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Chapter 4: Who Was He?

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Would I want to? Or should I just go to some place that can soothe me? Ever since I came here, no one is worth talking to. Guys would only want the same thing, but the hopeless romantic part of me, still thinks that Mr. Right is still somewhere out there.
Some would not really believe Ella, when she tells people how hopeless romantic I am. Well, for one thing, people view me as someone logical, smart, and does not care about experiencing romantic love. Well, of course that's a good thing. You know, getting your own degree, establishing your own career but sometimes it can be lonely, I just want someone whom I can share my dreams with, someone who will support me with my chosen career and would not degrade me, and of course someone handsome, please? I bet that someone is out there somewhere. Like a guy straight out of a Korean drama.
My surroundings are changing gradually. I saw four long tables in front of me. I am in a large hall where at the end of the four long tables, is a also a long table but in a horizontal position. At the center is like a throne-like chair. Candles are hanging-- wait, floating? in the air?
This place seems very familiar. Where have I seen this place before?
At the far corner, I saw a man. Tall, slender and tanned skin. Looking around the hall too. And although I can't see his face. I know what emotion he is expressing, well probably.
"Uhm, hello?" A called out to him and my voice echoed around the large hall.
He was still scanning the hall and jumped a little when I called out. He was surprised to see me.
"Hello? Did you do this?" I waved around the hall as I walked closer to him. Observing every part of him. Imagining what he would look like in person. I focused closer on his face, but nothing. My curiosity got the best of me. I'm now thinking about how his body is built to either to play sports or do modeling. Or maybe both? His got black silky smooth hair.
He just stared at me and at first he wore a lost expression and then an annoyed one.
Don't ask me how I know this even though I can't make out his face, I just know. I think it's something the dream is controlling. It's helping you see emotions, without really making out their faces.
"Don't come closer to me." He said in slowly. While backing away.
I stopped in front of him. "Why?"
"I don't know. I don't trust you? You look like you're examining a test subject or something." He said in disgust.
"Oh! I'm sorry. It-it's nothing like that! I'm just curious" I looked away, hoping he won't see how I'm blushing furiously.
"Nothing like that? But you're blushing." He said raising an eye brow.
"You can't see my face, how could you conclude I'm blushing?" I looked at him challenging his gaze.
"I can't see your face, yes. But I can tell you're blushing." He is now smiling at me.
He changed emotions real quick. This guy maybe very confusing in person.
"So uhm, did you do this?" I asked him again.
"By doing this, meant imagined this kind of surrounding, then yes I did." He told me as he walked towards the long tables.
"Now I know where we are! Are you a fan of Harry Potter?" I asked excitedly. Harry Potter is my childhood. I've read the book many times and watched the movies too. I didn't recognize this place immediately because there's a difference in our imagination on what the Great Hall would look like.
"It's none of your business." He said as he sat down.
"You're rude." I told him as I sat in front of him.
"Thank you. Although my friend is more rude."
"I don't know your friend."
"I know."
Silence. A total silence. This is awkward, this is my first time talking with someone who is not making a move or not thinking of a topic.
"You gay?" I asked out of nowhere.
"What do you mean?"
"I meant that. Are you gay?" I asked again.
"Why do you think that?" He asked raising his eye brow, again.
"Just a completely random question."
"So you think I'm gay just because I'm not making a move on you?"
"No! I did not say that."
"But you thought about it. So, do you want me to make a move on you?" He smirked as he leaned closer towards me.
I pushed his face away and stood up.
"Ouch! That hurts you know!" He rubbed his face as he also stood up.
"guhreoti" He said as he stretched out his hand for a handshake.
"What?" I looked at his hand curiously.
"I said, I'm kurhfw." He said with his furrowed eyebrows.
"Have you read the rules before accepting?" I asked him.
"What rules?" He asked with a confused look.
"The rules before you accepted to participate."
"Participate in what?" He now put his hand away and looked at me as if I'm being stupid.
"Participate in this dream!"
"So, my dreams need to have permission from me to enter my mind?"
"Dude, you know I'm a real person, right?"
He looked at me as if waiting for me to say 'It's a prank!' but I only looked at him eye to eye.
"You're not... part of my mind?" He asked slowly.
"You're a real human being?"
"Existing somewhere in this world?"
"How are you inside my head?"
"I don't know. You should've read the rules before accepting."
"I saw no rules." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"You...didn't"? Now, I'm worried maybe he is just only part of my head.
"But, you're a real person, right?" Please tell me I'm talking to a real person.
"Really? Prove it to me."
"Uhm okay, I'm living at owehyeuh"
"I hear nothing, it's only muffled."
"Why is that?" He now sat down and looked up at me.
"It's in the rules. Rules said, no mentioning of name. Can't see each others faces. Information can be given tho but gradually." I said as I walked towards the center chair at the platform.
I willed my imagination to have food on the table. Like the feast in Harry Potter. I closed my eyes and waited... but nothing. I thought I can change my surroundings? Or can control anything inside the dream. I've been doing this for a while now, why is it not working here?
"Uhm, are you gonna poop or something?" He shouted at me as he ran towards me.
"No, I'm imagining food."
"What kind of food?" He asked me as he stood beside me, watching the four long tables.
"Uhm, Ice cream?"
"What flavor?"
"Okay." Suddenly a chocolate ice cream appeared out of nowhere.
"How-why? Why- How can I not do that here?" I asked looking at him and then at the ice cream.
"Do what here?" He took the ice cream and ate it.
"Willed a food to come here?"
"Maybe because this is my dream and you're just trespassing?"
"No that's not it. Anyone can come up with something. Okay, let me try again."
I closed my eyes and imagined bright sunlight. On the beach. A blue sea and warm air. I can feel warm wind flowing towards my face. I guess I've done it then.
I opened my eyes slowly and excitedly, expecting to see a vast ocean before me. But as i opened them, I only saw his face closed to mine. The warm air that I felt was only his breath.
"Wha-what are you doing?" I asked and looked away.
"Nothing, I'm just curious as to why I can't clearly see your face no matter how hard I focus at you." He backed up and continued eating his ice cream.
"So what, did it work?" He asked me.
"Nothing. It seems the dream is not obeying me."
"Well, that's sad. Where do you wanted to go?"
"So that I can take you there?"
I can hear muffled voices. Trish wake up. Trish! It's Ella. She's waking me up. I should better wake up.
"Hey, I need to wake up now. I guess this is good bye?" I asked hoping he would say we would meet sometime again. Or give me a specific time when we'll sleep to see each other again. This is what the others did so that we can sleep at the same time and hang out.
"Yeah sure. Bye." He said as he walk towards the large double doors.
Bruh! Nothing? I got my hopes up for nothing. Okay fine, if he don't want to meet again then okay. But I'll just save his number in memory in case next time he is also asleep.
Do you want to leave the dream?
[Yes] [No]
I waited for the sign that the dream wants me to keep him in my memory or block him.
I woke up with Ella shaking my shoulders. I groaned as she hand me a pair of blouse and pants.
"You sleep as if you're dead. Now get up! And get dress! We're going to a party."
No, I don't want to. I covered my head with the pillow. Signaling my protest to get up.
"Oh c'mon!! Get up! I'll go wash myself first, you should be ready the moment I'm done, okay?"
She then went inside the bathroom.
Although she keeps on shouting my name to make me get up. My mind is somewhere else. Why is it that the dream did not ask me if I want to keep that guy in my dreams or not? Who was he?

Komentar Buku (456)

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  • avatar

    omg..is it done already...who will Trisha choose 😔😔 i dont really like the ending though but still can understand the story just fine 👍🏻👍🏻


  • avatar

    love your story.. love the way portray their relationship between Trish and Ella in this chapter.. keep going.. i love to read more story from you..


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