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The Underground Legacy

The Underground Legacy



PRIDEUS MITE – term; competition which means “Pride of a small group”. An underground fight between families to prove wealth, power, strategy, and capability. A way to determine witness and attentiveness.
PVT Juan Leon “JL” Campos – Tiueco, the representative of Camp Tiueco who lost for five years already seeks an epic comeback for his team that represents their surname.
Meanwhile their senior Lt. Col. Cevino Tiueco – Peredo lost hope for the past years he wasted in the said legacy passed down into him by their grandfather, the late Veteran Alessandro Tiueco.
A team of seven, ready to prove their worth in their platforms. Seven different lives merely sacrificing their childhood and youth for the sake of a legacy.
Consists of a representative, a king, a queen, and a junior successor. Once the bloodline ends, the family will lose titles including the success made out from the effort of their ancestors.
Is this challenge a life changing one? Can you sacrifice your lives for the sake of this damn legacy? For the pride of your family? Or for the acquirement of respect from other people?
It’s 3 a.m. but the team is wide awake for breakfast. What they got is boiled vegetable for their first meal.
“Seriously? We'll have this again?” Junior Spy Silas Israel Woolbright – Tiueco said. A stubborn high schooler who wants to feel easy in life. A lazy man, yet a dependable one. Known for his fine eyebrows, curly lashes, and a milky-white skin tone. He’s a total night person who spends hours playing in his PC. “You still can’t get used to it. We’ve been doing this for more than a year!” said PVT Olivia Marie Gozum – Tiueco, the stubborn one.
“Y’all know that this is the available yet you're still complaining?” PVT JL – the best leader said.
“Right, look at Zaydi. He's not complaining at all. All he does is to eat. Eat up before it gets consumed” ATTR (Alternative to the Representative) Dior Klent “DK” Elizaga – Tiueco bullying/ referring to ATTK (Alternative to the King) Kim Zaydi Direz – Tiueco, the foodie.
JL stood up and started the head count. “Wait, are we missing one?” he asked his cousins.
“We're missing the youngest” DK answered.
“He never learns” JL shrugged. He gently shook the youngest while calling up his name. JL's patience is short. He grabbed the flower vase placed on the bedside table. “Are you getting up or I'll pour this for you to dry up a wet comforter?” he asked. He knows the kid well. He knows that the kid is awake yet too lazy to get up. After hearing the leader's precaution, he quickly got up.
JL returned to their meal. Everyone is now present to eat. While eating, their senior came reminding them of the time and schedule for this day’s training process. “By 6 o’clock, I want everyone to dress with their camo suit, bathed, with proper and complete gears and uniform, enthusiastic and active. The training will end at 10 o’clock, by that time everyone should rest or eat. Thirty minutes after, we’ll proceed with the pageant meeting while the alternatives will find and cook food for lunch. The next part of the schedule will be announced this noon. Dismiss”.
They all felt lazy, they all know that everyone should be productive especially that they are doing it in addition to their other responsibilities as an individual. Four of them are still studying and instead of resting on weekends, they made it a time to execute their training for the final match happening in February.
“So, we can't go home this evening. I still have an exam scheduled on Monday” Silas said while eating his forced breakfast.
“Do you think you're the only one?" Olivia added. “Count the youngest in. I don't know if he knows something academically” JL answered. “I have knowledge. It’s just that I can’t manage my time just like you guys” said JS (Junior Successor) Carlos Endrei Juarez – Tiueco. “Just do your thing Drei, you're still young. Worry less, your Mommy is still there to comply with your studies” said Zaydi. “Well let my response be, I envy those who have a Mommy to call”. The sarcasm filled the room with Silas’ words. Well that’s predictable, his parents are one of his insecurities.
Truthfully, the Tiueco cousins shared their presences with each other.
JL, who’s a protective and a wise leader.
DK, a funny and a smart Alternative Representative.
Silas, a mysterious but dependable guy.
Zaydi, the slow processor but a funny and a relatable one.
Olivia, a low-key “only rose among the thorns” who’s always calm.
Endrei, a young elementary kid who’s still adjusting with his new environment – their training.
Their day started with a morning jog. Their wide military range was used to run laps. They were tasked to run ten laps before proceeding to their training course.
“Can you still manage?” asked PVT JL who assists his junior Silas with the physical exercise. "If I say that I'm tired, will you listen? We don’t have a choice, we’re born and destined to be here” he replied. The senior tsked, he knows that Silas hates doing trainings, but the junior loves the legacy.
On the other hand, ATTR DK assists the queen representative, Olivia in setting up the firing range. Since the girl finished the training and physical course earlier than the expected time, she managed to help the alternatives with the next challenge which is gun firing. The other members were riding the pick-up truck when the officials announced, “The firing course will start in three minutes. Tiueco will execute the said course in primero, please attend to the range now, I repeat… please attend to the range now” then the speaker went off.
“Sh*t we’re late” said PVT JL. “Let me drive” Silas volunteered. JL and Endrei refused because they know all too well that Silas might bring them trouble but Silas already grabbed the keys from JL's hand.
He quickly started the engine and drove to the firing range. The distance that can be taken for five minutes was conquered by Silas in just two minutes. “I hope no official saw what Silas did or else we'll be suspended and training time will be at waste” Endrei said.
“Make sure to accept the consequences if that thing happens!” JL added. “Sus, you're all paranoids. It will be amazing if we got suspended. We'll have rest” Silas confidently answered after doing numerous troubles inside and outside their camp.
JL glanced at his wristwatch, “One minute left, should we go?”. The three went and did their course. When they arrived, they saw their senior - Lt.Col. Peredo. Because none of the Tiuecos were in favor of the military course, they all agreed to give the senior position to Lt.Col. Peredo who's their cousin also even though they don't carry the same surname.
“To start the session, the primero will start with Silas. Remember not to shoot without the word ‘go’. Seventeen bullets are in the gun's magazine so you can only fail twice in this session. Fifteen targets are presented in front of you. The center targets contain two points while the side targets carries one point each. Now, Silas Tiueco step on the spot.” He quickly complied.
“Firers ready, Standby, Go!” Peredo signaled. Silas quickly charged up the bullets and fired the targets presented. He used his left hand and in a single trigger, the place is filled with loud shooting sounds. Because of his speed, no one spotted if he failed a target. To their surprise, the magazine contained two bullets left. Meaning, Silas' work is smooth and perfect.
The Segundo position is for Olivia and the Primo Estupendo or the most awaited spot is given to JL. While Endrei on the other hand is still not allowed to take the course. The two alternatives are tasked to recharge bullets and to fix the target positions.

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    pls akajajjaka


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    Allan Gandamon Ambol



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