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Entropy Trilogy 1: Melting The Hate

Entropy Trilogy 1: Melting The Hate


Chapter 1

                                        Clarriese Zyah's POV
“Clarriese Zyah Tehran.”
“Journalism Department.”
“If you were chosen to be one of the new members of the team today—”
Dwight and I both stopped when we heard the bell rang. She was asking me questions like I am in actual interview or the search of new staffers.
It’s already 7:30 in the morning and we need to attend our first-period class. There are still lot of students outside. Some are walking fast because they are getting late for their class. Yet most of the students who are in other department were riding in bicycle. This way, they'll arrive sooner at their building. The campus was quiet vast. 
“Zy, are you really that determined to join the Riona?” Dwight asked while we are on our way to our department, to our classroom. 
Riona is the school paper of this university. I had been wanting to be part of the University's magazine. Back when I was in high school, I am one of the school's staffers too. I found comfort every time I am writing and joy when I saw my name written on the magazine published by our school. The contentment was enough to make me feel floating in clouds.
It’s already been a month since we entered this university. Crystal Dwight is my cousin and also my best friend. We take the same course. We want to explore the world of Journalism. It may be a tough journey ahead of us but we both pledge not to give up on our path no matter what.
“Of course. It's my goal to be part of them when I got accepted by the school,” I answered confidently. “How about you?” I gave her back the question.
She immediately responded with a shook of her head. “I'll pass. My mother is ill. I need to take care of her,” she replied. I can sense the sadness in her voice.
“I’m praying for the fast recovery of your mother,” I uttered. I am aware of her situation. It wasn't easy for her to look after her mother. 
She smiled. “Good luck in screening later. I hope you'll be chosen. Jiayou!”
Jiayou, an expression of encouragement and support in Chinese.
We both reached our classroom. Our adviser was already there. We seated at our assigned chairs and the lecture began. 
It’s now exactly 4 in the afternoon, I hurriedly fixed my things and bid goodbye to Dwight. I immediately went to  Riona’s Office where the interview takes place. There were already a lot of students when I arrived. As I walked closer, fear enveloped me. I couldn't help but wonder if I'll be one of those aspirants they'll choose.
I let out a deep breath. “Have trust in Him, Zyah,” I calmed myself, reminding myself that God is always by my side. This is the path I've choose, whatever it'll give me, I am grateful.
I was seated on one of the vacant seats outside the Riona's office to wait for my turn. While I was waiting, a lady took the seat beside me. When I turned my gaze to her, it seemed like I saw a goddess. She is very beautiful. Her black hair was cascading over her shoulder. She owns that small face with perfect complexion. She was like a living doll.
“Hi, I’m Ellaine,” she introduced herself reaching out her arm, inviting for a handshake. “I’m Ellaine Grace Manial.”
Did she just notice that I am staring at her? Oh no. That was embarrassing.
“Hi?” she asked again, waving her hand in front of me.
“Ahm. Ah-Hi?” I answered shyly and accepted her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Clarriese Zyah Tehran.”
“You're from?”
“Ah? From Journalism 1-A,” I replied, drawing asmile in my face. More likely, a force one.
“So you’ll be a Journalist?”
“Sort of.”
“I’m from College of Management,” she stated. “But since I like to explore new things, I’ve decided to join the school’s publication,” she added, smiling wide.
Wow. That was great! She's not only beautiful but a genius too.
“Next!” I heard the teacher called from inside.
“Laine, gotta go first. I’m next.”
“Go ahead. Good luck.”
I forced a smile as I entered the room to cover the actual feeling enveloping me right now. I tried my best to stay calm. 
“Kindly write your name here,” the teacher in charge instructed as I got closer to her. When I finished doing what she asked, she told me to go to the table next to hers.
“Good afternoon,” I greeted, trying to get the attention of the man who is busy writing something on the yellow pad in front of him. Tons of papers are on his desk.
When he raised his head, and his gaze met mine, I felt my heart beating abnormally. For an unknown reason, my heart beats faster. The charm it holds is mesmerizing. I forced myself to resist the stares coming from those dark hazel eyes. 
He handed me a piece of paper so I accepted it. I bowed down my head to avoid an eye contact with him. “Your form,” I heard him say. I felt like his voice creep into my entire system. It sends tickles into my heart and it just beats rapidly. 
That was just his voice yet it already gave me a strange feeling. There was a part of my heart that wanted to hear more his voice. I just suddenly thought that I won't be tired to listen to his words as long as I could heard his voice.
I shook my head to cast away the foreign thoughts. What was that? I am here to apply to be a staffer of Riona. No more.
I sat down at the vacant chair at the back and filled out the form seriously. On the first page of the form, it’s just asking about my personal information. Then on the second page, it was stated there that I need to make my article on my chosen field. I wasn’t expecting this one. Since I chose feature writing, I featured myself. 
Staring on a blank paper, I thought of how to start my article. What would be my content? My title?
Suddenly, the memories of my journey in my high school life became vivid in my mind. As I let my pen dance above the empty paper, inscribing letters. I formed my title “The Power That My Pen Holds”.
After I am done writing my article, I read it once again. When I am finally satisfied with what I have written, I decide to pass it back to the man who is waiting for us to submit our works.
“Thank you,” he said as he accepted my paper. I smiled and announced my goodbye to him and also to the other teachers who were there.
I left Ellaine inside since she is now writing her piece. I don’t want to disturb her.  It would be nice if our ways cross again. I breathed a sigh of relief when I got out of that office. 
Before I finally leave the place, I peeked through the window and stared at the man in black long sleeve that is busy doing his business. He carry such serious aura. I was startled when he lifted his head and caught me glancing at him. I immediately looked away and began taking big steps away from that place. 
“So, Zy, when the results are coming out?” Dwight asked while we were having our lunch at the cafeteria of the university the next day. 
I finished chewing my food first before I gave my answer. “I heard they are going to announce it tomorrow.”
“Are you confident that you'll be one of them, that you'll be chosen?”
I paused and thought. Do I own that confidence? 
“If it’s God’s will that I'll be chosen, then go. If not, then let go,” I replied positively.
"Agree!" She gave a thumbs-up sign.
“By the way, after our class with Miss Greiy, the rest our vacant,” she informed me, focused on eating.
“Huh? Why?” I asked.
“The faculties were called for a meeting.”
“For what”
She shrugged. “Upcoming event, I guess.”
It’s what Dwight said, after our class with Ms. Greiy subject, the rest of our time was vacant. Dwight hurried to go home and left first. I am now all alone, taking small steps away from our classroom. I decided to just go home too. I have noting to do in our classroom.
I am reading some news on my phone while I am walking in the way. I was occupied by what I am doing, I didn’t notice what was happening in my surroundings. I felt pain when I suddenly fell on the floor, struck by a bicycle. I stood up hastily for the fear that someone could see me in such a situation. 
It’s embarrassing! 
I tried to ease the pain in my back while putting my hands on my waist. Forcing myself to withstand the pain, I looked at the owner of the bicycle. It surprised me when I realized who he was. It was the same man at Riona’s Office yesterday! Just like last time, he is now wearing a black long sleeve folded up into his elbow.
“Sorry,” he apologized. He fixed his bicycle and then vanished in front of me. That quick!
I don’t have the right to be mad because I am at fault too. I am not looking where I am going, I couldn’t blame him alone. I was about to leave when I saw something on the floor. I took a look closer, feeding my curiosity. I picked it up. He dropped something when he lost balance with his bike.
Dale Daniel Cuego
Riona, Editor-in-Chief
Dreamnote University
I almost couldn’t get a grip of it when I saw this identification card. I am sure that it is him because the photo at the upper right corner of this photo confirms it. I couldn’t believe that he is the editor-in-chief of Riona. I thought that he is just a random guy helping the team but not.
But his look suits to be a writer. He looks so calm with that emotionless face of him. Coldness dominates his looks. His face appeared numb, that it could not feel any emotion.
I want to return his ID to him but he is nowhere to be found. With the worry it would be lost, I brought it home. Maybe, I could have find a time to give it bac k to him. We share the same University and I can find him anytime at Riona.
“Congratulations, Ms. Tehran! You are now officially part of our Riona team. Please report to the office at eight in the morning. Thank you!”
I read the message again and again. I couldn’t help myself but scream. It’s a very big blessing on this new morning! Thanks God for allowing me to have this chance!
“Yesss!” I screamed again, full of excitement. 
“Zyah!” I heard my mom warned me from the kitchen. “You've gone crazy this early in the morning!”
With a smile on my face, I ran to where my mother is. I took the vacant seat at the table.
“Ma! Guess what?!”
“Guess what?!” She faced me and put our food on the table. She sat down after.
“I’m now part of Riona!” I told her excitedly.
She winked at me. “Congrats, baby!”
“I should tell dad! I lifted my hand, holding my phone, and started to dial my dad’s phone number. I waited for a second after clicking the “call” button.
“Out of coverage area?” I put my phone down, wondering why I couldn't reach my dad.
I was about to dial again but my mother halted me. “Later, baby. It's night at America today. Maybe, dad is busy.”
I went directly to the Riona office when I got to the University. I smiled and greeted them as I joined them at the table. I saw Ellaine at the other side. I decided to sit next to her. She's the only one I know here, for now.
“Congratulations,” she welcomed me with a sweet, genuine smile.
“Congratulations too,” I replied. “We meet again.”
“It’s our fate,” she stated, a smile is still on her lips.
“Fated,”I agreed.
We all went quiet when a familiar face came in. I heard someone shriek when they saw him. Who wouldn’t? He is so good-looking. He is tall and neat.
“Good morning,” he greeted everyone as soon as he reached the table at the center. He put his black backpack at the bottom, beside the table. Just like the other girls, I couldn’t get my eyes off from him too. Since the first day I met him, I already felt this way. I got nervous when he’s around. Now that he’s standing in front of us, my heart began pounding loudy again. 
These heartbeats. . . maybe just because of my excitement that I am now part of Riona. 
When my glance feel over Ellaine, she looked like she was familliar with Dale Daniel already because she did not show any emotion of excitement when the man came in at the room.  
Introducing ourselves probably consumed most of our time. We all stated our names, our reasons why we joined the team, and what we feel that we finally made it now.
He also introduced himself after us. “I’m Dale Daniel Cuego, your editor-in-chief,” he said, introducing himself. “From Journalism 4-A.”
We spent the remaining time talking about the goals of the team and assigning a new task for us, for the new members. After an hour we ended our meeting with a goodbye. Almost all of the people left, leaving the two of us here. He is currently putting some papers back into his backpack. 
I cleared my throat and gathered all of my confidence to approach him. “Uhm,” I began, getting his attention. “Excuse me.”
He raised his head, looked at me then plastered a tight smile. His gaze hits differently. It owns an unknown emotion, I couldn’t name it because it’s the first time I met someone like him that looked at everyone with plain, frosty stares. 
“Yes?” his soft voice echoed to my ears. It’s pleasing to hear. 
“You drop this,” I said and reached out my hand, giving him his identification card.
“Oh. Thank you,” he replied. 
“You’re welcome,” I answered, uncomfortable. 
“Let’s go. I’m gonna close the office.”
 I nodded and followed him outside without aying a word.
“I’m sorry about yesterday. I’m in a hurry,” he apologized, referring to the incident that happened. 
We are on our way back to our department building. Our classroom is on the 2nd floor while he is on the 5th floor of the same building. 
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” I said. 
“Hmm.” He nodded as if it brought a touch of relief to him.
We were both covered with silence while going back to our building. The sound of our footsteps are the only noise I could hear. I couldn’t bring myself to talk because I was so timid. Also, I can feel that this man is not fond of talking too much when the topic isn’t about writing. After all, coldness enclosed his personality. From those eyes to the way he talked, it felt so empty, lack of love.
Maybe he is this extremely reticent because he is a writer.

Comentário do Livro (113)

  • avatar

    Nandito pala sina Zyah and Dale! 🤧 Basta, ang masasabi ko lang sa novel na ito is super galing ng characters and yung character development nila. Yung plot ng story and yung mga unexpected twists. Grabe, dami kong theories dito before. GALING NG AUTHORRRR!!!


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    nice story


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