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Whispering the Unwritten

Whispering the Unwritten


Part 1: Cuando se Trata de Amor

LOVE is one of the most happiest things in this world that everyone wants to experience. Love that they always talked in television, even in radio, in magazines, in newspapers, and also in social media.
Vivian released a deep breath after checking emails and messages in Facebook in her brand new IOS phone, looked at the clear white ceiling and at the same time, she closed her eyes. Another thought popped up in her mind. Is it true that the thing called love can give you everything that you wish for, everything that you want and everything that you like?
She gently massaged her forehead and shook her head twice afterwards. I guess not. Love can be your greatest enemy and it can hurt you most in an unexpected way, a tiny voice whispered in her head.
Gosh, what am I thinking. I am not supposed to think this way.
The beep-beep, that signaled an incoming text message, had Vivian open her eyes in no minute and dived for her cellphone.
Troy! It had to be Troy!
She immediately opened her phone and released a cheerful smile.
Can we meet? College building at room GT 104. Today, nine o’clock.
A glance at her bedside alarm clock said five to eight, she immediately texted him back.
Sure, I’ll be there.
Jumping up from the bed reminded Vivian of why she’d been lying back down at this morning of Wednesday. She doesn’t have classes today but a pain rolled in her abdomen. The scenario of meeting her boyfriend excited her, but she cannot bear the pain and Vivian made it to the bathroom in time.
Vivian hadn’t seriously expected anything for her boyfriend. She never liked to get hoped up too much. But, maybe Troy was finally missing her as much as she was missing him.
HER wristwatch said nine-fifteen but her Troy was no where to be found. Things are different now, she mumbled.
After a few steps, Vivian reached the study shed near the college building where her boyfriend said. She managed to smile. No marks of Troy all over the building. Is he pranking her again?
Vivian was totally taken aback. Dear heavens! Why is Charmaine here too? Did Troy invited this witch?
“Look Troy, Vivian is waiting for you,” Charmaine continued.
Vivian ran as fast as she could and wished that she was wearing her joggers, instead of heeled slip-on brown sandals.
"I'm fine," Vivian lied at the same time warning herself not to mention anything. Her mother would fuss over it and it's a fact that she disliked being fussed over and over.
No doubt that she was only suffering from being caught of the real owner. She wiped her tears again and again and mumbled the words, I'm the real owner, why so afraid, Vivian?
She hated the fact of being hidden for years. She doesn't even know why? And why does her—.
"Are you sure that you're all right in there, honey?" Her mom asked again for the nth time, checking her condition again and again.
"Yeah," she answered and reached for her phone once again.
No sign of her Troy. No text from her boyfriend, no missed calls. Maybe he's dating again with his partner, his real and legal partner.
"Yeah, probably," she mouthed sarcastically.
"I miss the old times," she said and wiped her tears once more that washed out her light make up. She even had her make up and hairstyle for that meeting, goodness! And look what happened?
"When he's not a superstar," she continued.
VIVIAN had always claimed she was waiting for a Prince Charming to come along. A lady was somewhat of an idealist, a full-on romantic as well. As an avid pocketbook reader,  she was really addicted to novels which featured wonderful heroes and happy-ever-after endings.
And a fact that she has imagined that she's the heroine of her fairytale. Well, erase that. She just didn't imagine it, she already claimed.
In the beginning, Vivian had hoped that Troy Buenaobra was her Prince Charming. Who wouldn't be, anyway? Troy had most of the attributes she was looking for. Pair of blue eyes, tall, dark and handsome. Good looks. Wealth.
She wants to clear things. It's not that she wants to gain Troy's wealth, she's just thinking about her future. She's just being practical.
But there's one thing Troy keeps saying. He can't handle the open relationship anymore like before that Vivian was offering him. For some reasons that he's a superstar now. A shit rule for a celebrity like him. A rule to save his career.
VIVIAN blinked thrice then she glanced somewhat around before she realized what had woken her in the dreamland so abruptly. As always, it was her brown alarm clock placed in her bedside table, telling her it was five-thirty in the morning, reminding her that she are required to attend the morning session of their Intramurals celebrated every school year.
She released a groan, she leaned over and picked up the brown alarm clock that kept on buzzing. She pressed the button to turn it off. She closed her eyes again and darkness kissed her to sleep.
Silence hugged her whole room. The sudden silence in her bedroom highlighted again her heart break, not a totally heart break though. She's still taken by Troy, the most popular celebrity in town. Secretly taken.
Vivian opened her eyes again and hurried into the bathroom to get her dirty white towel that is usually hung on the front of the bathroom door then stepped into the spacious, shower cubicle.
The shower ran thru her hair down to her neck and skin. She wasn't yet sure what she was going to do after she had shower. Maybe she will attend the first session which is the so-called welcome ceremony, she really hates that. She really hates being burned in the sunlight while participating in  that gross Intramurals.
Vivian didn't spend much time in the shower. Just long enough to ensure that she was freshly washed and perfectly performed. There's no one she wanted to present herself today, really, no one. She doesn't need to look her very best.
For a long, long, long time, Vivian took one final glance in the human size mirror. Everything is perfect and good. Everything is in place. She tied her hair into a knot on top using a tiny rubber band and let some of her hair strands hung around her face.
She smiled. Now she's ready.
"Bye, Mom. Gotta go to school," she shouted when she was at the main door. She gently held the doorknob and opened it.
"There you are. How are you best friend?" Charmaine asked.

Komentar Buku (16)

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    JA Labitag Lusuegro



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    Jasmine Trixie Bauzon

    good movie


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