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Chapter 2

NFWS - matured contend , detailed murder ahead . Note: I'm not a professional writer so if you found something wrong with it , feel free to kindly remind me and inform me about my shortcomings and mistakes .
" No no!!! Shao Boya! Don't do that! Stot it! Stop!!! "
Shao Boya smiled yet at the same not and slowly walked passed the frightened man before picking up a bottle at the side .
" Let's make a detailed crime scene shall we? " He spoke and mercilessly slammed the bottle unto the fat man's head .
Shao Boya went back to Shao Feng's corpse and dragged the corpse and layed it on top of a table in an awkward manner .
Shao Feng's position was awkward as if he fell backwards after the knife wound into his heart.
Shao Feng also turned the liberty to take out another vase and broke it beside the corpse making a scene that Shao Feng stumbled into the table and broke the vase .
Shao Xiaolin watched as the kid raised Shao Feng's hand and put a fingerprint traces to the table .
Then the kid suddenly realized something and clapped his hands . " Right! The source of the poison! "
" Mom! Please say to the police later that you were the one who paralyzed the two . "
Shao Boya stared at Shao Xiaolin and slowly said.  " And tell them that the posion wasn't potent enough to completely paralyze Shao Xiaolin later .  "
" I'll fill in the blanks later . "
Lu Meifeng couldn't believe what she was seeing . Was her son possessed by some malicious ghost? Lu Meifeng touched her beating heart . Is he still her son?
Shao Boya was oblivious that his mom started doubting his identity and just stared at Shao Xiaolin planning his death scene .
" What position would be best for you? "
Shao Boya likes watching movies with serial killers and although he couldn't comprehend why they do that , at least he learned something .
That every crime details to be covered ...
Shao Boya slowly knelt down at the back of Shao Xiaolin and slowly stab the posion coated knife to his back . He imagined his mom being pushed down while secretly slashing the blade at the man's back .
* Slash!
Shao Boya made a mess out of the back skin creating a trace that Lu Meifeng didn't properly cut his skin while being pushed down .
Clearly making the future detective believe Lu Meifeng's statement in the future that she posioned Shao Xiaolin. 
Shao Boya gulped and watched the trembling pig . " Father , you didn't treat us kindly . How would you expect me to treat you good?  "
Shao Boya softly said and watched as the back of his head keep on bleeding nonstop .
A few munites later ... Shao Xiaolin collapsed from blood loss .
Shao Boya calmly lifted the bottle and put Shao Feng's trace on it before throwing it on some random corner .
Shao Boya then put the clothes back to Shao Feng and stabbed the clothe again .
The child went back to the pig and dragged the corpse facing to the door , leaving trails of blood behind.
" Now ... As for you mom ... Memorize the made up detail of the story ok? Make it more real to be believable . "
Shao Boya smiled gently and took out his gloves and apron . " We're finally free , don't you think? "
A few munites later , a defeaning alarm resonated as the police arrived at the crime scene . The whole neighborhood got shocked at the presence of the police and suddenly started getting nervous .
One policeman walked towards a villager and asked . ", Where is the Shao Jia's house? " ( Jia= House/Family)
The villager pointed at an old two storey wooden house and run away for fear and getting handcuffed .
The officer then pulled down his cap and walked to the house followed by several officers behind him police personnels .
Just after they stepped inside , they immediately paused when they smell the iron pungent smell of blood .
One young boy suddenly peeked out from the room located at the second floor .
" Who are you strangers? " Asked the kid with fear and nervousness.
The police's eyes landed at the disheveled appearance of the baby girl at the side for awhile before lifting his gaze up and stared at the similarly disheveled boy .
Just what happened to this house?
" Someone sent us an anonymous message that something happened in this village . "
The police officer didn't bother making his voice gentler and hurriedly climb up to see the crime scene .
" Immediately lock the crime scene and Don let any unauthorized person to enter the house . "
Forensic Doctors carefully entered the room . Some uniformed police officers brought the boy and naked woman downstairs .
Lu Meifeng immediately dressed up in a loose shirt and pants before following the police to record a statement .
Broken Vase
Poison Coated Knife
Broken Bottle
Ripped Clothes
The forensics collected some evidence such as blood , finger prints and etc .
The corpses were also put into the black HRP ( Human Remains Pouch or Body Bag ) and carried out .
One detective stared at the two victims in contemplation while setting up the camera .
These two people's mental health ... Is obviously already disturbed . Base on his experience , these two might have already been traumatized by the incident .
The cases this time included , rape , child abuse , domestic abuse , and murder with malice-aforethought . The crime scene included so many crimes and the detective has to record every detail and the point of views of the two victims .
Since the police first met the boy ,they interrogated the boy first and let the woman step aside first and not let them hear each other's statements .
Shao Boya watched as the door to the room closed . The child then bit his nails in nervousness and started looking around the room clearly feeling restless and anxiety .
" Don't be scared boy, I'm just here to record your story about the crime scene.  You can start narrating your point of view now . "
The child bit his lower lip and stare at the ground not daring to look straight into the detective's eyes .
" I-i was collecting garbage to earn money earlier and went back to the house but i saw father beating mother again for some unknown reason and i got frightened so I didn't dare to enter the front and only entered through the back door . "
" I took a bath first because i really stink a lot and when i entered through the front door , i saw father beating Xiao Yu . "
The detective stopped the child for a while and asked who Xiao Yu is .
" Xiao Yu , Shao Yu ... My younger sister . "
The detective let the boy continue .
" My sister was crying loudly at that time making father so enraged and and raised her hand to hit her with his leather belt . My mom covered for Shao Yu and got hit instead of her . I was so scared and hid beside the wall and cried silently and prayed for a savior to come . "
" Who would have thought that father suddenly pulled mom upstairs . I didn't dare follow them for fear of getting found out , i only dared to come out when Uncle Feng entered the house . I was so happy and immediately asked for help and save mom from dad . "
" Uncle Feng agreed and brought out a bottle , and i don't know what he's going to do with it but i followed him inside . "
" And and ... And ... M-mom ...mom!!! Mom was forced upon by father while beating her . I don't know what happened anymore and saw Uncle Feng hitting the bottle on the back of Father's head . "
" Father was bleeding and got enraged and shouted at uncle what he did to him . Mom was about to stab father with a knife but father snatched it from mom and stabbed uncle at the ...at the here ... Here in the part of your body where a pulsing skin could be felt.  "
Shao Boya pointed at his chest while frantically spewing details after details that the detective could no longer write . Fortunately he had set the camera earlier .
" Then what happened after that? "
Shao Boya started shedding tears . " Uncle Feng died , it turns out that the knife from mom's hand was a poison coated knife.  Uncle Feng collapsed and broke father's favorite vase. . Mom was also frightened at the incident and couldn't move . While i was watching behind looking as father died in a pool of blood . It was so scary , there's a lot of traces of blood in there . "
After Shao Boya spewed a lot of details like a machine . Lu Meifeng was brought in and was told to narrate her own story .
" My life story was a bit complicated ... Honestly , Shao Xiaolin wasn't my real husband . Shao Xiaolin is a hot tempered man and often beat us , especially me and Shao Boya . He rarely hits Shao Yu because she is still young . "
" Earlier , Shao Xiaolin pulled Shao Yu while i was cooking and scolded Shao Yu . I protected the child but Shao Xiaolin suddenly started swearing and told me that Shao Yu broke the antique looking vase that he was about to give the gang leader . "
" I was beaten up by Shao Xiaolin for answering him disrespectfully and was pulled upstairs to do s*x , but while Shao Xiaolin was about to do me , he choked me clearly intending to suffocate me to death . "
" I tried desperately pulling out my hidden weapon to scratch at his back . It was coated with venom from a snake , but the door suddenly opened and Shao Feng hit Shao Xiaolin's head with a beer bottle . "
" I also wanted to fight Shao Xiaolin out of ..  some unvented hatred ... But Shao Xiaolin stole the knife from me and attacked Shao Feng.  S-sir , if you're suspecting that i am the one who killed Shao Feng and Shao Xiaolin ... I'm telling you , I'm not ... shao Xiaolin just stole the knife from me . "
The Detective pacified the nervous woman and nodded . " Just go on . "
" Shao Xiaolin died from blood loss and venom ... After that , Shao Boya entered and pacified me , i was also the one who borrowed Shao Feng's phone to call 110 ( police ) . "
The detective stood up and cupped his hands to the woman . " Thanks for your cooperation Missus.  "
One police officer pacified a crying child and awkwardly looked at their leader . " Uhmm Captain ... This child , is really frightened by the incident . "
Shao Boya sniffed and pouted before staring at the beautiful police officer.  " Jiejie ... I saw blood wuuu , i was so scared.  "
The police woman coughed and rubbed the child's back . " Don't cry anymore child , you're a strong man right? "
Shao Boya sniffed and answered " En "
" Don't cry "
Lu Meifeng awkwardly went forward to carry Shao Boya and apologized to the police officer.  " I'm so sorry Madame , this child just wanted to be pampered . "
The police woman scratched her cheeks and nodded . " Well , it was also nice to the heart when someone wants to depend on you . So it was nothing , don't mention it . "
Shao Boya had already turned silent and  listened to the conversation behavedly .

Comentário do Livro (52)

  • avatar
    Juliane Noel De Lumban

    it's so very beautiful story


  • avatar
    RazakNurul Wardina

    the story so best ever


  • avatar
    Monalissa Benassuly

    muito bom mesmo


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