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behind the word impossible to get blessing because of different culture

I used to be afraid of not getting the blessing of my mom and dad, and my mom and dad because we have different cultures and we have different thoughts.
Failure to get approval in a previous relationship traumatized me. .it makes me a little afraid now to meet the prospective in-laws of my new partner,.2018 ago, I was invited by my husband-to-be to meet papa who at that time was serving in Brebes, here my thoughts began to be strange, afraid of rejection, afraid that his papa didn't fit, I was grateful when we came Papa immediately welcomed me happily, my fear was gone.
.a few months later I invited him to meet his mother in Manado, seriously I was very worried because not everyone can match my mother-in-law, I was nervous, this heart was crazy, when I got there it turned out that Mom was waiting for us, me and bang .Rizky was warmly welcomed, with full of love and affection, he was no longer a fierce person as people say he became a mother who is full of affection and sincerely loves us.
.However, it turns out that his partner's parents are now better and willing to accept him into his family. Although, his new partner also previously failed to get the blessing of his parents..
Turns out, my fear of the past didn't affect the family's assessment of me. His family was really good to me.
After meeting Rizky's family, I was treated very well by my future in-laws. In fact, I was considered as my own child.
.let's blessing fighters to be persistent in fighting for their relationship to be approved to a more serious level, namely marriage.
until when the procession binds or is often known as the application, a dialogue occurs between me, future husband, father, mother, and in-laws.
rizky goes through the procession asking for blessing
.:" Mother father
Today, rizky prostrated himself and asked for his blessing to marry the prospective companion that you have chosen. Happiness cannot be expressed when gently touching your hand gives prayers and blessings to your son. .Your tears seem to flow endlessly, flush with happiness to see your son has dared to make a big decision to live a married life. .maybe rizky still remembers crying at the time of birth and crying seeing Mother's struggles when giving birth to a happy smile, and father who day and night endlessly accompany and pray for your son to be safe and healthy.
wake up to the world. Your blessing will open the gate in the ship's ship crossing the great ocean of married life.
.today at the age of rizky who is almost 29 years old, he ventured to ask for the blessing of a serious relationship so that he could be blessed to build a household mahligai, build this based on religion "And marry those who are alone among you, and those who are worthy .(marry) of your male slaves and your female slaves.if they are poor Allah will enrich them with His bounty. And Allah is Extensive (His Gift) and All-Knowing.” (Qs. . an Nuur (24):32) and the warmth that is felt in this family, such as when we eat together which we have been accustomed to since childhood, create togetherness as well as a place for us to complain about what we feel. .the times of praying in congregation became one of the moments that were grown to teach us to pray in congregation and to always hasten to pray. Making rizky dare to take this big decision to get married and live a married life. .and the inculcation of religious values ​​and principles in this family is a provision for living a household life..
Thank you for the warmth that you have given in this family, thank you for the values ​​of life that have grown from childhood until now as a provision for your child's life. .thank you for tirelessly giving your love to your son, a father who you are proud of and you take care of your role model, you never seem to complain and feel tired of caring for and protecting this family. .day and night you earn a living, your nobility and sincerity to support this family beats the fatigue experienced by your body. You never wonder and invite to eat together as if you don't really enjoy something without you sharing it with this family.
.Thank you for the support and support that you gave to rizky who never once left when this body needed your loving hug. Thank you for taking care of me since nine months of pregnancy until now. .yourself as if without preparing for this big moment in your life, there are very few agreements that you have made in sha Allah for this lifetime. When religion says "Mother" is a person.
First, first, and you have to really feel your struggle starting from the struggle between life and death when giving birth to Rizky until the moment when you go to the voyage of domestic life, the mother herself has never been separated from helping her son. .Your mother looks very anxious when her body feels sick as if she wants to avoid the disease if she wants to do anything to keep her from being in shape. Thank you Allah SWT for giving me father and mother who always take care and love this family.
Mother and father
.today Rizky has chosen a life companion named Mustika, hopefully his experience can complete our family. Hopefully this choice of father and mother can bring ananda to be better and can form a sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah family. .with judgment, faith and piety as you always work, hopefully it can make the family foundation strong and accountable in the hereafter. .father, mother, you have exemplified how love is in the midst of the family, hopefully you can be used as an example in your family. The responsibility as the head of the family has always been very clear and it has always been how the father can support and protect this family. .as well as obligations as a wife who always accompany and support as mothers do to fathers. ..May the sacred promise that you made with mustika be an eternal promise that will always be remembered that this is a sacred pledge to Allah SWT and to all relatives for life and death..
Mother,and father
With her marriage, Mustika Rizky has two large families who are there and must respect and respect both of them. You have shown how to do how to be filial and love your parents, hopefully this can be shared with your father and mother-in-law. .On the voyage, your household will meet many ups and downs of trials. There are no rocks that block your journey, hopefully you can pass it with faith and piety to Allah SWT and the blessing of both of you can make this sail continue to grow to its destination.the end and death do us part.O Allah, complete our happiness by making our marriage a worship to You and proof of our obedience to the Sunnah of Your Messenger. Once again, Rizky asked for permission and blessing to navigate this household ark. .Pray that we can hold fast to this great agreement (mitsaqan ghalidza) until the end of our lives. Aminn..amin..Ya..Rabbal Alamin.
The time has come for me to ask for the blessing of the parents,
"Father, mother who mustika love and respectthank God, mustika say thanks to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala that at this time Mustika is given the opportunity to express how grateful she is for having been born as the daughter of a father and mother.
.thank you for all the love and all the sincere, sincere and selfless affection that has been given to mustika so far. So that Mustika can feel the warmth of family life. .the presence and touch of a mother while cradling, holding, hugging and kissing with affection. The presence of a father who is always patient, protects, provides and faithfully leads the family with full responsibility until now.
.how many sweat and tears have been shed for mustika mother and father. Sorry for mustika's actions and words that have unknowingly hurt Mamah and Papah's feelings. .sorry mustika who sometimes wants to win alone. Mustika apologizes profusely for all mistakes and sins Mustika..
To my graceful sister, thank you for being a good sister to my sister. Which always reminds us to always correct wrong actions. Thank you for helping mom and dad to take care of mustika. Sorry mustika if you still can't be a good brother. .I'm sorry Mustika who is always inconvenient and troublesome. I'm sorry Mustika who always scolds you, Mustika apologizes as much as possible for all the mistakes and mistakes Mustika.
.mother ... father ...
at this good time, Mustika asks permission and blessing to be blessed to have a serious relationship up to the level of marriage with the man who Mustika loves. A man Rizky, God willing, can become a good priest, who is wise, responsible and full of love. .allow Mustika to marry and build a household with Mustika's chosen lover named Rizky
As a servant, mustika serve Allah Subhanahu wataala. But without the pleasure and sincerity of mother and father, Allah will not be pleased with mustika. .so the honor of mother and father in the eyes of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala. God willing, with the blessing and blessing of mother and father,
O Allah, my Lord, I ask Your forgiveness for the mistakes of my parents. Expand their hearts. Love them as they love the servant until this moment. .aminn ya rabbal alamin.

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    so reality and good


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    muito bom


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