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Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Maia woke up earlier than usual, she’s so eager to talk to the Alpha. She wants to know why she’s in their territory knowing that they are very territorial, she might have an idea but she don’t want to rely on it.
She’s combing her hair when someone knocked on her door. The woman who brought her foods last day is here again. Like the other day, she has a tray of foods on her hands and places it on the table near the bed. Like the other day, she still keeps her mouth shut.
Maia immediately eats the food when the woman leaves the room. She was too excited and nervous at the same time that she cannot wait for another minute to go waste.
Maia hesitantly knocked on the door in front of her. They said that this is the Alpha’s office. The room was isolated compare to the other doors.
The door opened and the first thing that welcomes her is the scent of her Alpha. She might not that sure about the ‘mate thing’ but she already claimed the Alpha as hers.
Maia walked through the door and saw that the Alpha is busy doing something on his table.
“Sit down” he commanded her and she obey.
Maia look around the office and notice one thing, the office has a minimal design. It only has a sofa, in front of it is the table. In the wall there are different pictures and paintings of nature. There is no window in there.
She felt nervous when the Alpha stand and started to walk towards her, her heart started to beat erotically again. Maia can’t focus her eyes on the Alpha who’s looking at her intently.
The alpha stops right in front of her. Maia on the other hand felt her heart beating fast as time goes by but the alpha seems not to care hearing it.
When he learned earlier that the woman in front of him is his mate, he’s so furious. Why would he have a human as his mate? A weak mate. She can’t help him managing his pack. A free loader for his pack.
He is an Alpha, and thinking that his mate is a human, this will make his pack weaker, him weaker.
“C-can I ask a question?” Maia asked him.
He wants someone who knows her place, as his mate. He wants her Luna to be brave and has the confident. Those three characteristics, the woman don’t have them
“Ask away” he said while sitting in the couch in front of her.
“Am I your Luna?” the Alpha was caught off-guard.
‘How can she know such thing?’ he asks in his mind. The link he has with his pack is temporarily closed.
“No” he answers her directly. He has no plan on accepting the woman as his Mate. He might choose to be alone until his last breath than to accept her.
Yes, he feels that ‘thing’ they have but the Alpha can control it unlike the other wolves
Maia don’t know what to feel, all the things she has on her mind suddenly fade away.
“But I thought I am your mate? Right?” she asked him again, trying her luck again. “Yes, you are” he said truthfully. He was now reading some paper while sitting comfortably in front of her. It looks like he was just talking to some kids asking stupid questions.
Maia felt confused with the answer she got.
‘I am his mate but not his Luna? How come? Is that even possible?’
“Ok, let me clear this out” he said while folding the papers he’s reading a while ago. He stands from his seat and walk towards his table.
“You can leave the pack house and forget what just happened” he said while looking at her intently. He is definitely sure with his decisions. There is no confusion visible in his face, in his eyes.
“W-what?” Maia can’t believe him. Maia thought that a wolf should be with his mate to be stronger. Maia felt hopeless when she heard what he just said. Feels like she was dumped by someone who’s not even her boyfriend.
“I have a girlfriend, and she will be the Luna of my pack” The Alpha said which makes Maia more confused and hurt.
A tear flow on Maia’s cheek, without even her noticing it.
Maia can’t understand what he is saying, her mind is already in blank. What does he meant by that?
She looked at her hand when she felt something wet fell on it. She looked on the ceiling to stop her tears but her tears won’t stop from falling.
The Alpha walked towards his table, he sit there like a king, not minding how Maia’ s heart was breaking.
“Please leave the pack house before she come” he ask her, afraid that his girlfriend might caught him with his Luna, with his mate
“Why?” Maia asks him.
“You’re human” he answered shortly. Maia’s been stopping her tears to fall again but what he said make it unstoppable. No one’s going to accept her for what she is. No one.
Maia leaves the room with her heart falling into pieces and she can’t even fix it back, she just met him yet she is affected by the decision he made.
She just saw herself leaving the woods with Apollo. He told her that he will guide her until they reach the nearest town. She decided not to return to their house since someone is already there.
She’s silent all throughout the long walk and the Beta noticed it. He knows the plan of their Alpha that he strongly disagrees. It is not good for him and for the pack, he’s disobeying the goddess of the moon, but the Alpha stood with his decision, he don’t want a human as his mate
Apollo feel sorry for the human, he knows that she feels the pull, she’s not just aware of it. It is so painful for her to be rejected and he doesn’t know what will happen to Maia.
They stop when they are near the town, Apollo once again told her not to think too much of what happened and forget about it, but Maia seems not to listen.
He snaps his finger in front of him so that he can get her attention. Maia looks at Apollo uninterested. That’s when she realized that they are almost in the town and Apollo was talking to her
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?” she asks him. Maia feels guilty, Apollo accompanies her but she’s not even giving him any attention.
“It’s okay, I understand you” he said while patting her head. Maia felt her eyes watered with that gesture.
“Thank you, for accompanying me and for understanding” she said and walk, leaving the woods.
Maia breathe heavily when she arrive in the town. The first thing she wants to do is to be alone and entertain his emotions but she don’t have any money and a shelter to spend the night, so she decided to look for a job that can offer her a shelter.
The town is far away from her home so she’s not afraid to see her father’s new family.
She got hired in a restaurant as a waitress and a helper. The owner of the restaurant is so kind that she let her sleep in the kitchen. Maia is so thankful that she has place to spend the cold night.
When she’s already prepared to sleep all of the memory came rushing to her mind.
She was rejected by her mate. She maybe not a wolf to feel the bond but she can feel something. She was excited and happy when she found out that the Alpha is her mate but her world crumpled when the Alpha rejected her.
Maia woke up early to prepare for her work, she was planning to get her things in their house after her work is done. The restaurant is quiet popular that makes Maia busy and stop thinking of what happened to her.
She was very productive that day, she serve and sometimes helps the other employee with their works.
After her duty, she told her manager that she will be gone for a while to get her things. She was so anxious while she was on her way to their house. She was imagining things in her head that can possibly happen in their house.
She was already near the house when she noticed that there are lots of men with their things. Are they planning to leave their house?
Maia walk faster so she can get her things that is being transferred with the things of her father. She can’t see her father and his new family. She approached the guy that is holding her bag.
“Excuse me? Can I get my bag?” she asked politely.
The guy looks at her from head to feet and raised her eyebrow.
“Who are you Miss?” the guy asked
“I’m the daughter of the owner of this house” she stated
The guy handed her bag and continue his things. Maia stopped for a moment and watched the men as they transfer their things to the truck.
She stops a guy again to ask something.
“Hey? Where are you taking our things? Where is my family?” Maia asked the guy in front of her.
The guy stopped on what his doing and look at her.
“Your family? They are moving. Didn’t they tell you that?” the guy asked her.
Maia’s POV
They’re moving? Why didn’t they tell me? They don’t even have to kick me out if they are going to move out.
I decided to enter our house. The house is now empty. I don’t even know what to do right now.
“Hello? Are they going to sell the house?” I asked the guy who walked in front of me.
He was hesitant to answer at first but decided to answer in the end.
“I don’t know, but I don’t think they will sell this property” the guy replied.
I welcomed myself in, while walking I was thinking if I should occupy the house or not. After some time, I decided to stay in our house.
When the workers finished they’re works, I started doing my thing. The workers leave the place as soon as they finish their job.
I started unpacking my clothes and cleaning myself up. I can live here alone, as long as I can sustain my needs, I can live without their help.
I bought some food from the store nearby and some essentials. The house is empty, even the furniture are gone.
The house is full of dirt, it looks like no one’s living here for a while now.

Comentário do Livro (55)

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    Baba Ali



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    Fatima Diane Landicho

    thanks it's so good


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