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Mystery of us

Mystery of us

20 chapters


Detective Lee had always been known as a strong and wise man. He had worked for the police department for over 5 years and had seen the best and the worst of humanity. He had solved some of the most complex cases that had stumped even his colleagues. But for some reason, he had begun to feel weak.
It all started after his gather had passed away. They had been a lover for almost 6years and had shared a deep bond. Her death had left a void in his life that he couldn't fill. He had always been a stoic man, but he found himself crying at odd times, like when he was alone in his car or after a particularly tough case.
Despite feeling weak, Detective Lee continued to work diligently. He had a reputation to uphold, and he wasn't going to let anyone down. He continued to solve cases and mentor young detectives, but he found that he was growing tired. He wasn't as quick on his feet as he used to be, and he found himself struggling to keep up with the younger detectives.
One day, while working on a case, Detective Lee stumbled upon a lead that he knew would crack the case wide open. He was ecstatic and couldn't wait to share the news with his colleagues. But when he got back to the precinct, he was met with disappointment. The lead he had found had already been followed up on, and it had led nowhere.
Detective Lee was devastated. He had been so sure that his lead would solve the case, and now he was back to square one. He went to his office and closed the door. He sat down at his desk and put his head in his hands. He felt defeated.
As he sat there, he began to think about his life and he's lover that had been passed away, it's almost 2years. But he still remembered how she had always been his rock. She had supported him through every tough case and had been his sounding board when he needed to vent. He missed her more than ever.
Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door. He quickly wiped away his tears and composed himself. It was a young detective, who had come to ask for his advice on a case. Detective Lee took a deep breath and put on his game face. He listened intently to the young detective's problem and offered his advice. He could see the relief on the young detective's face, and it gave him a small sense of satisfaction.
As the young detective left his office, Detective Lee realized something. He was still a strong and wise man, even though he was feeling weak. He still had a lot to offer. He had experience and knowledge that no young detective could match. He may have been acting weak, but he was still brave and wise.
With this realization, Detective Lee felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He knew that he still had a lot to give, and he was determined to keep working until the day he retired. He knew that he would never fully recover from the loss of his lover, but he also knew that he had to keep moving forward. He owed it to her, and he owed it to himself.
As he left his office and walked down the hallway, he felt a sense of pride. He had overcome his weakness and had rediscovered his strength. He was Detective Lee, and he was still one of the best detectives on the force.
While Detective Lee was walking down the hallway of the courthouse, his mind preoccupied with the upcoming case he was working on. Suddenly, he collided with someone in the shoulder. Papers went flying everywhere as the two stumbled and regained their balance.
"Watch where you're going!" snapped a woman's voice.
Detective Lee looked up to see a tall, slender woman standing in front of him, her black hair pulled back into a tight bun. She was holding a stack of papers, some of which had fallen to the ground in the collision.
"I'm sorry," he apologized, bending down to help her gather the scattered documents.
The woman glared at him, her eyes cold and unforgiving. "You should be more careful," she said sharply.
"I said I'm sorry," he repeated, handing her the papers he had collected.
Attorney Yuna snatched the papers from his hand, giving him a disdainful look. "Just watch where you're going next time," she said, walking away briskly.
Detective Lee watched her go, a frown forming on his face. He didn't like the way she had spoken to him, but he had more important things to worry about. He continued on his way, his mind still focused on the case at hand.
As he worked, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen Attorney Yuna somewhere before. He couldn't quite place her, but he knew there was something familiar about her.
Later that day, Detective Lee was back in the courthouse when he saw Attorney Yuna again. She was standing outside the courtroom, her face tense as she talked to a client. Detective Lee couldn't help but overhear their conversation.
"I don't know what to do," the client was saying, her voice trembling. "They're saying I did something I didn't do."
Attorney Yuna's expression softened as she spoke to the woman, her tone soothing and reassuring. "Don't worry," she said. "We'll get to the bottom of this."
Detective Lee watched as the woman hugged Attorney Yuna, her face full of gratitude. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He had been working hard to solve his own case, but he couldn't remember the last time someone had thanked him for his efforts.

Komentar Buku (370)

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    Olfindo Michael

    thank you


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    Iura Gorgodze



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