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Chapter 3 Begin Again

Arya moved into General Lary’s house carrying the memories of her late parents. Her personality changed because of her desire to avenge her only family. She became cold and silent. Although Lary adopted and treated her well, she’s still cautious. It became hard for her to trust any person.
Lary was alone in his mansion for a very long time so he was so happy to live with Arya, his associate's only daughter. No one sees what’s inside his home except Arya. Though Lary was a bit sad about how Arya treated him, still, he was grateful. He will do his best to give Arya a good life since he knows how agonizing it is to lose people whom you love dearly.
“Arya, tomorrow is your first day at work. If you need to know about something or if something is bothering you, don’t hesitate to tell me. Are we clear on that?”
“Okay General Lary.”, Arya answered him distantly.
“Let’s get rid of the honorifics. Just call me Dad.” Lary insisted as he drank his coffee on the couch.
“I’m sorry Lary but I am still not comfortable regarding that. Please respect my decision for now. If I am ready to call you that way, I will.”
Arya quickly went up to her room to avoid the cold conversation she and Lary had. She still can’t call him “DAD'' even though the papers for her adoption have been processed and completed. She still doesn’t want to give up being an Oligario even though she is indebted to Lary. After she had prepared her things for her first day of work, she told Lary that she wanted to go out first to freshen up. The General immediately agreed.
“Arya, don’t stay up late. We are early tomorrow. Also, don’t just talk to anyone. Take care.”
“Thanks for the reminder Lary but no thanks. I can take care of myself.”
Arya took a taxi. She first went to their old house before visiting his parents’ grave.
“Mom, Dad, sorry it took me a long time to visit you here. I have been very busy with my training lately. I will also apologize right now because I will be busier starting tomorrow. Hopefully, you are happy wherever you are. I still have not forgotten my promise to you and to myself. I will not stop until I discover the truth about your case and the very reason why you have left me this early. Starting tomorrow, I will take my time to sort out all the questions in my head. And as you wish, I will become an exemplary Policeman.” 
She wipes away her tears as she walks away from her parents ’grave. She hired someone to clean and to replace the flowers before it withered. She no longer knew where she was going. She wanted to enjoy the last day of her freedom because starting tomorrow; the new chapter of her life will begin. It leaves her no choice but to be tough and to be fearless.
Lary orders Ythan to follow Arya wherever she goes and Ythan agrees with Lary's request.
Arya asks the waiter for Champagne. She just drank her wine while watching what the other people were doing. She wants to forget her obligations and enjoys her life as a woman even just for a night. Ythan secretly peeks at her from time to time. He wants to make sure that Arya will get home safe and dry. If something bad happens to the girl, his General will be mad and will make him accountable for it.
Ythan whispered, “I hope she goes home and will not stay here for too long. I also want to drink and to find a beautiful and sexy woman tonight. Why did I agree to Lary’s request? Hay, in fact, this is not stated in my job description.”
The detective couldn’t resist the urge to drink wine even though he knew that he could get himself drunk and he could also ignore the orders of his General. He barely stood up in his seat when Arya suddenly disappeared from his sight. He became panicked as he started eyeing for Arya. He was surprised when he felt that someone was looking at him from behind.
“What are you doing here detective? Am I the one you seek?”
“Oh! Arya, it’s nice to see you here!”
“Don’t change the topic. Are you following me?”
“You’re too confident to say that. What else am I going to do in this place? Of course, I am here to enjoy myself. Please Arya, don’t ruin my night.”
“I am not informed that you are just like your half-brother. Liar! I’ve noticed you since I left home. I just let you do your thing. So, why are you doing this? Care to share?”
“I never thought that you were that good. I followed you because I might get some clues regarding your parents’ case. I still can't believe that they were able to kill nine policemen on their own. I am sure they have an accomplice. Did you discover something about it? I know that you have a heart to heart talk to them before they die. Maybe you also know the reason on why did they committed suicide?"
“You were right that they can't kill those nine policemen because they have a conscience; but you were wrong in accusing them of being one of the killers. You were also right that I luckily got a chance to talk to them before they died; but they didn't commit suicide. Someone assassinated them.”
"Arya, I know how painful it is to lose someone you loved, but you should learn how to accept facts regarding their death."
"I am not surprised that you don't believe me. Haul off and don't follow me again or else, you will see the blinding lights in a snap."
Ythan left Arya alone. He can’t think of some way to mislead Arya. He was aware that the girl still doesn’t trust Lary and he doesn’t want Arya to become more distant to his General. After their argument, Arya drank even more. She is so pissed at the detective to the point that she wants to kill him.
“That f*cking bastard!”
“Are you okay, Miss? Why are you drinking all by yourself? Do you want me to join you?” an unfamiliar voice said.
“Get lost. I have no time to talk to strangers.”
“You’re mean. I am just being considerate. Look around you, people are enjoying and kissing everywhere. Aren’t you jealous?”
The man was about to slap Arya when Ythan stopped him.
“You should distance yourself from my girlfriend Dude. Hey Honey, are you okay?”
“What the f*ck are you doing Ythan? THERE IS NO US. Are you underestimating me? I CAN (Arya knocked the man down) PROTECT MYSELF. I don’t need your help.”
The man quickly picked himself up and ran away from the two. Ythan stared into Arya’s eyes. It was beautiful but it was full of sorrow and wrath.
Arya was about to leave the place and go home when she lost consciousness.
Morning came and Arya’s head hurt. Lary knocked on his bedroom door to check if she was awake. Even though Lary was rich, he never hired helpers.
“Arya, it’s time to eat. Are you awake?”
“Yes I am. You eat first. I will just take a shower before eating.”
Arya hardly remembers what happened last night. She kept on thinking about how she got home safely. While taking a bath, her eyes widened as she remembered that Ythan was with her that night before she lost consciousness. She rubbed her body thoroughly thinking that something might have happened between the two of them due to drunkenness.
After she got dressed, she hurried down to catch up with Lary.
“Why aren’t you eating yet? Are you waiting for me to join you?”
“Well, I am going to lie if I have said no. Come, let’s eat. I cooked your favorite binagoongan.”
“How did you know about my favorite dish?”
“Your parents always tell me about you so I also know a lot about you. How was your day yesterday?”
“It was just like an ordinary day for me. As usual I am missing my parents. Anyway Lary, how did I get home last night?”
“Ythan called me to fetch you there. I was surprised that you went to a place like that. I mean, it’s not your kind of thing.’’
“Ah I see.” Arya smiled after confirming that nothing happened between her and Ythan.
“So are you excited on your first day?”
“Yes Lary. Finally, I will be applying what I have learned in school and in my training.”
They have left home. Arya is so excited to catch wicked and immoral people.

Komentar Buku (95)

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    Hi! Thank you for reading my work and I am sorry If I wasn't able to update everyday since I have a full time job. Kindly leave some honest reviews after reading this. I really appreciate it. Thank you and God bless!


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    to many money


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