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As they were about to leave the hospital, Yuna's phone rang. It was her mother. She answered the call, only to hear a trembling voice on the other end.
"Yuna, I need to talk to you. Please come over to my place. It's urgent."
Yuna's mother was never the type to get flustered, so Yuna knew that something was seriously wrong. She told Detective Lee about the call, and they decided to make a detour to Yuna's mother's house.
As they entered the house, they saw that something was off. The place was in shambles, and Yuna's mother was nowhere to be seen. As they searched the house, they stumbled upon a cryptic note that read:
"The mystery of us lies in the past. Follow the clues to unravel the truth."
They had no idea what this meant, but they knew that they had to act fast. They quickly gathered the clues and set off to unravel the mystery.
The first clue led them to an old photograph album. As they flipped through the pages, they saw a picture of Yuna's mother with a man they didn't recognize. The caption read: "The love of my life."
They decided to dig deeper and tracked down the man in the picture. It turned out that he was a retired police officer who had a shady past. He was reluctant to talk at first, but they managed to convince him to spill the beans.
It revealed that Yuna's mother had been in a relationship with a notorious criminal who had been involved in a major heist a 30 years ago. The criminal had managed to escape and was presumed dead, but Yuna's mother had always suspected that he was still alive.
Just as they were about to leave, they heard a noise coming from the closet. They exchanged a quick glance before approaching the closet slowly. As they opened the door, they were startled to see Yuna's mother huddled inside.
"W-What's going on, Mom? You sounded really worried on the phone earlier," Yuna asked, concerned and fear.
"Sit down, Yuna. I have something to tell you," her mother said as she gestured towards the couch.
"I'll just wait for you outside," said Detective Lee
As Yuna sir on the couch her mother told her about the investigation
Yuna, I need you to stop the investigation," her mother said, her voice shaking.
"What investigation, Mom?" Yuna asked, confused.
"The one you're doing with Detective Lee. You need to stop it," her mother said, her eyes pleading.
"But why, Mom? We're so close to finding out the truth," Yuna said, trying to reason with her mother.
"Yuna, please. Trust me. You need to stop," her mother said, her voice firm.
Yuna could tell that her mother was hiding something, but she didn't know what. She decided to call Detective Lee and ask him to come over.
A few minutes later, Detective Lee heard everything and enter the house, looking confused. Yuna filled him in on what had happened, and they both went to confront Yuna's mother.
"Mrs. Park, can you tell us why you want Yuna to stop the investigation?" Detective Lee asked, his voice calm and steady.
"I can't say," Yuna's mother said, her eyes darting around the room.
"Mom, we need to know. Lives are at stake," Attorney Yuna said, her voice urgent.
"I'm sorry, Yuna. I can't tell you," her mother said, tears streaming down her face.
Yuna and Detective Lee exchanged a worried glance. Something was definitely not right.
"Mrs. Park, I'm afraid we can't stop the investigation. We need to find out what's going on," Detective Lee said, his tone gentle but firm.
"I understand, Detective. But please, be careful. You don't know what you're dealing with," Yuna's mother said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Yuna and Detective Lee left the house, feeling more confused than ever. They decided to regroup and come up with a new plan.
As they sat in Detective Lee's car, Yuna couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. She had a feeling that things were going to get much worse before they got better.
"Detective, do you have any idea what's going on here?" Yuna asked, her voice shaky.
"I don't know, Yuna. But we're going to find out," Detective Lee said, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
Detective Lee sped through the streets of the city, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble. Sitting beside him was attorney Yuna, who looked tense and anxious.
"What's on your mind, Yuna?" Detective Lee asked, noticing her unease.
"It's the case, Lee. I just can't shake this feeling that something's not right," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Detective Lee knew exactly what she was talking about. They had been investigating a high-profile murder case for weeks, and the evidence was pointing to one suspect - a wealthy businessman with a shady past.
But as they dug deeper, they began to uncover a web of secrets and lies that led them down a dangerous path. Yuna was starting to question everything they had uncovered.
"Don't worry, Yuna. We've got this," Detective Lee said, reassuringly. "We've been through worse."
Detective Lee and his partner, Attorney Yuna, were greeted by Executive Eun. The head of the investigative team.
"Detective, I trust you have something to report?" Executive Eun asked, his eyes scanning Lee's face for any sign of progress.
"We've made some headway, sir," Alex replied, his voice steady and confident. "We've identified a few potential suspects and are following up on some leads."
"I'm afraid that's not good enough, Detective," Eun said, his tone sharp. "These murders are causing widespread panic and fear in our city. We need answers, and we need them now."
Lee felt a surge of frustration and anger rise up inside him. He and Attorney Yuna had been working around the clock, chasing down leads and interviewing witnesses, but they were no closer to solving the case than they had been when the first murder had occurred.
"I understand, sir," Lee said, his voice tight. "We're doing everything we can to bring justice."
Eun's expression softened slightly. "I know you are, Detective. But we need more than just potential suspects and leads. We need concrete evidence, a solid motive, something that will help us identify and apprehend this killers before they strike again."
Lee nodded, feeling a flicker of hope. "I understand, sir. We're working on that."
"Lee, I forgot to introduce Officer Kim to you. This is Officer Kim. He'll be joining you on this case."
Executive Eun had highly recommended Officer Kim, saying that he was a reliable officer and a funny guy.
"Detective Lee and Attorney Yuna. You can trust him," said Executive Eun.
"Nice to meet you, Officer Kim," Detective Lee said, extending his hand.
"Likewise, Detective Lee," Officer Kim replied, shaking his hand firmly. "I'm excited to work with you and Attorney Yuna on this case."
Attorney Yuna nodded in agreement. "We have a tough case ahead of us, and we could use all the help we can get."
Officer Kim was tall and muscular, with a stern expression on his face. He nodded at the team but said nothing. Eun could sense the tension in the air and decided to break the ice.
"So, Officer Kim, tell us a little about yourself. Where did you work before joining us?"
"I was with the SWAT team before this," Kim replied in a deep voice. "I've seen my fair share of action."
Eun nodded. "Good. We could use someone with your experience on this case."

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    Olfindo Michael

    thank you


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    Iura Gorgodze



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