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Chapter 2

Dale Daniel's POV
It is a new busy day for me. Riona just searched for the new aspiring writers for the team. After informing their respective advisers, I hurriedly went to Riona’s place. I am sure that they are waiting for me now. Since Mr. Bob is not around, our adviser in the school paper, I need to handle the team alone. The session started with letting them introduce themselves. 
While the process is going on I noticed someone is staring at me. Lot of girls have their eyes on me but only this woman caught my attention. She’s familiar, I thought. Where and when did I see her? I am sure that I did. A few seconds went by and I finally recalled that memory. It was her, the woman that I accidentally bumped with my bicycle yesterday. I haven’t said a formal apology yet. It’s not that I am not sorry, I am really in a hurry. 
I just explained to them the plans of the paper and assigned them the task individually. They accepted them gladly. Most of them looked so excited. They all have that wide smile. I am glad that they all had the enthusiam to pursue their passion. I am certain that Riona will hone their talents in writing. 
When we finished our first meeting, the members bid their goodbyes and quietly left the office. I put back all the materials I used inside my black backpack. This is my favorite, my grandma gave it to me so I am always using it wherever I go so I could feel that grandma is always beside me. She’s the only family member that cares for me. 
“Excuse me?” a delicate tone of a woman filled my hearing. That voice made me stop what I was doing.
 “Yes?” I answered, raising my head. A smiling lady became visible in my sight. She looked exquisite in a loose white bell long sleeves tucked in a yellow plaid skirt. The smile on her face made her even more beautiful. 
Her eyes gave me a strange feeling. I searched for a possible reason inside my head but got nothing. She owns such tender stares. The way she looked at me nearly made me feel goosebumps. 
“You drop this.” She stretched out her hand and handed me a thing I’ve been looking for the whole night. I thought Johnny and Aron Ryle played a prank on me, hiding my ID. 
"Oh. Thank you," I replied. I accepted my identification card back and put in my pocket.  
“You’re welcome,” she answered, uneasy. She looked so tense, frightened. I could feel that she was afraid of me. If I could, I would tell her that I am not eating a person alive.
“Let’s go. I’m gonna close the office.” I walked first without waiting for her response. I heard her footsteps followed me from behind.
“I’m sorry about yesterday. I’m in a hurry,” I apologized. Finally, I uttered the word I’ve been wanting to tell her. Maybe she was staring at me while we are at the meeting because of what happened yesterday. Maybe she thought that I was rude.
We are on our way back to our department building. We shared the same department anyway. She is a journalism freshman.
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” she responded, eyes straight in front.
“Hmm.” That made me feel at ease. She’s not mad. Well, she looked so soft. Probably, she don't get angry easily.
We walked in silence. I felt tired when I talked too much. I already used up all my energy talking at Riona. Even though I felt sorry, wanting to break the growing silence between us, I couldn’t bring myself to voice out a single word.
She announced her goodbye when we reached her floor, I responded to her with a simple nod. We parted our ways from that. She turned right where her classroom was.
Before I continued taking the stairs, I stayed still and just watched her until she entered her classroom. It’s a good thing that she did not looked back. 
I was sitting quietly at my desk beside the window. My thoughts were filled with her smiles. Her images couldn’t just vanish in my mind, the way she looked at me, even her sweet voice. It’s my first time having the feeling that seemed like I couldn’t resist. It’s something like what my heart longed for.
“Mr. Cuego?”
Is it normal for her to always have that smile? Isn’t she tired? I already saw a lot of people who were smiling but why did hers give me a bizaree feeling? Suddenly, a thought invaded my mind. When will I be able to have that smile? Can I experience it again? 
“Mr. Cuego!” A professor called me in a loud voice. The attention of the whole class was focused on me, waiting for my response. 
“Ahm.” I cleared my throa and stood up. “What is it, sir?” I asked anxiously. What if he gets mad? He is known for being a terror professor. And I am here, caught red-handed, being absent-minded in his class. I am not like this before, this is the first day. 
“What are the five principal types of Journalism?” he asked.
I was startled because his question is not part of our lecture today. I stood up. “The five principal types of Journalism are Investigation Journalism, news, reviews, columns and feature writing,” I answered.
“Who was the journalist that earn international fame from his travel narratives?”
“It’s Mark Twain, sir.”
“What are his works?” 
“His works includes The Innocent Abroad, Roughing It, The Life—”
“Good,” he interrupted me. “Let’s get back to our country. Who was the Father of Filipino Printing?”
“Tomas Pinpin is the Father of Filipino Printing, sir.”
He sharpened his stares on me. His question were not part of our recent lessons. I am afraid that he’ll ask me question that is out of my store knowledge. 
“What is the first regularly issued newspaper in the country?”
“It was the Del Superior Goviernor that was launched on August 8, 1811 by Governor General Manuel Fernandez Del Folgueras.”
“Who founded the La Esperanza?”
I opened my mouth to answer but I hesitated because I am confused of what to mention first. “It was founded by Agustin de la Cavada y Mendez de Vigo,” I answered, a guess. 
“Excellent!” he commented. “You may sit down,” he said, throwing me back at peace. “Don’t let me caught you again slacking on my class, Mr. Cuego.”
That was too much! It’s a good thing that I have read the syllabus he gave. He let us study these because according to his words, they are very important. 
Days surely run fast. It’s already been a month. Riona’s team was more productive than before. The new members were all committed. I was at the library to find some information about our research when I bumped into Clarriese Zyah halfway through the bookshelves. 
“Good morning,” she greeted. Again she’s with her alluring smile. That smile never left her face. It's always been there.
“Mmm.” I continue looking for the book I am searching for. 
I stopped when I felt my phone vibrate in my jacket’s pocket. My sideways glance also caught Zyah holding her phone, reading something on her phone.
I opened my phone and Mr. Bob’s message popped up on my phone’s screen. “Hola, Riona. Urgent meeting!” he stated in the message. 
Zyah and I both looked at each other. 
From the library, we both hurried to the office. Since it’s located on the other side of the university, we were a little bit late. Mr. Bob was already there, sitting at the front table, full of authority. The other members were just sitting on the floor, it’s normal for us to sit this way when we were having our meetings.
“Have this seat.” I offered to Zyah the only left vacant ladderback chair. I, then, sat down on the floor beside the chair where she was seated. 
“I have a news for all of you,” Mr. Bob started when we were all gathered at Riona’s office. His seriousness slowly faded from his face. That was only a cover-up!
“Good or bad?” I heard Aron Ryle asked, he’s sitting at the front, Indian seat on the floor.
“Wow, huh?” Mr. Bob laughed.
See? Mr. Bob is not a strict professor like everyone thought of him. He just owns that intense look but he is a cheerful teacher. Most of his co-profs said that his face didn’t go along with his personality. When he tried hard to make his face funny, he looked like a clown that can be seen not in comedies but horror films! And he agreed with that! 
“It's good to be prepared, sir!” Aron Ryle reasoned out.
“It’s a good news everyone,” Mr. Bob started with a deep smile. “Next month, the campus will be having the Festival of Talents!” he announced, lively.
“Wah!” the crowd screams.
“Sir, how are we going to participate? Will we write or cover the event?” Johnny asked.
“You'll dance!” Mr. Bob responded.
What?! Why are we going to dance, I thought. Even in my junior days, I haven’t joined any dancing events. I am not into dancing. It's not that I couldn't dance, I just don't like the idea of dancing in front of crowds.
“You were task to perform on special performace,” Mr. Bob added. 
The room was filled with the whispers of the staffers.
“It’s here.” Mr. Bob put a box at the table. “Pick colored paper stripes inside the box. Those who picked up the same color will be paired,” Mr. Bob explained.
“Partner for what, sir?” A woman at the front asked. I forgot her name.
“For the performance, of course!”
“Sir, you mean, we are going to perform in pairs?” Aron Ryle asked again.
“Oo. If you want to add some drama, of course, that's great. You are all creativee, aren't you? From creative writing to creative dancing!” 
Mr. Bob started to shake the small box to shuffle the papers inside. “Oh. Here it is. You can pick one now.
We all stand to obey Mr. Bob. He seated on his table and prepared a blank piece of paper and a pen to write out the list of pairs. Next to Zyah, I picked one from the box. 
“Okay. When I called your color, please state your name,” he instructed.
“Black,” he started.
“Ellaine Grace/ Johnny,” they both responded.
“Aron Ryle,” he answered first.
“Jaistine!” a woman with a thin voice followed.
The process continued yet the color I am holding isn’t still called. All the members had almost been called.
With my curiosity, I diverted my gaze to the woman sitting at the ladderback chair next to me and found out that she is also looking at me, questioning me with her stares.
“Yellow,” Mr. Bob called.
“Dale Daniel/ Clarriese Zyah,” we both answered, still eyes on each other.
I couldn’t move a bit since I am not into bright colors, especially yellow. I just stared blankly at the paper strip I am holding, thinking of a way on how I can cope with this challenge. 
                                   Clarriese Zyah’s POV
“What was that?!” I let out a deep breath before I continued. “I never had in mind that my pair would be that editor-in-chief!”
 The next day I found myself sharing my what-so-called “drama” with Dwight.
“Do you a crush on that Dale, Zy?” she asked, which made me froze for a moment. 
“What?” I asked, trying to process her question. “N-no. I am not!” My tone changed, eager to defend myself.
“Oh. I hope you're fine.” Dwight laughed and locked me with her suspicious stares.
We are now under the shade of an acacia tree in the back area of the university. A lot of students were here too, having their rest. It’s so peaceful here.
Aside from the library, it's good to study and review some lessons here too because the surrounding was relaxing. The green environment could make you release the stress instantly.
I left my seat and sat down next to Dwight. “I can feel that something’s wrong with Dale,” I started in a low tone.
“What do you mean?” She faced me with a wrinkled forehead. 
“I don’t know but I just felt that way. His eyes tell me so,” I explained.
“Your imaginantion is now activated again, Zy,” she said and brought her attention back to her writing.
“You know—” I couldn’t finish what I was about to say when the quake of my phone interrupted me. 
Whose message is this? I rummaged through my pocket to look for my phone. When I got my phone, I opened my phone’s screen, an unknown number welcomed me.
From: +639* *** **** 
“Hey woman, practice. See you at the entrance gate.”
Practice? Practice for what? 
I composed a reply. “Who are you?”
After a few seconds, I received his answer.
“DALE” said in the text message.
“Wow! He really typed it in caps lock!”
“What was in caps lock,  Zy?” Dwight questioned me.
“Ah? Nothing. Nothing,” I clarified.
“Dwight, we have a practice. I'll go first. I couldn't go home with you.” I started to fix my things that are scattered on the table. 
“Okay. Good luck and God bless, Zyie!” 
I waved my hand to say goodbye to her. 
After a minute, I reached the entrance gate of the university. A man riding a sport’s bike stopped in front of me, making me step backwards. 
It was Dale! I always find those men riding in this kind of vehicle cool and attractive.  
“Let’s go!” he said.
“You kept repeating, woman!” he sounds irritated.
“I’m asking, where are we going?” I cleared myself out.
“Just hop in,” he insisted. 
Since it’s the only choice I have, I joined him on his motorcycle. I wasn’t that prepared when he suddenly started and moved his motorcycle, I lost my balance. I tightened my grip into his shirt. I know that he was aware of what just happened. He didn't give me a warning, I nearly got myself into accident.
After a few minutes, we stopped at the front of a mansion, those luxurious designs and carvings are enough to define that this family is not a joke. They are rich! Extremely rich!
I stepped down first and wandered my gaze. It was my first time, in my entire life, being in this kind of place. My mother always taught me to live a simple life. Even my father is working abroad, and I can say that he is accepting a big salary, we rather donate it to the orphanage or those in need than buying cars or spending millions constructing a huge house; they might not bump into each other for a day. My mother doesn’t want that. Maybe she grew in the province and got used to it. I am as well.
“Follow me!” I heard him say while I am still with myself taking a look around. I was overjoyed with what I saw, I didn’t notice that the man ahead of me stopped walking, leading me to bump into his back. 
“I-I’m sorry,” I apologized, embarrassed. 
He looked back and continued. When he reached and opened the door, a palace-like place appeared before me. My mouth automatically opened wide. “Are you this rich?!”
“Nah. It’s my grandma’s property,” he answered, putting his bag on the sofa near where I am standing right now. 
“Want some drinks?”
“No, thanks.”
He then told me to follow him upstairs, so I quietly did so, still having a look around.  The stair is similar to those I’ve seen in fairytales. 
He turned to the left side and a new door welcomed us. “I’ll just fix the speakers. Stay here first.” He let me come inside and tons of books became visible in my sight. 
Is this even real?
“Can I look around?” I asked, excited.
“Sure,” he replied and then left the place and went to another door on the other side. 
I left a gentle touch at books as I took a look at them.
Woah! He love reading this much? In his bookshelves, fiction and informational books are present. I couldn't get enough glimpse of it. He have lot of books.  
“Let’s practice.” He came back at the opened door. 
“Ah?” I turned back. “Sure.” I followed him towards the opposite room. It’s a dance practice room! Wow! He even has this! 
“You are also a dancer?” I asked, curious.
He looked at me and shook his head. “No,” he simply replied.
“Really?” I asked him back as if I didn’t believe what he just said but he ignored me, behaving like he heard nothing.
“Teach me the steps,” he said with his serious look. His hands were perched on the huge speakers. 
“Why would I ?” I innocently asked, pointing myself with my own hands. 
“I am not good at it,” he said, looking away, "at dancing.”
What? H-he doesn’t know how to dance? Is he kidding me? His features scream differently though.
Since he insisted that I am the one who will make the choreography for our performance, I couldn’t change his mind. He didn’t even move a bit when I persuaded him. 
He is such an emotionless guy, I thought.
After an hour, we finally finished constructing dance steps that would suit the music that Mr. Bob gave to us. I sat on the floor, wiping my sweats pouring down on my forehead. I am pretty exhausted.
“Woman,” he called. When I looked at him, he threw a bottled water towards me. It’s fortunate that I was able to take hold of it. He also seated on the floor and opened his bottled water, ready to take a sip anytime. 
“I can charge you for staring at me, woman,” he said and then drank his water.
OMG! He caught me staring at him? 
I can feel my heart suddenly beats rapidly, my cheeks burning red. “Nonsense accusations,” I replied, hiding my actual feelings in a flat voice. 
“Are you living alone in this enormous mansion?” My curiosity drives me to ask him that question. I just can’t stop myself. Whenever I am curious about something, I won’t stop until I get an answer. 
Unstoppable, Zyah.
“Yeah,” he responded after he drank thirstily.
“Don't you feel sad, lonely?”
“I am used to it, woman.”
When I heard his words, it gave me an answer to why his eyes were just like that, covered with coldness. 
“You know what, you’re not alone,” I said while looking at our reflection in the mirror in front of us.
"God is with you,” I uttered sincerely, a voice full of love. “He is always with you. Fill your life with His love.” My mom always said it to me when I am feeling down.
I looked at him, meeting his gaze from his dark hazel eyes. “You’ve never been alone, Dale.”

Comentário do Livro (113)

  • avatar

    Nandito pala sina Zyah and Dale! 🤧 Basta, ang masasabi ko lang sa novel na ito is super galing ng characters and yung character development nila. Yung plot ng story and yung mga unexpected twists. Grabe, dami kong theories dito before. GALING NG AUTHORRRR!!!


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    nice story


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