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Under a cloudless night sky, the celestial canvas dazzled with countless stars, while the moon gently sailed like a small boat on a tranquil sea of sparkling lights. Occasionally, a shooting star would blaze across the heavens, its brief descent leaving the Earth untouched. Nocturnal birds gracefully took flight, embarking on their evening hunt, and the high-pitched squeak of bats echoed, signaling the awakening of thousands of insects below.
Amidst the heavy night air, burdened with humidity and the stubborn warmth of thirty degrees Celsius, Agnes found herself seated on the exposed massive root of a Camachile tree, gazing at her phone. Tears had ceased to flow, and she blamed herself for expecting too much from Karl. Her head throbbed with pain, and she regretted joining her friends instead of staying with her niece and nephews in Bacolor. At just seventeen, she was a freshman college student at a local state university in Pampanga. Though her classmates admired her for being a consistent honor student with a beautiful face, she lacked the courage to participate in beauty pageants within her community or school.
Placing her hand on her right temple, she gently massaged it, hoping to alleviate the pain. Determined not to endure any more heartache, she vowed never to speak to Karl again. Her love for him had left her feeling pathetic and vulnerable.
The surroundings were enveloped in darkness, casting an eerie atmosphere. Agnes decided it was best to return to the car and continue their journey to La Paradiso Hotel, where they were to meet their friend, Rose, secretly. She rummaged through her bag and retrieved a pocket mirror to check her makeup with the aid from the light of her cell phone. Applying some powder delicately to her face using her handkerchief, she prepared to stand up from the root of the tree where she had been seated. Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed from the nearby woods, sending chills down her spine. The insects' sounds ceased, and an unsettling silence engulfed the grassy area. Agnes froze in place, her senses heightened as she listened intently to her surroundings.
Moments later, another scream, this time that of a woman, pierced the air. Fear gripped her, causing her knees to tremble. The sound of approaching footsteps from the trees intensified her anxiety.
Who's there?!" she nervously called out, quickening her pace as she walked briskly. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something moving in the Cogon grass beside her. Her heart pounded wildly when three crows suddenly took flight right in front of her, causing her to lose her balance and tumble into a three-meter deep pit.
"Oh, no!" she screeched as her body rolled down, accompanied by dried leaves and twigs.
Agnes landed at the bottom of the pit, struggling to maintain consciousness. As she gasped for breath, she carefully checked herself for any signs of serious injuries, relieved to find that there were no major bruises or wounds. However, when she attempted to move her feet, a sharp pain shot through her right foot, and she realized that the bones had dislocated from the joint.
"Oh, Gosh," she sighed in dismay, pouting her lips in pain. Surveying her surroundings in the pitch darkness, she desperately searched for her cellphone, which she had been holding when she fell. Unfortunately, it seemed to have disappeared during the fall, and she couldn't locate it anywhere.
Panic setting in, Agnes knew she needed her phone urgently to contact Vanessa or Karl for help. "Help! I need help!" she shouted into the darkness, straining to listen for any response or signs of nearby help.
"Is there anyone here?! Please, I need help!" Her desperate cries echoed in the darkness, but all that met her ears were the distant roars of passing vehicles on the nearby highway, where her friends were resting. Agnes racked her brain, trying to figure out how she could find help in this desolate place. Then, her eyes brightened as she noticed her bag lying nearby—thankfully, it had remained with her throughout the fall.
Without hesitation, she rummaged through her bag and retrieved a small flashlight. As she switched it on, terror gripped her as she saw something horrifying. The flashlight slipped from her trembling hand and fell to the ground as she let out a horrified cry. Nervously, she picked it up again, her heart pounding in her chest, and shone the light on the area to confirm what she had seen.
Her worst fears were realized when the light revealed six lifeless bodies in front of her, their eyes wide open, staring back at her. Agnes recognized them—it was her friends. Her hands covered her mouth in shock as she took in the brutal scene before her. Karl's body was near a small Acacia tree, his remains horribly mutilated. Vanessa and Lourdes lay side by side, their bodies eviscerated. Chantelle and Mercy had their necks lacerated, their blood drained. And Henry's head had been placed atop a boulder rock.
Trembling with fear and grief, Agnes felt her strength leaving her. Her mind was on the verge of breaking down when she heard movements in the bushes nearby. Panic surged within her—she had to escape from this pit, fearing that the killer might be lurking, waiting for her.
Summoning every ounce of courage, she ran as fast as she could towards the highway, ignoring the excruciating pain in her right foot. The pain slowed her down, but she noticed a sturdy Guava tree nearby and made it her goal to reach it. Climbing the tree might be her only chance to reach the top of the pit where she had fallen from.
Agnes's heart pounded, and she prayed for safety as she ascended the tree, determined to escape the nightmarish horror that had befallen her friends and her. The true horror of what had happened was yet to be uncovered, and she knew she had to survive to find out the truth and seek justice for her friends.
Finally, Agnes reached the sturdy Guava tree, her heart pounding in her chest. She clutched the two strong stems and began pulling herself up, using her left foot to support her weight. The pain in her injured foot made her cry out, and she whispered prayers to keep herself safe. As she ascended, she noticed something moving below her. Looking down, she was met with the terrifying sight of a huge black dog with fiery red eyes, staring hungrily at her. The dog's mouth salivated, and its red tongue nearly touched the ground.
"Oh God, keep me safe. Oh God, please!!!" she pleaded, fear gripping her as she continued to climb the tree. She grabbed every available stem, pulling herself up with determination until she finally reached the top of the cliff from where she had fallen. Exhausted, she lay down on the sandy ground, attempting to catch her breath. Wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, she tried to collect her thoughts and plan her next move.
Agnes knew she had to find help, so she gathered her strength and stood up, starting to walk towards the highway. However, her progress came to a halt when she saw the lifeless body of a woman hanging from the thick branch of an unfamiliar tree, directly in her path. Shock washed over her, and she collapsed to the ground, screaming in terror. The horrifying truth dawned on her— the woman hanging from the tree was her, or rather, her lifeless body.
"How can this be? Is this really happening?" Agnes thought, her mind reeling with confusion and disbelief. Was she truly dead? The realization was overwhelming, and she couldn't comprehend what was unfolding before her eyes.
Someone called her name. The voice sounded familiar, and as Agnes turned towards the direction of the voice, she was astonished to see Vanessa approaching. Agnes couldn't believe her eyes— even in death, her best friend was here with her. Overwhelmed with relief, she quickly stood up and rushed to embrace her friend, tears streaming down her face.
"Why are you crying?" Vanessa asked, looking concerned.
"I'm just so glad to see you, friend," Agnes managed to say amidst her tears.
"Of course, I'm glad to see you, you're my beshy. But where have you been? We've been searching for you for almost two hours now, and everyone is angry with what you did," Vanessa said, raising her right eyebrow and placing her hands on her hips.
Agnes looked puzzled. "What do you mean?" she mumbled, feeling confused by the situation.
Vanessa seemed irritated and clarified, "You've been missing for almost two hours, what do you expect? You will be dead when we reach the car." Vanessa said jokingly to her friend.
Agnes was taken aback. As she glanced down at her right foot, she realized that the pain was gone, and she had no bruises or abrasions. Curiously, she looked back at the tree where she had seen her lifeless body hanging, only to find that it was no longer there.
'Am I really dead or was it just a nightmare?' Agnes questioned her reality.
Vanessa noticed her friend's troubled expression and asked, "Hey, what's wrong? It's like you've seen a ghost. Do I look like one?"
Agnes forced a smile and replied, "It's nothing, friend. I'm just having a hard time believing that we're still alive."
"What do you mean?" Vanessa inquired.
"Oh, it's nothing. What I meant is that I'm grateful to have you as my best friend," Agnes explained. Vanessa looked at her with understanding and embraced her in response.
"Friend, we should head back to the car now. Everyone is worried and waiting for us," Vanessa suggested. Agnes nodded, and hand in hand, they made their way back to the car, leaving that eerie place behind.
Unbeknownst to them, a black hooded creature watched from the shadows of the tree. Its long, bony hand clenched into a fist before disappearing into thin air, leaving behind an air of mystery and uncertainty. 
A few meters away from the tree lay two lifeless bodies of a man and a woman, both fully naked. Their eyes were wide open, and fear was etched on their faces. Their pale skin bore the grisly marks of grey lines, indicative of their blood being drained from their bodies.
"Shall we continue our journey now?" Vanessa inquired, and the car's engine roared to life.
Once more, they journeyed along the road towards the province of Zambales. Agnes sat in the back seat of the car, her mind occupied with the unsettling experience in the forest. She was perplexed, unsure whether it had been a mere dream or a forewarning she should take seriously. Despite the joyful expressions of her friends in the car, the haunting image from the forest remained vivid in her thoughts. Was it a sign to reconsider meeting with Rose? How could she communicate her concerns to her friends? Would they even believe her? Truthfully, Agnes had only joined the trip because of Rose's invitation and Vanessa's insistence.
She was well aware that Lourdes and Mercy were not pleased with her, and she sensed that their interactions were insincere. Feeling embarrassed in front of Vanessa, she struggled not to treat them differently, knowing they were all part of the same group of friends. If it weren't for her feelings for Karl, she would have chosen to ride on his motorcycle instead. As they arrived at La Paradiso, a wave of emotions flooded her heart. How would she face Karl, the one she loves? What facade should she wear in front of her friend Rose, who is Karl's girlfriend? Could she bear witnessing their love for each other? Spending several days together in the same place seemed like an emotional torment she wasn't prepared for. She couldn't help but regret coming on this trip, wishing she could spare herself from the pain.
In hindsight, she pondered if she should have been bolder in expressing her feelings. Maybe then, she could have been Karl's partner rather than just being seen as a friend and sister. Introducing Rose to him was now the cause of her heartache, and she wished she had handled things differently. The weight of her unspoken emotions and unrequited love weighed heavily on her as she tried to navigate the complexities of the situation.

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    SampaioLarrany Victoria Pereira



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    Fuhsmhzbshss Chwskbasb



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