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5. Vacation?

Someone's POV
Its the day of the couple's flight to the UK. They said goodbyes to their family while their friends send them off.
"Be back after 1 month ok? Its not the same here without you two." Jim said and hugged Mon
"We will be back. And 1 month will passed by so fast P'Jim. We will videocall too so you wont miss us too much."
"Jim, they are not migrating! Don't mind her, just have fun and enjoy your vacation. Buy presents for us too. Send us pictures of the places you've visited also. Ok?" Kade said while hugging Sam
"Take care both of you. Dont worry, Yuki and I will visit Mae, Phaw and Singha to check on them from time to time."Tee
"Yes. We will take care of them here. Just enjoy, bring some souvenirs too." Yuki said and hugged her bestfriend.
"Thank you guys." Mon said
"Enjoy your quality time together. I wont disappoint you with the company. I'll work hard to reach your expectations. Don't worry about Grandma too. We will visit Mon's parents or invite them also for family day." Nueng said and hugged her sister.
"Thank Khun Neung. Tace care of them for us." Sam hugged her sister back
"Take care you two. Now go, your flight has been announced for check in." Kirk said
They had a group hug. Sam and Mon waved goodbye to everyone while they friends and doing the same too. Jim is even tearing up.
"Jim! Why are you crying?" Tee asked.
"I'm so proud of them! Its feels like im sending my children to school on their first day."Jim bawled her eyes out.
"Stop it! They are not kids anymore. They are not your kids too! They're adult and even married! Stop it. You're embarrassing us all here!" Kade
"Just go bring her home guys. Everyone's looking at us now. Go." Neung said while looking around.
They then pulled the crying Jim to the car but then laughed in between.
While inside the airport, the couple walked directly to the business class section and were escorted to the VIP lounge. They enjoyed coffee and cake while waiting for boarding. It just took them some time then again they were escorted to the plane's business class section.
"I never traveled business class before. Wow. So this is how it looks like. Its so spacious and comfortable."
"You are travelling only first class from now on Tee rak. Sorry we never had a chance to go out of the country for vacation. But that will change now."
Mon just nodded and settled back to her seat.
"Did you take you medicine?"
"Yes. Im ready."
Sam then closed the door of their cubicle and sat comfortably while waiting for take of.
After hours of sleeping, eating, reading, talking and lots of cuddling, the two landed to UK without any problems. They went through immigration and then pick up their luggages and went out to find Mon's father who's picking them up. Mon's tired eyes to his then she rushed to hug him.
Sam just took their luggages and followed her wife.
"Dad, i want you to personally meet my wife, Sam Anantrakul. Love, you met him through videocall before but let me introduce you my Dad, Rick Armstrong."
"Its nice to finally meet you in person Sir." Sam said and held her hand waiting for her wife's father to shake. But in her surprise, the older man hugged her instead.
"Why shake hands if i can hug my new daughter? Im so happy to finally meet you Sam. And please, no more sir. Call me dad just like Mon."
"Thank you Dad."
"Oh im sure you two are tired so lets get you to your home so you can rest."
Sam decided to buy a vacation house not far from her father-in-law's place. Aside form Sam not being used to having lots of people at home as company, Mon doesn't want to intrude to her father's family as well especially now that she is married herself. They both need all the privacy their own home can offer.
"Thanks Daddy!"
Mr. Armstrong is living with his own family. As to Mon's stories, her father is a retired british soldier and married to a nurse. She has 2 half siblings, a college and high school student. They love Mon also and treated her as part of their family too.
Mr. Armstrong knew that her daughter married a girl from a Thai Royal Family line but she never thought about it that much. Realization just hit him when they entered the village they are in now. Its an exclusive village for the higher side of the populace. They stopped in a well lighted modern type home and he admired his daughter-in-law's taste in choosing their home. Sam called someone from her phone and the gate opened for them. A couple of Thais welcomed them inside and assisted them with their things.
"Would you like some tea inside Dad?" Mon invited her father.
"I'll decline for now my dear. Its getting late already and both of you needs to rest too. I'll come back tomorrow with your siblings."
"Are you sure Dad? Why dont you stay for the night?" Sam added
"Your Auntie is waiting for me at home. We will come back tomorrow. How about we go out for lunch?"
"Sure Dad. We'll wait for you tomorrow." Mon said and hugged her father again
"Drive safe Dad."
As Mr. Armstrong left the couple looked at each other and tirelessly smiled.
"Lets clean up and sleep. I never felt this tired before." Sam said.
"I agree with you 100 percent. Im so tired and i need hugs." Mon said.
Both of them laughed at their own antics. They walked hand in hand upstairs to prepare for bed.
The next day arrived. Sam and Mon are busy preparing to have lunch with Mon's extended family.
"Tee rak! How do i look? Do i look presentable enough to meet your family?"
"Eh? Love, you've met my dad last night. Relax. Plus you look good in everything so dont worry." she assured her wife again for the nth time.
Its around 11:30 when her father arrived to pick them up.
"Auntie Ces!"
The two woman hugged each other.
"Its been what? 4 years? Look at you now! So beautiful and i heard we are meeting the newest family member now." Mon's step-mother said
"Auntie meet my wife Sam, Love, this is Auntie Ces. Dad's wife."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Armstrong."
"Auntie Ces will do, my Dear. Its nice meeting you too."
"Where's Calvin and Raine?" Mon asked
"They're in the restaurant already. I asked them to go first."
"Ladies, you can continue your talk inside the car. Time to go." Mr. Armstrong said
They then drove to Mon's favorite restaurant.
"You ok?" Mon whispered
Sam just looked at her and smiled.
"Im fine. Don't worry."
"Tell me if you're not feeling well. We can always go home and get some rest. Im sure they will understand." Mon assured her
"Its ok. I want to meet the rest of the family too. Besides were here already. Im sure your siblings missed you already. I'll just drink some medicine later."
Mon's step mother looked back. She's kinda worried after hearing the two.
"Are you ok Sam? Do you have jetlag? I have medicine for headache here. Dear drive faster so she take the medicine as soon as we arrived."
The moment they arrived, Mrs. Armstrong requested a glass of water and gave the medicine to Sam which she immediately took. They also met Mon's younger siblings. They enjoyed their food too as the medicine started to kick in. Sam went back to her usual self and even started conversations with her newly met in laws.
"So, do you have your tour itinerary? I know Mon is quite familiar with the country but if you need help, you can always call me."
"Thanks Dad, we will. But actually its not just for vacation. Sam and i came here for a very special reason too." Mon said
"Would you mind sharing it with us dear?"
"Its a secret back home but Mon and I decided to undergo with her IVF here. Our vacation is just an alibi so we could surprise everyone." Sam explained
"OMG! Thats so lovely! Im happy for the both of you and excited too!" Ces said as she wiped some tears
"Im happy for the both of you. Do you know which facility to choose or clinic? Im sure your Aunt Ces would know some."
"We did Dad. We talked to the doctor online too. We've been preparing for months actually. We've done with the initial tests and Sam will be taking the trigger injection tonight."
"So, Sam is carrying your first baby?"
"Mon will Auntie. The egg will come from me though."
"Ow. That's great! Just remember, if you need something, just call us. We will help you two."
"I'm sure Phaw or Mae will call you, so please let this be a secret for a while? We planned to tell them atleast after the first trimester if things go well on our first try."
"Your secret is safe. Dont worry." Dad even raised his right hard to swear.
That night, the couple is in their room, preparing for the last injection. Mon's back hugging her wife while Sam is getting the syringe ready.
"Ready?" Sam asked. She look so calm and while Mon is nervous but they know both of them are excited.
"As ready as you are My Love." Sam did the procedure and after held Mon's arms that is wrapped around her. This is the start, she thought.

Comentário do Livro (47)

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    no matter what happened this story dont give up just do everything for you only love and tell the end you will be success it


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    Freenbecky love 💋💖


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    queria em português


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