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Chapter 7: Coping with the Pandemic

Dahlia arrived home at exactly 2:00 p.m. trying to supress a smile even if deep down, she wanted to cry in her room until she falls asleep. Her job really means a lot to her and she's afraid to disappoint her mother with the temporary mall closure.
As she opened the door and found the living room silent, she figured that her mother was at their sari-sari store. Taking off her shoes and placing her shoulder bag on the coffee table, she went to their store and saw her mama who's busy entertaining customers. She kept quiet and just observed her mama smiling lightly as she gave the goods to the customers. The sari-sari store was built by their late father, Enrique, as requested by their mother. Esther was so happy when her loving husband finished the store that she immediately went to the Barangay Hall and asked for a Business Permit. Then the day after, bought groceries such as packs of noodles, bottles of mineral water, junk foods, candies, canned goods, etc. which she neatly displayed in her store. Since their location was near the sidewalk, many passerby would come and buy from them.
"Dahlia, you're already here!" Hearing her mama called her name, she went to her and kissed her left cheek.
"Hi mama, how's your day?" She asked her to lighten up the mood. Don't want to immediately tell her mother the bad news.
"I'm okay dear, there were a lot of customers this morning buying packs of noodles, disposable face masks and alcohols." Esther answered while looking at her stocks. Seems like she needs to purchase more disposable masks and alcohols tomorrow morning.
"How about you dear? It's just 2:30 and you're already home." Esther wondered why, knowing that Dahlia often arrives home past 6:00 in the evening.
Dahlia was hesitant in answering her mother's question but she needs to tell her eventually. "I won't be going to work for the meantime ma" She paused and seeing her mother slowly nodding, she continued, "we had a meeting and our supervisors told us about the temporary mall closure"
She went silent after that expecting to see disappointment and worry on her mother's face but to her surprise, Esther went near her and reach out to hold her hand that was sweaty. A sign that she's nervous and her mother knows it.
"It's okay dear, I've seen the news this morning, with the covid-19 surge and border restrictions this was bound to happen as well as the suspension of classes" Esther said while holding her daughter's hand. She felt Dahlia's sweaty hands and knew that she's nervous. She smiled affectionately at her eldest daughter which made Dahlia calm down.
"I'm sorry ma" Dahlia whispered loud enough for her mother to hear. "You don't have to feel sorry dear, why don't you think of this as your early vacation? You've been working for 3 years now." Esther said trying her best to console her daughter by telling her that it's not her fault and reminding her to take some rest after working for several years.
"I'll do that ma, by the way, Kimberly's mom wanted us to work on their eatery, if it's okay with you. I would like to give it a try."
"You mean their eatery near the plaza?" Dahlia nodded. "That's a nice offer but Dahlia, do you really want to work there?" Esther wanted to make sure if her daughter was certain to work at this time. If you think about it, there's a pandemic going on and it's normal for a mother to worry for the safety of her children.
"I would really like to try ma, to keep my mind of things and earn some money" Dahlia said reassuring her mother. "Just be careful dear, and always wear your face mask and disinfect as much as possible" Esther replied after seeing the determination and eagerness on her daughter's eyes.
"I will ma, don't worry about me. Thank you so much for your support."
"You're welcome dear. God bless you" Her mother then let's go of her hand and patted her back. "You should go upstairs now and change. Amelie texted me a while ago, saying that she'll come home early"
"I will go upstairs then, please tell Amelie when she arrives to come to my room, I have something to tell her." Her mother just nodded and went to entertain their customer who wants to buy some canned goods and biscuits.
Dahlia left their store, feeling better after their talk. When she opened the door to her bedroom, she immediately placed her shoulder bag above her cabinet and opened the first drawer to get some clothes to change on. She took out a simple white printed shirt and black shorts and went inside the bathroom to change and clean her hands. It's a must wash your hands with soap as often as needed.

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