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3. Ta-tam and Mo-mon

Someone's POV 
It's saturday, it means no work day for Sam and Mon. They agreed to make Saturdays and Sundays their free days, means no work just spending time together the whole saturday and family day on sundays.
They woke up late, made breakfast together, walk, swim and played with Singha, and cuddled on their sofa while reading some books as per Sam and checking on her social media accounts as per Mon.
"Mae and Phaw reminded me of dinner tomorrow. Will Grandma and Khun Neung be available?"
"I asked Grandma but Khun Phoom's parents invited them for dinner too. She can't cancel that one but she's sad they can't come coz they love Mae's food." Sam said and looked back at her book.
They get back to what they are doing when their doorbell sounded.
" Are you expecting someone my Love?" Mon asked her wife. Sam looked at her with raised eyebrows
"I will not let you wear that if i am expecting someone, Tee Rak." Sam answered.
Sam is right though. They are both wearing something comfy and for their eyes only. Sam is wearing a pair of gray sports bra and loose pants while Mon an oversized and thin pink shirt and very short shorts.
"Check on the gate cam viewer, i'll get our robes."Sam instructed and rushed upstairs.
Mon curiously checked on the viewer to see Jim. She unlocked the gate when Sam gave her robe.
" Who's there? "
" P'Jim. Lets get her in."
The couple walked outside and met their visitors.
"What are you doing here?" Sam said sounding annoyed as one of her friends disturbed her peaceful day.
"Khun Sam?" Mon just widen her eyes on her and Looked at Jim.
"Why a sudden visit P'Jim? Something happened?"
"Sorry about that but can i ask you two a favor?"
"Its our family day so No." Sam said immediately
"Khun Sam! Let P'Jim finish first." Mon stopped her wife again.
"What is it again P'Jim?"
"Can i leave Megan with you two? For 1 night?" Megan is Jim's 2 year old daughter and Mon's goddaughter too.
"Huh?" Mon and Sam said in unison.
"I know its your rest day but i just need to go to the hospital. My mother in law was rushed there this morning so i need to take care of her and i cant bring Megan with me. My husband is still out of the country for business and her baby sitter is on leave too. I can't think of anyone else i can trust to leave Megan with. Aside from you two."
"How about Tee and Yuki? " Mon asked worried
"They're in Hua Hin to check on their new restaurant. And Kade has schedules too. Besides Meg loves the two of you even that ice princess " Jim reasoned.
"But leaving her with us for 1 night? Do you really trust us? I mean yes i love her but im not sure yet if i can take care of her well." Mon answered
"Im sure you will. She is your god daughter and i know you adore and love her. I will get her tomorrow when her nanny arrives."
The two of them are busy not knowing how Sam opened the car door to check on the 2 year old girl.
"Ta-tam! Up! Up!" Megan said and made some grabby hands
Sam smiled and took her from her car seat.
"You've grown again puffy." Sam said as she nuzzled into the little girl's neck, smelling the girl's sweet snd powdery scent. She likes to call her Puffy coz she is cute and round like the pokemon.
"Meg no pow-wee. Meg pwe-tee!"
Sam just chuckled.
"You really are your mother's daughter you both have overflowing confidence." Sam said but carried the little girl back in the house not minding the stares from Jim and Mon.
"Did she just took my daughter without even letting me say goodbye?" Jim said
"I guess so?" Mon just replied.
Jim smiled and gave the overnight bag as well as Meg's baby bag to Mon.
"Everything she needs is in there already. Her milk bottles and formula, water, diaper, change of clothes, toys and snacks. She needs to sleep after after lunch so she wont be cranky tonight. I packed her lunch and dinner here too. Just reheat it later. She loves pancakes or waffles for breakfast. Dont let her eat something sweet before meal. She might not eat her food or she'll be hyperactive coz of sugar rush. Brush her teeth too every after meal."
"Ow--- key..." Mon said
"Relax, i know you can do it. Plus let this be a practice for the two of you. Gain experience in childcare once in a while, so when the time comes that you two wants to have your own kid, you are all ready."
Mon just looked at Sam and Megan who's now playing tag inside the house. She smiled as she heard them giggled.
"We'll be fine P'Jim. We'll take care of Megan, dont worry about her. She'll be fine."
"Thats the spirit. i should really go now. Please take care of my little girl. I really owe you one Mon."
Mon just nod and waited for Jim to leave before getting back inside.
"Ahhhhhhh! Montwer!!!!! Mo-mon help me!" Megan said while rushing at her.
She carried the little one in her arms and hugged her tight.
"I missed you so much Meg!"
"Meg mich cho too Mo-mon!" the sweet girl answered back and kissed Mon in the lips and chuckled
"Hey! Thats mine! No kissing my wife's lips. We've agreed to this last time!" Sam said and took the little girl from Mon.
She laid the girl on the sofa and tickled her. Sam even blew strawberry kisses to Megan's stomach causing the little girls to giggle.
"Thap! Thap! No kith! No kith! Juch hug!!!" the little girl surrendered.
Sam just stopped and hugged the little girl who's still laughing and giggling.
"Why dont you two play while i prepare lunch? Ok?" Mon then left for the kitchen
"Ta-tam! Thwim?" the little girl asked with excitement
"Sure. Lets go change, Mo-mon got you new swim suits. Lets check it out." Sam carried the girl upstairs.
While Mon is busy making their lunch, the two played with Singha in the pool. Its almost an hour when Mon realized how quiet it is so she went to check on the two and was surprised to see both of them playing outside.
" Mo-mon thwim!!! Fun!!!"
"Khun Sam? I told you to play inside."
"She wants to swim so i changed her, dont worry i put sun block on her. She asked nicely too and look at her, she looks cute with the swim suit you got her!" sam reasoned
She is right though, Megan is so cute with her yellow one piece swim suit.
"5 minutes. Then change, food is ready in 10."
"Yes Tee rak."Sam said
"Yeth Tee yak!" Megan
"Hey! That's my Tee rak! Call her Mo-mon!" Sam
"Tee yak!" Megan
And the two kids argued. Mon just left them and went back to the kitchen.
Some moments later her two companions arrived. She took Megan from Sam and put her to her high chair. Sam bought one for Megan since she often visit them with their friends. Mon put her food in front of the child and let her eat in peace.
"She needs to take a nap after lunch, P'Jim told me she gets cranky when she doesn't sleep in the afternoon."
Sam looked at the silent toddler and smiled.
"That wont be hard. She's hardly awake Tee rak."
Mon looked at their ward and saw her already napping. Spoon still in her mouth but her eyes are already closed. Good thing she ate half of her food.
"I'll clean her up. Can you prepare her milk Love?"
Mon carried the little girl upstairs. She cleaned her up and change her clothes. She then laid her on their bed. Sam followed them afterwards with the milk.
"Let me feed her finish your food first." Sam said and gave Megan her milk. She closed the curtains too.
Mon agreed and gave both kisses before going down to continue eating. After cleaning up, she locked everything downstairs then rushed to join the two. Mon softly opened the door and saw the the two already asleep. Megan's upper body is on top of Sam, her empty milk bottle is still in her mouth. She smiled and took a picture of the two. She then took off her robe and joined them in bed.
"Mo-mon? Wakey wakey..."
"Let her sleep puffy. Mo-mon needs her rest too."
The little girl pouted.
"How about we go down and get some snacks?"
"But Mo-mon? Pway with Mo-mon."
"We'll play with her later. Let's go."
Sam carried the girl down and let her play with Singha. She then prepared some cookies and juice for the little one. And tea for herself. She's busy making her tea when she felt her wife hugged her she looked back and kissed her.
"Good afternoon Tee rak. How's your sleep?"
"Good but i woke up without you and Megan."
"You sleep so well and i dont want to wake you up. You need rest too. So we went down and play with Singha. Those two are so hyper now that she had slept. Tea?"
"Make one for me please."
"Go play with them first, i'll prepare our snacks."
Mon went to Megan and Singha. They are all seated on the floor and playing with dolls. Sam then arrived with their snacks and tea. The three of them are now seated on the sofa and silently eating. They are so peaceful and cozy. Even the little one is just enjoying her cookies and juice. Very domestic.
"What should we have for dinner?" Sam asked
"Would pasta be fine? Its easy and im sure Megan would like it too. Meg, would you like to eat pasta for dinner?"
"Yeth pleath!" the little girl said and grinned
"There you have it. We will have pasta." Sam said.
And Mon started preparing for dinner. It took her 1 hour to finish while the two are busy playing with whatever they could play with.
Its around 7 pm when they decided to have dinner. The 3 of them enjoyed their food especially the little one. They're just lucky coz Megan is not a picky eater too. After dinner, they cleaned up and changed to their pajamas and watched Beauty and the beast on disney and just halfway through, Megan started to yawn. The child is situated between the couple and she's snuggling to Sam. Mon patted her back while Sam is caressing the girl's head. It just took them minutes to see that the child is in deep sleep.
"She's like an angel when asleep. So innocent and pure." Sam whispered
"She is. Jim is lucky to have her." Mon said and kissed the girl's head.
Mon yawned settled beside the sleeping child, she put her arms around the girl. Sam reached over and kissed her wife then copied her and held her hand.
"I love you Tee rak."
"I love you too my love."
Mon woke up passed midnight. She checked on their ward to see the space beside her empty. She looked around and saw her wife dancing and humming the little girl to sleep.
Sam is carrying the girl in her arms. She woke up minutes ago looking for her Mom. Afraid that they'll disturb Mon, she carried the little one and walked around the room while humming some songs to soothe the crying child. She smiled as she felt and heard soft snoring from Megan. Then she felt a pair of arms around her.
"Did i wake you up?" she whispered
"No. Its ok. What happened?"
"She started to cry in her sleep so i carried her and dance her for a while. She must have missed her Mom." Sam said as she kissed Megan.
"Poor little one." Mon said the three of them stayed like that.
"I think we are more than ready to have our own child, My Love." Mon whispered
Sam just nod and kissed Mon too.
"I think so too. And we will love, care and dote on them more than anything in this world." Sam added.
The couple then moved back to bed and slept the remaining of the night away. Sam woke up early and prepared breakfast for the three if them. They decided to eat breakfast outside, to get some morning sun too. They were enjoying their morning when Jim arrived with Megan's Nanny. The child rushed to her mother.
"Sam, Mon, thank you for taking care of her." Jim said.
"Megan is always welcome here P'Jim. And she's a good kid, she behaves so well too. We can babysit her once is a while." Mon replied back.
Megan detached herself from her mother and rushed back to the couple. Sam carried her in her arms and ticked her neck with soft kisses. Jim heard her little giggle and that made her smile.
" Let me get her things." Mon said, the nanny followed her inside too
Jim just looked at Sam and Megan. She knew how much her best friend adore her child. And she's happy with it.
"She loves you two so much. You can borrow her anytime if you want." Jim said
"Hmmm. I like having her here. Mon is happy to have here also. She's just like you, very active, and joyful kid." Sam said while looking at the child in her arms.
"You know i think, you and Mon are ready to have one. Megan needs a playmate." Jim started
"We talked about it also. We'll see."
Jim nodded but smiled. She's excited for her friends.
Mon took Megan from Sam and peppered the girl with kisses.
"I'll miss you Meg!" she said, Megan just giggled but kissed her back.
"Meg mith you too Mo-mon. Mith you too Ta-tam!."
"I'll miss you two Puffy. Go to mommy now."
"We'll get going. Thanks again my friends."
Jim said and carried the girl to the car. Mon just hugged Sam while they are watching them drive away. Singha is very busy chasing butterflies.
"Its just the three of us again." Mon said
"Yes but Jim said we can borrow Meg anytime." Sam replied
"Yes. I missed her already."
"Same here Tee rak." Sam said and kissed her wife's nose. "but i missed being alone with you too."
Mon just chuckled then rushed inside the house.
"First one to our room be the top!"
"Hey! That's unfair!"
And Sam rushed to follow her, determined to be top Sam again.

Comentário do Livro (47)

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    no matter what happened this story dont give up just do everything for you only love and tell the end you will be success it


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    Freenbecky love 💋💖


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    queria em português


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