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Chapter 4: At The Garden

The oldman rested for a few seconds, he felt a little sadness on his chest remembering those moment. He looked down, "I hope the world will turn backward someday." He took a deep breath, and started to read the notebook. "Hello, my name is Ricky. I kept this notebook for a long time. I chose to hide it from anyone to protect my love."
(Ricky POV)
Being gardener in the 1950s maybe the poorest state in the life of everyone. But when I see her smile, it seems like the poorest state of my life becomes the happiest state.
Now, she's going down to the car, I don't want her to notice me with my dirty clothes and odorful smell. She then went to house with her guards, then I continue planting at the garden."
(Ricky POV)
It's been 12 hours I've been working I think, I must stop to get some rest, and it's late night there's no time to be back home again. I get the lamp and a little carton to be able to lay down and sit. I get the notebook and a pen and started to make a simple poetry.
A poetry filled by emotions, feelings, love and message to my love, and I've written with a little smile in my mouth since I love doing these things. A little mistake in my writings made my time wasted, so I decided to cut out this page and crumpled, then rewrite the whole poetry.
I suddenly go to the comfort room and wash my face. I changed my clothes to be able to sleep more comfortable. Sophie is the name of a girl who was going down from the car earlier and from a rich family. She's so beautiful.
She suddenly goes out of the house and went to a garden, staring at the beautiful roses, when at the middle of her getting around, she noticed that a piece of crumpled paper, she went towards and took it up, "Who's the man responsible in this garden" her two eyebrows met as she's so strict. The act of dropping the crumpled paper into the trashcan, she noticed there was a something written from the paper. She stretched and reads it.
When I comeback to the garden, I saw her. I watch her blooming from the thing that she reads, she's smiling. I walked towards to ask her. But before that, I earned a courage from my chest. “Ehem-ehem” I cleared my throat.
She suddenly look to me and gave me a beautiful smile "Hi, ahmm... who have made this poetry?" asked by her finely beautiful voice.
"I am" a fearlessly word in the front of rich and powerful girl,
She noticed the notebook I'm holding, and suddenly stole it from me without any permission "But it's 12 at the midnight Ms. Sophie, your uncle would get mad if he will know you are here" I said while my empty pocket hooding my hands.
She gave me a lopsided smile "I don't care," she opened my notebook. She sat down and read my poetries again, she has a blooming face and said, "I like your poetries, and no one had given me poetries before, by the way what's your name?"
I need to be confident and there's no reason for telling a lie, "I'm Ricky, your uncle's gardener" said by my honest voice.
"And I think my uncle's so lucky that you're his gardener"
I can't believe what she said, but in the middle of our conversation "Why do you say s—"
"It's time to sleep Ms. Sophie sorry to interrupt you, but you need to take a rest" the guard interrupted him.
Sophie just looked at me "Don't worry I'll be back here tomorrow night, but make sure you have another poem to read. Bye!" she finely said, so I decided to sleep and take a rest as she's leaving the garden.
Tomorrow comes, she came back here in the night to get and read my poetries again. She asked me, "For whom is this poetry? It's a deep and beautiful"
"I literally wrote it from my mind, that poetries are resulted on what I see in my environment"
Her eyes gleamed and asked me again. "And what you see in your environment?"
I'm just staring at my notebool while she's holding it. I feel shy as we're not yet close. "Stars, roses, moon, buildings and plants the same things everyday, but I'm making them different poetries" I said
"Ricky don't be shy look straightly to me whenever I ask you, yo'ure a good poet. Someday you can publish this into the book" her voice seems joking but it's not.
"That sounds impossible, I didn't dream for it, I just love writing so much."
She asked me a permission to borrow my notebook for a day, she eyed me and said "I have nothing to do for tomorrow, instead of getting bored, I wanted to read something interesting" she didn't return my notebook yet this night it made me feel the happiness right now.
After a day, she's coming back and returning the book, "I finished reading it, do you have any poetries left?" she gave me a half-smile while reaching my notebook to me.
I get the notebook from her pinkish hands. "There's no more, but I would make more this night, would you like to see how I do these things?"
"Sure, and I also wanted to know how poets like you playing their lives by holding a pen and paper"
I don't have to say anything, but it doesn't matter to make our conbersation longer, but I looked up, "This would be okay to you if I will tell you to look up your eyes and say something"
I'm just telling her to look up to find what my inspiration is. "Just do it, I'm a good man I won't steal anything from you" I jokingly said
She then turn her beautiful eyes up and thinking about what to say, "I have no idea what to say"
The stars are clearly see tonight, there's no cloud it would be perfect for her to see my inspiration "Just say something, what's the farthest object do you see? It's impossible to have no one" I asked her
But one of the guards called her name and "Sorry to interrupt you Ms. Sophie, but it's time to sleep, the conversation of yours with him can continue tomorrow" the one guard interrupted their conversation once again.
There's another night to comeback Ms. Sophie, there's another night to make a poetry with," I said to her, as she's leaving me behind. The corners of her mouth turned up,
"I hate when someone's calling me like that, just call me Sophia or Sophie for the next time, okay?" before turning away and left the garden to sleep.
I started to sleep. It was a very good day for me, but instead of sleeping, I made poetries for her to read. She's going here in the garden almost everynight to read my poetries, and something is very obviously, she likes my poetries. At day I'm planting. At afternoon, I'm making poetries, at night, she reads it. When my mind keeps telling me it's just a dream whenever I see her face smiling at my poetries, my heart telling me she's the beautiful one. No one has appreciated my efforts before, but then she came, everything changed. I really don't know why this girl always getting towards me and reading my poetries.
One night, I didn't get back home again, a something's light coming towards my place. When it gets arrived in my destination, I see, it's Sophie with the tons of tears, "I need something that makes me comfortable, but I have no friends in this place" Oh my heart beat 600 times than normal, when I heared those words.
She quickly take my notebook out of my hands but I didn't let it steal by her, but instead I recited it by in front of her while she's crying. I intently recite my poetries in badly and funny way, so this moment would give her even a little laugh.
Her mouth suddenly twisted despite her cries and I asked her "Why are you laughing while I'm all serious, can't you see?"
"Maybe you're a good at writing, but please don't present it, especially on the stage or else your romantic poetry would get comedy at the same time" with her burst of laugh. I'm a man who felt electrified, my whole world stopped when she said
"at least you made me smile"
I can't say anything, I changed the topic away from the first, so I asked her, "Why are you crying?"
She wiped her tears by her arms and told me, "The doctor said, my uncle has a cancer and won't last any longer for years" she said it with a frown on her face
"Don't be sad but instead be happy for the times that you're with him, the time's too short to frown" I said
I can't do anything but to empathize with her feelings "My uncle is the only person I have left, please help me what to do, I'm not the God to extend his life"
I clenched my mouth as to pay respect for her cries and let her finish what she has to say before saying anything, "If you want him to be happy, then you must be happy. Imagine he's seeing you suffering because of his final times in this world? Can you imagine that thing? It's very hard for our love one's to see us suffering, especially because of them" I feel her cries.
After a month, her uncle died, and it feels like the darkest night without any light. This is the longest night I have ever experienced without sleeping and without showing her beautiful face. I miss her so much.
I know she's crying all over again, I know she misses her uncle so much It's been many nights that she was not approaching me and reading my poetries, and I'm worried she won't do that thing anymore.
Instead of getting sad, I decided to take an action. I wore my most fashionable shirt, I know it's cheap and simple but at least it's formal to face her, I cut some roses at garden and go to her home.

Comentário do Livro (447)

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    Yoona Bascones

    nice story


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    محمد رجب



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