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Part 3: Cuando se Trata de Amor

VIVIAN'S heart contracted. Would he? She couldn't imagine that Troy will break her heart. No, not her Troy, not her boyfriend. Troy wasn't like that. Her friends didn't understand. Troy just keeping his image this time but soon they will announce their relationship in public.
"He promised me."
"Promised you what?" Sarah asked this time. "Promised you that he will quit in Showbiz Industry? Vivian? When? When will he sign his divorce contract? I bet, he will not."
"Divorce contract?" Vivian and Regine asked in chorus.
"You didn't know guys? Look at the live feed. They are already celebrating their engagement party."
She's hoping that it wasn't part of the plan. Troy's group planned this to give Troy a big opportunity in Showbiz Industry.
Whatever they call it, still it gives her a heart ache. She feels that her heart breaks into very small pieces. Why would it be so hard for Vivian? She just wants to have a happy ending. She just wants to have a Prince Charming just like in the novels she was reading.
This is not a fairytale, Vivian, her mind said. Yes, this is not a fairytale but Charmaine is still the wicked witch.
"Off your phone," she commanded Sarah.
"Now, what's your plan?" Sarah replied after turning her phone off. "Do you want me to kill Troy?"
"Kill Charmaine, instead," Regine suggested.
"I hope Troy has his two balls," Sarah said.
"Absolutely," Regine replied.
ANOTHER morning, Vivian woke up having a headache. It must be the hangover that was  eating her system. She's just a girl who's being punished by her master for being misbehaved.
She groaned and sat down on the side of her bed while stroking her black long hair.
"I must have had too much wine yesterday," she said.
Ridiculous! Did she hear Troy's voice saying pitiful? She didn't open her eyes. What's happening to her? She's just having a hangover, she's not crazy.
"I'll get you a couple of painkillers and a glass of water."
God! She's not day dreaming, right? She's awake! She's not dreaming. But why does it felt so real that she heard Troy's voice?
Vivian heard the door opened and closed, that time, she opened her eyes. So, it's real. Troy was here.
Can she celebrate? Maybe, it's just her dream about the Troy's engagement, right? Because why his Troy is here? What's his reasons to stay?
In three years of being Troy's girlfriend, Troy was the sweetest man she ever knew. Troy was her real knight in shining armor. Troy played her savior, every time she needed help. Troy was always at her side.
But then, the fact slapped her that she's not a princess and Troy is not her knight. That she's not in a fairytale. Troy entered the industry of showbiz and that's the biggest mistake her boyfriend ever did. There's a lot of rules her boyfriend needed to obey.
Her love story became a tragedy.
"I'M sorry," Troy said.
She gently wiped her tears but it kept from falling. She felt that her hangover left her in just one second when Troy did not deny about the engagement party she witnessed in the live feed. She's not imagining things all along, she's not dreaming, it was real.
"I can't keep my promise, Vivian," he continued.
"Why? Is this about your popularity? Is this about your career?"
She looked at Troy. She managed to say those questions to clear her mind. Why was it so easy for Troy to throw all their memories and their relationship in just one click of his finger? Was he thinking of what Vivian might have felt with his decision? Probably, he didn't.
"Then what? What were your reasons, Troy? Why are you doing this to me? Don't you—," she sob and wipe her tears again. "Love me?"
"I do, Vivian. I really do. I really love—."
"Then explain. Maybe I can understand. You promised me that you will quit this fucking career of yours. But, what did you do? Didn't you know that I'm just—."
"Charmaine is pregnant, Vivian."
Literally, the time stopped ticking. Her tears stopped falling and if her heart might stop for beating, it will do.
A realization hit her but her mind won't digest the reality.
"A-and," she said. "You're the father?"
At last, she made that question. To Give Vivian around of applause for having the strength to asked Troy that kind of question.
But suddenly, give Vivian, too, a pinch on her cheeks for asking that kind of question because she can't— no, she doesn't know if she can handle the pain.
"Vivian, let me ex—."
"For what?" she cut Troy off. "So that you can fool me again? When? When did you start making me a fool? I gave you what you want, Troy. I gave you the space that you're asking for. You asked me to pretend that we're legally separated, I did.
"But why? No, how can you do this to me? Three years! We're already three years, Troy. How? How did you—," she shouted. "Argh! Get out!"
"Please, Vivian. I'm so—."
With so much pain and with so much anger, she slapped Troy for the first time. She felt the heat of touching Troy's face using her hand. She didn't feel any pity. She didn't feel anything but anger.
"I'm sorry," Troy continued.
"No, Troy. Thank you," she mouthed.
Troy looked her, confused.
"Thank you for letting me go," she said while smiling. "Thank you for waking me up."
She released a deep breath before continue. "Thank you for everything."
"What are you saying?"
"Thank you for bringing the fact that I didn't deserve a knight in shining armor like you, because you're fake. Thank you for saying the fact that you are not my prince because you're an impostor.
"Gracias, mi amor. Don't worry, you're still a  part of my heart. Even though you ended like this, even though you chose Charmaine over me. I still love you, mi amor. Te amo."
She closed her eyes.
"Please, Vivian. Let's fix this," Troy begging.
"How can we fix this if Charmaine is already pregnant? We can't."
"We can. I will—."
"Don't do that. You're the father, face your responsibility."

Komentar Buku (16)

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    JA Labitag Lusuegro



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    Jasmine Trixie Bauzon

    good movie


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