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She couldn't count the number of times she shed tears that day. Her eyes swollen, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Clutching a blood-stained razor in her right hand, her left wrist bore a deep, painful wound, filling the sink with crimson.
The metallic scent of her blood pervaded the air, almost causing her to retch. The excruciating pain in her wrist matched the sorrow that consumed her, as droplets of blood dripped incessantly onto the cold tile floor. In her current state of despair, death seemed like a preferable escape from a life filled with unending agony. Two months pregnant, she found herself overwhelmed by the desire to end both her own suffering and the unborn child's, adding another layer of anguish to her already heavy burden.
Gazing into the mirror, she conjured an image of her ex-boyfriend standing before her. The desire to slap him and curse his existence consumed her, wishing upon him a fate of immense suffering and a dreadful demise.
Placing the razor blade near the faucet, she dipped her forefinger into the bloodied wound on her wrist and inscribed the name "Bryan" onto the mirror. For several minutes, she stared at that name, a flood of memories washing over her.
Bryan had been her partner for six long years. Now, she was bewildered as to how they had arrived at this juncture. Six years filled with sacrifices, where she had fought battles and relinquished everything, only to find herself with nothing but a sense of loss and defeat.
She couldn't fathom any valid reason for her sudden abandonment by Bryan, despite all the goodness she had shown him. Was this how he chose to repay her for her selflessness? It had become painfully clear that she had been nothing more than a means to satisfy his own needs and aspirations. Deceived by the man she deeply loved, the betrayal cut even deeper, especially considering the sacrifices she had made, including the life of her father, all in the name of her love for Bryan.
"Damn you! You've shattered my life!" Fueled by anger, she hurled the razor blade and struck the mirror with a powerful blow. The impact sent fragments flying, mingling with the crimson stains of her fresh blood.
"I gave you my all, what did I do to deserve this? I don't deserve this!" Her voice reverberated with a mix of frustration and anguish.
Dizziness overwhelmed her, and she sank to the floor, mumbling a string of curses. The pristine white satin of her blouse now tainted by the evidence of her inner turmoil.
"Forgive me, Dad...please forgive me for the choices I've made..." She enveloped her knees, allowing her blood to drip onto the unforgiving tiles, a silent plea for forgiveness.
Her best friend's piercing words echoed relentlessly in her mind, "What a foolish girl you are, Sophia. Graduating Magna Cum Laude, yet letting yourself be deceived by that worthless boyfriend." Deep down, she knew her friend was right, painfully exposing her own naivety.
"Is it worth it? Taking my own life because Bryan discarded me like trash? Is that a reason significant enough to end it all?" As utterances gave shape to her thoughts, she realized she wasn't ready to embrace death. She wanted to cherish her unborn baby and become the loving, devoted mother she yearned to be. Shaking her head, a laugh escaped her lips, a sudden realization of her own vulnerability when it came to matters of the heart.
"What have you become, Sophia?" she asked herself, gazing at the wall, absentmindedly combing her hair with her trembling hand. A deep sigh escaped her lips, as her gaze shifted to the wound on her wrist, a constant reminder of the pain and struggles she endured.
She reminisced about her father, the way he held her after she fell from her bicycle at the tender age of nine. The memory brought warmth and comfort to her heart.
"Oh, my dear Sophia, are you hurt? Daddy's here, you're safe," his reassuring words resonated within her.
Those words had a profound effect on her. However, after her father's passing, blame was cast upon Sophia by her mother and siblings. They accused her of being responsible for their father's demise, as her mother had pleaded for the money she needed for his life-saving operation. She could never forget the sight of her tearful mother, kneeling before her, begging for assistance, only to leave her alone in the apartment, betrayed and filled with anger.
Her father had suffered from a debilitating brain stem stroke, requiring urgent surgery to remove a blood clot. But Sophia's heart had hardened against him, directing the funds instead towards her boyfriend's job application for overseas employment. Her father's life was lost, and the weight of guilt fell heavily upon her shoulders. If only she had given the money to her mother, perhaps her act would have saved her father's life.
Now, burdened with remorse and regret, she lacked the courage to return home to Cebu and seek forgiveness from her mother and siblings. The enormity of her mistake amplified, leaving her consumed with sorrow. She deeply yearned to turn back time and prioritize her family over Bryan, regretting the day she made that fateful decision.
Her boyfriend had migrated to Australia and cut off all contact with her after their final conversation, the day she revealed her two-month pregnancy. For four years, she had been the one supporting Bryan through college, blinded by love and prioritizing him over her own family.
Bryan had spun a web of promises and dreams, all of which now lay shattered. How could she face a life without the family she had abandoned for the sake of her boyfriend? What kind of future awaited her now that she had been terminated from the hospital where she worked? Most importantly, she worried about the well-being of the baby growing within her womb.
Once again, she mustered the strength to rise, but her knees buckled beneath her weight. Attempting to walk, she stumbled and fell, the wound on her wrist still bleeding. The makeshift dressings she had applied were now drenched with her fresh blood.
She was overwhelmed with guilt for the mistakes she had made, recognizing how she had inadvertently ruined her own life. The thought of her unborn child filled her with a renewed determination to live. She yearned to witness their birth, give them a name, and devote herself to becoming the best mother she could be, guiding them towards a bright future.
In the depths of her despair, she contemplated the consequences of her potential demise. The fear of dying alone, without anyone to care for her, weighed heavily on her troubled mind. She dreaded the idea that her soul could be damned forever, consigned to the depths of Hell if she were to take her own life.
This realization sparked a flicker of hope within her, a realization that it was not too late for her to turn her life around. She yearned for redemption and a chance to improve herself for the sake of her baby.
Suddenly, as Sophia stood in the bathroom, an eerie chill descended upon the room. The temperature dropped drastically, despite it being mid-April with warm and humid weather outside. Fear gripped her heart, whispering that death itself was approaching.
"Please, God, I don't want to die," she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation.
Taking a deep breath, she felt the icy air fill her lungs, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin and the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. An unsettling sensation permeated the room, as if an unseen presence watched her every move. She knew, with a shiver down her spine, that a malevolent spirit lurked within, its gaze fixed upon her.
Acting quickly, she reached for her phone and dialed the emergency hotline number, desperately hoping for a response from the operator.
"Please, pick up the phone!" she implored, her anxiety mounting as the incessant ringing continued, echoing through the silent room.
Suddenly, a blur of movement caught her attention from behind. She turned her gaze, attempting to identify the source, but there was no one there. As her eyes scanned the room, she noticed a chilling white fog descending from the bathroom window, slowly creeping toward her room. Acting instinctively, she crawled out of the bathroom and hastily shut the door behind her, seeking refuge and separation.
Upon entering her room, flickering lights cast an eerie ambiance, while unsettling clicking sounds emanated from her cellphone's speaker. An overpowering stench of rotten eggs filled the air, intensifying her dizziness. She fought the urge to vomit and managed to regain control. Mustering strength, she began to pray, seeking solace in the darkness behind closed eyelids.
"Oh God, please help!" she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation.
To her relief, a man's voice finally answered her call.
"Emergency services, how can I assist you?" the voice on the other end inquired.
"I need help! I'm injured and wounded, please, I need immediate assistance," she pleaded desperately.
"Ma'am, I understand your distress. Stay calm. We will promptly send help to address your situation. Please cooperate by providing your personal information and explaining what has occurred," the emergency responder instructed.
"Yes, of course. My name is Sophia Santos, twenty-seven years old. I reside at #534 Rosemary Street, Florence Village. Please, you must hurry!" she cried, her voice shaking with fear. She anxiously awaited a response, but the line fell silent, filled only with the crackling of static.
"Hello?!" she called out, growing increasingly desperate. Yet, no response came, only the persistent hum of static. Determined to seek help, she dialed the emergency hotline once more, hoping for a connection. The phone rang, and as she listened intently, a deep, low voice greeted her on the line.
"Hello, Sophia?" a voice said.
Sophia's heart sank as she heard the mention of her name, overcome by a wave of fear.
"I'm sorry, but who is this?" Sophia asked, her face displaying a puzzled expression. "Is this the Emergency Hotline? I desperately need help," she pleaded.
"How are you, Sophia? Enjoying your solitude, confined within the four walls of your small room?" the man sneered, his tone dripping with mockery.
"Who...who are you? I have no time for pranks, okay?" Sophia stuttered, her patience wearing thin.
"Soon, your soul will be mine!" the man cackled derisively. "I am everywhere, Sophia... watching you... craving your soul..." Sophia's face turned pallid upon hearing these words. She instinctively looked around her room, half-expecting the man from the phone to materialize before her. The man continued to laugh raucously, driving Sophia to hurl the phone onto the floor, shattering it into pieces.
Overwhelmed with fear, Sophia wept and struggled to catch her breath. The mere thought of running seemed futile, as her strength had already been sapped by the loss of a significant amount of blood.
Suddenly, the sound of scratching emanated from her windows and ceiling. "Who... Who are you?" she mustered, her heart pounding as if attempting to break free from her ribcage. "Reveal yourself... I refuse to be intimidated!" she proclaimed, her voice strained. As the voices of suffering men, women, children, and the elderly echoed throughout the room, Sophia covered her ears, desperately clutching at any shred of sanity that remained.
"Please, make it stop! Stop this torment!" she pleaded, unable to bear it any longer. The stench of sulfur permeated the air, worsening her breathing difficulties.
"Look at you, so pitiful, Sophia. Soon, you'll witness my presence," the voice taunted, punctuating the statement with another chilling laugh.
"What do you desire? I'm begging you, I'll give you anything, just please leave me be!" Sophia pleaded, her voice trembling with fear. To her horror, she realized she stood paralyzed in the center of her room, encircled by shadowy figures, their human-like forms gliding alongside her.
As the bathroom door creaked open slowly, Sophia's attention fixated on two bony hands emerging from the upper edge, forcefully prying the door wider.
A piercing scream welled up within her as her mouth was abruptly covered by a pale hand, permeating her entire body with a paralyzing numbness. Though she fought with all her might, her body refused to respond. Desperately, she turned her head and found her hands firmly restrained by four of the shadowy figures.
Before her loomed the bathroom door, its surface being mercilessly ripped apart by thin, elongated fingers adorned with razor-sharp claws. Through the widening tear, the creature behind the door finally revealed itself to Sophia, locking its fiery eyes, brimming with a malevolent mix of hatred and anger, onto her trembling form. Gliding closer in a deliberate motion, it reached out to her.
"Your soul belongs to me now, Sophia..." it whispered, moving its face closer, fixating its gaze into her eyes. In an instant, the creature voraciously consumed her soul, devouring it through the windows of her very being. Overwhelmed by a dizzying sense of eternal descent, Sophia felt herself plummeting into an endless abyss shrouded in darkness.

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    SampaioLarrany Victoria Pereira



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    Fuhsmhzbshss Chwskbasb



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