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Kissed My Lips

Chapter five – Kissed my lips
  He looked so devastated that I almost dropped the act. I didn’t know that he would believe my act to the extent of feeling sorry. Since he hadn’t caught on, I had to go on with it anyways.
  Then he said,
  “Honey, don’t worry but hold on the doctor would be here in a moment. I called him before getting here. ”
  ‘That fast? Did he know I was going to be in pain already?’ I thought.
  But then, I realized that if the doctor was going to examine me on the island, what would be the essence of the act? I had to see Eddie and it was only when I was taken out of the island that I could.
  So I cried,
  “Daddy please take me to the hospital please I … I…can..not..wait. Ahh mhhh!”
  I was lucky the hospital on the island had closed for a while because the head doctor died a few days ago and my father hadn’t found any proficient doctor to take his place. I cried louder and teared up, when he saw my reaction, he couldn’t wait any longer. He stood up and took the bed side telephone and called,
  “Mercy, get the ambulance we are taking Emil to the hospital. ”
  He spoke hurriedly watching me closely as he did, I had never seen him panic the way he did.
  After that, he gathered me in his arms and kissed my head then brought his lips to my cheeks and almost kissed my lips if I hadn’t changed the direction of my head.
Despite my act, I threw a glare his way which seemed to pull back his senses. And he threw me on the bed as if he had being ignited by an electricity. I was surprised at his weird reactions but I wasn’t ready to hit on it, so I continued writhing in my fake pain.
  A few minutes later and I heard the sound of the ambulance and I saw my hope lit. But the nurses in the ambulance and the doctor arrived at the same time, I wanted to cry to my stars.
  ‘What is this some joke? Who is playing with my life like this?’ I thought in despair, I needed to get out of there and I believed that nothing could keep me.
  Eddie’s POV
  I got excited after speaking to her, just seeing her the next day had my mind running wild giving me a sleepless night. The fact that she had lost the memory of me and her past after four years worried me. I couldn’t help but recall the last time, I went to her place and what occurred there.
  Knock! Knock !! knock!!! Is no one home? I wondered.
  “Who is there? Oh Eddie it’s you. Please come in. ”
  “There’s no need Fred, you know who I am here for. Please tell her I am here. ” I said smiling.
  He bent his head, then I saw tears pouring down his face. I couldn’t help but feel a cold feeling behind my spine. I held his shoulder and shook him then asked confusedly.
  “Fred, why are you tearing up? I only asked of the whereabouts of Emily right? So why are you crying?”
  “I know what you asked and who you are looking for but I’m sorry. ” he stated drying his face.
  My heart was drumming in my chest, I couldn’t handle the fear that was lingering in my heart. So I asked,
  “Sorry for what? Is she sick? If she’s not home you could just say so why the drama.
  Fred what’s wrong? What’s going on? Why are you shedding tears?”
  “It’s just that they went for a vacation abroad but are yet to return, no they can’t return. ” he confessed.
  “What do you mean they can’t return? They won’t be coming here anymore?” I was trying to ignore the obvious as much as I could.
  “They were murdered in the hotel they were staying in, we couldn’t find their bodies, they left a note behind saying, they had been buried. So we shouldn’t bother about burying them. ” he continued.
  I stumbled back and Fred held me, I felt lifeless and I could die any moment from then. But then I remembered,…
  Present day
  Eddie POV.
  After recalling that actual event, I thanked my stars I had not given up till now. And had not kept in mind that she was dead, I knew there was a conspiracy somewhere, and that could be the only reason she was framed dead.
 I wished she would make it the next day, I couldn’t wait to ask for all the question I had in mind and the reason for her memory loss. I could even ask if she still had feelings for me so we could continue from where we stopped. A little while later and I heard a knock on my door, I wondered who it could be at the time since it was very late in the night.
 I got up and opened the door to find Frank, he had never visited me even in the daytime so I wondered why he would at the time. He entered the room absentmindedly, he seemed nervous and contemplating about an issue. I tapped him on his shoulder and he shook in fright, so I asked,
  “Hey, what’s wrong with you? What happened to you? What could it be that you didn’t wait till tomorrow?”
  He kept staring at me, which got me worried. He was acting strange and that was making me wonder what he wanted to inform me.
  “Eddie…. Erm… I wanted to tell you… that..” he was stammering.
  He stammered, which got me more worried. But suddenly dropped his nervous state and said,
  “Eddie I am here to inform you that, you won’t be seeing Emily again. She would be traveling abroad tomorrow. ”
  “That couldn’t be she promised she would see me tomorrow and I know she would, did she tell you to come and tell me this? ”
  “You spoke to her? On phone? How could you reach her? Her father doesn’t know you or your number he could never allow your number through. ” he said confusedly.
  “I know what you are saying, but her father knows me. ” I told him.
  “You know Kelvin Smith?” Frank asked.
  “Did he change his first name? he should be David Smith right? Did he change his first name because of the incident that happened a few years back?” I asked confused.
  “No he is called Kelvin not David. ” he said insisting.
  “You know you aren’t the only one that misunderstood but Emily did too. She might have thought I was lying to her or there was something that was making her believe my statement hence her agreement to see me tomorrow. She promised me and I know she would come. In fact how did they survive the incident from before?
  What incident? She was the only one who had an accident but not with her father. ” he disagreed.
  “You think I have mistaken her for someone else? She lived in K city with her parents David and Sarah Smith. Before they were murdered in a hotel in abroad during their vacation, the surveillance showed how they were murdered but their bodies weren’t found. ” I narrated.
  Just then the aura around Frank and his countenance changed drastically, there was this killer intent in his eyes that got me afraid suddenly. So I asked him in fear,
  “Hey, what’s wrong with you? Why the sudden change?”
  “Tell me everything you know and I might spare your life…”
  He took a button from his shirt and drew near to me by pulling the chair he was sitting on closer to me. He took something from the back of the button, he motioned me to sit down because I was standing now in defense mood but I was in fear because I didn’t know if he was armed. I could fight him otherwise but I tried to be reasonable and asked,
  “Man, what’s wrong? Why are you acting this way? I’ve never wronged you in any way. We might not be real friends but we’ve known each other for almost two years right? You wouldn’t harm me right?” I pleaded.
  “I wouldn’t if you didn’t know so much…

Comentário do Livro (52)

  • avatar
    Lanie Dacules

    nice 👍


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    Matos de souzaHelo



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    thank you


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