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The case was left at that, case of disappearance.
Meanwhile, in another part of the city of Lovecraft County, Elton's sister-in-law, Andreia, got into a fight between her husband with whom she has been married for six months, in a jealousy crisis, she took the knife and killed her husband. threatened, anyway, she was also arrested, the screams were so loud that the neighbors called the police, who arrested her in the act...
A few days later...
Going back to school.
There were numerous rumors that ran through that school, the main one was that it was haunted, the other problem was that there were no cameras to prove the haunting...
Anyway, the police were first called, who opened an investigation, the second thing was that there was no evidence that anyone there was drugged, but the evidence was that 5 people entered the school and only one left...
The parents were nervous amidst the fact that it wasn't just those five girls who walked in in a span of 1 week, but there was a series of disappearances at the school, the problem the story was the same.
Nobody knew how it started, what they knew was that there was a table of spirits and no girl kept coming back, there was always only one girl left at the end of it all.
The school was about to be closed, so the police opened an investigation, they started to spread cameras in all the corridors, with that, they followed the girls, but that didn't prevent the meetings that took place less than a week after the disappearance of the last one. take from idiot girls.
So, in a 1st grade classroom.
Again there were five girls gathered in a circle, playing with the spirit board, when they were laughing, and the glass moving...
- I know it's you doing this. – One of them said.
- It's not me... - The other said.
Unexpectedly, they were interrupted when a policeman entered the room.
- I knew there was someone in that room. – A dark-haired detective said. – Get out of there now. - She said. - Come with me. - She said.
- No... - One of them said. - Wait.
- This is no joke, I'll call your parents. - He said approaching.
But amid the noise they made, they ended up making more noises, but they were pulled by the detective.
- You can not. - Another said, trying to get away, as they were pulled.
Amid the screaming, that's when the windows and shutters opened and a portal above their heads opened.
- Stop getting ready. - He said.
Then, a huge horned green demonic creature appeared with claws, then pulling the one closest to the portal.
- Get out of here. – He said, taking his gun out of his holster and aiming, when that had everyone running, before they were paralyzed for seconds, not before the policeman tried to shoot towards the demon before running away.
It was like this when being pushed, the claw stretched and chased them, between screams and moans, of the five girls and the policeman who were pursued, four were caught, pulled towards the portal by the demon.
While the policewoman on her communicator. – I need reinforcements, in the midst of the rush, when she was on her communicator, he would call for reinforcements, but it took less than half an hour.
Still, she didn't save all the others and they found nothing.
Again, the school would be closed, when they decided in a meeting...
Then they called a specialist, a hero of the Warriors Society, a mage who was their first alternative, but in the middle of a ceremony, he was sucked by the demon.
A few days later.
Delphi Mansion.
Sasha was having her kisses and making out, in the midst of a private party he was doing a striptease for her husband, when they were interrupted, Darkness sitting, watching the man shimmy as he took off his underwear, as Delmos arrived at the door. slam your suite door.
- Curse. – Darkness said.
- I always get interrupted. – Sasha said.
- In between. – Darkness said reluctantly. – Then you continue, put on a robe. – Darkness said in his direction.
- Know. - He said sullenly, then grabbing a robe, heading towards the armchair. – What do we have, Delmos? – Sasha questioned him.
Delmos entered the suite, saying, towards those two men.
- We have visitors and an FBI case. – The demon butler said.
- They are in the room? – Darkness questioned him.
- Yes, gentlemen. - He said.
- I'll be down in a few minutes. – Sasha said, as she started heading towards her closet to get dressed.
- I choose the clothes. – Darkness said as he got up and followed him.
At that time, a few minutes later, Sasha came downstairs in a green suit, towards her visitors.
- So, what do you have for us today? - Darkness questioned him, sitting in front of them, next to Sasha who was at that time, was sitting and suspicious, due to the time they took to go looking for him...
- We have a case. – A detective said.
- Do you know about the spirit games? – One of the detectives questioned him.
- Know. - He said.
- There are around 18 girls missing. – A detective said.
- So I wasn't the first choice. – The boy said. – If you reached that number. - He said.
- We thought the magic core could solve it. – A detective said.
- Mr. Delphos, you must already know about the cases of disappearances of girls from the girls' school. – One of the detectives said.
- Do you want me to bring the girls if possible? – Delphi questioned them.
- If that were possible. – A detective said.
- I want to have the freedom to settle. – Delphi said.
- As you always have. – One of the detectives handed over the case documents, then said goodbye.
About that.
Sometime later at the girls' school, in the middle of the break, Tania the red-haired goth girl was talking to some classmates.

Comentário do Livro (1076)

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    Angelyn Halliasgo

    pls give me more balance for my family :(


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    Nousa Douda



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