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Chapter 3: To see is to believe

   Believing is not easy, not until you see it with your own eyes. She saw it and she wants to believe but at the same time not. When her friends came to the Cafe, they ordered their favorite foods and chat. When she looked at the other side of the road, Scorch isn't there anymore. She looked around the cafe and found him looking around, she sigh. She doesn't know why she is worried, maybe because she saw those people went through him or everything he said is true. Shrugging it off, she just continued to chat with her friends about their own lives.
    On the other side, while Scorch just walk around the Cafe, he couldn't help but wonder why Elena can see him. There are many possibilities but as an Angel, he saw everything in her life including the day her heart start beating until the day she saw the light. Not one of those events are suspicious. He sighed and finally looked around the Cafe, he saw some angels guarding others humans and some demons that are making fun of people, he shook his head and continue to look around. The cafe is like a library too, it has books that you can borrow or read while you were drinking coffee. It does have a second floor too but it's for VIP only. He smiled at the idea of humans joining two comforts at one place and looks at the books until one book caught his attention, he hold it with his right hand and put his left hand on top of it and close his eyes. When he do this, it is like he reads the whole content of the book.
    It is a story about a woman who loves the man so dearly that she sacrificed her happiness for his. The woman in the story wasted her days away with hallucinations of him while he already have his own family to cherish. It was a tragic story that Scorch found himself sobbing and poured his tears a little, maybe because he doesn't fully understand the story but he felt the human emotion he had seen many times, sadness. 
     For him, such humans deserve happiness not sadness and wish for Elena to have a good future with her future spouse. Eventhough the book he has read is categorized as fiction, fate is unpredictable for any creatures. He didn't read the book any further and look at Elena, he smile when he saw her laughing with her friends like nothing happened. He adores her for being strong emotionally, she didn't complain even if her parents didn't celebrate her birthday or they didn't bring her to the city with them. She just understand the situation they are in, her parents are lucky to have a daughter like her.
He walked out of the cafe and inhaled the fresh air, he enjoyed looking around and watching the humans do their thing. He always wonder what is the feeling to be human. All of his life, he only watch everything but if anything happened like an accident all he can do is to watch and feel sorry for them. He thinks that the world is a little harsh for humans but that's how it works, humans work for their own faith. 
   He sighed again and look at the other side of the road, he saw some families walking together. Some couples and individuals are either walking hand in hand,some with their pets and some with groceries on their hands.         
    A woman in a black hoodie, black jeans, and black shoes caught his attention, the woman stopped walking on the pedestrian lane and cross the road the thing is there's no pedestrian lane, a truck moving in fast speed was about to hit the woman and in that moment he did what is forbidden, he saved the woman.
  He teleported the woman to the other side of the road with him, sadly he doesn't have enough strength to stop the truck from losing control but thankfully, there seems to be no problem as it stopped and the driver went out to check the engine and talk to the police. He stand beside the woman who looked stiff and he assumes that it must be because of shock. The woman removed her hood but what shock him is when the woman look at him and walk backwards. He was about to approach the her but she ran away leaving him thinking how does she saw him when he thought that Elena is the only one who can see him. Does that woman have an ability to see them? But he is happy that he saved a human just now and that's a big goal for him, not that he is trying to be a hero.
"Scorch where are you? " he heard a voice speaking in his head. He recognize that voice, it's Elena and unknown to him, he smiled thinking that she finally believed in him.
"Do you need anything Elena?" He asked and a gasp was heard, he decided to appear right in front of her. Basically just a few inches away from her making her eyes wide for some reasons. 
"Hey Elena we're going, I still need to help Celine with our project" Alisha said coming out from the restroom.
"I'm back let's go" Celine said with two coffees in her both hands
"Celine I thought I told you that I want chocolate milk frappe" Alisha disappointedly said
"Oops sorry but anyways Elena can you go home alone? Our houses are on different ways" Celine said but Elena just nodded then stood up, she knew that Scorch is with her and she admit that she is slowly believing him.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" Elena said and they walk out of the cafe together with him behind her of course. The girls parted their ways and bid their goodbyes and that leaves Elena and Scorch together.
"Scorch are you okay? " she said as she notice that he is looking down
"Yes I'm fine but I just saw something weird" he said and she look at him curiously
"Let's talk about it when we arrive at your house" he said and she nodded, while walking Scorch feel something weird that makes him uncomfortable. He looked around them until he saw something from the other side of the road, he is nervous not because he didn't know how to fight but because Elena will be in danger if he fight. He can handle the situation sure, but what if the shadow he saw is not the only one there with them? He can't be sure and he only thinks of one do-able solution. 
"Elena run" he said but she just look at him weirdly and she look around too
"Why? " she ask curiously and a little bit afraid he saw the thing move and ready to attack and with that he grab her by the wrist tightly.
"RUN! " he shouted and they run but the thing he saw chased them, he doesn't know how to fight that thing. If Elena is with him, he needs to choose the best choice for now and that's escape. They turn into an alley really fast and he teleported them inside Elena's house.
"Help me lock the doors and windows" he said and she did what he said, they locked all the doors and windows from the rooms, kitchen and living room after that they sat on the couch.
"Why did we run? What's the problem? " she ask confused about the situation
"A Hellhound was chasing us that's the problem" he said looking nervous as ever. He never felt this before ,he is scared and he doesn't know what is the problem, he only knows that this is bad.
"Is it bad? " she ask again looking worried and still confused
"Hellhounds are the guardians of the gate of hell so why would it chased us? what is it doing on earth?and do you finally believe me? " he said and look at her
"Uh yes I believe you, you teleported us inside my house but do you have any idea why the hellhound chased us? "She asked too but both are clueless about their situation, until Scorch remember what happened in front of the café a few hours ago.
"There's a girl that was about to get hit by a truck but I saved her and the thing is she can see me. I don't know if that's the case but after that I felt weird then when we're walking home a hellhound chased us" he said while thinking at the events that happened earlier.
"What if the girl that you saw have something to do with the hellhound or it chased us because you are an angel? " she said while looking at him and point her fingers at him.
"You got some point there but chasing me because I'm an angel? Impossible, there's so many angels around I even saw three or four when we are running but the hellhound only chased us" he said with an unbelievable expression.
"You know what? just rest, I'm going to find out myself" he added. Since she cannot do anything to help him anyways, she nodded and walk upstairs. On the other hand, Scorch is afraid because hellhounds won't show up unless you did something really bad or simply say, you messed up. For angels, he'll hound is a sign or rather a warning that danger is coming, he thinks that hellhound showed up because of Elena but at the same time not, he also thinks that it is coming for him.
    The lady in black overall that he saved might have something to do with this sudden appearance, why though? Is it because she can see them or there's something more?. He is confused, he doesn't know what to do but if his conclusion is right that the events earlier have something to do with that lady in black then, what creature is she? He needs to find her to have the answer he wants.
"No, I can't tell them" he said to himself, he wants to report it to the council but he knew that they are going to be mad at him. Finding the answer means they need to communicate with the demons and he knew that the council wouldn't do it because of the rules, rules that they can't break. The council's purpose is to guide them and make them obey the rules, not to help them. Asking help from the council is useless and communicating with the demons are hard but unlike them demons doesn't have that much rules, atleast that's what the elder angels have told them.
"Scorch" a voice called him so he look at the stairs and saw Elena in her now comfortable clothes.
"Yes? Do you need something? " he asked, she sigh and sat beside him
"My parents called and they said that they will be staying at my grandparents house for three months" she sadly said but he just smile at her
"Don't be sad, I will be here. Alisha and Celine are going to be by your side too so don't be sad you're not alone" he said smiling, she nodded and whispered thank you to him
"But I'm still confused about the things that happened earlier and how do you know Alisha and Celine?" she said then clicked her tongue but he just laugh at her then pat her head
"I told you that don't worry about it didn't I? Just rest tonight. I will check every corner of the house and the backyard to make sure that there's no more he'll hound, okay? And about your friends, I've been guarding you since you were born so I know your friends and your enemies " he said and she just giggle , she doesn't feel scared anymore when he said those words, it just comforts her in some ways.
"You want some hot chocolate?I mean can you drink it ?" she ask and stood up
"I can if I want to, but for now I don't want to but thank you for asking" he said and she just nodded and walk to the kitchen, she came back with many snacks and a mug, she turn on the television and put a movie on.
 They just sat in silence watching the movie while she is eating various types of foods. Every time she asked if he wants some, he just refused. Angels isn't required to eat or sleep as they are heavenly beings and their only mission is to guard. For some reason, he felt weak, his vision were blurry but after a few seconds it is going back to normal, he also can't hear things clearly which is weird, his throat felt dry too but after a few minutes those feelings are gone and everything went back to normal, he thinks that it is nothing and it is because he use teleportation for two people in just a day. Maybe he is tired for the first time.
The movie is finally over and when he looked at Elena, she is already sleeping. He carried her in bridal style and turn off the television using telekinesis and walk upstairs into her room. He lay her down to her bed and cover half of her body with her blanket to make her feel warm and he hope that her nightmares won't bother her at least tonight.

Comentário do Livro (131)

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    Muhammad Shahril

    Ok ngam


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