortlessly figured out what I mean when enthusiasm became visible through her shining eyes. Her long black hair was into a bohemian bun leaving her bangs covering her forehead. It suits her well. 
"As in?!" She put down the paper in her hand. "What did you do?"
"It's a secret," I said, and with that sudden disappointment came across her face. "You'll know it later," I added when conscience hit my heart. 
"I badly want to know what it is," she said, fixing her hair.
"You were busy that day."
"Busy about what?" she asked.
"Talking with someone else."
"What?" she asked, still couldn't unravel what I am talking about. It takes a moment for her to get it. "Don't tell me that. . . ," she was pointing her hand on herself, "that's what you are going to say that day?"
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be," I interrupted. It's not that big a deal. Not reasonable for her to feel apologetic.
"Gonna distribute it first," I informed her and lifted some bundles of the magazine.
I was about to leave when she said that she is going to help. "Let me go with you."
"Just go to your room," I answered, ain't coinciding with what she wanted.
Instead of listening, she started to get some bundles of magazines and carried them with her hand. She looked at me with a smile. "Let me help," she urged. 
I just couldn't stop her. What a stubborn woman.
She's following while holding the list behind my back. She's telling me where we should go next. We first distributed the bundles of magazines she brought to the classrooms we passed by so that she wouldn't have any struggles.
"Yay! Last one!" she was happy when I finally distributed the last bundle of magazines to her. 
It took a lot of time after we finally distributed all the magazines that we carried along with us. While we are on our way back to our department, she's making herself busy taking a look around. Yesterday, these displays are not yet here. The university planned this surprise. I guess they installed it before the sun rose at the horizon. 
When we were about to part ways, I called her. "Woman?"
She looked at me, curious. 
I was holding the gift I made for her inside my jacket's pocket. But, I'm hesitant to give it to her. It's my first time doing something like this. I opened my mouth but I couldn't say what I was supposed to say.
"Enjoy your day," I said, instead.

Comentário do Livro (113)

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    Nandito pala sina Zyah and Dale! 🤧 Basta, ang masasabi ko lang sa novel na ito is super galing ng characters and yung character development nila. Yung plot ng story and yung mga unexpected twists. Grabe, dami kong theories dito before. GALING NG AUTHORRRR!!!


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    nice story


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