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Chapter 3

Dale Daniel’s POV
It’s already three o’clock in the morning, but I am still here, wide awake. Every time I closed my eyes, it’s her face that I saw, her smile. Her voice just echoed to my ears, breaking the deafening silence of the night. I rubbed both my hands in my face to let out the frustration growing inside my chest. It’s been so many days already but still, every night when I closed my eyes, I could picture her image in my head, her smiles even more vivid the more I thought to cast the thought away. I wonder what is happening to me. Are there damaged nerves or tissues inside my brain? 
“You’ve never been alone, Dale.”
When I hear that word, it creeps into my heart. I’ve had goosebumps. It’s been a while since I heard such words. 
“Papa!” I cried. I accidentally lost the toy that my dad gave me. Since it’s the first toy that he gave me, I loved and valued it. But one day it just disappeared. I don’t know how that happened. Maybe, I forgot where I put it.
“What happened, my ’lil boy?” My dad approached, worried.
“I lost my toy!” I sobbed. “I’ll be lonely every night.”
He caressed me. “Don’t be son, you’ve never been alone,” he stated. “Always remember that God is always with us. He never leaves us. He’s always right there for us, okay?”
I nodded, comforting myself with what he said.
Wearing my black long sleeve folded up into my elbows and a chino, I go to the university. I also didn’t forget to wear my clubmaster glasses.
A lady in black midi flare skirt topped with white long sleeve with ruffles in bust and ties in neckline. She looks good with her waterfall braid hair. She looks beautiful effortlessly. How can someone be this pretty?
Again, she is with her sweet smile. She’s never been tired of smiling since I first laid my eyes on her. Whenever my gaze fell on her, I always caught her smiling. I've gotten used to seeing her this way. It wouldn't be her if she wasn't beaming. 
“Good morning,” she greeted me.
“Mm.” I nodded, putting my bag on the table and took the seat opposite to hers.
“Have you read the text message of Mr. Bob?” she asked, biting her pen.
Is that her hobby too? Biting pens?
“What are we going to do?” She seemed troubled. “We are going to perform tomorrow but we got an additional part,” she continued.
“More practice,” I responded.
“Lack of time,” she argued.
“Find a way,” I fought back.
The clock’s hands struck at 5. It’s already 5 in the afternoon but still, we don't have any plans for our performance. Mr. Bob told us that Aethryl’s pair was admitted at the hospital so she can’t perform alone. And Mr. Bob found a new task for her, that is to welcome and entertain the special guest for tomorrow’s “Festival of Talent”. Mr. Bob just decided to let us perform the time they'll miss. 
I am waiting for Zyah in the parking lot. Leaning on the hood of my car, I am reading some news about the latest issue in our country. I have been doing this for years, it has become a habit of mine.  
A woman’s voice stopped me from reading. “Hey?” She tried to call me. 
I raised my gaze and looked at her. “Let’s go.” I opened my car’s door for her. She smiled as she got in.
“Where are we going to practice this time?” she asked, fixing her seatbelt. 
I put my hands on my steering wheel and diverted my gaze to her. “At my house,” I simply answered. I started the car.
“Do you think we can make it?” I heard her question while I was in the midst of driving.
Of course not! I thought.
“I guess no,” I answered, focused on the road. “Ask permission from your mother.”
“For what?” She asked, confused.
“She won't permit,” she responded, firmly.
“Your address?”
“Just tell me,” I insisted.
“Mahayag Street,” she confessed, finally.
I changed my direction, going to her place.
“Wait? What are you trying to do?” She panicked but I just ignored her.
“Your house?”
“That one!” She pointed to the yellow-painted house ahead of us. 
We both stepped down from the car. She ran to me, her eyes interrogating me. “What are you going to do here, lalaki?"
(lalaki- a tagalog term for man)
“For caroling, maybe, woman,” I replied, sarcastic. 
Can’t she figure out that I am here to ask permission from her mother to let her sleep at my house? That house was so big, she was safe there. My dad taught me to have respect for girls.
I have huge respect for her.
“You're being sarcastic, lalaki!” She pouted. 
That was cute! 
She led the way and opened the gate for me. “Come in.”
I followed her. Their house is just simple! It’s not that big but it looks so presentable. It's not stuffy. The palettes were pleasant to the eye. 
“Ma, I’m home!” She called the attention of her mother.
“Baby, I’m in the kitchen!” A woman’s voice replied. 
“Have a seat first.” She referred to the sofa in their small sala. “I’ll get some water for you,” she said and went to the kitchen.
She came back together with her mother. She held a glass of water and handed it to me.
“Ma, he’s Dale,” she introduced me to her mother. 
“Hello, Auntie.” I smiled timidly. I am not used to this kind of situation. 
“Oh, dear. Was it you?” she started. “The editor-in-chief?”
What a surprise! How did she know that?!
I cleared my throat and forced myself to utter a word. “Ah? Yes, I am,” I replied, feeling awkward. I found myself wondering what I’d gotten into.
“My daughter mentioned you to me,” she said, laughing. 
This time, I now have an idea where Zyah got her attitude. 
“But she never told me that you are this handsome!” she teased, making the uneasiness inside of me grows.
I caressed my forehead and looked down. I don’t know what to say. Can I write it on a piece of paper?
“Why are you here, young man?” She asked. Finally, the silence was cut.
“Ahm,” I started, searching for words. “I want to ask permission from you.”
“For what?” She asked in a voice full of authority. That made me pause. 
“We’re rushing out some things–”
“Ma,” Zyah interrupted. “We are going to perform tomorrow but we are still not done with our choreography.”
“Yeah, Auntie,” I agreed. “Can Zyah spend a night at my place so we can finish our choreos?”
She looked seriously at Zyah and switched her stares to me. I can’t stop my heart from beating fast. 
What an intense situation! 
“If you are worried, you can go with us, Auntie!” I said. I couldn’t even distinguish the tone of my voice. 
“Really?” She smiled widely.
Is it effective? 
I nodded. But it put me in horror when she stood up and seriousness covered her face. 
“You say, going with you?” She asked again. She is fierce, on fire!
“Yeah.” I tried to look calmer even though I could hear my heartbeats.
 She didn’t utter a word, instead, she left the both of us hanging in confusion. She slammed the door when she got in the room.
“What just happened?” I asked Zyah.
“I don’t know. Maybe she won’t permit,” Zyah replied. She doesn’t even look disappointed. It seemed that this is so normal to her. 
Zyah’s hand automatically covered her mouth when her mother came out of her room. Even I was surprised too, almost couldn’t believe what I just saw.
She changed her dress!
“Oh, what? Let's go!” She laughed.
“Mama, I thought you were mad!" Zyah stated, following her mom.
“That's not my style, baby!"
She looked back at me. “Let's go, Mr. Dale."
She walked ahead. “Let me help with your performance,” she uttered, without halting her steps.  
I found myself admiring their relationship. Mother and daughter, indeed.
Clarriese Zyah’s POV
It did not cross my mind that Dale would ask permission from my mother to let me spend a night at his house. Another one! I also didn’t expect that my mother would agree!
My mother and Dale were talking about random things while we were on our way. I’m just quietly listening to them in the back seat. Hey, did they forget that I am with them?
Even Dale is responding, it’s still lacking something. His genuine smile. It is obvious that he is forcing himself to smile, even his words are not that long. 
Should I call him icy man or one-sentence man?
Just like me, my mom couldn’t stop her amusement when she laid her eyes on Dale’s house. 
“Auntie, you can spend your time in the garden while we are on practice,” Dale stated, handing my mom a glass of juice.
“No need,” my mom opposed and took a sip of her juice. “I am going to help you two.”
The three of us headed to the dance practice room above. We performed our first part. When we finished doing our part, my mom couldn’t stop clapping her hands, giving us her suspicious smile. 
The next scene I know was when my mother joined us and taught us the appropriate dance move that will suit the music given to us. My mom held the title “Dancing Queen” during her high school days. It’s not hard for her to help us with our performance.
After almost 4 hours of practice, finally, we wrapped it up! 
When we finished our last practice, we both lied down on the floor. We’re both exhausted! The tiredness was real. I felt like my bones were all torn apart! My energy was all used up. I couldn't even get up.
“Excellent!” My mom commented, clapping.
“Thanks, Auntie,” Dale replied. 
He stood up and got the bottled water beside the speakers. I just watched him going back to the place where he sat a moment ago. I did not move an inch. I am still lying, worn out. 
"Get up, woman. The floor was cold," he told me. 
I gathered some strength to pull my body up. He then  threw a bottle of water at me. It’s good that I’ve got a hold of it. This! This situation appeared like it already happened before. Hmm? Ah! The first day we came here for our practice too. He also did the same. Is it his hobby to throw things when he could just hand it over to me? 
I drank thirstily. I almost drank it all.
The next morning, it’s exactly six in the morning when I woke up. I fixed myself, taking a quick bath, and wore a yellow floral misty blouse and a red high waist pleated skirt. I turned my hair into a ponytail leaving my bangs covering my forehead.
When I went out and was about to step down on the stairs, I saw Dale coming out from his room too. Yellow shirt with some black lines painted on it and streetwear cargo pants. He looked good in this outfit, he appeared like an international performer.
I shook my head when I realized that I’ve been staring at him for a moment. I went first and he followed. 
“Good morning, babies,” my mom greeted us. It’s normal for her to greet me this way every morning so I am used to it. 
Dale didn’t react. Woshu! What a cold morning.  The weather was already cold, a certain person made it even colder. 
“Breakfast is ready. I am the one who cooked these.” My mom is busy arranging the food on the table. Some of the maids helped her too.
“Madam was unstoppable. We told her that we can prepare the food but she insisted on doing so,” a woman stated. I guess she is now in her 50’s.
“All of this, Auntie?” Dale stared at the food at the table. My heart moved when I saw a new glimpse of emotion through his eyes. He is so eager to taste the food! As if it’s his first time seeing them. When he started, he enjoyed it first. But in the midst of it, sadness steals up the only excitement visible on his face. 
“Help me to put it on.” He stopped me from stepping down the car. He’s referring to the yellow fabric on his hand. We’re going to tie it on our wrist. Mr. Bob instructed it. 
I helped him to tie the fabric on his wrist. When I finished doing it, I asked him to do the same too. I was surprised when he tied the fabric on my wrist in a ribbon form. I couldn’t make this one!
“My work was far enough from what he had done. Mine was like being tied up by a kid who doesn't even know how to write her name.” I shrieked with my own thoughts.
“Should I repeat it?” I asked, embarrassed. 
“No need,” he said.
I stepped down from the car first. I didn't wait for him because I knew that he could catch up.
“Woman!” I heard him calling from behind me.
I turned back without hesitation when I heard his voice. I don’t know but it feels so comfortable when he calls me that way. 
“What?!” I asked.
“Stay still,” he ordered. 
He went closer and then I could feel that he tied something in my ponytailed hair.
“What is it?” I asked, having no idea what he put on my hair.
“It looks good on you,” he said, ignoring my question. 
“That was Dale!”
“Who’s that woman? She’s so lucky!”
“What's with you, guys? It’s definitely his girlfriend!”
The voices in the crowd made us realize that we are now getting their attention. I could feel my heart beating rapidly and my cheeks burning hot. I hastily avoided his gaze when he let out a tight-lipped smile. This man! I hurriedly left and ran away from him, covering my face while on my way. Those people can’t take off their stares at me, making me even more embarrassed.
“And now, let’s welcome the group who proves that they’re not just good at holding their pens, proving that they are more than just that! Applause for the pride of Dreamnote University, the Riona!” The emcee announced our arrival.
This time, I could hear my heart beating louder than the noise of the crowd. I am nervous.
First, all the performers from other universities were here. And take note, they are beyond great. Second, the governor is here! He is watching us. We need to show our best performance. And there’s also the rising P-pop group, The Five! And lastly, this guy beside me. 
During the performance, I pretended that I wasn’t affected by what he just did a moment ago. I found myself weird. His presence makes my heart throbs faster and the way he dances adds fuel to it.
OMG, Zyah! What happened to you?

Comentário do Livro (113)

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    Nandito pala sina Zyah and Dale! 🤧 Basta, ang masasabi ko lang sa novel na ito is super galing ng characters and yung character development nila. Yung plot ng story and yung mga unexpected twists. Grabe, dami kong theories dito before. GALING NG AUTHORRRR!!!


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    nice story


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