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My Enemy's Warmth

My Enemy's Warmth


Chapter 1

Chapter 1
I really hate Mondays.
Mondays are shits.
The sound of an annoying rings from the clock rested on my bedside table made my ears bleed.
I groaned loudly and tossed in my bed. My right hand was finding the cushion. I immediately put it in my head, covering my ears from listening. My head hurts from the hang-over. I could smell my own breathe with an aftertaste. I grimaced and finally sat up to my bed.
"Fuck," I hissed and reached the clock and threw in the wall, creating a loud bang alongst with the glass shattering.
I regretted quickly as I heard footsteps rushing up from the stairs. The sound of my mother's heels scared the shit out of me.
Oh, no...
My eyes widened when the door swung open and my mother's face blocked my view.
"Michu, what was the sound?!"
My mouth parted as I blinked my eyes. "M-Mama,"
Her perfectly shaped brow rose up as she put her hands in her hips, intimidating me. It works. Hell, it scares me.
"Care to explain, young man?"
I nonchalantly pointed the wall and the scattered glasses on the floor. My mom frowned as she walked inside my room.
"You destroyed your new clock again! I can't believe you! How many times did I bought you this one on this week?! Five times already, Mighty! Five! We are running out of money because of you!"
I pouted my lips as I batted my eyelashes. "Mom, in my defense, I didn't asked you to continuously buy me that stupid thing."
"That is not stupid!" She yelled at me, her beautiful face was angry. "You're a lazy ass that's why you needed it!"
I groaned and fell my back on the soft mattress. "Mom, I'm not an ass. If I were an ass, and you are my mother, and I came from you, does it mean you're an ass, too?"
"Jesus Christ!" She massaged her temple in frustration.
I chuckled. I really love to annoy my mother.
"Stand up and take a bath! You stink!" Was the last word she say before she stormed out of my room.
"You still love me!" I shouted and I heard her grunts.
Laughing, I stood up and headed my way to the bathroom. I opened the shower and let the cold water soak me. After doing some bath essential, I wrapped the white towel in my torso, just enough to cover my dragon.
I opened my closet and grabbed some clothes I'd be needing to school. As soon as I'm done, I went downstairs straight to the kitchen where I could hear my sister's irritating voice complaining about her toast being colored brown-ish.
"I want it gold! Why does it look brown?!"
"Krazie, sister." I rolled my eyes.
I spotted dad sitting in the head of the dining table, looking at his newspaper. I approached him.
"Hey, old man!" We fist bump and I sat down, next to his seat.
"Zup, son?"
"Hang-over's a pain in the ass, goodness!" I exclaimed. We won a basketball game yesterday and got it celebrated over a pool party at some house of my colleague. It was one hell of a night. I got myself laid and went home wasted.
"Go get some meds and drink. Your mom's going crazy because of you."
I followed what he said and opened the small medicine drawer atop of our fridge.
"Hey, big bruh. How was your night with friends? Fine. How was your sleep? Good. How was your morning? Horrible. How was your--"
"Shut up, Missi."
She rolled her eyes as her lips protruded. "You are so unfair! Why didn't you bring me with you last night?!"
I raised her a brow as I flashed a smirk. Jealousy was written all over her small, doll-like face. Her naturally long and thick eyelashes accentuated by her white complexion. Her nose was small and pointy, just perfect in her face. Her lips was plump and red, just like our mother's.
I could say she got almost of all of our mother's Japanese's features. While I, looked like dad. His American features was the one I inherited most. Especially his hard visage.
Me and my baby sis has a green eyes, too.
"Honey, you are just sixteen," Mama said calmly as she flipped the egg in the pan.
"Right, mom," I seconded.
My sister stomped her feet. "But Michu is just older than me a year! When he was still sixteen you let him go out, now that I'd turned sixteen, why can't I? You guys are all unfair! You are so unfair with me!"
We burst into laughter that made her pout even more. Dad put down his newspaper on the table as he called her.
"Come here, honey." My sister obeyed and sat on his lap. The frown was still painted in her face. Her arms were crossed. "Goodness, you look like your mother!" Dad exclaimed.
"Duh! Of course, I am! To whom do you expect me to look like? I am her child!" My sister said, annoyed. She rolled her eyes at dad and her frown deepened.
Dad chuckled and caressed her head. She was his baby, and she's a daddy's girl. "Yeah, you're right," dad said. "Honey, how about I give you 50 dollars today? How is that?"
"No, thank you."
"No. I don't want anything! You can give it to Mighty Michu because he's your favorite child, not me. It's always him!" she dramatically said with conviction.
Mom interfere. "You ungrateful child of a monkey! How can you refuse such a big amount of money, you brat?"
Missi mewled and hugged dad's nape as she buried her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
"100 is so small! I only accept 150!" My sister talked back.
My jaw dropped.
Well, what do I expect from my brat of a sister?
"Fuck you, school," I muttered under my breath as I walked in the hallway in our school filled with teenagers. Some girls looked at me with those flirtatious glint in their eyes with a matching biting lip.
I smirked and winked at some girls and they returned it with a giggle. I shook my head and avert my eyes ahead of me. It's the first day of school and fuck if I say it wasn't irritating to see some of my old classmates. Their faces are annoying, hopefully I wouldn't get to see all of them inside the class this school year.
"Mighty!" A familiar voice of a girl made me halt in my track. Before I knew it, someone jumped at my back and hugged my neck hard it choked me.
"Goodness, Lyra!" I hissed and struggled to push her away.
Giggling, she pulled away. Only to finally face me and threw her slender body against mine once again.
I chuckled at her eagerness and wrapped my arms around her waist as I lifted her off the ground and spin her around.
"Oh, my! I fucking missed you, Mighty!" she exclaimed, not minding the stares we are catching. "It's been so long since I see you!"
"It's only been two weeks, you little girl."
"Hey, stop calling me that! We both know I am no longer a girl! I'm already a lady!" She pouted her lips as she pulled away and crossed her arms around her chest. Lyra and I were bestfriends since I can't remember and I didn't see any changes of her body, well aside from her chest area. Dude, nothing really changed in her. Even her attitude are still the same; childish.
"A young lady," I corrected as I enveloped my arm around her small of a waist and pulled her with me, squeezing her with my athletic body.
She yelped. "You'll crush me to death!"
"Yeah, yeah," I replied boredly as we walked together in the hallway. I could see some girls glaring at my bestfriend as we walk. She, on the other hand, was very oblivious of her surroundings. She was being hated on some of the students here because she's closed with me. Although, they couldn't touch even a single part of her hair. They would touch her or they will meet my fucking hard punch.
"Where's your syllabus?" I asked and she showed it to me. I compared it to mine. "Damn, only two subjects."
"Ops, sorry." She giggled at me and pulled her paper and put it in her pocket. "It means, no Michu-copying," she teased and laughed hard. Honestly, her small of a figure was a very opposite of her man-like attitude. Her laugh was like a sound of a drunk man complaining about something in his liquor.
"As if." I scoffed.
Lyra and I continued to walk, finding our new locker numbers. Hers was quite far from mine. I opened my new locker and put my things in there. While doing it, I notice a person standing next to me opening his own locker. His manly scent lingered in my nostrils, it was so good and intoxicating.
I sucked in a deep breath and shook my head to shove the smell away. But it was far from possible. I kid you not, it was really attractive.
I shrugged off my shoulders and closed my locker. I only put my P.E uniform, Basketball jerseys, towels and extra t-shirts inside my duffel bag. Good thing it fit inside the small of a locker.
"Well, well, well..." I heard a very familiar voice behind me. My body froze. "Guess who's here..." he whispered in the back of my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. My skin hair rose up like a shocked kitten.
I turned around and gritted my teeth in annoyance as I saw his arrogant and grinning face. Our faces was only inches away and our nose was barely touching. I immediately stepped back and pushed his chest distance away from me.
"What the fucking hell do you want, bastard?" I hissed and narrowed my eyes at the motherfucker.
His jet black eyes darkened as the corner of his lips rose up. "Oh, hello there, Mr. Styles."
I rolled my eyes. "Come on. We both know you don't just greet your enemy. Wanna have a fight, loser?" I challenged. I didn't care much about our surroundings. Students started to circle us like it was as though we are some sort of a Hollywood actors. Some people took their cameras through my peripheral vision and I smirked inwardly. This is gonna be a show.
Rizer chuckle darkly as he stood straight and put his hands inside his jean's pocket. "Cocky, typical you," he uttered. His voice was rough, probably because he smoke a lot. But no, it wasn't bad at all. It was contrary, a voice that was pleasing to hear. "I would love to, but I'm afraid I will only put you into humiliation." Then, he smirked at me.
I glared at him and clenched my jaw in anger. "You asshole--" he cut me off by waving his hand in the air, as if dismissing me.
"Save it. I'd already memorized all of your profanities, thank you for everyday reminding me."
"Fuck you!" I cursed. I could feel a heat creeping up to my cheeks as my chest burn with irritation. This motherfucking maniac!
Rizer laughed like a madman and walked past by me, stopping at the locker next to mine. He then turned to face me as he said, "I love you, too, lockermate."
He smirked and opened the locker.
My jaw literally fell on to the floor. Okay. What the actual fuck is happening? This isn't real. This couldn't be real! What the hell?!
"Mighty, let's go!" Lyra came into the view and held my wrist as she dragged me with her. I followed her inattentively as she took the path towards the cafeteria. She came into a halt as she faced me with a scowl painted in her face. "You..." She pointed me through her forefinger. "shouldn't have done that! For God's love, it's the first day of class and you can't afford to go into the detention due fighting! How about your basketball? You are not thinking, Michu! You are so impulsive-- Hey! Don't cover your ears, you're gonna get an earful of me whole day! Mighty Styles, you listen to me!"
She literally slapped my lips as she glared at me. I looked at her flatly and pouted my lips as I batted my eyelashes pleadingly. She shook her head, adamant of scolding me and not buying any of my charming look.
"Stop competing with that jerk of a cousin of mine, do you understand?" She said and massaged her temple. She looked like my mom. "Honestly, you guys are too childish."

Komentar Buku (90)

  • avatar

    nice grammar and nice story I like the scenario and scene I hope many people enjoy this and I hope many people realised this morning and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be


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    Rêäl Dëlâ Çrûz Ygøt

    nice apps


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    hai super Ganda


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