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They knocked on the door of the apartment listed in the witness's statement, and a young woman answered. She looked nervous and frightened as she let the detectives inside.
The witness told them everything she knew, describing Johnson and the mysterious man he had met with in great detail. Yuna and Lee listened carefully, taking notes and asking follow-up questions.
"Take a deep breath," Attorney Yuna said reassuringly. "You're safe here with us. Now, tell us everything you saw."
The witness took a deep breath and began to recount the events of the previous night. She had been walking home from her job at a diner when she saw Mr. Johnson, a well-known businessman in town, meeting with a mysterious man. She described Mr. Johnson's appearance in great detail, from his neatly combed hair to the expensive suit he was wearing. She also described the mysterious man, who was tall and had a scar above his left eyebrow.
"Did you hear what they were talking about?" Detective Lee asked.
"No, I couldn't hear anything," the witness replied. "But they seemed to be in a heated argument. Mr. Johnson was waving his arms around, and the other man was just standing there, looking at him."
"What happened next?" Attorney Yuna asked.
"That's when I got scared and ran away," the witness said. "I didn't want them to see me. But I knew I had to tell someone, so I came here."
"We appreciate you coming forward," Detective Lee said. "We'll do everything we can to keep you safe. But we need to find out what Mr. Johnson and the mysterious man you're talking about."
"I might know something," Attorney Yuna said. "I made some research about Mr. Johnson, and he's been having some financial troubles lately. He owes a lot of money to some shady characters."
"I'll do some digging and see what I can find out," Attorney Yuna said. "But we need to be careful. If Mr. Johnson know this, he won't hesitate to take drastic measures."
The three of them continued to discuss their plan of action, but little did they know that someone was listening in on their conversation. The mysterious man had been watching them from outside the interrogation room and knew that they were getting too close to the truth.
He quickly made a phone call, and within minutes, a group of armed men burst into the apartment. The where they was. The witness screamed and ducked under the table, while Attorney Yuna and Detective Lee drew their guns and took cover behind the chairs.
The gunmen started shooting, and Attorney Yuna and Detective Lee returned fire. The room was filled with the sound of gunshots, and the witness was terrified. She could hear the sound of glass shattering and bullets ricocheting off the walls.
Suddenly, a scream echoed through the apartment. Yuna turned to see the witness lying on the ground, blood spreading around her.
"We need to get her out of here," Yuna shouted to Lee.
He nodded and they both worked to carry the woman out of the apartment and down the stairs. As they reached the street, Yuna looked at the woman's face and gasped.
Lee's eyes widened as he see a lot of bullet in her body. "We need to get her to the hospital."
As they rushed to the car, Yuna could feel her mind racing. This was no ordinary shootout. Something was going on here, and she intended to find out what.
The rain was pouring down heavily as attorney Yuna and Detective Lee rushed into the hospital with the witness, who had been shot multiple times. They were desperate to save her life and get more some valuable information from her about Mr. Johnson
At the hospital, Yuna and Lee waited anxiously as the doctors worked on the woman. Finally, they emerged from the operating room.
After what seemed like an eternity, the lead doctor finally emerged from the operating room, looking grim. Yuna and Lee rushed over to him, eager to know what had happened.
"I'm sorry, but we did everything we could," the doctor said, shaking his head. "She lost too much blood and his injuries were too severe. We couldn't save her."
Yuna and Lee were devastated. They had lost their only lead in the case, and now they had no idea where to turn next. They stood there in silence for a few moments, trying to process what had just happened.
Finally, Yuna spoke up. "Do you have any idea who might have done this?" she asked the doctor.
The doctor hesitated for a moment before replying. "I'm not sure. It's possible that it was a random act of violence, but it could also be related to the case you're working on."
Yuna and Lee exchanged a worried glance. With the witness dead, they were back to square one.

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    Olfindo Michael

    thank you


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    Iura Gorgodze



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