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Chapter II Elementary school time

Our Elementary School has open classrooms so students can connect directly with the environment around them, encouraging them to pursue adventures, and their passions. The Elementary School years are a time to have fun, laugh, explore and investigate, while building relationships, expressing creativity, without the fear of getting dirty playing in nature.
Elementary school students learn to master key competencies in mathematics and grammar in a highly supportive learning environment. The learning process is project-based and student-centered, promoting entrepreneurial thinking, environmental education, practical skills, and the arts, and encouraging students to become effective collaborators and communicators, reliable decision makers, and willing to take risks.
When Mustika first attended SD Angkasa, Mustika couldn't read yet, she knew she used to count. because my mother always taught me to count since kindergarten, then I got to know fitri, renica. mustika forgot first, why mustika was annoyed with renica until mustika teased Tut…Tut..Tut. He, he, he, both of you know from Surabaya. At that time our school was not as good as it is now, our school is in the air force complex. If there is an aerospace exhibition, we just have to cross if we want to see the Air Force fighter planes. In the school complex there is a circular fort, it seems like a shelter in case of an attack.
Not long after, our elementary school moved to a new building, after being renovated. We often stop by his house to eat and play…Do you remember, we gathered at the edge of the complex near the mosque, and ate rice, stir-fried kale and duck eggs. At home, there are lots of bangkok guava fruit, if it bears fruit, we will fight for it. Often, we He, he, he, if we run away from tutoring we always run to the public house, hehehehehe
What Mustika remembers is that there is one more friend, a child from the Tamrin complex, from Sulawesi, her middle name is Vina. Finally, Mustka knows that she graduated from Unpad majoring in Animal Husbandry. His mother likes to cook Sulawesi dishes. At that time the houses in the Tamrin complex were still few inhabited, we often eat wild passion fruit that grows on the side of the road
What Icha remembers most about Tri Tunggal, she just moved from SD Mangkura, did you know that SD Mangkura was the top in Makassar (my friends said). You know, Mustika is secretly but imprisoned. Mustika pretended to nudge the broom handle to the side and lifted he, he, he…sorry the names are children.
Mustika still remembers too, there is one boy, who Mustika remembers especially when we were sightseeing in Malang when we entered the ghost cave Alex's bag I pulled until it was torn, luckily Alex was a little emotional heheheheh, it was his turn to sweep the afternoon, because tomorrow the group
we are on duty. After Mustika was mopping, she was lying on the bench, it was her own fault...
Ha, ha, ha boys, pay your debts at the shop….Cook when the stall is busy, pretend to queue for noodles but don't pay. Also cheating, they often take more fried sweet potatoes than they paid for…Those who pretend to forget to remember themselves…Because Mustika knows very well who likes to steal noodles, sweet potatoes and fried bananas (goat-goat).
Mustika also remembers when the three of us (fitri, mustika and agil) were sent to Maros to represent the inauguration of the school cooperative. We went with you, sir, because we were appointed to be the management of the cooperative. Because of the treasurer's mustika, remember that the cooperative's SHU is used for school farewell fees (evening events, using a tent in the school yard). Some sing, read poetry and dance. In fact, Mustika still remembers what cake to make….Lemper…Because Mustika asked her mother who is good at making cakes.
The story about us… Me, fitri and renika often go to her house in Qurota to escape from tutoring. Just to rest and eat. Mustika still remembers that she was given a baby pigeon to her father. renica also got one. But because Renica is lazy to maintain it, Mustika takes it. The mustika dove is a bit black in color, there is a slightly gray line on its neck. His name is Linch. He's docile. mustika once brought it to school, and she did not defecate carelessly. If I'm not mistaken, it was in the fourth grade. At that time, Mr. Daniel still liked to use circular kicks. If you can't answer, wait for the round kick.
One time we were all told to join the Scout camp. The campsite is not too far away, not at the shooting range, but in the school yard.
At that time the girls' camps were joined (Mustikav and Renica, etc.), the boys' camps were different. What is clear is that this camp is not only for Angkasa SD students, but also for other elementary school students. He, he, he... Riska still remembers those who screamed until they fainted during camp.... What made our camp collapse in the middle of the night? Because we peeked at the Boy Scouts who were dating... wow.. ha... ha.... It was just one incident, we were in a hurry to find a position in the tent, after the tent was so small it had to fit several people and backpacks .
In the past, Mustika was the worst at eating vegetables, during the scout event, they were given porridge, a piece of salted fish and stir-fried kale. Wow... luckily we ate it in class, so we didn't get caught sneaking the vegetables into the desk drawer... ouch mom... What made our camp exciting again, we were told to cook for each group. Another boy, another girl. Because we don't get dry firewood, we don't cook our rice.
Had to eat half raw rice. But you naughty little brats, some of us ,went to pull cassava in the middle of the night. After that it was burned....Yum, yum, yum.... The next day, because I ate half-cooked rice, many people got diarrhea, including mustika. But it's time for community service. He, he, he...because of illness can be dispensed not follow-up. Oh, fortunately, Mustika's cousin came to bring food. He, he, he came home from camping, right when I was about to celebrate Eid al-Adha, he made clothes with Toto's aunt, even though the waist was loose.
After diarrhea anyway....... Nich, a question for Renica, what is the name of the coach who is dating and who is the girl...? What is clear when we take a peek is that the builder is sneaking up in the tent of that older girl who is an elementary school student..... That's what made our camp collapse in the middle of the night so some had to flee to sleep in class..... (yes, it's not called camping anymore if he sleeps in class...).
since I went to school starting from elementary school, I was known as a smart child, who was kind, polite, polite. I also have many friends who we go to school like students in general, I was also stubborn when I went to school I didn't go straight home but, I went playing with friends. when I left for tutoring, my friends and I even went to the canteen and finally didn't follow the tutoring, until one day the teacher who guided us during the tutoring advised, he said:
Mrs. p: "Try Mustika and her friends come here, mother wants to talk" His tone seemed to have finished being sad.
mustika and friends came to bu p .
mustika: "Yes mom, what's wrong, did we make a mistake?". our faces look scared when approaching him.
Mrs. p: "Here, mother, I want to talk, you are good children, you can't behave like that, after this exam you will graduate from this school, so you have to study hard, don't like to run away, poor papa, your mother who has work hard to send you to school, to pay for your tutoring, you have to be serious about studying, it's only a matter of when you have to take the exam, so you can get good national exam results to enter your favorite junior high school, so that you will become successful people later." He while crying advised us. we know we are stubborn, we know we have to learn but we still want to play.
Finally the day of the exam arrived, we carried out the exam as usual with enthusiasm and full of hope so that our scores were good. After our national exams were over, it came to waiting for the final results of the national exams, our UN results were good, all passed 100%. But at that time luck was not impartial. me, my test scores were very good, unfortunately at that time the family card belonging to my family was still domiciled in the village, which finally resulted in me being unable to enter the state junior high school, even though my test score was high, I still couldn't enter the state junior high school because of the domicile of the family card, finally mom and dad.
I decided to put myself in a private school.
This is where my story begins, starting from my inclusion in a private school, my character began to change, became a stubborn child, did not want to obey parents, always spoke harshly in a loud tone, at one point, at that time, I stepped on grade 2 junior high school which is now known as grade 8, at that time there was a great fight, a fight that cut my heart and will not be forgotten, at that time my family and I were on vacation in the village coincidentally it was school holidays and the end of the year, we went to the village and when we got there , during the day the situation is still as usual fine no fights , when my father visited his relatives he told me about how bad i am , about my change which became brutal when i entered junior high school , to the extent that his father rebuked me with a sentence that painful, he said like this.
Budhe J: "hey, you are here, how come you are being impudent, how dare you oppose your father, how dare you speak loudly, why are you getting older and even more damaged, more and more unmanageable, you don't swear you won't get married, no? maybe you can become a rich person. Your father mbok denies it, you like to talk dirty, you are broken, brutal." with a tone that seems to really hate me
At that time I still didn't know anything I still didn't understand what he was talking about, when we returned to my grandmother's house my mother was crying, mother was very hurt by her child being said like that, until she said.Mother: "I want to prove that you are a good person, it's not like what that person said, you have to change, don't answer, don't argue with your father, because not all fathers can take care of their children's disgrace, as evil as mother, mother won't spit your disgrace out, because of you. this is my blood, your pain is also my pain, but don't hold grudges with them, just make it a lesson for you, be a good person." While crying, my mother told me and advised me. My grandmother also responded to this incident, my grandmother also said.
Grandma: "Dad, basically your father's family talks like that, so don't be offended, just think of this as a criticism for you so that you become a good person, don't hold grudges, okay?" grandmother while stroking my head.
I still don't understand this situation, my attitude is still the same but his family sees me getting worse and in his eyes I am not good, always considered bad.
Time continued to pass until I was given a test by the same authority, at that time I was going to have a national exam in 3rd grade junior high school, my exam went smoothly but I was given an exam that was authorized my test scores were crushed, I am grateful that my mother covered up this incident, so that people outside there no one knows. time continues to pass until finally my parents and I have to decide where to go to school. at that time it was still in the atmosphere of school holidays we decided to go back to the village again, we went to the village when we arrived.
disana kami istirahat sejenak.lagi-lagi kami berkunjung kesana dan terjadilah perdebatan,pembicaraan yang tidak pantas didengar dilontarkan kembali.
Budhe J melontarkan perkataan :" apa, gimana mau mbok sekolahkan dimana." tanyanya pada ayah.kemudian ayah menjawab :"mau tak sekolahkan disekolah favorit di surabaya.sahut ayah.
Budhe j melontarkan pertanyaan kembali pada ayah :" mahal gk,"
Ayah:"yo mahal pasti ne".
Budhe j menjawab:" buat apa mbok sekolahkan mahal-mahal toh ya nanti bakal megang cobek di dapur,gk usah disekolahkan mahal-mahal gk usah dimanja".
Ayah:"yo gak papa,biar masa depanne bagus,gk kayak aku." sahut ayah.
Budhe j:" kamu bakal nyesel nyekolahkan mahal-mahal tidak mungkin bisa sukses,tidak mungkin bisa lebih darimu." sahutnya.
Ayah:" ya barang kali bisa membuat masa depannya bagus." sahut ayah,sedikit tegas.
Budhe j:"tidak mungkin tidak akan mungkin bisa masa depannya bagus tingkahnya saja kayak brandal,brengsek,gk bisa diatur ,keras kepala, mana mugkin bisa buang-buang biaya saja.sudah gak usah di sekolah kan mahal-mahal buat apa perempuan aja kok besok-besok juga bakal pegang cobek." sahutnya dengan nada sinis,sedikit sakit hati karena mendengar jawaban ayah.
Ayah tetap kokoh dengan pendiriannya untuk menyekolakan saya di tempat yg bagus dan mahal dengan keyakinan bahwa suatu saat masa depanku akan menjadi bagus,masuk lah saya disekolah tersebut.
there we rest for a while. again we visited there and there was a debate, conversations that were not worth hearing were thrown back.
Budhe J said: "what, how do you want to go to school, where?" he asked dad. Then dad answered: "Do you want to go to your favorite school in Surabaya. Dad said.
Budhe j asked the question back to the father: "is it expensive?"
Father: "yo expensive for sure ne".
Budhe J replied: "Why are you going to school, it's expensive, after all, you'll be holding a mortar in the kitchen, you don't have to send it to expensive schools, you don't have to be pampered".
Father: "it's no probblem, let the future be good, not like me." said dad.
Budhe j: "You will regret going to school, it's expensive, it's impossible to be successful, it's impossible to get more than you." he said.
Father: "yes maybe it can make his future good." said father, a little firm.
Budhe j: "It's impossible it's impossible to have a good future, he acts like a brat, jerk, can't be controlled, stubborn, how can it be a waste of money. You don't have to go to school anymore, it's expensive, what do girls do? tomorrow I will also hold the mortar." he said in a sarcastic tone, a little hurt because he heard father's answer.
My father remained firm in his stance to send me to a good and expensive place with the belief that one day my future would be good, so I entered that school.

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    so reality and good


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    muito bom


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